• Title/Summary/Keyword: Designed in 3D

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A study on the Empirical Design of EMI Filters for Power Supply Noise Reduction in Electronic Devices (전자기기의 전원 노이즈 저감을 위한 EMI 필터 경험적 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Yun-Min Lee;Jin-Seob, Shin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, It is proposed through the empirical design of a Conducted EMI filter for noise reduction of power used in electronic devices. For the proposed structure, A-type, B-type, C-type, and D-type structures were designed, and conductive noise reduction was confirmed by using an LC network with various X-capacitors, Y-capacitors, and Air-inductors. 10 [μH] was used for L1 and L2, and 4.7 [nF] was used for C1 and C2. L3 for common mode used 13[μH], and C5, C6, C7 were designed using 10[nF]. The measured insertion loss values of the designed EMI filter were -74.4[dB] at 3.2MHz, -75.4[dB] at 4MHz, and -75.3[dB] at 13.56MHz. Therefore, the proposed EMI filter will be able to reduce power supply noise used in various electronic devices.

Development of 32-Channel Image Acquisition System for Thickness Measurement of Retina (망막 두께 측정을 위한 32채널 영상획득장치 개발)

  • 양근호;유병국
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.110-113
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, the multi-channel high speed data acquisition system is implemented. This high speed signal processing system for 3-D image display is applicable to the manipulation of a medical image processing, multimedia data and various fields of digital image processing. In order to convert the analog signal into digital one, A/D conversion circuit is designed. PCI interface method is designed and implemented, which is capable of transmission a large amount of data to computer. In order to, especially, channel extendibility of images acquisition, bus communication method is selected. By using this bus method, we can interface each module effectively. In this paper, 32-channel A/D conversion and PCI interface system for 3-dimensional and real-time display of the retina image is developed. The 32-channel image acquisition system and high speed data transmission system developed in this paper is applicable to not only medical image processing as 3-D representation of retina image but also various fields of industrial image processing in which the multi-point realtime image acquisition system is needed.

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Study of Furniture Design Utilizing 3D Printers Joris Laarman (요리스 라만(Joris Laarman)의 3D프린터를 활용한 가구디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun Jung
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.128-136
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    • 2016
  • Digital designs that appear in the three-dimensional virtual space by the digital type are designed as there is not an image created with an organic artificially generated (Creation) and representation (Modifying), developed by the specific environment given. The advanced digital design will produce a result with an algorithm according to a mathematical operation and the environment and has the nature of generating the real world, changes, development and affinity (Genetic Process). The digital design process is largely defined by a set of processes that are consistently designed to integrate form of creation, reproduction, proceeds in three steps, while the manufacture and assembly as a form of maintenance as possible the intended form of control data from the concept of building. By Joris Laarman 3D printer design is a simulation created by the digital process by the various algorithms and design achieved through the development of 3D printers, such as new materials and MX3D. From the mold production of a complex whole by using a robot and other digital production tool extracts a variety of forms.

Under Water Sonar Transducer Using Terfenol-D Magnetostrictive Material

  • Son, Derac;Cho, Yuk
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.98-101
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    • 1999
  • In this work we htave constructed an under water sonar transducer using Terfenol-D rod employing open magnetic circuit. Normally Sonar transducer using Terfenol-D was designed under closed magnetic flux return path, and permanent magnet for dc bias marnetic field, but high magnetic field should be applied to the transducer coil for high sound power and it brings temperature increase inside of the transducer. To improve this heat dissipation problem, we have designed an open magnetic circuit type transducer and we can get 200 dB (re. 1 Pa @ 1m) sound power for the input power of 650 VA.

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Design and Manufacture of Active Antenna System using LNA for Wireless LAN (LNA를 이용한 무선 랜용 능동안테나 시스템 설계 및 제작)

  • Kim, Kab-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.10 no.10
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    • pp.1744-1751
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    • 2006
  • In this paper shows the Designed and Manufactured active antenna for wireless LAN that is consisted of 5.5GHz band local LNA and Microstrip Patch Antenna. LNA improved noise special quality using NEC company's NE3210S01 and Micnstrip Patch Antenna designed to have omnidirectional characteristic. Designed $1{\times}2$ Microstrip Patch Antenna to have the gain of about 8.3[dBi], the input reflection loss -32[dB], VSWR showed 1.132, and the LNA gain 15[dB], input-output reflection loss was showed the characterstic of -20[dB].

A Study on D-terms of Incoterms 2000 (Focus on primary obligation, character, limitation on application to practicer) (Incoterms 2000의 D-terms에 관한 연구 (주요의무, 특징, 적용상의 한계를 중심으로))

  • Oh, Se-Chang
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    • v.35
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    • pp.3-38
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    • 2007
  • As we know, D-terms which are constituted with DAF delivered the goods in a border place, DES delivered the goods on board a vessel at a vessel specified port on the buyer's side, DEQ delivered the goods on the quay on the buyer's side as the specified place, DDU and DDP delivered the good at the stipulated place at the agreed place or point, mean arrival contracts. DAF is designed mainly for railway carriage, DES and DEQ are designed mainly for vessel shipment, DDU and DDP are designed mainly for multimodal transportation. In spite of their original purpose of revision. They have in themselves many problems on notable points on application in practice. Therefore, in order to magnify their use, through revision of Incoterms, DAF is restricted to railway carriage, DES and DEQ are restricted to be used only for charter shipments. Particularly transport documents which seller should supply the buyer with under DDU and DDP are documents for ownership and possession rights to the goods loaded when executed in negotiable form like as CIF.

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Design of a sub-harmonic dual-gate FET mixer for IMT-2000 base-station

  • Kim, Jeongpyo;Park, Jaehoon
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07b
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    • pp.1046-1049
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, a sub-harmonic dual-gate FET mixer for IMT-2000 base-station was designed by using single-gate FET cascode structure and driven by the second order harmonic component of LO signal. The dual-gate FET mixer has the characteristic of high conversion gain and good isolation between ports. Sub-harmonic mixing is frequently used to extend RF bandwidth for fixed LO frequency or to make LO frequency lower. Furthermore, the LO-to-RF isolation characteristic of a sub-harmonic mixer is better than that of a fundamental mixer because the frequency separation between the RE and LO frequency is large. As RF power is -30dBm and LO power is 0dBm, the designed mixer shows the -47.17dBm LO-to-RF leakage power level, 10dB conversion gain, -0.5dBm OIP3, -10.5dBm IIP3 and -1dBm 1dB gain compression point.

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3D FEM of Electromagnetic Wobble Motor with Axial Air-Gap Type (축방향 공극 구조의 정자계형 wobble 모터의 3D 유한요소 해석)

  • Woo, Sung-Bong;Lee, Eun-Woong;Kim, Sung-Jong;Choi, Jae-Young;Kim, Jun-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.238-240
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    • 2000
  • We designed the prototype of electromagnetic wobble motor which could be applied to ultrasonic catheter in the before study. So, In this paper we perform 3D FEM of the designed prototype model with the computer analysis tool(Magnet 6.4). Therefore we prove the characteristics and theorems of the wobble motor with 3D FEM.

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The Design of Low Noise Amplifier for Overall IMT-2000 Band Repeater (IMT-2000 중계기용 전대역 저잡음 증폭기 설계)

  • 유영길
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TE
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.409-412
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    • 2002
  • The LNA(Low Noise Amplifier) is designed for use in low cost commercial application covered fully IMT-2000 band(1920~2170MHz, BW=250MHz). It is optimized source inductance for source lead and designed to equivalent etched line. The LNA uses a high pass impedance matching network for noise match and simple structure. The bias circuit designs have been made self-biased with a negative voltage applied to gate. The power supply voltage is 8V, total current is 180mA. The LNA is biased at a Vgs of -0.4, Vds of 4V for first stage and Vds of 5V for second stage. The LNA is designed competitively for commercial product specification. The measured gain and noise figure of the completed amplifier was 20dB and 1dB, respectively. Also, input VSWR, P1dB and gain flatness was measured of 1.14 ~ l.3dB, 22.4dBm and $\pm$0.45dB, respectively. The designed LNA can be used for commercial product.

A Reconfigurable CMOS Power Amplifier for Multi-standard Applications (다양한 표준에서 사용 가능한 CMOS 전력 증폭기)

  • Yun, Seok-Oh;Yoo, Hyung-Joun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.44 no.11
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    • pp.89-94
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    • 2007
  • For successful implementation of multi-standard transmitter, reconfigurable architecture and component design are essential. This paper presents a reconfigurable CMOS power amplifier designed CMOS 0.25 um process. Designed power amplifier can be operated at 0.9, 1.2, 1.75, and 1.85 GHz. Also, it can be used at 2.4 GHz by using bonding wire inductor. The interstage matching network is composed of two inductors and four switches, and operation frequency can be varied by controlling switches. Proposed power amplifier can be used as a power amplifier in low power applications such as ZigBee or Bluetooth application and used as a driver amplifier in high power application such as CDMA application. Designed power amplifier has 18.2 dB gain and 10.3 dBm output power at 0.9 GHz. Also, it represented 10.3 (18.1) dB gain and 5.2 (10) dBm output power at 1.75 (2.4) GHz.