• Title/Summary/Keyword: Data generation

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Generation of freeform Surface using Measured Data on the Machine Tool (공작기계상에서의 측정데이터를 이용한 자유곡면 생성)

  • 이세복
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 1998
  • The assessment of machined surface is difficult because the freeform surface must be evaluated by surface fairness as well as dimensional accuracy. In this paper, the methodology of freeform surface generation using measured data on the machine tool is presented. The reliability of measured points data is obtained by measuring error compensation. The compensated data are formulated through Non-uniform G-spline surface modeling. In order to improve the surface fairness, the generated model si smoothened by parameterization The validity and usefulness of the proposed method are examined through computer simulation and experiments on the machine tool.

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Triangular Mesh Generation using non-uniform 3D grids (Non-uniform 3D grid를 이용한 삼각형망 생성에 관한 연구)

  • 강의철;우혁제;이관행
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.06a
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    • pp.1283-1287
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    • 2003
  • Reverse engineering technology refers to the process that creates a CAD model of an existing part using measuring devices. Recently, non-contact scanning devices have become more accurate and the speed of data acquisition has increased drastically. However, they generate thousands of points per second and various types of point data. Therefore. it becomes a important to handle the huge amount and various types of point data to generate a surface model efficiently. This paper proposes a new triangular mesh generation method using 3D grids. The geometric information of a part can be obtained from point cloud data by estimating normal values of the points. In our research, the non-uniform 3D grids are generated first for feature based data reduction based on the geometric information. Then, triangulation is performed with the reduced point data. The grid structure is efficiently used not only for neighbor point search that can speed up the mesh generation process but also for getting surface connectivity information to result in same topology surface with the point data. Through this integrated approach, it is possible to create surface models from scanned point data efficiently.

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Index Structure and Trajectory Data Generation Algorithm to Process the Trajectory of Moving Object (이동 객체의 궤적 처리를 위한 색인 구조 및 궤적 데이터 생성 알고리즘)

  • Chae, Cheol-Joo;Kim, Yong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.33-38
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    • 2019
  • Recently, to support location-based services, there have been many researches which consider the spatial network. For this, there are many experimental data for data processing on the road network. However, the data to process the trajectory of moving objects are not suitable. Therefore, we propose index structure to process the trajectory data on the road network and the trajectory data generation algorithm. In addition, to prove efficiency of our index structure and algorithm, we show that edge-based trajectory data are generated through the proposed algorithm using the map data of San Francisco Bay.

Automatic 3D soil model generation for southern part of the European side of Istanbul based on GIS database

  • Sisman, Rafet;Sahin, Abdurrahman;Hori, Muneo
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.893-906
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    • 2017
  • Automatic large scale soil model generation is very critical stage for earthquake hazard simulation of urban areas. Manual model development may cause some data losses and may not be effective when there are too many data from different soil observations in a wide area. Geographic information systems (GIS) for storing and analyzing spatial data help scientists to generate better models automatically. Although the original soil observations were limited to soil profile data, the recent developments in mapping technology, interpolation methods, and remote sensing have provided advanced soil model developments. Together with advanced computational technology, it is possible to handle much larger volumes of data. The scientists may solve difficult problems of describing the spatial variation of soil. In this study, an algorithm is proposed for automatic three dimensional soil and velocity model development of southern part of the European side of Istanbul next to Sea of Marmara based on GIS data. In the proposed algorithm, firstly bedrock surface is generated from integration of geological and geophysical measurements. Then, layer surface contacts are integrated with data gathered in vertical borings, and interpolations are interpreted on sections between the borings automatically. Three dimensional underground geology model is prepared using boring data, geologic cross sections and formation base contours drawn in the light of these data. During the preparation of the model, classification studies are made based on formation models. Then, 3D velocity models are developed by using geophysical measurements such as refraction-microtremor, array microtremor and PS logging. The soil and velocity models are integrated and final soil model is obtained. All stages of this algorithm are carried out automatically in the selected urban area. The system directly reads the GIS soil data in the selected part of urban area and 3D soil model is automatically developed for large scale earthquake hazard simulation studies.

A Study on Synthetic Flight Vehicle Trajectory Data Generation Using Time-series Generative Adversarial Network and Its Application to Trajectory Prediction of Flight Vehicles (시계열 생성적 적대 신경망을 이용한 비행체 궤적 합성 데이터 생성 및 비행체 궤적 예측에서의 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Park, In Hee;Lee, Chang Jin;Jung, Chanho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.766-769
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    • 2021
  • In order to perform tasks such as design, control, optimization, and prediction of flight vehicle trajectories based on machine learning techniques including deep learning, a certain amount of flight vehicle trajectory data is required. However, there are cases in which it is difficult to secure more than a certain amount of flight vehicle trajectory data for various reasons. In such cases, synthetic data generation could be one way to make machine learning possible. In this paper, to explore this possibility, we generated and evaluated synthetic flight vehicle trajectory data using time-series generative adversarial neural network. In addition, various ablation studies (comparative experiments) were performed to explore the possibility of using synthetic data in the aircraft trajectory prediction task. The experimental results presented in this paper are expected to be of practical help to researchers who want to conduct research on the possibility of using synthetic data in the generation of synthetic flight vehicle trajectory data and the work related to flight vehicle trajectories.

Caregiver Burden and Rewards in New Generation and Middle-aged Couples (신세대와 중년기 부부의 노부모 부양에 따른 부담감 및 보상감 분석)

  • 안선영
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the caregiver burden and rewards in new generation and middle-aged couples. Data were collected from 207 new generation couples and 196 middle-aged couples who had either of older parents and lived in Seoul. Major findings are as fallows; 1. The burden were constituted with restriction of privacy physical burden strain psychological burden economic cost and guilt. The rewards were constituted with recognition pride maturity improving relationship and assistance of household and childcare. 2. The caregiver burden of new generation and middle-aged wives were hgiher than husbands. Hwever the caregiver rewards of new generation and middle-aged husbands were higher than wives. 3. The caregiver burden of middle-aged husbands were higher than new generation husbands bur there was no significant difference between new generation and middle-aged wives. 4. The caregiver rewards of middle-aged wives were higher than new generation wives but there was no significant difference between new generation and middle-aged husbands.

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IFSAR, Azimuth Aliasing Resolution, and Interferogram Generation Algorithms (IFSAR, 방위방향 Aliasing 제거 및 인터페로그램 생성 생성 알고리즘)

  • 홍인표;박한규
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.4B
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    • pp.397-402
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    • 2002
  • The IFSAR technique using SAR data has various applications and is the only latest technology to produce high precision height information from the radar phase data. This paper describes the whole implementation algorithm of IFSAR technique. Also it suggests the algorithms for azimuth aliasing resolution and interferogram generation of SAR data. Those are proved through the experiment: azimuth aliasing is resolved and interferogram is generated properly. Therefore, it proposes the method for interferogram generation, an essential process in extracting high precision height data, and the development approach to principal modules of IFSAR algorithm.

Geometrical Analysis of a Torque Converter (토크 컨버터의 형상 분석)

  • 임원석
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.197-212
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    • 1997
  • The performance of a torque converter can be expressed by the performance parameters such as flow radius and flow angle, on the mean flow path. The geometric analysis of the torque converter is required to determine these parameters for the modeling of the torque converter. In general, the blade shape is depicted by three dimensional data at the mid-surface of blade or those of the pressure and suction side. To generate three dimensional model of the blade using the data mentioned above, a consistent data format and a shape generation algorithm are required. This paper presents a useful consistent data format of the blades and an algorithm for the geometrical shape generation. By the geometric analysis program to which the shape generation algorithm is embedded, the variation of blade angles in rotating element analyzed. Then finally, the analyzed results of geometric profile of a blade are compared with those of the blade design principle, so called forced vortex theorem.

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An Approach for Enhancing Aviation Service Satisfaction based on Collaborative Filtering

  • Kim, Mi-Yeon
    • Journal of Multimedia Information System
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.21-26
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    • 2018
  • Recently, data analysis technology through artificial intelligence is attracting major attention in various industrial fields. In addition, with the increase in personal income, nowadays, the importance of heterogeneous leisure life is becoming more prominent. However, there is a problem that the tourism industry is not out of the traditional service framework. For the ultimate development of the tourism industry, it is time to provide more scientific and systematic tourism services. In this paper, various data analysis techniques in the field of computer science are applied to the field of tourism to realize next generation tourism services. To this end, the scope of this study is limited to the aviation service, and a natural ecosystem of the aviation industry for future-oriented services of aviation tourism that can improve the efficiency of aviation service gradually is established. The proposed method effectively solves the problems of traditional aviation services through data analysis techniques with artificial intelligence techniques in computer science. We expect that it will enhance the customized satisfaction of customers through personalized service and foster loyal customers in aviation companies through the method proposed.

Development of Unmanned Driving Technologies for Speed Sprayer in Orchard Environment (과수원 환경에서의 방제기 무인주행 기술 개발)

  • Li, Song;Kang, Dongyeop;Lee, Hae-min;An, Su-yong;Kwon, Wookyong;Chung, Yunsu
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.269-279
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents the design and implementation of embedded systems and autonomous path generation for autonomous speed sprayer. Autonomous Orchard Systems can be divided into embedded controller and path generation module. Embedded controller receives analog sensor data, on/off switch data and control linear actuator, break, clutch and steering module. In path generation part, we get 3D cloud point using Velodyne VLP16 LIDAR sensor and process the point cloud to generate maps, do localization, generate driving path. Then, it finally generates velocity and rotation angle in real time, and sends the data to embedded controller. Embedded controller controls steering wheel based on the received data. The developed autonomous speed sprayer is verified in test-bed with apple tree-shaped artworks.