• Title/Summary/Keyword: Development Life Cycle

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A Life Cycle Cost Comparison of Low-pressure Sodium Lamp and Fluorescent Lamp for Tunnel Lighting

  • Lee, Young-Q.
    • Industrial Engineering and Management Systems
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.59-62
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    • 2004
  • The number of tunnel has fast increased with the rapid expansion of highway network. Tunnel should be designed to provide for drivers both safety and pleasant driving conditions. In this perspective, the design for tunnel lightning is very important in order to provide its safety, pleasantness, and cost-efficiency of maintenance, all of which should be considered and analyzed for a better tunnel lighting. This paper attempts to compare the low-pressure sodium lamp, which have usually been used for tunnel lighting, with the fluorescent lamp, which we consider as an alternative for the former. In an effort to determine the number of lamps to meet the required illuminance in the tunnel, this research employs a simulation technique which would allow us to conjecture, with the aid of basic model, the life cycle cost for illumination per each tunnel. This analysis is expected to provide a basic method and related information for tunnel development and design.

Historical Operation Characteristic Analysis of Energy Storage System for Governor Free using Simulink Model (Simulink 모델을 활용한 주파수추종용 ESS 운전 특성분석)

  • Cho, Sung-Min;Im, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Sung-Eun
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.66 no.6
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    • pp.905-910
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    • 2017
  • As the development of BESS(Battery Energy Storage System), the application of BESS in load frequency control is considered as effective method. So, KEPCO(Korea Electric Power Corporation) have installed about 236MW ESS for GF(Govner Free) function from 2014. In this paper, we implemented Simulink Model for KEPCO GF ESS and analyzed one year historical operation data generated by Simulink model and actually measured frequency data. The operation results were divided into action for maintaining SOC and frequency. In addition, we also analyzed cycle life of GF ESS using two ESS cycle life model. We concluded the ESS cycle life models are not appropriate, because Most of the SOC swing in operation results are below 10%.

A Economic feasibility of HTS cable by estimating the Life-Cycle cost (Life-cycle 비용 산정을 통한 초전도케이블 경제성 검토)

  • Kim Jong Yul;Lee Seong Ryul;Yoon Jae Young
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • summer
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    • pp.424-426
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    • 2004
  • As power demand increases gradually, the call for underground transmission system increases. But it is very difficult and high in cost to construct new ducts and/or tunnels for power cables in metropolitan areas. HTS (High Temperature Superconducting) cable has the several useful characteristics such as increased power density, stronger fields and/or reduced losses. Therefore HTS cable can allow more power to be moved in existing ducts, which means very large economical and environmental benefits. In these days, companies world-wide have conducted researches on HTS cable. A development project for a 22.9kV class HTS cable is proceeding at a research center and university in Korea. In this paper, we investigate the expected price of HTS cable to have a merit in viewpoint of economic aspect. First, life-cycle cost of conventional cable is calculated and based on this, the expected price of HTS cable is evaluated, which HTS cable is competitive against conventional cable.

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  • Shuzo Furusaka;Takashi Kaneta;Makoto Ohsaki;Kazunori Harada;Yasuhiro Orita;Sohsuke Arai;And Norikazu Katoh
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.748-753
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    • 2005
  • In a super-highrise residence project, a project manager needs to form the long-term risk management plan which covers the problems from the beginning of project to the time of demolition. The cause and responsibility for a risk are clarified and quantitatively evaluated through the life cycle of a project. Development of the system which supports a risk strategy effectively is needed as a project becomes complex. In this paper, through the life cycle of a specific super-highrise residence project, a risk phenomenon is specified from a viewpoint of each participant, and the mathematical model is formulated choosing the combination of the optimal strategy against a risk quantitatively within a fixed risk strategy budget.

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The Moderating Effect of Technology Development Period on the Relationship between Technology Innovation Capabilities and Sales Performance (기술혁신역량과 매출성과에 기술개발소요기간이 미치는 조절효과)

  • Lee, Minho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.240-247
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    • 2021
  • As competition among companies has intensified and the life cycle of products has been shortened, strong innovation is needed to meet consumers' needs. In addition, it is necessary to shorten the life cycle of the product and reduce the time required for technology development for the competitive advantage of the product. In particular, venture companies where new technologies and ideas are important require more innovative capabilities than others companies. Therefore, this study analyzed the impact of technology innovation capabilities (product development process capability, human resource capability and financial capability) on sales by technology development for small and medium venture companies and analyzed moderating effect of technology development period on the relationship between technology innovation capabilities and sales by technology development. The data of 'Small and Medium Business Technology Statistics' collected by the government every year were used for analysis. Technology-intensive ventures were extracted from this data. In addition, the moderating effect was analyzed through hierarchical regression analysis. This study shows that product planning capability, test capability, and R&D expenditure have a positive impact on sales by technology development. In this study, the product development period showed a positive moderating effect on product development capability and sales performance. On the other hand, the product development period showed a negative moderating effect on R&D expenditure and sales by technology development.

A Weight Decision Technique of Quality Characteristics in Software Development Life Cycle (소프트웨어 수명주기에서 품질특성의 중요도 결정 기법)

  • Cho, Jae-Kyu;Lee, Kil-Sup;Lee, Sung-Jong
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.6
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    • pp.1277-1286
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    • 2004
  • The concern and request of high-quality software has been increased according to the rapid transition of society to information-oriented era. Therefore activities of software quality management are regarded as serious as the activities of software development. Moreover, stakeholder of software may have various views of software quality. And some quality characteristics need to be managed with priorities in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Hence we recognized that weights of quality characteristics might be useful to improve efficiency of quality management activities. However, this topic has not actively issued because its necessity and effectiveness has been ignored. This paper presents a technique to decide weights of software quality characteristics in SDLC. It is based on ISO/IEC 9126 which is the standard for software product quality. It is accomplished by questionnaires intended for stakeholder in software development and weight analysis through AHP (Analytic Hierarchical Process) method. Accordingly, it can select quality characteristics by weight in SDLC. And then it helps us to acquire high duality software through measuring software quality quantitatively and expecting the quality after completion of software development.

A Study on Advanced Frame of Core-Banking Model (코어뱅킹 모델의 발전모형 연구)

  • Weon, Dal-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.3194-3200
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    • 2012
  • The aim of the paper is systematically to organize the historical facts of financial IT development process through various tracking and proved knowledge, it is to propose the direction and the advanced frame of core-banking model in next generation for the year 2020s. To achieve it, this study variously analyzed the meaningful pattern of development process of financial IT by backtracking life-cycle of Core-Banking model and it presented new model of Core-Banking for the past 40 years. In research findings, the life cycle of financial IT system and core-banking model have been analyzed about 10 years and the longest model of life cycle is about 33 years. As a result, It proved to be desirable that the advanced frame of the Core-Banking model adds the functions of business hub and product life cycle management to basic frame of its existing model in the future. In addition, big bang development method of new next generation system must be sublated. Also, They need to be initiated more business-oriented than IT-oriented. Along with this, the financial IT should be developed into the convergence industry, and it needs to extend the systematization of Core-Banking model studies and more professionals. Finally, this study has arranged the financial IT development process in domestic and presents new frame through analyzing intensively the Core-Banking model for the first time Therefore, it can be contributed to serve the guideline regarding the direction in new next generation system.

A Systems Engineering Approach to Real-Time Data Communication Network for the APR1400

  • Ibrahim, Ahmad Salah;Jung, Jae-cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2017
  • Concept development of a real-time Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-based switched Ethernet data communication network for the Man-Machine Interface System (MMIS) is presented in this paper. The proposed design discussed in this research is based on the systems engineering (SE) approach. The design methodology is effectively developed by defining the concept development stage of the life-cycle model consisting of three successive phases, which are developed and discussed: needs analysis; concept exploration; and concept definition. This life-cycle model is used to develop an FPGA-based time-triggered Ethernet (TTE) switched data communication network for the non-safety division of MMIS system to provide real-time data transfer from the safety control systems to the non-safety division of MMIS and between the non-safety systems including control, monitoring, and information display systems. The original IEEE standard 802.3 Ethernet networks were not typically designed or implemented for providing real-time data transmission, however implementing a network that provides both real-time and on-demand data transmission is achievable using the real-time Ethernet technology. To develop the design effectively, context diagrams are implied. Conformance to the stakeholders needs, system requirements, and relevant codes and standards together with utilizing the TTE technology are used to analyze, synthesize, and develop the MMIS non-safety data communication network of the APR1400 nuclear power plant.

Development of Tunnel Asset Management (TAM) Program

  • Hamed Zamenian;Dae-Hyun (Dan) Koo
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2013.01a
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    • pp.576-582
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    • 2013
  • Typical highway infrastructure systems include roadway pavement, drainage systems, tunneling, and other hardware components such as guardrails, traffic signs, and lighting. Tunnels in a highway system have provided significant advantages to overcoming various natural challenges including crossing underneath bodies of water or through mountainous areas. While only a few tunnel failure cases have been reported, the failure rate is likely to increase as these assets age and because agencies have not emphasized tunneling asset management. A tunnel system undergoes a deterioration life cycle pattern that is similar to other infrastructure systems. There are very few agencies in the United States implementing comprehensive tunnel asset management programs. While current tunnel asset management programs focus on inspection, maintenance, and operation safety, there is an increasing need for the development of a comprehensive life cycle tunnel asset management program. This paper describes a conceptual framework for a comprehensive tunnel asset management program. The framework consists of three basic phases including a strategic plan, a tactical plan, and an operational plan to provide better information to the decision makers. The strategic plan is a basic long term approach of tunnel asset management. The tactical plan determines specific objectives and the operational plan actually applies asset management objectives in practice. The information includes operational condition, structural condition, efficiency of the system, emergency response, and life cycle cost analysis for tunnel capital improvement project planning.

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An Evaluation of Net-zero Contribution by Introducing Clean Hydrogen Production Using Life Cycle Assessment (청정수소 생산 방식 도입에 따른 LCA 기반 탄소중립 기여도 평가)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2024
  • This study focuses on investigating the importance of managing greenhouse gas emissions from global energy consumption, specifically examining domestic targets for clean hydrogen production. Using life cycle assessment, we evaluated reductions in global warming potential and assessed the carbon neutrality contribution of the domestic hydrogen sector. Transitioning from brown or grey hydrogen to blue or green hydrogen can significantly reduce emissions, potentially lowering CO2 equivalent levels by 2030 and 2050. These research findings underscore the effectiveness of clean hydrogen as an energy management strategy and offer valuable insights for technology development.