• 제목/요약/키워드: Design Style Analysis

검색결과 978건 처리시간 0.02초

의복과 립스틱의 동일색상 톤 변화에 따른 의복착용자의 이미지 평가 (The Image Evaluation for Tone Variation in Same Color of Clothing and Lipstick of the Clothing Wearers)

  • 정수진
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제9권2호
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of makeup, clothing tone and clothing style on wearer's with same color coordination of lipstick and clothing. The experimental materials developed for this study were a set of stimulus and response scales (7-point scale semantic). The stimuli were 64 color pictures were manipulated by computer simulation. This experiment design was $2{\times}2{\times}4{\times}4$ factorial design. The stimuli were a set of eyeshadow color(brown), clothing style (formal style of Jacket / skirt and casual style of cardigan / pants), lipstick and clothing color (red and orange), lipstick tone(vivid, light, dull and dark), clothing tone(vivid, light, dull and dark). The subjects of this research were 384 female undergraduates living in Gyeongsangnam-do. The investigation was carried out at a lecture hall at the time between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. in May 2006. The data were analyzed using SPSS program. Factor analysis, 4-way ANOVA, t-test, and Duncan test were used as analysis methods. Image factors according to variation of clothing style, clothing color, and makeup color are composed of 4 different dimensions (visibility, attractiveness, tenderness, and stability). In dimension of the visibility, the image was perceived to be glowing and luxurious regardless of lipstick tone and lipstick color in the case of the vivid tone clothing. According to the variation of clothing style, clothing color and tone, makeup color composed of eyeshadow color, lipstick color and tone, it was investigated that the images for a clothing wearer were expressed diversely, were shown differently in image dimensions, and could be produced to different images. The analysis data for images according to the combination of makeup and clothing color, tone, and style thus provide basic material for image consulting or color coordination.

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현대 패션디자인에 나타난 메가 트렌드의 영향에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Effect of the Mega trend on the Modern Fashion Design)

  • 전혜정;하지수
    • 복식
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    • 제57권4호
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    • pp.110-125
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze efforts of the mesa trends on the modern fashion design. For the study documentary research and qualitative content analysis have been carried out. Articles in magazines, seminar reports, and news related to trends were collected and analyzed to develop mega trends nowadays. As results, $2002{\sim}2006$ mega trends were extracted to Co-divergence, Emotional tech, Bi-dentity, Private+One and $2002{\sim}2006$ design trends extracted to Camouflage, Transformation, Modular system, Blur, Ease. The influences of mega trends and design trends on the modern fashion design have been proved. Those were expressed as eclectic style, deconstructionist style, reductive style and functionalist style in fashion design. The present era could be defined as cultural pluralism blended with various cultures and styles. Fashion as the essential display of contemporary culture and society has been successfully confirmed in this study.

웹사이트 화면디자인의 시각요소와 스타일 분석 (Visual factor and Style Analysis of Web Design)

  • 이현정;이지수
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.135-142
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구에서는 웹사이트 인터페이스의 여러 디자인 문제 가운데 사용자의 감성적·심미적 만족을 주요 목표로 하는 스타일의 역할을 이해하고 다양한 시각 요소에 기초한 분석적 접근 방법을 제시하였다. 스타일은 정서, 문화적 동질감 및 메시지를 즉각적으로 드러나게 하는 맥락을 제공하며 재미와 몰입감을 주는 역할을 한다. 이는 웹사이트 인터페이스 디자인의 우선적 디자인 목표라 할 수 있는 인지적 측면의 디자인 원리에 따른 기능성과 동시에 각종 시각 요소들을 통해 구현해야 할 주요 디자인 특질이라고 할 수 있다. 웹사이트 인터페이스의 시각요소를 파악하기 위해 내용의 구조에 따른 구성 측면, 심볼 시스템에 관한 매체 측면 및 조형적 측면의 여러 다른 차원으로 구분하였다. 여기서 도출된 시각 요소들에 기초하여 스타일 형성의 요인들을 분석하였다. '소프트-하드(Soft-Hard)', '따뜻한-차가운(Warm-Cool)'을 각 축으로 하는 이미지맵의 반대편에 위치하는 몇 개의 사이트를 선정한 후, 구성적 측면의 요소들에 대한 조형적 특성과 아이디어를 전달하는 시각적 전달방식에 따른 정서적 효과를 파악하였다. 웹사이트 스타일에 대한 이 같은 분석적 접근 방법의 이해는 디자인 계획시 디자인 문제의 체계적 이해와 다양한 해결안 도출에 활용될 수 있으며, 화면디자인을 위한 구체적 가이드라인을 마련하기 위한 토대가 될 수 있다.

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스포티브 스타일의 패션 이미지 세분화에 따른 선호도 및 구매행동 분석 (A Study of Design Preference and Purchase Behavior by Segmentation of Fashion images on Sportive style)

  • 박숙현;이정민
    • 한국생활과학회지
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.585-595
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the fashion images on sportive style, to find out the difference between the image of sportive style which consumers prefer and the image of sportive style which they want to show and, finally, to analyze their purchase behavior. This research is done with survey method. The subjects of the survey are 835 females in their twenties or their thirties in Pusan area. The data are analyzed with factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha, $X^2$-test, and frequency analysis. The results of this study are as follows: first, sportive style is classified into Sexy, Romantic, Active and Modem image. Second, the results of analysis on consumers' preferring image and their wanting-to-show image to the above-mentioned image classification are as follows: firstly, the subjects' most preferring image and the image which they most want to show is Modem in1age. The second is Sexy image. But the subjects preferred having Modem image. Secondly, consumers' Individuality and apparel's Function are the important reasons to choose the sportive style. Thirdly, Modem image is the most preferred in the images of street wear. Sexy image and Active image are the preferred in the images of sports wear. Third, It is a vivid tone and a dark tone that is the color tone of sportive wear which consumers prefer. They prefer a logo- patterned sports wear, too. The consumers obtain most information on sports wear from sports wear stores. Silhouette is the most decisive design element in consumers' purchasing. The sports wear brands which the subjects prefer are Adidas and Nike.

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입식가구에 관한 사용자 인식 및 이용실태에 관한 연구 (A Study Regarding the Recognition and Use Actual Condition about the Western Style Furniture)

  • 임종헌;김경숙
    • 한국실내디자인학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국실내디자인학회 2006년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.86-90
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    • 2006
  • Through this study, I conducted surveys on apartments with western style furniture to investigate perception on the western style furniture and its use. For the subject of survey, I selected three apartment complexes at Suji-gu, Yongin city which has been recently developed as a new town. Out of total 150 copies of survey sheets 142 fully answered copies were adopted as a final analysis data. Considering supply rate and application, sofa and chair of dining table were chosen to refer as western style furniture. As a result, most of the respondents had inconvenience in using western style furniture. Further study on side effects of adopting western style furniture should be followed.

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히피 특성을 활용한 3D 디지털 패션 디자인 (Development of Fashion Design Applying Hippie Characteristics Based on 3D Digital Fashion Design)

  • 유다연;이윤미;이연희
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of hippie style in emerging brands pursuing the hippie spirit, examine the changes in hippie style, and apply them to the design development process to propose a hippie style design that reflects contemporary characteristics. The research method of this study was used to grasp the characteristics and current status of hippie style based on a literature review and prior research. Through the analysis of Bode and Story mfg, a new brand that reflects the hippie spirit, the design expression methods and characteristics of modern hippie style were derived, and based on the analysis, the design of the 3D CLO virtual outfit was developed. The results of the study are as follows. First, in addition to the use of eco-friendly materials, the digital technology of the CLO 3D program was applied to the design development process, which made it possible to increase sustainability from the production process. Second, by creating a retro design centered on a striped pattern expressing freedom, revolution, and equality, and a handcrafted design based on a tie-dye pattern, the design was able to express the hippie spirit of loving nature, and through this, a new direction of eco-friendly and modern fashion design was presented.

현대 헤어스타에 나타난 아르누보 양식 연구 (A Study on Art Nouveau Pattern in Modern Hair Style)

  • 김주섭;백선영;이종민
    • 한국패션뷰티학회지
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 2008
  • This study is to understand how fluidity and natural features of Art Nouveau style are reflected in hair style of Art Nouveau age and Modem age and be a help to the trend analysis of hair style in the future. The study is conducted with the research on Art Nouveau expression in hair style and analysis of hair-show, trend presentation, documents related with hair style, TV drama, theses, journals and internet etc through advance research for Art Nouveau and Hair. The result of the analysis on Art Nouveau pattern in hair design is presented as below. First, it shows rounded, winding, flowing and thick-waved style of Art Nouveau pattern in modem long and short hair style. It also shows the beauty of long, bending and flexible lines, waving liveness and thin and slim lines and this is the Art Nouveau pattern that is also applied to other fields. In terms of decoration, it does not use tree vines, leaves and petals that are expressed in paintings of Art Nouveau age. Second, it shows natural up-style by lifting hair up with waved long hair that is one pattern of Art Nouveau and expresses hair style with feathers of birds, tree vines, leaves and petals etc for more decoration in animal pattern to make cute, romantic and elegant style in hair style.

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패션 컬렉션에 나타난 남성패션 스타일 분석 (Analysis of the Men's Fashion Style in the Fashion Collections)

  • 김윤경;이경희
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.270-279
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to make a basic resource in developing a design satisfying male consumers' fashion inclination by examining the features of the men's fashion style shown in the fashion collections. Collected were 1,291 photos relating to the suit style through the analysis on the men's fashion collections for 8 years(1995-2002). Representative men's fashion images are extracted from these photos, then figurative features were analyzed and typified according to image, and finally representative fashion styles were presented and its meaning was analyzed. Representative men's fashion images are Sophisticated, Casual, Elegant, Active, Natural, Classic, Romantic, Ethnic, Military, Marine, Colonial, and Avant-garde. With the subcategories such as detailed shape of jacket and trousers, the relationship of color between upper and lower clothes, type and organizing method of material quality, type and arranging method of pattern, and coordination, the extracted fashion images were analyzed the figurative features. After finding out the common and different features, four men's fashion styles were suggested. Formal style maintains the typical suit style and has the feature expressing the men's authority, tradition, and honor. It includes Sophisticated, Elegant. and Classic image. Casual St Sporty style has the feature that there is a change in the volume of suit by adding activity to the typical suit style. It includes Casual, Active, and Natural image. Uniformed style is that political and social environment such as war has an influence on the suit design. It includes Military, Marine, and Colonial image. Deformed style has the feature that it suggests new type instead of adhering to the typical suit design. It includes Ethnic, Romantic, and Avant-garde image.