• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dielectric factor

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Non-invasive Measurements of the Thickness of YBCO Thin Films by Using Microwave Resonators: Roles of the Uncertainty in the Calibration Film Thickness (마이크로파 공진기를 이용한 YBCO 박막 두께의 비파괴적 측정: 캘리브레이션 박막 두께의 불확도의 역할)

  • Kim, Myung-Su;Jung, Ho-Sang;Yang, Woo-Il;Lee, Sang-Young
    • Progress in Superconductivity
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2012
  • Microwave metrology for the thickness of metallic or superconductive films provides a new way to measure the film thickness in a non-invasive way by using microwave resonators, with the measurement accuracy affected by standard uncertainties in the resonator quality factor, temperature-dependent resonant frequency and the dimensions of the resonators. Here we study effects of the standard uncertainty in the thickness, $t_{cal}$, of a calibration $YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-{\delta}}$ (YBCO) film on the measured thicknesses, $t_{RF}$, by using a ~ 40 GHz microwave resonator. For the study, we used five YBCO films having the thicknesses of 70 - 360 nm, for which relative standard uncertainties in $t_{RF}$ due to that in $t_{cal}$ are obtained. The standard uncertainty in $t_{cal}$ was determined with the surface roughness of the film taken into account. It appeared that relative standard uncertainty in $t_{cal}$ significantly affects the $t_{RF}$ values, with the values of 1% (5%) in the former resulting in those of 1-2% (5-9%) for the latter at 10 K. Our results show that, for realizing relative standard uncertainties less than 5% in $t_{RF}$ for all the YBCO films, the surface roughness of the calibration films should be small enough to realize a relative standard uncertainty of less than 2.7% in $t_{cal}$.

Analysis of Transient Potential Rises of Horizontal Ground Electrodes Considering the Frequency-Dependent of Soil (토양의 주파수의존성을 고려한 정보통신설비용 수평접지전극의 과도전위상승 분석)

  • Ahn, Chang Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2016
  • The lightning protection of information and communication facilities is very important factor to improve a reliability of the action of these equipment. Especially the transient potential rise of ground electrode being injected with the lightning current is to be a basic data of the dielectric strength for both power and communication facilities so that more accurate analysis should be required. The transient potential rise can be calculated from the ground impedance and the ground impedance is strongly dependent upon the shape of the ground electrode and the frequency-dependence of soil. The Debye's equation which is able to calculate the characteristics of dielectrics is used to analyze the frequency-dependent of soil. Also, the method to calculate the transient potential rise from the ground impedance is specified in this paper. In order to analyze the transient potential rise resulting from calculations with Debye's equation, TLM(transmission line method) and case of ${\rho}$(resistivity)-constant are simulated, respectively. The length of a horizontal ground electrode is 30 m and simulations were performed at 10, 100, $1000{\Omega}{\cdot}m$ with the standard lightning current waveform. In result, the transient potential rise of horizontal ground electrode calculating with Debye's equation is lower than it of other models.

Mechanical Property Evaluation of Dielectric Thin Films for Flexible Displays using Organic Nano-Support-Layer (유기 나노 보강층을 활용한 유연 디스플레이용 절연막의 기계적 물성 평가)

  • Oh, Seung Jin;Ma, Boo Soo;Yang, Chanhee;Song, Myoung;Kim, Taek-Soo
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2021
  • Recently, rollable and foldable displays are attracting great attention in the flexible display market due to their excellent form factor. To predict and prevent the mechanical failure of the display panels, it is essential to accurately understand the mechanical properties of brittle SiNx thin films, which have been used as an insulating film in flexible displays. In this study, tensile properties of the ~130 nm- and ~320 nm-thick SiNx thin films were successfully measured by coating a ~190 nm-thick organic nano-support-layer (PMMA, PS, P3HT) on the fragile SiNx thin films and stretching the films as a bilayer state. Young's modulus values of the ~130 nm and ~320 nm SiNx thin films fabricated through the controlled chamber pressure and deposition power (A: 1250 mTorr, 450 W/B: 1000 mTorr, 600 W/C: 750 mTorr, 700 W) were calculated as A: 76.6±3.5, B: 85.8±4.6, C: 117.4±6.5 GPa and A: 100.1±12.9, B: 117.9±9.7, C: 159.6 GPa, respectively. As a result, Young's modulus of ~320 nm SiNx thin films fabricated through the same deposition condition increased compared to the ~130 nm SiNx thin films. The tensile testing method using the organic nano-support-layer was effective in the precise measurement of the mechanical properties of the brittle thin films. The method developed in this study can contribute to the robust design of the rollable and foldable displays by enabling quantitative measurement of mechanical properties of fragile thin films for flexible displays.