• Title/Summary/Keyword: Diagnosis and treatment

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A Study on Family Involvement in Therapeutic Process of the Mentally Ill (정신장애인 가족의 치료참여에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Mi-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.51
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    • pp.119-140
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    • 2002
  • The main premise of this study is that family involvement which is based on professional-family collaborative partnership is very important for successful treatment and rehabilitation of the mentally ill. Accordingly, this study aims to find out factors which are related to family involvement in therapeutic process. This study conducted the survey with 275 service providers(i.e. mental health professionals) and with 124 service consumers(i.e. family members) in order to discover in what extent do related factors affect on the family involvement. The major findings of the study are; 1) From the service providers standpoint, using multiple regression, job characteristics, perception of family culpability, frequency of contact with family, functioning of their organization affect significantly on the family involvement by 33.0% of explanatory power. Using a step-wise multiple regression, the most powerful influenced factors on family involvement are frequency of contact with family, type of agency, type of profession, and their career. 2) From the service consumers standpoint, using multiple regression, socioeconomic level, attitudes of professionals, optimistic perception of prognosis, functioning of their family, diagnosis affect significantly on the family involvement by 40.9% of explanatory power. Using a step-wise multiple regression, the most powerful influenced factors on family involvement are economic level, attitudes of professionals, optimistic perception of prognosis, educational level. In conclusion, family accessibility to the therapeutic system must be allowed and further, politically encouraged by the related legislation. Also this study recommends clinician to use an empowerment model for the families with the mentally ill.

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'All-on-4' fixed implant supported prosthesis restoration using digital workflow: a case report (Digital workflow를 활용한 'All-on-4' 임플란트 지지 고정성 보철물 수복 증례)

  • Sungwoo Ju;Seoung-Jin Hong;Janghyun Paek;Kwantae Noh;Ahran Pae;Kung-Rock Kwon;Hyeong-Seob Kim
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.316-327
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    • 2023
  • In the case of fully edentulous patients with severe alveolar bone resorption, the consideration of 'All-on-X' implant-supported fixed prosthesis after placing four or more implants in the anterior maxilla is possible. Recent advancements in digital dentistry have enabled systematic and predictable treatment in all phases, including diagnosis, surgery, and prosthesis fabrication. By incorporating digital dentistry techniques such as digital complete denture, implant surgical guides, facial scanning into the conventional restoration process, it is possible to reduce the complexity of the prosthesis fabrication and effectively achieve the transition from provisional prosthesis to definitive prosthesis in terms of both aesthetics and function.

Mechanism of Heat-Libile E. coli Enterotoxin Production (대장균의 이열성장독소 생산기전)

  • Choi, Myoung-Sik;Rhee, Kwang-Ho;Chang, Woo-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korean Society for Microbiology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 1982
  • Enterotoxigenk E. coli is one of the major causative agents of the infantile diarrhea and traveler's diarrhea. The heat-labile enterotoxin is thought to be a virulence factor in the pathogenesis of the diarrhea and to be a marker for identification of the enterotoxigenic E. coli from non pathogenic E. coli. Therefore knowledge about the heat-labile enterotoxin is essential not only for understanding the pathogenesis but also for the diagnosis of the diarrhea. However the in-vitro heat-labile enterotoxin production is reported to be greatly affected by the cultural condition. In this regards, this study was designed to know the optimal conditions for the production of the heat-labile enterotoxin by assaying the permeability factor in the 18 hours culture supernatant of E. coli 08K25(B2) H9 and of E. coli 015 H11. Results obtained were summerized as follows: 1. Amounts of heat-labile enterotoxin produced were greater at initial pH 8.5 than at 7.0 of CYES-2 broth culture. However, the bacterial growth itself was more abundant at 7.0 than at 8.5. 2. Heat-labile enterotoxin per unit volume of culture supernatant was greater at shaking culture than at standing culture condition, but ratio of the enterotoxin produced over the unit mass of E. coli calculated was greater at standing culture than shaking culture condition, indicating that the greater yields of the toxin produced at shaking culture was due to increase in E. coli cell mass compared to the standing culture condition: 3. The enterotoxin produced in the lincomycin(128 microgram/ml) supplemented media was 5 or 11 times greater on the basis of enterotoxin per unit mass of E. coli, compared to the lincomycin-non-supplemented media, indicating that lincomycin itself increases the enterotoxin production. 4. Treatment of 18 hours culture of E. coli with polymyxin B(0.2 mg/ml) for 1 hour increased the yields of enterotoxin amounting to 2 or 5 times of the non-treated control cultures.

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Change in Quality of Tuberculosis (TB) Care since National Quality Assessment Program of TB Healthcare Service (결핵 적정성 평가에 따른 국내 결핵 진료서비스 질 관리 현황)

  • Jang, Seong-Ja;Hwang, Mi-Jin;Lee, Chung-Hun;Lee, Hyeon-Ju;Shim, Tae-Sun;Kim, Dong-Sook
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aims to examine the quality of tuberculosis (TB) care after the 1st to 3rd national quality assessment (QA) program for TB healthcare service in Korea was conducted. Methods: We analyzed Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (HIRA) claims data of new TB patients during the period of January to June from 2018-2020. The new TB patients were defined as TB patients reported to Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KCDA). The unit of analysis was the patient. Chi-square tests were used to analyze the differences in indicator value according to the types of medical facilities. The QA indicators of TB care were divided into 3 areas consisting of the following 7 quality indicators: 4 indicators of diagnosis test (the rate of acid-fast bacilli smear, the rate of acid-fast bacilli culture, the rate of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-polymerase chain reaction, drug susceptibility test), 1 compliance of treatment guideline, and 2 indicators of care management of TB patients (encounter rate, day of therapy). Results: The QA program for TB care was conducted among 8,246 patients from 534 facilities in 2020. The value of the 7 quality indicators was shown to increase as a result of the QA program. The indicators of the diagnostic test were all higher than 95%, with the exception of the drug susceptibility test which was 84.8%. Both indicators for care management of TB patients were 88.5%. Conclusion: The quality of TB care has been improving with the implementation of the QA program. In order to continue to improve the quality of TB care, it will be necessary to disclose the results of the QA program in medical facilities in the future.

Korean Clinical Imaging Guidelines for Justification of Diagnostic Imaging Study for COVID-19 (한국형 COVID-19 흉부영상 진단 시행 가이드라인)

  • Kwang Nam Jin;Kyung-Hyun Do;Bo Da Nam;Sung Ho Hwang;Miyoung Choi;Hwan Seok Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.83 no.2
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    • pp.265-283
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    • 2022
  • To develop Korean coronavirus disease (COVID-19) chest imaging justification guidelines, eight key questions were selected and the following recommendations were made with the evidence-based clinical imaging guideline adaptation methodology. It is appropriate not to use chest imaging tests (chest radiograph or CT) for the diagnosis of COVID-19 in asymptomatic patients. If reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction testing is not available or if results are delayed or are initially negative in the presence of symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, chest imaging tests may be considered. In addition to clinical evaluations and laboratory tests, chest imaging may be contemplated to determine hospital admission for asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic un-hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19. In hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID-19, chest imaging may be advised to determine or modify treatment alternatives. CT angiography may be considered if hemoptysis or pulmonary embolism is clinically suspected in a patient with confirmed COVID-19. For COVID-19 patients with improved symptoms, chest imaging is not recommended to make decisions regarding hospital discharge. For patients with functional impairment after recovery from COVID-19, chest imaging may be considered to distinguish a potentially treatable disease.

Clinical Study in 22 Cases of Patients for Suffering Allergic Rhinitis (알러지 비염 환자 22례에 대한 임상적 고찰)

  • Song Jae Jin;Kim Dong Hee;Park yang-chun;Kim Cheul Joong
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.397-402
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    • 2002
  • Clinical studies were done treated with aroma therapy in 22cases of patients for suffering allergic rhinitis. who were treated at Dept of Oriental respiratory internal medicine in the Hospital of Taejeon University from January 2001 to May 2001. The results were as follows. 1. In distribution of sex & age. 45.5% of them were man, and 54.5% of them were woman. Of those who were attached, 2. In distribution of occupation, 59% of them were student, 18% of them were housewife, 18% of them were white color, 9% Of them were blue color. 3. In distribution of the period of the clinical history, under six months was 32%, under 1 year was 9%, under 3 years was 27%, over 3 years was 32%. 4. In distribution of the seasonal contributing factor, most of them were perenial allergic rhinitis, others generally started in spring or winter. 5. In distribution of past history, 59% of them are none, 18% of them are asthma, 18% of them are atopic dermatitis, 5% of them are allergic dermatitis. 6. In distribution of family history, 46% of them are none, 27% of them are sibling line, 18% of them are paternal line, 9% of them are maternal line. 7. In distribution of symptom, the ratio of sneezing was 90%, nasal discharge was 81 %, nasal obstruction was 46%, pruritus was 41 %, headache was 31%, asthma was 22%, digestion disorder was 18%, tears was 9%, nosebreeding was 5%. 8. In distribution of diagnosis in descending order, wind-cold evil was 5%, spleen-lung energy asthnia was 31 %, lung-kidney asthnia was 64%. 9. In distribution of Herb medicine treatment, Tonggyu-tang was the most, the second was hyunggaiyunyo-tang. 10 In emotional change of patients aroma-therapy, only 14% of them felt good. 11. The total remedial value of the 22 patients was revealed 32.9%. 12. In proportion to grow older, the remedial value were decreased. 13. In proportion to the period of the clinical history was longer, the remedial value were decreased.


  • Lee, Hye-Lim;Lee, Kwang-Hee;La, Ji-Young;An, So-Youn;Kim, Yun-Hee;Lim, Hwa-Shin;Lee, Je-Woo
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.404-411
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    • 2012
  • Tooth impaction is defined as a failure of tooth eruption resulting from the physical obstacles in the eruption path or the abnormal position of the tooth germ. Impaction of mandibular second molar is relatively rare, and it may incite pathologic conditions such as dental caries, periodontitis, or root resorption of adjacent first molar. Thus, early diagnosis and treatment is recommended. In the first case, a 10-year-old male patient, was treated by brass wire to separate the bilaterally impacted mandibular second molars. In the second case, a 12-year-old female patient, was treated with Humphrey appliance for impacted mandibular left second molar, which was detected during a periodical dental examination. In the third case, a 17-year-old female patient with impacted mandibular right second molar, was treated by uprighting spring with mini-implant anchorage around premolar area. In the last case, an 18-year-old male patient, was treated with mini-implant placed on the ramus of mandible connected to the orthodontic buttons bonded on impacted mandibular left second molar by elastic thread.

Herbal Medicine (Cheonwangbosim-Dan, Tianwangbuxin-Pellet) for Insomnia Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (불면장애에 대한 천왕보심단의 체계적 문헌 고찰 및 메타분석 연구)

  • Sakong, Jong-Won;Kim, Dong-Hee;Ha, Ji-Won;Cho, Yun-Song;Kim, Bo-Kyung
    • Journal of Oriental Neuropsychiatry
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.267-280
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The objective of this study was to provide clinical evidence to support the use of a herbal medicine (Cheonwangbosim-Dan/Tianwangbuxin-Pellet (TWBXP)) for insomnia. Methods: Randomized controlled trials that verified effects of Herbal Medicine (Cheonwangbosim-Dan, Tianwangbuxin-Pellet) treating primary insomnia were carried out. A literature search of English, Chinese, Korean databases was also performed. The selected literature were assessed by Risk of Bias (RoB). Results: The total number of selected trials was 13 RCTs. Among the 13 RCTs, 10 were meta-analyzed. The Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders-3 (CCMD-3) was frequently used as the diagnostic criteria for interventions during the analysis of the use of herbal medicine (Cheonwangbosim-Dan/Tianwangbuxin-Pellet) for management of primary insomnia. As for outcome measurement, the effective rate was used. From the Meta-analysis of the studies, it was established that the insomnia cure effective rate in the TWBXP group was higher than that in the Western Medicine (WM) group (RR: 1.15, 95% CI: 1.07 to 1.24, p<0.0001, $I^2=33%$). Also, the effective rate in the TWBXP+ACU group was significantly different compared to the WM group (RR: 1.32, 95% CI: 1.13 to 1.54, p=0.0004, $I^2=0%$). The quality of the selected RCTs was low. Conclusions: Herbal medicine (Cheonwangbosim-Dan/Tianwangbuxin-Pellet) is effective for treating primary insomnia. It is worth noting that this studies were of relatively poor quality. The sample sizes were also small. Therefore, further investigations into the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia are warranted.

The essay of Bijeung by chinese doctors in 20th century - Study of - (20세기(世紀) 중의사(中醫師)들의 비증(痺證)에 대(對)한 논술(論述) 연구(硏究) - 《비증전집(痺證專輯)》 에 대(對)한 연구(硏究) I -)

  • Kim, Myung Wook;Oh, Min Suk
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.547-594
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    • 2000
  • I. Introduction The essence of Oriental medicine consists of ancient books, experienced doctors and succeeded skills of common society. Many famous doctors studied medical science by their fathers or teachers. So the history of medical science is long. $\ll$DangDaeMyeongIImJeungJeongHwa(當代名醫臨證精華)$\gg$ written by SaWoogWang(史宇廣) and DanSeoGeon(單書健) has many medical experience of famous doctors. So it has important historical value. Bi(痺) means blocking. BiJeung is one kind of symptoms making muscles, bones and jonts feel pain, numbness or edema. For example it can be gout or SLE etc. So I studied ${\ll}BiJeungJuJip{\gg}$. II. Final Decision Following decisions of Chinese doctors of 20th century are as follows ; 1. JuYangChun(朱良春) emphasized on IkSinJangDok(益腎壯督) to treat BiJeong. And he devided WanBi(頑痺) as PungHanSeup(風寒濕), DamEo(痰瘀), YeolDok(熱毒), SinHeo(腎虛). He used insects for medicine. 2. ChoSuDoek(焦樹德) introduced past prescription. He used ChiBiTang(治痺湯) to treat HaengBi(行痺), TongBi(痛痺), ChakBi(着痺). He insisted that Han(寒; coldness) and Seup(濕; dampness) be Eum(陰) and Pung(風; wind) can change his character to be Eum. After all BiJeung is usually EumJeung. So he used GaeJi(桂枝) and BuJa(附子). By the way he used ChungYeolSanBiTang(淸熱散痺湯) for YeolBi, BoSinGeoHanChiWangTang SaBok(王士福) emphasized on the importance of medicine. He introduced many treatments like CheongYeol(情熱) for YeolBi and YiO(二烏) for HanBi. And he divided BiJeung period for three steps. At 1st step, we must use GeoSa(祛邪), at 2nd step, we must use BuJeong(扶正) and at 3rd step, we must use BoHyeol(補血), he insisted. And he introduced many herbs to treat BiJeung. 4. JeongGwangJeok(丁光迪) said that GaeJi(桂枝), MaHwang(麻黃), OYak(烏蘖) and BuJa(附子) are very important for TongRak(通絡). And pain usually results from Han(寒), so he liked to use hot-character herbs. 5. MaGi(馬志) insisted that BiJeung usually result from ChilJeong(七情). And he liked to use insects for treatment of BiJeung. 6. WeolSeokMu(越錫武) introduced 8 kinds of treatments and divided BiJeung period. Also he divided BeJeung for PungBi(風痺), HanBi(寒痺) and SeupBi(濕痺). 7. SeoGeaHam(徐季含) observed many patients and concluded that 86.7% of BiJeung is HeuJeung(虛症). 8. YuJiMyeong(劉志明) said that YeolBi is important and CheongYeol is also important. So he emphasized on DangGyuiJeomTongTang(當歸拈痛湯) and SeonBiTang(宣痺湯). 9. WangLiChu(汪履秋) studied cause of WanBi. Internal cause is GiHyeolHeo(氣血虛) and GanSinHeo(肝腎虛) and external cause is SaGi(邪氣) he insisted. 10. WangSaSang(王士相) said that YeolBi can be SeupYeolBi or EumHeuYeolBi(陰虛熱痺) and HanSeupBi(寒濕痺) is rare. He use WooBangJaSan(牛蒡子散) and BangPungHwan(防風丸) for SeupYeolBi, DangGyuiSaYeokTang(當歸四逆湯) for HanSeupBi. 11. JinTaekGang(陳澤江) treated YeolBi with BaekHoGaGyeJiTang(自虎加桂枝湯) and SaMyoSan(四妙散). If they don't have effect, he tried to cure BiJeung step by step. And he used e term of GeunBi(筋痺) and BangGiMogwaEIInTang(防己木瓜薏苡仁湯) was good for GeunBi. 12. MaSeoJeong(麻瑞亭) said that PungSeupYeokJeul(風濕歷節) is BiJeung and it is related to GanBinSin(肝脾腎; liver, Spleen, Kindey). And he emphasized on balance WiGi(衛氣) and YoungHeul(營血). 13. SaJeJu(史濟桂) said that GeunGolBi(筋骨痺) is similar to arthritis and sometimes called ChakBi. And SinBi(腎痺) is terminal stage of ChakBi, he said. He also used insects for treatment. 14. JeongJeNam(丁濟南) tried to cure SLE and used GyeJi, CheonCho(川椒), SinGeunCho(伸筋草), SunRyeongBi(仙靈脾), HyconSam(玄蔘) and GamCho(甘草). 15. JinGYungHwa(陳景和) emphasized on diagnosis of tongue. If the color of tongue is blue, it usually has EoHyeol(瘀血), for example. And he also used insects. 16. JuSongI(朱松毅) tried to devide YeolBi with OnByeong(溫病), Wi(衛), Gi(氣) and Hyeol(血). 17. RuDaBong(蔞多峰) said that JyeongHeo(正虛), OiSa(外邪) and EoHyeol are closely related. And he explained BiJeung by deviding the body into the part, for example head, neck, shoulder, waist, upper limb and lower limb. 18. YuMuBo(劉茂甫) defined PungHanSyubBi as chronic stage and YeolBi as acute stage.

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Retrospect and Prospect of Medical Law 20th Anniversary (Medical Criminal Law) (의료법학 20주년 회고와 전망(의료형법 분야))

  • Ha, Tae Hoon
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.47-79
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    • 2019
  • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine has faithfully played the role of professional academic organizations last 20 years in terms of academic activities, accumulated achievements, diversity, professionalism, and influence on academic circles. The Korean Society of Law and Medicine and the Journal of Medical Law serve as a platform for academic information and exchange of opinions on medical law. Medical law began in the midst of increasing conflicts and disputes caused by medical malpractice and the enactment and legal coercion of medical care as pressure on medical workers. It tried to find a way to coexist with each other through the encounter and convergence of medicine and law. Medical criminal law extends from traditional crimes in the realm of life and body protection to bioethics violations caused by the development of biomedical technology, corruption and economic crime in the medical field. Medical law has evolved into a comprehensive legal area dealing with legal issues raised in medical treatment, healthcare, bioethics, and life sciences technology. On the legal side, medical law is not independent legal areas. It is overlapping with traditional law areas such as civil law, administrative law, criminal law, social law, civil and criminal procedure law. However, it is now established as a convergence study in medicine, bioethics, life science, as well as in various fields of law. It has become an area where collaboration is needed with the field of law, medicine, ethics, sociology and economics. Medical criminal law has undergone a dynamic development over the last two decades. The development of medicine and medical technology provides new and innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment. The achievements and risks of revolutionary developments in biotechnology, genetic engineering and medicine coexist. While there is a dazzling achievement that mankind has hoped for: combating disease and improving health, it also creates unwanted side effects and risks to humans. There is a need to reconsider ethical and legal principles. The discovery and development of patient identity and autonomy has changed the medical doctor-patient relationship. Furthermore, it was complicated by the triangle relationship of patients, medical doctors and insurance. Legal matters are also complicated. This is why the necessity of legislation is emerging. Criminal punishment provisions are also required. The Medical Law and Biomedical Law are systematically and coherently deformed as mosaic-based legislation that takes place whenever there are social issues, citizens' needs, and medical organizations' interests, rather than sufficient enactment and revision procedures. It needs a complete overhaul, and this is possible through interdisciplinary collaboration which is the strength of The Korean Society of Law and Medicine.