• Title/Summary/Keyword: Demography

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Intraspecific Variation in Leaf Life Span for the Semi-evergreen Liana Akebia trifoliata is Caused by Both Seasonal and Aseasonal Factors in a Temperate Forest

  • Kohei, Koyama;Kikuzawa, Kihachiro
    • Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.207-211
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    • 2008
  • We investigated the leaf demography of a temperate woody liana, Akebia trifoliata, in a temperate forest in Japan, Akebia is semi-evergreen: some leaves are shed before winter, while others remain through the winter. Previous studies of semi-evergreen species found that variation in leaf life span was caused by variation in the timing of leaf emergence, Leaves that appeared just before winter over-wintered, while leaves appearing earlier were shed, However, it is unclear whether leaves of the same cohort (i.e., leaves that appear at the same time within a single site) show variation in life span under the effect of strong seasonality. To separate variation in life span among the leaves in each cohort from variation among cohorts, we propose a new method - the single leaf diagram, which shows the emergence and death of each leaf. Using single leaf diagrams, our study revealed that Akebia leaves within a cohort showed substantial variation in life span, with some over-wintering and some not. In addition, leaves on small ramets in the understory showed great variation in life span, while leaves on large ramets, which typically reach higher positions in the forest canopy, have shorter lives, As a result, small ramets were semi-evergreen, whereas large ramets were deciduous, The longer lives of leaves on small ramets can be interpreted as a shade-adaptive strategy in understory plants.

Function of Habitat Heterogeneity for the Biodiversity and Demography of Population in Small Mammal Community (소척추동물군집에서 개체군 변동과 생물다양성 유지를 위한 서식지 이질성의 기능)

  • Lee, Sang-Don
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.513-513
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    • 1995
  • The central theme of Habital heterogeneity is to provide animals with habital complexity or structural diversity and to allow resource partitioning among individuals. In turn, the leads to population stability because prey can escape more easily with more hiding places causing less population fluctuation. Species diversity is characterized due to more potential niches both horizontally and verticall. Empirically, in homogeneous habitats population was less abundant, reproduction and survival were lower, spacing behavior, competition and dispersal were higher than in heterogeneous habitats. The results imply that diversity and conservation of species can be maintained through providing heterogeneous habitats.

Analysis on the current housing types for development of social integrated housing models responding to family diversity (다양한 가족유형에 대응하는 사회통합적 주거모델개발을 위한 주거현황 분석연구)

  • Kim, Kyoungyeon;Lee, Soo-Jin;Lee, Yeun-Sook
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.140-144
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    • 2008
  • While we go through a rapid change in society, family types composing social relationship underwent lots of changes. Recently the range of family is included not only families on the basis of blood relationship but also single family, a one-parent family and non-blood relationship family. Now we need not unified types of housing but social integrated housing models responding to family diversity. The purpose of this study is that examine family diversity through social statistics and demography and grasp the current housing types responding to family diversity. The features of family diversity are reducing the number of family member and turning up a unformal family type. At the social statistics and demography in 2005, the number of family member is only 2.9 people per family. Due to decline of birth rate and change of marriage consciousness, various family types appear and increase such as single family, a one-parent family and non-blood relationship family. But there is lack of housing types responding to such family diversity. This study will be a basic research to develop social integrated housing models responding to family diversity. Housing must be sensitive to change of family type, so it responds our needs based on thorough understanding on various housing life.

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An Empirical Study on the Challenge of Maintaining Knowledge Pieces in KMS(Knowledge Management System) (KMS(Knowledge Management System)내 지식에 대한 유지보수 요청 의향에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Lee, Ook;Ahn, Jong-Chang
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.143-163
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    • 2009
  • The study investigates the challenge of knowledge maintenance in the KMSs. Knowledge pieces are the embodiment of structures in an organization and need to be modified tuned to environmental change over time. Since the change of knowledge in the KMS is not made automatically, it requires user's active participation which is called maintenance action. This study shows that users are not voluntary in taking maintenance action with empirical data based upon knowledge pieces that are already established in the KMS. This article shows that the intention of maintaining KMS is negatively influenced by KM-related culture, organizational culture and the authority of knowledge piece rather than the organizational demography. An organizational culture has an influence directly upon the intention of maintaining knowledge but influence upon KM-related culture or the authority of knowledge piece, the influence indirectly related to the intention of maintaining knowledge. It can be argued that the organizational demography have only meager influence upon the intention of maintaining knowledge only by KM-related culture. This research has the implication that what factors are to be considered in maintaining knowledge pieces over time for the organization managers.

Ecohydrological Effects of Climate and Land-Use Changes in Jeju Island using Ecosystem Demography Model (ED 모형을 활용한 제주도의 기후 변화 및 토지 이용 변화의 생태수문학적 영향)

  • Kim, Jeongbin;Kim, Yeonjoo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.107-107
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    • 2018
  • 기후 변화가 심해짐에 따라 한반도의 기후 또한 온대에서 아열대로 변화하고 있다. 기후대가 변하게 되면 수문학적 순환 및 식생의 분포 또한 달라지게 된다. 식생의 분포는 결국 토지 이용을 의미하며, 서로 다른 토지 이용은 대기와의 상호작용을 통해 각기 다른 반응을 보이게 된다. 본 연구에서는 기후대가 가장 빠르게 변화하고 있는 제주도를 대상으로 기후 변화 및 토지 이용 변화에 따른 생태수문학적 영향을 Ecosystem Demography Model version 2.2(ED-2.2) 모형을 사용하여 살펴 본다. 제주도의 플럭스 타워 및 산림 조사 자료를 활용하여 ED-2.2 모형을 검증하였다. CRU-NCEP 기상자료 및 Land-Use Harmonization (LUH) 토지이용자료를 활용하여 과거기간(1500~2015)의 잠재 식생 및 실제 식생 상태를 산정하고 그 차이를 분석하였다. 산정된 최종 실제 식생 상태를 바탕으로 기후 및 토지이용 시나리오(RCP 3.0 및 6.0)를 적용하고, 다양한 전지구모형(GFDL-ESM2M, HadGEM2-ES, IPSL-CM5A-LR, MIROC5)의 기상자료에 따라 물 순환, 탄소 순환 및 식생의 분포가 어떻게 달라지는 지 분석한다.

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Service Quality and Client's Satisfaction of Security-Guard Company (경호${\cdot}$경비업체의 서비스 품질과 고객만족)

  • Kang, Min-Wan;Chang, Ye-Jin;Lee, Young-Sun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.10
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2005
  • The concern of personal and social security has been increased all over the world with each passing day by the international terrorism and the domestic crime of violence grew gradually in the late of 70's and the early of 80's. The Security-Guard Industry, especially, has been growing rapidly by the starting from the 911 terror in 2001, therefore there has been increasing the supply and demand of Security Service in Korea explosively by the reasons, Actually, the Facilities Security Service is increased actively more than the VIP security Service among them. So, most of the Security-Guard Companies in Korea also have treated the Facilities Security Service at present. Although the importance of quality at the Facilities Security Service, especially mechanical equipments and systems, is on the rise, actually the studies about relations with the Service Quality and the Client's Satisfaction are quite insufficient at the field of Security-Guard Science study in the actual situation. As a result, the purposes of this study are to contribute for composing the knowledge of Security-Guard Science and to offer the basic data for elevating the Service Quality and Client's Satisfaction by consulting other studies. In order to achieve the purposes of this study, we compare and analyze how the Service Quality have affect on the difference of Client's Satisfaction by the client's characteristic of sociology and demography, then we find out the effect to the Service Quality for Client's Satisfaction, finally we try to show the vision of the Security-Guard Company's future in Korea. 1. How does the Service Quality of Security-Guard Company has affect on the characteristic of sociology and demography 2. How does the characteristic of sociology and demography in Security-Guard Company has affect on the Client's Satisfaction 3. How does the Service Quality of Security-Guard Company has affect on the Client's Satisfaction.

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Characteristics of Mammary Paget's Disease in China: a National-wide Multicenter Retrospective Study During 1999-2008

  • Zheng, Shan;Song, Qing-Kun;Zhao, Lin;Huang, Rong;Sun, Li;Li, Jing;Fan, Jin-Hu;Zhang, Bao-Ning;Yang, Hong-Jian;Xu, Feng;Zhang, Bin;Qiao, You-Lin
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.1887-1893
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    • 2012
  • The aim of this study was to detail characteristics of mammary Paget's disease (PD) representing the whole population in China. A total of 4211 female breast cancer inpatients at seven tertiary hospitals from seven representative geographical regions of China were collected randomly during 1999 to 2008. Data for demography, risk factors, diagnostic imaging test, physical examination and pathologic characters were surveyed and biomarker status was tested by immunohistochemistry. The differences of demography and risk factors between PD with breast cancer and other lesions were compared using Chi-square test or t-test, with attention to physical examination and pathological characters. The percentage of PD was 1.6% (68/4211) in all breast cancers. The mean age at diagnosis was 48.1, and 63.2% (43/68) patients were premenopausal. There is no difference in demography and risk factors between PD with breast cancer and other breast cancer (P > 0.05). The main pattern of PD in physical exam and pathologic pattern were patients presenting with a palpable mass in breast (65/68, 95.6%) and PD with underlying invasive cancer (82.4%, 56/68) respectively. The rate of multifocal disease was 7.4% (5/68). PD with invasive breast cancer showed larger tumor size, more multifocal disease, lower ER and PR expression and higher HER2 overexpression than those in other invasive breast cancer (P < 0.05). These results suggested that PD in China is a concomitant disease of breast cancer, and that PD with underlying invasive cancer has more multiple foci and more aggressive behavior compared with other breast invasive cancer. We address the urgent needs for establishing diagnostic and therapeutic guidelines for mammary PD in China.

An Analysis of Special Guards' Perception on Terrorism (테러리즘에 대한 특수경비원의 인식분석)

  • Kim, Hyo-Joon;Park, Heon-Young;Ahn, Byung-Soo
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.273-285
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    • 2011
  • This research present actual conditions on realization about safety of observable individual and country, terror countermeasure from danger of terrorism which special guards have. To achieve these purposes, 400 special guards were sampled using the convenience sampling method and collected data through questionnaire from self-administration method. the collected data are in statistics of p<.05 levels. As the result, we drew following conclusions. Special guards thought that terror might occur most in 'aircraft, rapid-transit railway, subway, and bus'. It was no difference in society demography(p>.05). In type of terror, 'bomb terror' seemed to happen most, and they recognized that biochemistry terror and factor terror, and hostage terror may happen in society demography. Purpose of terror was thought that 'political purpose' may be the biggest, and 'ideological purpose' and 'social purpose' joined the remainder. According to society demography, woman's realization about terror was higher than man in two low variables. According to age, image of terror was high in 40 more than 20. According to educational background, university graduate were higher than a high-school diploma in two low variables. According to place of work, metropolis was higher than small and medium-sized city.

우리나라의 지역간 인구이동에 있어서 소득격차 가설 검정

  • 윤석범
    • Journal of the Korean Statistical Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 1977
  • 인구가 성장한다는 사실과 함께 인구가 지역적으로 이동하는 현상은 사회과학에 있어서 중요한 연구대상이 되어왔다. 전통적으로 인구의 동학적 측면은 사회학의 주된 연구대상이 되어왔으며 근래에는 인구학(demography)이라는 새로운 독립과학의 분과로서 더욱 이 분야에서의 연구의 심도와 폭이 확대되었다. 그러나 인구의 동학적 측면을 인간의 경제형태의 일환으로 관찰할 수 있는 기회와 가능성이 점차적으로 크게 부각되자 전통적인 경제이론을 적용함으로써 이러한 문제를 분석/구명하고자 하는 동향이 나타나게 되었다. 특히 인구의 단기적 지역간 이동이 경제사회의 질적인 변화와 이에 따르는 산업구조간의 노동력 균형의 재조정에 따라 원인되고 있다는 사실은 인구의 동학적 측면에 경제학적 분석이 당연히 이루어져야 한다는 요구를 초래시키기에 이르렀다.

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Understanding Political Contestation in Malaysia

  • Jawan, Jayum Anak
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.51-77
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    • 2016
  • This paper argues and shows how ethnic dimension is still very important in understanding political contestations in Malaysia. To do this, the paper reviews the political as well as population demography to back its assertion. And it is not necessarily improper to continue to use this ethnic lens, although the continued use of this approach has come under heavy criticism both within and from outside Malaysia. Raging debates in Malaysia and by Malaysians are still very much shaped by ethnicity and increasing regional differences. This is further compounded by other factors such as religion, language, and education. In fact, these tools have been more intensely used of late compared to any period before in history as they easily politicize and attract followers.

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