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Practical use palette research of color name digitl search system (색이름 디지털 검색체계의 실용팔레트 연구)

  • 문은배
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.161-174
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    • 2003
  • Choice and use of color are very important field for designer. Present color sprang by central field of design business unlike past. Color is used mainly by three fields of sensitivity, administration, mind. But, do substantial design including all of three fields at use. Practical research field that is based on basic research when see as actuality of domestic color design is been behind real condition. Specially, color sensitivity field and color management field are very important field, it can speak that color name arid related area are most important among two. Because collar name includes sensitivity and color management. This research constructs correct data because investigate and analyze and search all compatible color names that is announced in existing or is recorded in public cosmopolitanly. As a result, it is to promise accuracy when produce creation of idea and result of design using color name. Examined laying stress on color that domestic data that is used in research is basis with Korean industrial Standard, connection literature, on-the-spot probe. International data investigated American ISCC-NBS to base. Other abroad color name data examined official data of each country all systematically with Japan, Europe. Findings about 11,000 basis color names and 33,000 application color names sorted collection. Collection method and classification system follow in international standard and arranged for user's tile convenience. Also, use frequency did laying stress on Munsell that is high color system so that can aid in industrial design business. Improved to write all international standard color values sue as RGB, CMYK, XYZ and can be applied all in each field of design. Is applying and get along with continuation improvement and development in homepage of present KIDP, it may become more worth research.

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Agent-Based Collaborative Design System and Case-Based Conflict Resolution (원격공동설계 시스템 구축을 위한 에이전트 기반 접근 및 사례기반 의사충돌 해결)

  • 이경호;이규열
    • Journal of Information Technology Application
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    • v.1
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    • pp.99-127
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    • 1999
  • Under the concept of global economy, the enterprises are assigning design and production environments around the world in different areas. A serious problem of information exchange emerges as companies use traditional hardware and very distinct softwares appropriate to their field of expertise. To overcome the decreased productivity due to the interruption of information, the concept of simultaneous engineering and concurrent design becomes very significant. In this article, an agent-based ship design system is developed in order to support a cooperation in distributed ship design environments. Above all, the conflicts that occur in the middle of knowledge sharing in the system must be resolved. An approach to do this is the case-based conflict resolution strategy formulated to resolve current conflict on the basis of previous resolved similar cases in agent-based collaborative design system environments. To do this conflict cases that occur in initial ship design stage are extracted. On the basis of the extracted cases, case-base is constructed. In addition conflict resolution handler located in the facilitator is developed to treat conflict problems effectively by reasoning of the case-base and thus presenting an appropriate solution. The validation of developed case-based conflict resolution strategy is evaluated by applying to collaborative design process in initial ship design stage, especially the machinery outfitting design, the preliminary design, the hullform design, and the structural design. Through the help of the cooperation of the design agents, the facilitator, the conflict resolution handler, and the case-based system, a designer can be supported effectively in his/her decision-making based on the previous cases resolved similarly.

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Dress and Ideology during the late $19^{th}$ and early $20^{th}$ centuries Korea, 1876~1945

  • Lee, Min-Jung;Kim, Min-Ja
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.15-33
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    • 2011
  • The late $19^{th}$ and early $20^{th}$ centuries of Korea were the times when the Confucianism (牲理學) ideology was shaken heavily under the influences of modernism and capitalism by Western and Japanese military and political-economic forces. Under such circumstances, alteration of clothing was much influenced by ideologies than changes in social structure or technological advance. In this study, an ideology was defined as "the force which drives people into a particular social order". Ideologies were postulated as an ongoing process of socialization with dialectic features rather than being a static state. Comparative analyses on conflict structures and different clothing patterns symbolizing the ideologies of the Ruling (支配) and the Opposition (對抗) were conducted. Investigating dresses as representations of ideologies is to reconsider the notion of dichotomous confrontation between the conservatives (守舊派) and the progressives (開化派) and a recognition of Koreans' passively accepting modernity during the Japanese occupation. This may also have contributed to enlightening Koreans about modernization. Here are the results. First, the theoretical review found that ideologies were represented by not only symbols of discourse, but also dresses, and that dresses embodied both physical and conceptual systems presenting differences between ideologies and their natures, Second, during the late 19th century Korea, conflict between conservatives' Hanbok (韓服) and progressives' Western suits (洋服) was found. Moderate progressives showed their identity by "Colored Clothing" (深色衣), and radical progressives by black suits with short hair (黑衣斷髮) or by western suits (洋服). The ultimate goal of both parties was a "Modern Nation". With these efforts, pale jade green coats and traditional hats symbolizing the nobleman class was eliminated within 30 years from 1880 to 1910, and then simple robes and short hair emerged. However, the powerful Japanese army had taken over the hegemony of East Asia, and Korea was sharply divided into modernization and pro-Japanese camps. Third, during the time of Japanese colonial rule, the dress codes having set by the modernization policies during the time of enlightenment were abandoned and colonial uniforms for the colonial system was meticulously introduced. During this period, Western or Japanese-style uniforms were the symbol of the ruling ideology. In the mean time, Hanbok, particularly "White Clothing (白衣)", emerged as a representation of the opposition ideology. However, due to Japan's coercive power and strong zeal for "Great orient (大東亞)", white clothing remained as a mere symbol. Meanwhile, Reformists (實力養成論者) movement toward improving quality of life followed a similar path of the Japanese policies and was eventually incorporated into the ruling ideology. Fourth, dresses as representations of ruling ideologies were enforced by organizational powers, such as organizations and laws, and binding policies, and changes in such dresses were more significant when the ruling ideologies were stronger. Clothing of the opposition ideology was expressed as an aggregation of public consciousness. During the period, the subjects of ruling ideology and the objects who were granted modernization benefits were different although their drives for colored clothing with short hair (色衣斷髮) for modernization were similar.

A Study on the Interrelationship with Interior space and Furniture - Focused on Peirce's Theory - (실내 공간과 가구의 상호관계성 연구 - 퍼스의 기호학을 중심으로 -)

  • Baek, Jung-Min;Hur, Bum-Pall
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2011
  • Interior design has diverse functions and roles according to recent changes in life and cultural style. As the meaning of space varies, the furniture as another element of the space should also be planned and included in the beginning of the project to accomplish its functional role on the finished space and not only be placed. The relationship between Interior space and furniture should be studied and understood at the same realm because they have a complementary relationship. The final destination of design, which is very challenging to accommodate people, the designer needs to approach to the interior space and furniture in a cognitive view. The study of Semiotics views in a knowledgeable and epistemological way every element as a sign and by the relationship of their characters it makes to understand the structure of the signs. Charles Sanders Peirce, a leader of Semiotics in USA, classified the structure of Sign into Representamen, Object and Interpretant to complete the theory which could systematically describe physical characteristic and function of the Sign and its significance in practical use. Peirce stated that all nine types of Sign would be generated if each structure of Sign in combined with three categories of Sign such as Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness. In this study, based on Peirce's nine types of Sign, the interrelationship between space and furniture in interior design was investigated with examples in Living Space, Office Space, and Commercial Space, respectively. In the category of Representamen, which can be classified into Qualisign, Sinsign, and Legisign, it is a feature of Living Space to be expressed in harmonized and stabilized ways. In Office Space vertical/horizontal elements and open expression are differently showed depending on fields. And splendid and interesting expressions are showed in Commercial Space. In the category of Object, which can be classified into Icon, Index, and Symbol, each function of Sign has distinctly been showed as Symbol in Living Space, Index in Office Space, and Icon in Commercial Space, respectively. In the category of Interpretant, which can be classified into Rheme, Dicisign, and Argument, it was found that space image of Living Space is transferred to human being, Office Space regulates human bing, and Commercial Space binds human being with the space. In conclusion the function of the interior space and the furniture could be explained in another way with re-interpretation of interrelationship among interior space elements in the concept of Semiotics. It is expected that interpretation with Semiotics in interior design will grow to new theory of design.

Redesign Application Architecture for Advanced Volcanic Disaster Response System (화산재해대응시스템 고도화를 위한 응용아키텍처 재설계)

  • Youn, Junhee;Kim, Tae-Hoon;Kim, Dusik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.90-95
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    • 2018
  • The Korean Peninsula is no longer safe from volcanic disasters. Therefore, the Korean government has been developing a spatial information-based system implementation technology since 2014. VDRS (Volcanic Disaster Response System), which is the result of the technology, was implemented in 2016 as Phase I. Since then, phase II implementation technology has been developed for an advanced system reflecting the user's requirements. To advance the system, redesign architecture is essential. This paper examined the redesign application architecture for an advanced VDRS. First, existing application architecture, which was implemented in phase I, was analyzed. Second, the user's requirements for advanced VDRS were analyzed. The analyzed user's requirements were categorized as a transforming service oriented to a business-oriented architecture, improving accuracy, and expanding the spatial range and target disaster. Third, application architecture was redesigned based on gap analysis between the existing architecture and user's requirements. The results of the proposed redesign architecture are presented as the application system structure and description of the application function based on owner's point of view in the enterprise architecture. The results of this paper can be used to derive the application module design and provide a detailed description of the application module based on the designer's point of view. Further research focused on structuring the HW/SW architecture will be required for system implementation.

A Dynamic Service Supporting Model for Semantic Web-based Situation Awareness Service (시맨틱 웹 기반 상황인지 서비스를 위한 동적 서비스 제공 모델)

  • Choi, Jung-Hwa;Park, Young-Tack
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.36 no.9
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    • pp.732-748
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    • 2009
  • The technology of Semantic Web realizes the base technology for context-awareness that creates new services by dynamically and flexibly combining various resources (people, concepts, etc). According to the realization of ubiquitous computing technology, many researchers are currently working for the embodiment of web service. However, most studies of them bring about the only predefined results those are limited to the initial description by service designer. In this paper, we propose a new service supporting model to provide an automatic method for plan related tasks which achieve goal state from initial state. The inputs on an planner are intial and goal descriptions which are mapped to the current situation and to the user request respectively. The idea of the method is to infer context from world model by DL-based ontology reasoning using OWL domain ontology. The context guide services to be loaded into planner. Then, the planner searches and plans at least one service to satisfy the goal state from initial state. This is STRIPS-style backward planner, and combine OWL-S services based on AI planning theory that enabling reduced search scope of huge web-service space. Also, when feasible service do not find using pattern matching, we give user alternative services through DL-based semantic searching. The experimental result demonstrates a new possibility for realizing dynamic service modeler, compared to OWLS-XPlan, which has been known as an effective application for service composition.

A Hybrid Tendency of Contemporary Landscape Design (현대조경설계의 하이브리드적 경향)

  • Jang Il-Young;Kim Jin-Seon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.2 s.115
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    • pp.80-98
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    • 2006
  • This study originated from following questions. What can we understand the conception of deconstruction, which has been the core idea of new discourses developed in various ways since modernism? How can this question be interpreted in landscape design? What is the conceptional frame of integration the prominent hybrid post-genre movements and phenomena? The frame can be epitomized with the deconstruction phenomenon. 'Deconstruction' is the core conception appeared in late or post-modern ages in the embodiment of modernity and can be viewed as an integrating or a hybrid phenomenon between areas or genres in formative arts. Therefore, the author regards the hybrid movements widely witnessed in the post contemporary formative arts as one of the most important indicators of de-constructive signs. It is safe to say that the phenomenon of this integration or hybridism, of course, does not threaten the identity of landscape design but serves as an opportunity to extend the areas of landscape design. One of the consequences of this integration or hybridism is the voluntary participation of users who have been alienated in the production of the meanings of design works and hybrid landscape design with the hybridization of genres that is characterized with transformation in forms. This view is based on the distinction between hybridization of interactions between the designer (the subject) and the user (the object), and hybridization of synesthesia. Generally speaking, this is an act of destroying boundaries of the daily life and arts. At the same time, it corresponds to vanishing of modern aesthetics and emerging of post-contemporary aesthetics which is a new aesthetic category like sublimeness. This types of landscape design tries to restore humans' sensibility and perceptions restrained by rationality and recognition in previous approach and to express non-materialistic characteristics with precaution against excessive materialism in the modern era. In light of these backgrounds, the study aims to suggest the hybrid concept and to explorer a new landscape design approach with this concept, in order to change the design structure from 'completed' or 'closed' toward 'opened' and to understand the characteristics of interactions between users and designs. This new approach is expected to create an open-space integrating complexity and dynamics of users. At the same time, it emphasizes senses of user' body with synesthesia and non-determination. The focus is placed on user participation and sublimity rather than on aesthetic beauty, which kind of experience is called simulacre. By attaching importance to user participation, the work got free from the material characteristics, and acceptance from the old practice of simple perception and contemplation. The boundaries between the subject and object and the beautiful and ordinary, from the perspective of this approach, are vanished. Now everything ordinary can become an artistic work. Western dichotomy and discrimination is not effective any more. And there is 'de-construction' where there is perfect equality between ordinary daily life and beautiful arts. Thus today's landscape design pays attention to the user and uses newly perceived sensitivity by pursing obscure and unfamiliar things rather than aesthetic beauty. Space is accordingly defined to take place accidentally as happening and event, not as volume of shape. It's the true way to express spatiality of landscape design. That's an attempt to reject conventional concepts about forms and space, which served as the basis for landscape design, and to search for new things.

Evaluation of Drying Performances by Hydrothermal Reaction of Sewage Sludge and Food wastes (하수슬러지 및 음식물류폐기물의 수열반응에 의한 건조 효율 평가)

  • Shin, Myung-Seop;Lee, Hyung-Don;Jeon, Yong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.47-55
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    • 2017
  • The technology for hydrothermal reaction of organic waste is one of the promising process to improve energy efficiency of biomass waste recycling system since moisture contents of treated biomass could be reduced at 40% or less than by dehydration processes. For these reasons, many parts of the world are interested in hydrothermal reaction of organic waste. In this paper, drying performances were evaluated with and without hydrothermal reaction of organic wastes which are sewage sludge and food wastes. For the hydrothermal reaction, organic wastes were treated at $200^{\circ}C$ for 1hr. Drying time of treated organic waste by hydrothermal reaction was reduced. In case of food waste drying at $100^{\circ}C$, drying time of treated wasted was reduced more 52.9% than non-treated. Hence, drying performances of sewage sludge and food wastes should be improved by hydrothermal reaction. Drying rates of treated wastes were considerably increased at preheat period of drying characteristic curve as followings; at $80^{\circ}C$ sludge as 148%, $100^{\circ}C$ sewage sludge as 151%, $80^{\circ}C$ food waste as 209%, $100^{\circ}C$ food waste as 366%. It means the surface area of treated wastes could be increased with destruction of cell membrane by hydrothermal reaction. However, the designer and operator of drying process should be careful, since enhanced drying rate cause the extension the decreasing drying period.

Assessment of Visual Characteristics on Bridge Landscapes in the Seashore (해안에 위치하는 교량경관의 시각적 특성평가)

  • Chun, Hyun-jin;Jiang, Long;Cheng, Yu-ning
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2016
  • Due to the Korea's topographic characteristic, there are a lot of marine bridges to connect between islands and mainland. In addition, marine bridges play an important role in a regional landscape. For these reasons, landscape design of bridge is necessary in order to improve beautification of region. So, this studies analyzed image and landscape preference of marine bridges in rural area. The main results were summarized as follows: When rating the image of the background in sea and mountain image, 'stable' and 'natural' were rated highly. When rating the image of the arch bridge in sea and mountain image, 'beautiful', and 'attractive' were rated highly. When rating the image of the cable-stayed bridge in sea and mountain image, 'splendid', and 'attractive' were rated highly. When rating the image of the suspension bridge in sea and mountain image, 'beautiful', and 'splendid' were rated highly. Next, When rating the image of the background in sea and building image, 'stable' and 'natural' were rated highly. When rating the image of the arch bridge in sea and building image, 'beautiful', and 'splendid' were rated highly. When rating the image of the cable-stayed bridge in sea and building image, 'beautiful', and 'attractive' were rated highly. When rating the image of the suspension bridge in sea and building image, 'beautiful', and 'attractive' were rated highly. And, The image of suspension bridges in sea and mountain image is more highly preferred than other image. The background in sea and mountain image is landscape of the lowest preference. In the mountain and sea image, the preference of suspension bridge landscape has the highest rating. In the sea and building image, the preference of arch bridge landscape has the highest rating. In conclusion, the results illustrate that the marine bridge's shape and its background in rural area are important elements of a visual preference. When designing the marine bridge, designer have to choose a proper bridge shape for its background. However, this research's limitation is that this research consider only bridge shape and background to analyze landscape preference of marine bridges. Therefore, further research is necessary to consider various elements.

Development and Effectiveness Analysis of Charrette for Improving Agricultural Product Package Design in a Rural Village - Focusing on the Recognition Changes of Voluntary Designers - (농촌마을 농특산물 포장디자인 개선을 위한 샤렛 개발 및 효과 - 재능기부디자이너들의 의식변화를 중심으로 -)

  • Chae, Hye-Sung;Do, Kyung-Rok;Jin, Hye-Ryeon;Hong, Kwang-Woo;Lee, Dong-Gwan;Ahn, Ok-Sun;Jo, Lok-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2013
  • In these days, agricultural products are regarded as a core income source in tourism villages. Nevertheless, poor packaging of agricultural products has threatened the competitiveness and quality of products. For farmers, it is less likely to employ individual designer for developing and improving their packages due to low accessability to rural villages and budgets. Based on this background, this study conducted 'Charrette' in order to improve agricultural product packaging. The target village was 'Goraday' in Gangwon province. This study consisted of different steps for building and implementing proper 'Charrette' programs. Then, it also conducted empirical investigation about the effectiveness and efficiency of 'Charrette'. 'Charrette' has made progress as follows; first step was concerned with advance preparation for constructing program. Second, implementation of 'Charratte' included data collection and analysis, and development of design. Third, evaluation and feedback stage have given presentation and discussion about suggested design with local residents. Empirical investigation about the effectiveness and efficiency of 'Charrette' has been composed with survey and interview targeting participants. In survey and interviews, designers were asked about their attitudinal changes in relation to knowledge, recognition, function, motivation, and satisfaction toward 'Charrette' and 'agricultural product package design' before and after participating the event. The results showed that knowledge and perception of designers toward 'agricultural product package design' have positively increased. In addition, it revealed that designers were satisfied with collaborations with others and their contribution to rural community business. However, the results also suggested that sufficient preparation time/schedules and opportunity to meet other and farmers before events would be required to have better communication and understanding in relation to their tasks and role distribution. Furthermore, it is also required for designers to hold relationship with local community in order to actualize their packaging design.