• 제목/요약/키워드: Dependent Style

검색결과 154건 처리시간 0.023초

5 세아의 창의성과 장독립성 인지양식과의 관계 (Relationships between Children's Creativity and Field Dependent-Independent Cognitive Style at Age Five)

  • 조성연
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 1988
  • The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships of children's creativity to field independence-dependence cognitive style and demographic variables at age 5. The subjects for the present study were 86 five-year-old boys and girls selected from two kindergartens in Seoul and their parents, who replied to the questionnaire about demographic variables. Children were tested in groups, with the Torrance tests of Creative Thinking-Figural, and individually with the Preschool Embedded Figures Test. The data were analyzed by one way ANOVA, t-test, and Pearson's product-moment correlations. Children's fluency and originality in creativity showed significant positive correlations with field dependent-independent cognitive style. There were no significant differences in creativity according to sex. There were significant differences in field dependent-independent cognitive style according to sex. The score of field independent cognitive style of boys were significantly higher than those of girls. Children's creativity showed low correlations with demographic variables.

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인터넷 수업의 학습양식에서 학습자와 교수자의 인식 차이에 대한 비교 (Comparative Analyses between Students and Teachers' Perceptions on Learning Style in IBL(Internet Based Learning))

  • 조은순;김인숙
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제7권10호
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문은 사이버 학습체제의 확산으로 학교와 가정에서 인터넷 학습에 많은 시간을 할애하게 되는 초, 중등 학습자들이 인터넷 학습 시 어떤 유형의 학습양식을 선호하고 있으며, 이는 교수자들의 인식과 어떻게 다른지를 분석하여 이를 바탕으로 향후 인터넷 학습에서 고려할 시사점을 도출하는데 목적이 있다. 본 논문은 전국의 초등학생 386명, 중학생 627명, 사이버 교사 130명을 대상으로 학생들과 교사들의 인식차이 분석을 하였다. t-검증 결과, 초등학생과 중학생들은 인터넷 학습 환경에서 자기주도적 학습양식을 선호하였고, 교사들도 학생들이 자기주도적 학습양식을 선호한다고 판단하였다 하지만 교사들의 관점은 학생들 스스로가 자신들을 자기주도적, 의존형이라고 인식하고 있는 것에 비해 더욱 많이 학생들을 자기주도적, 의존형이라고 판단함으로서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였다 이는 향후 초, 중등 학습자들을 위한 인터넷 학습의 설계와 개발 전략 수립에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 중요한 시사점을 제공한다. 결론으로 본 논문은 향후 초, 중등 인터넷 교육 콘텐츠에서 교수자와 학습자 양쪽의 학습양식에 대한 시각을 반영한 설계와 개발이 이루어져야 하며, 각 교과목별로도 특성화된 교수전략 및 학습전략을 수립하고, 사이버 교사들의 튜터링 전략에서도 차별화가 이루어져야함을 제안한다.

역동적 평가과정에서의 유아의 인지양식에 따른 패턴문제 해결력 (The Relationship of Young Children's Cognitive Style to Patterns in Problem Solving Skills : Using the Dynamic Assessment Process)

  • 최혜진;유수경
    • 아동학회지
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    • 제29권1호
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    • pp.339-353
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    • 2008
  • This study examined how cognitive style in young children affects mathematical problem-solving performance. Findings showed that the types of patterns presented were linked to the degree of difficulty of the tasks and that disparity between field-independent and field-dependent in cognitive style was broader when subjects worked with more complicated pattern problems. Subjects' marks varied by cognitive style when dynamic assessment was conducted, but cognitive style made no difference in their mathematical learning capability. Cognitive style had an impact not only on the task performance of the learners but on the extent to which they were in need of help during the problem-solving process. Yet, it exercised no influence on how much progress the subjects made when fully assisted.

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미용계열 대학생들의 학습양식, 교수 이미지, 학업성취도의 관계에 관한 연구 (The Study on the Relationship of Learning Style, Professor Image, and Academic Achievement in Cosmetology Majoring College Students)

  • 안현경
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제16권5호
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    • pp.178-191
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    • 2012
  • This paper is purposed to study on the relationship of learning style, professor image, academic achievement in cosmetology majoring college students, and to find the effective education methods of them. The research methods are survey with 400 persons & statistics analysis such as frequency, factor, regression analysis, using SPSS V.14. The results are as belows; 1. Learning styles are divided by (1) shirker, (2) participate, (3) stand-alone, (4) dependent, (5) cooperative, (6) competitive, and professor images are divided by (1) professor ability, (2) professor relationship. 2. There is a relationship in learning styles and professor images. Especially cooperative, participate, dependent valued professor ability, shirker devalued it and cooperative, stand-alone, dependent, competitive valued professor relationship, shirker devalued it. 3. There is a relationship on learning styles and the academic achievement. participate, stand-alone, dependent achieve in high glades and shirker, cooperative low ones. 4. There is a no valid relationship with professor images and the students' academic achievement. 5. The conclusion are; there are the relationship of learning style, professor image, academic achievement in cosmetology majoring college students. So shirker need endless motive giving program, participate personal record management system, dependent creative motivating program, participate class attractive factors, stand-alone learner centered program.

Students' Cognitive Style and Mathematical Word Problem Solving

  • Almolhodaei, Hassan
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈D:수학교육연구
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2002
  • Students approach mathematical problem solving in fundamentally different ways, particularly problems requiring conceptual understanding and complicated strategies such as mathematical word problems. The main objective of this study is to compare students' performance with different cognitive styles (Field-dependent vs. Field-independent) on mathematics problem solving, particularly, in word problems. A sample of 180 school girls (13-years-old) were tested on the Witkin's cognitive style (Group Embedded Figures Test) and two mathematics exams. Results obtained support the hypothesis that students with field-independent cognitive style achieved much better results than Field-dependent ones in word problems. The implications of these results on teaching and setting problems emphasizes that word problems and cognitive predictor variables (Field-dependent/Field- independent) could be challenging and rather distinctive factors on the part of school learners.

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사상체질에 따른 의사결정 및 학습 유형 (Decision Making Style and Learning Style according to Sasang Constitution)

  • 신은주
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제20권4호
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : This study was performed to investigate the relationship between decision making style and learning style according to Sasang constitution. Methods : The subjects were 213 nursing students of K college in Jeonbuk, and the period of data gathering was limited from 1 Sep. 2009 to 7 Sep. 2009. The instrument tools included QSCC II, decision making style, and learning style. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS-PC programme. Results : 1. Decision making style: Soeumin group had significantly high score in rational score compared with Soyangin(F=7.174 p=.001), and in dependent score compared with Taeumin and Soyangin (F=3.414, p=.035). 2. Learning style: Soyangin group had significantly high score in cooperation score compared with Taeumin(F=5.688 p=.004), and Taeumin group had significantly high score in emulous score compared with Soeumin and Soyangin (F=.148, p=.002). Conclusions : In conclusion, it was found that decision making style and learning style are significantly different according to Sasang constitution. Therefore, these results suggest that nursing educational program needs to be developed considering Sasang constitution.

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하이퍼미디어 학습 프로그램 구조와 학습자 인식양식이 초등학생 학업성취에 미치는 효과 (The Effects of Hypermedia Structure and Cognitive Style on Learning Performance in Elementary Schools)

  • 김성완;황경현
    • 컴퓨터교육학회논문지
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    • 제7권3호
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2004
  • 이 연구는 하이퍼미디어 학습 환경에서 프로그램의 구조와 학습자의 인지양식이 초등학생의 학업성취도에 미치는 효과를 알아보기 위한 것이다. 이를 위해 초등학교 4학년 128명(장독립적, 장의존적 학습자)을 대상으로 망상형과 위계형 구조의 하이퍼미디어 학습 프로그램을 학습하게 한 후 학업성취도를 검사하였다. 이 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 하이퍼미디어 학습 프로그램의 구조와 학습자 인지양식은 초등학생의 학업성취도에 대해 상호작용의 효과가 나타나지 않았다. 둘째, 하이퍼미디어 학습 프로그램의 구조 간에 초등학생의 학업성취도가 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 나타냈다. 특히, 위계적 구조의 학습자 집단이 망상형 구조의 학습자 집단보다 사실과 원리 영역에 있어서 더 높은 학업성취도를 나타냈다. 셋째, 하이퍼미디어 학습 프로그램에서 초등학생의 인지양식 간에 학업성취도가 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 장독립적 인지양식의 학습자 집단이 장의존적 인지양식의 학습자 집단 보다 사실, 개념, 절차, 원리 영역 등 모든 지식영역에 있어서 더 높은 학업성취도를 보여주었다. 이상의 연구 결과를 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 내릴 수 있다. 교수설계자는 하이퍼미디어 학습 프로그램을 설계할 때 프로그램 구조, 학습자의 인지양식과 학습내용의 지식영역을 충분히 고려해야 한다.

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수간호사의 리더십 유형과 간호사의 직무만족과의 관계 연구 (The Relationship between Nursing Performance and Leadership Styles of Head Nurses)

  • 민순;김현숙;오송자
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.31-54
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    • 2000
  • This study was aimed for effective nursing performance of the nurse to be able dedicate to the development of professional nursing work by understanding correlation between the leadership style of head nurse and the nursing performance of the nurse. The materials have been collected through structured questionnaires for 18 days from Feb. 2, 1999 to Feb. 20 from 234 nurses presently working at 4 hospitals Circumstances aptitude theory of Fleishman (1973) were used as the device of measuring leadership style, and staff nurses nursing performance were done by head nurses utilizing questionnaire adopted from Park. Data was analyzed by frequency, mean, ANOVA, ANCOVA, and Pearson's correlation coefficiency by using SPSS program. The results are as follows ; 1. Head nurse leadership was classified in the following manner : duty and human relationships oriented style of head nurse leadership(3.76), human relationship oriented style(3.30), duty leadership oriented style(3.12), and non-interference leadership style(2.77). Duty and human relationships showed highest score in this category. 2. The mean of nursing performance was 3.66, dependent nursing duty was 3.88, interpersonal relationship 3.78, and independent nursing was 3.34. 3. An education course of nursing performance by general characteristics was statistically significant. Job satisfaction, for seen working periods, and motivation for choosing a nursing job of nursing job characteristics was statistically siginficant. 4. As the degree of independence nursing performance increases, the degree and of dependance and interpersonal relationship of nursing performance increases. 5. The relationship between nurse leadership style and nursing performance were statistically different. The degree of duty and human relationship style of the head nurse were highest in dependent and independent nursing performance. Therefore, it is desirable that the head nurse should demonstrate the leadership style high in the duty and human relationships for effective nursing performance.

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사상체질(四象體質)과 의사결정유형에 관한 연구(硏究) (A Study of Decision Making Style according to Sasang Constitution)

  • 최민기;유준상;정명숙;한동윤;윤지영;송학수;윤우영;허재범
    • 사상체질면역의학회지
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.56-66
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    • 2008
  • 1. Objectives and Methods This study was performed to investigate the relationship between Sasang constitution and decision making style. Subjects were 69 men and 45 women. Decision making style score, physical measurements and results were measured and analyzed according to Sasang constitution. 2. Results Soeumin group had significantly high score in rational score compared with those of Soyangin. Soyangin group had significantly high score in intuitive score compared with those of Soeumin. Soeumin group had significantly high score in dependent score compared with those of Taeeumin. According to binary logistic regression analysis for decision making style score, Sasang constitution were significant risk factors and ORs of Taeeumin were significantly higer than those of Soyangin in rational score, ORs of Soyangin were significantly higer than those of Soeumin in intuitive score, and ORs of Soeumin were significantly higer than those of Taeeumin in dependent Score. 3. Conclusions Soyangin had significantly high score in intuitive score. Soeumin had significantly high score in dependent score. We found many evidences that Soyangin is intuitive style and Soeumin dependent style in the text of ${\ulcorner}$Dongyi Suse Bowon${\lrcorner}$ and other research. But as far as Taeeumin was concerned, the result of Taeeurnin’s was not coincident with other research. More cases and research were needed to confirm the personality and phychological type of Taeeumin. This study result will be an important method that classify Sasang Costitution and consultation of student career decision making and studying attitude.

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융복합 간호윤리수업 개발을 위한 학생의 인지양식에 따른 윤리지식, 윤리적 가치관과 수업만족도 비교 (Comparing the Ethical Knowledge, Ethical Values and Class Satisfaction by Students' Cognitive Style to Develope the Convergent Nursing Ethic Class)

  • 정선영;김창희
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제13권11호
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2015
  • 본 연구는 인지양식을 고려한 융복합적 간호윤리수업을 개발하기 위하여 간호학생의 인지양식에 따른 윤리지식, 윤리적 가치관과 수업만족도를 비교하기 위한 조사연구이다. 간호대학생 1학년 149명을 대상으로 간호윤리수업을 4주 동안 12시간 시행한 후 2013년 10월 1일부터 10월 30일까지 설문지를 이용하여 자료를 수집하였고 잠입도형검사로 인지양식을 파악하였다. 대상자의 62.4%가 장의존형 인지양식으로 나타났다. 인지양식과 윤리지식은 졸업한 고등학교 계열에 따라, 윤리적 가치관은 학과 만족도에 따라, 간호윤리수업 만족도는 간호학과지원동기와 학과 만족도에 따라 차이가 있었다. 간호대학생의 인지양식에 따른 윤리지식, 윤리적 가치관은 유의한 차이가 없었다. 그러나 간호윤리수업 만족도는 장의존형 학습자에서 유의하게 높았다. 본 연구의 결과는 간호학과 전공과목에서 인지양식을 활용한 교육프로그램 개발을 위한 기초 자료로 이용될 수 있을 것이다.