• 제목/요약/키워드: Diesel-contamination

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Root cause analysis of the abnormal wear on diesel engine crankpin and lubricant contamination (윤활유 오염과 디젤엔진의 크랭크핀 이상마모에 대한 원인 규명)

  • Seo, Jeongwoo;Park, Donghee
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.854-867
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    • 2014
  • In the circumstance that high oil price state is continued over the world, the investment in crude oil development by oil major is a trend of increasing. Recently the number of delivered drill-ship for 5 years has been sharply increased all over the world and about twice than that of past 30 years. As addition to the increase of the drill-ship demand, the operation of drill-ships which is delivered recently is about 3,000 meters, ultra deep sea, on average and the work area is expending. Accordingly the drilling system including the size and length of pipe for drilling has been bigger and bigger and the power supply equipment for operation system also has large capacity. Unlike merchant vessel, high power and high voltage of diesel generators are required for drill-ship for which the demand for V-type 320 bore of diesel generator has increased. It is on the raised that the importance of lubrication oil cleaning for diesel generator on drill-ship which has longer time for construction, and also long term low load operation is unavoidable during commissioning of equipments. Recently it was reported that engine crankpin was damaged due to the hard contact caused by the abnormal wear down(Cam wear) on crankpin and bearing. The same pattern of wear down was found through the inspection on series vessels and the other vessel under commissioning. The purpose of this paper is to analyze of the wear mechanism based on the observation and theories and objective research from actual cases and to prepare the counter measures to avoid foreseeable damage when the lubricating oil is not properly cleaned.

Bioremediation of Oil-Contaminated Soil Using an Oil-Degrading Rhizobacterium Rhodococcus sp.412 and Zea mays. (유류 분해 근권세균 Rhodococcus sp. 412와 옥수수를 활용한 유류 오염 토양의 정화)

  • Hong, Sun-Hwa;Park, Hae-Lim;Ko, U-Ri;Yoo, Jae-Jun;Cho, Kyung-Suk
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.150-157
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    • 2007
  • The advanced bioremediation of diesel-contaminated soil through the exploration of bacterial interaction with plants was studied. A diesel-degrading rhizobacterium, Rhodococcus sp.412, and a plant species, Zea mays, having tolerant against diesel was selected. Zea mays was seeded in uncontaminated soil or diesel-contaminated soil with or without Rhodococcus sp. 412. After cultivating for 30 days, the growth of Zea mays in the contaminated soil inoculated with Rhodococcus sp. 412 was better than that in the contaminated soil without the bacterium. The residual diesel concentrations were lowered by seeding Zea mays or inoculating Rhodococctis sp. 412. These results Indicate that the simultaneous use of Zea mays and Rhodococcus sp. 412 can give beneficial effect to the remediation of oil-contaminated soil. Bacterial community was characterized using a 16S rDNA PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) fingerprinting method. The similarities of DGGE fingerprints were $20.8{\sim}39.9%$ between the uncontaminated soil and diesel contaminated soil. The similarities of DGGE fingerprints were $21.9%{\sim}53.6%$ between the uncontaminated soil samples, and $31.6%{\sim}50.0%$ between the diesel-contaminated soil samples. This results indicated that the structure of bacterial community was significantly influence by diesel contamination.

The Evaluation of Petroleum Contamination in Heterogeneous Media Using Partitioning Tracer Method (분배성 추적자 시험법을 이용한 불균질 지반의 유류 오염도 평가)

  • Kim, Eun-Hyup;Rhee, Sung-Su;Park, Jun-Boum
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.1372-1377
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    • 2009
  • For the remediation of the subsurface contaminated by nonaqueous phase liquids(NAPLs), it is important to characterize the NAPL zone properly. Conventional characterization methods provide data at discrete points. To overcome the weak points of conventional characterization methods, the partitioning tracer method has been developed and studied. The average saturation of NAPL($S_n$), which is the representative and continuous saturation value within contaminated site, can be calculated by comparing the transport of the partitioning tracers to that of the conservative tracer in the partitioning tracer method. In this study, the application of the partitioning tracer method in heterogeneous media was investigated. To represent the heterogeneous condition of subsurface, a two-dimensional soil box was divided into four layers and each layer contained different sized soils. Soils in the soil box were contaminated by the mixture of kerosene and diesel, and partitioning tracer tests were conducted before and after the contamination using methanol as conservative tracer and 4-methyl-2-pentanol, 2-ethyl-1-butanol, and hexanol as partitioning tracers. The response curves of partitioning tracers from contaminated soils were separated and retarded in comparison with those from non-contaminated soils. The contamination of soils by NAPLs, therefore, can be detected by partitioning tracer method considering these retardations of tracers. From our experiment condition, the average saturation of NAPLs calculated by partitioning tracer method using the methanol as conservative tracer and hexanol as partitioning tracer showed the highest accuracy, though all results were underestimated. Further studies, therefore, were needed for improving the accuracy using the partitioning tracer test in heterogeneous media.

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Electrokinetic remediation of diesel-contaminated silty sand under continuous and periodic voltage application

  • Asadollahfardi, Gholamreza;Rezaee, Milad
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.456-462
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    • 2019
  • Hydrocarbon contamination is among the most challenging problems in soil remediation. Electrokinetic method can be a promising method to remediate hydrocarbon-contaminated soils. Electrokinetic method consists of different transport phenomena including electro-migration, electrophoresis, and electroosmotic flow. Electroosmotic flow is the main transport phenomenon for hydrocarbon removal in soil porous media. However, the main component of hydrocarbons is the hydrophobic organic which indicates low water solubility; therefore, it makes the electroosmotic flow less effective. The objective of the present study is to enhance electrokinetic remediation of diesel-contaminated silty sand by increasing the solubility of the hydrocarbons in the soil and then increase the efficiency. For this purpose, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was used as a catholyte. In this content, SDS 0.05 M was used as catholyte and $Na_2SO_4$ 0.1 M was used as an anolyte. Low (1 V/cm) and high (2 V/cm) voltage gradients were used in periodic and continuous forms. The best removal efficiency was observed for high voltage gradient (2 V/cm) in a periodic form, which was 63.86. This result showed that a combination of periodic voltage application in addition to the employment of SDS is an effective method for hydrocarbon removal from low permeable sand.

Effect of fuel component on nitrous oxide emission characteristics in diesel engine (디젤엔진에 있어서 연료의 성분이 아산화질소 배출에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.1045-1050
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    • 2014
  • $N_2O$(Nitrous Oxide) is known as the third major GHG(Green House Gas) following $CO_2$(Carbon Oxide) and $CH_4$(Methane). The GWP(Global Warming Potential) factor of $N_2O$ is 310 times as large as that of $CO_2$ because $N_2O$ in the atmosphere is very stable, and it becomes a source of secondary contamination after photo-degradation in the stratosphere. Investigation on the cause of the $N_2O$ formation have been continuously reported by several researchers on power sources with continuous combustion form, such as a boiler. However, in the diesel engine, research on $N_2O$ generation which has effected from fuel components has not been conducted. Therefore, in this research, author has investigated about $N_2O$ emission rates which was changed by nitrogen and sulfur concentration in fuel on the diesel engine. The test engine was a 4-stroke direct injection diesel engine with maximum output of 12 kW at 2600rpm, and operating condition of that was set up at a 75% load. Nitrogen and sulfur concentrations in fuel were raised by using six additives : nitrogen additives were Pyridine, Indole, Quinoline, Pyrrol and Propionitrile and sulfur additive was Di-tert-butyl-disulfide. In conclusion, diesel fuels containing nitrogen elements less than 0.5% did not affect $N_2O$ emissions in the all concentrations and kinds of the additive agent in the fuel. However, increasing of the sulfur additive in fuel increased $N_2O$ emission in exhaust gas.

Chemical Oxidation Treatment of Hydrocarbon-Contaminated Eine Soil by ${H_2}{O_2}$/$Fe^0 System (${H_2}{O_2}$/$Fe^0시스템을 이용한 유류오염 미세토양의 화학적 산화처리)

  • 지원현;김지형;강정우;김성용;장윤영
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2001
  • In this Study, application of ${H_2}{O_2}$/$Fe^0 oxidation System (Fenton-like oxidation) for the oxidative treatment of high-level soil contamination with hydrocarbon was suggested. The characteristics of Fenton-like oxidation of diesel-contaminated fine soil was experimentally probed in a batch system varying initial pH, zero valent iron and hydrogen peroxide levels, and initial diesel concentration. Contaminant degradation was identified by total petroleum hydrocarbon(TPH) concentration with gas chromatography. The batch experiments showed that the optimal ${H_2}{O_2}$and $Fe^0 dosage, 10% ${H_2}{O_2}$+ 20% $Fe^0 removed 65% of initial TPH concentration (10,000mg/kg) at a retention time of 24h. And the TPH removal in the ${H_2}{O_2}$/$Fe^0 system effectively proceeded only within a limited pH range of 3-4. The zero valent iron-catalyzed Fenton-like oxidation of diesel-contaminated soil was more competitive to the $FeSO_4-catalyzed system (Fenton oxidation) in removal efficiency and cost especially for the treatment of high level contamination.

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Bioremediation of Diesel-Contaminated Soils by Natural Attenuation, Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation Employing Rhodococcus sp. EH831 (Natural attenuation, biostimulation 및 Rhodococcus sp. EH831을 이용한 bioaugmentation에 의한 디젤 오염 토양의 정화)

  • Lee, Eun-Hee;Kang, Yeon-Sil;Cho, Kyung-Suk
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2011
  • Three bioremediation methods, natural attenuation (NA), biostimulation (BS) and bioaugmentation (BA) were applied to remediate diesel-contaminated soil, with their remediation efficiencies and soil microbial activities compared both with and without surfactant (Tween 80). BA treatment employing Rhodococcus sp. EH831 was the most effective for the remediation of diesel-contaminated soil at initial remediation stage. On the addition of surfactant, no significant effect on the remediation performance was observed. A negative correlation was found between the dehydrogenase activity (DHA) and residual concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs) at below 20,000 mg-$TPHs{\cdot}kg$-dry $soil^{-1}$, as follows: DHA (${\mu}g$-TPF(Triphenylformazan)${\cdot}g$-dry $soil^{-1}\;d^{-1}$) = -0.02 ${\times}$ TPHs concentration (mg-$TPHs{\cdot}kg$-dry $soil^{-1}$) + 425.76 (2500 ${\leq}$ TPHs concentration ${\leq}$ 20000, p < 0.01).

A Study on the Cleanup fur Diesel-Contaminated Soil by Micro-Bubble Enhanced Soil Washing Process (미세기포를 이용한 토양세척기법의 디젤 오염토양 정화에 관한 연구)

  • 조장환;장윤영;최상일
    • Journal of Korea Soil Environment Society
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 1999
  • The treatment of petroleum contaminated soil requires various physico-chemical remediation technologies which are efficient in time and can reduce the possibility of secondary contamination by themselves In this study, an innovated soil washing process was proposed to treat the diesel-contaminated soil. Micro-bubbles, which were generated by hydrogen peroxide, deserted and floated the contaminants. Soils less than #60(0.25mm) were artificially contaminated by 6,500mg TPH/kg dry soil initially. The process was examined for pH, the soil to water mixing ratio, concentration of $H_2O$$_2$, and contacting times. In the case of less than #60 soil, maximum removal efficiency(60%) was obtained at pH 12. 1.0% hydrogen peroxide, and 1 : 5 soil to water mixing ratio for 1 hour.

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The Interpretation of Petroleum Species from Contaminated Soil by Complex Oil (복합유류 토양오염에 따른 유종 해석)

  • Lim, Young-Kwan;Kim, Ji-Yeon;Kim, Wan-Sik;Lee, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 2019
  • Clean soil environment is of crucial importance to sustain lives of ecosystem and humans. With rapid industrialization, there has been a great increase of soil contamination by accidental releases of petroleum products. In general, soil remediation is an expensive and time-consuming process as compared to cleanup of water and air. Moreover, determining the source and responsible parties of soil pollution often turns into legal conflicts and that further delay the cleanup process of contaminated sites. In practice, total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) analysis has been employed to determine the petroleum species and to track down the responsible polluters. However, this approach often suffers from differentiating similar TPH species. In this study, we analyzed TPH chromatogram patterns of 24 domestic petroleum products in specific carbon ranges (${\sim}C_{10}$, $C_{10}-C_{12}$, $C_{12}-C_{36}$, and $C_{36}{\sim}$) and the fractional changes of THP ratio in the mixture products of gasoline, kerosene and diesel. The proposed TPH analysis method in this study could serve as a useful tool to better analyze the petroleum species in soils contaminated with complex oil mixtures, and ultimately be used to identify the polluters of soil.

Anaerobic Degradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Soil by Application of a Digestion Sludge (소화슬러지를 이용한 토양 내 석유계 탄화수소의 혐기성 분해)

  • Lee, Tae-Ho;Byun, Im-Gyu;Park, Jeung-Jin;Park, Hyun-Chul;Park, Tae-Joo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.29 no.8
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    • pp.938-943
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    • 2007
  • Anaerobic degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in a soil artificially contaminated with 10,000 mg/kg soil of diesel fuel was tested by adding an anaerobic sludge taken from a sludge digestion tank. Treatments of soil(50 g) with 15 mL/kg soil and 30 mL/kg soil of the digestion sludge(2,000 mg/L of vss(volatile suspended solids)) showed 37.2% and 58.0% of total petroleum hydrocarbons(TPH) removal during 90 days incubation, respectively. In evaluation of several anaerobic conditions including nitrate reducing, sulfate reducing, methanogenic, and mixed electron accepters condition, treatments with the digested sludge showed significant degradation of diesel fuel under all anaerobic conditions compare to a control treatment of soil without the sludge and a treatment of autoclaved soil treatment with autoclaved digestion sludge. The rate of diesel fuel degradation was the highest in the treatment with the sludge and mixed electron accepters (75% removal of TPH) for 120 days incubation followed in order by sulfate reducing, nitrate reducing, methanogenic condition as 67%, 53%, 43%, respectively. However, the removal rate of non-biodegradable isoprenoid was the highest in the sulfate reducing condition. These results suggest that anaerobic degradation of diesel fuel in soil with digested sludge is effective for practical remediation of soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons.