• Title/Summary/Keyword: Data Democracy

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Counterterrorism in the Lake Chad Basin Commission and Its Effects on Tenure

  • Gwaya, Kwalar Raymond;Ham, Myungsik
    • Korea and Global Affairs
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.155-182
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    • 2019
  • This essay examines the relationship between counterterrorism within the Lake Chad Basin Commission hereinafter referred to as LCBC and its effects on leaders' tenure in office. The countries of the LCBC, an intergovernmental institution promoting regional integration in the sub-region, established the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) primarily to maintain peace and security. In April 2012 the mandate of this structure was reinvigorated and broadened to manage the ongoing menace perpetrated by the Islamist terrorist group, Boko Haram in the sub-region. The political consequences, however, has not been identical for leaders of the member states of the LCBC participating in this counterterrorism operation. This essay primarily relies on secondary data derived from available public data sets in explaining this phenomenon. The phenomenon of leaders in Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger and Chad between 2010 and 2018 is used to examine the relationship between counterterrorism in the Lake Chad Basin Commission and its effects on political survival. Results suggest that leaders of highly democratic countries are more likely to lose office and held accountable for either perceived inaction or failure in the counterterrorism operation than their counterparts in autocratic states.

Information Systems in Project Management of The Public Sphere

  • Mamatova, Tetiana;Chykarenko, Iryna;Chykarenko, Oleksii;Kravtsova, Тetiana;Kravtsov, Olеg
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 2021
  • Project management is a current trend of management in the public sphere, based on different principles, methods and tools. The tools include information technologies providing control over time, cost, quality and planning process in order to ensure accountability to interested parties. The goal of the research was to examine the impact of the integration of information systems in project management of the public sphere on the quality of public governance and administration using the example of infrastructure projects involving the private sector in developing countries. The methodology of the research is based on the concepts of "digital-era governance" (DEG), "Information governance" and "project governance" to determine the effectiveness of information systems and technologies in the management of infrastructure projects in the public sphere. The data from the countries with Lower middle income (India, Indonesia, Philippines, Ukraine, Vietnam) and Upper middle income (Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Romania, Russian Federation, Thailand, Turkey) for 1996-2020 were used to study the effects of DEG. The results show two main trends in the countries with Lower middle income and Upper middle income. The first trend is the development of digital governance, the concept of "digital-era governance" through information systems and performance measurement of the governance system, forecasting of investment flows of infrastructure projects, measurement of payback and effectiveness parameters for investment management in the public sector, decision support. The second trend is the existence of systemic challenges related to corruption, social and institutional factors through the development of democracy in developing countries and the integration of NPM similar to developed countries. The confidence of interested parties, especially private investors, in public authorities is determined by other factors - the level of return on investment, risks and assignment of responsibility, probability of successful completion of the project. These data still remain limited for a wide range of project participants, including citizens.

An Exploratory Study on the Establishment and Provision of Universal Literacy for Sustainable Development in the Era of Fake News (가짜뉴스의 시대, 지속가능한 발전을 위한 보편적 리터러시의 구축 및 제공에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.85-106
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the concept and definition of fake news focusing on misinformation/false information and is to examine the ways in which our society can respond to the distortion of social reality and damage to democracy caused by information distortion such as fake news. To do this, the concept of fake news was examined based on the level of facticity and intention to device, and our social environment in which fake news was created and spread was examined from the perspective of datafication. In this environment, the library community, which plays a pivotal role in human access to and use of information, argued that it should strive to establish and provide universal literacy education in order to realize the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 agenda. The core of universal literacy education is to understand the society by investigating and analyzing data communication types according to the degree of datafication and the political, economic, social, and cultural background of society. For this reason, it was concluded that universal literacy should be implemented flexibly according to the degree of datafiation and users of each society.

A Study on Activation Plan of Data Collection and Cooperation System in Local Council (지방의회 자료수집 및 협력체계의 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Kwack, Dong-Chul;Joung, Hyun-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.129-150
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    • 2013
  • The libraries of local councils contribute to realize democracy and promote national interests and the welfare of the people, by supporting democratic legislation activities and congressional politics of the local councilors. This study analyzes the libraries of local councils at 17 regional local governments, and it confirms that there are various deviations in their library services such as material acquisitions and legislative information services by regional groups. On the basis of that analysis, the study summarizes the ways for improving the service qualities of the libraries of local councils as follows. First, it is necessary to organize the institute for national council materials. Second, the cooperative network systems should be constructed to share council publications. Third, the provisions related the copyright law and the national assembly library act have to be modified. Fourth, the libraries of local councils share their own materials focusing on digital publications. Fifth, the National Assembly Library expands their legislative information services to the libraries of local councils.

Factors Affecting the Insured Organizations Participation in Decision Making Process in Health Insurance Policy Committee (건강보험정책심의위원회 가입자 단체의 의사결정 참여에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Han, Joo-Sung;Kim, Chang-Yup
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.336-346
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    • 2017
  • Background: Due to the asymmetry of information and knowledge and the power of bureaucrats and medical professionals, it is not easy for citizens to participate in health care policy making. This study analyzes the case of the insured organization participating in the Health Insurance Policy Committee (HIPC) and provides a basis for discussing methods and conditions for better public participation. Methods: Qualitative analysis was conducted using the in-depth interviews with the participants and document data such as materials for HIPC meetings. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with purposively sampled six participants from organizations representing the insured in HIPC. The meanings related to the factors affecting participation were found and categorized into major categories. Results: The main factors affecting participating in the decision making process were trust and cooperation among the participants, structure and procedure of governance, representation and expertise of participants, and contents of issues. Due to limited cooperation, participants lacked influence in important decisions. There was an imbalance in power due to unreasonable procedures and criteria for governance. As the materials for meetings were provided inappropriate manner, it was difficult for participants to understand the contents and comments on the meeting. Due to weak accountability structure, opinions from external stakeholders have not been well received. The participation was made depending on the expertise of individual members. The degree of influence was different depending on the contents of the issues. Conclusion: In order to meet the values of democracy and realize the participation that the insured can demonstrate influence, it is necessary to have a fair and reasonable procedure and a sufficient learning environment. More deliberative structure which reflects citizen's public perspective is required, rather than current negotiating structure of HIPC.

A Study on the Total Design Concept shown in the Works of Frank Lloyd Wright (프랭크 로이드 라이트 작품에 나타난 토탈디자인 개념에 관한 연구)

  • 서수경
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.25
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2000
  • Although Frank Lloyd Wright represents himself as one of the greatest American master architect, the master architects contribution towards the advancement in the modern history of architecture goes beyond just creating landmark buildings. Through out his life, he was the leading architect not only in the area or architectural design but showed his talent in interior architecture, furniture, fabric, lighting fixture, art glasses, tablewares, silver wares as well as in graphic design which should cover all the elements related to the "total design" in architecture. As seen in his architectural design, the "total design" concept also reflects both beauty and logic of the nature and strengthens his theory of the organic architecture design. The research began with finding out the relationship between his architecture, nature and the supporting design elements mentioned above. the purpose of the research is to analyze the relationship of the spatial organization and the design elements in Frank Lloyd Wrights architectural works from the point of "total design" view and provide the valuable guide line for the development of the modern interior design. His design theory, based on the fundamental ideas of the nature, his organic architecture design, and reference materials to support total design concept will be discussed on chapter 2. And on chapter 3, application of the total design in his actual project will be analyzed. The data and analyzation have been completed based on written references and actual visit to the project sites. Frank Lloyd Wright placed highest value on the human beings and enjoyed presenting new ideas and forms to create better environment for the humans through his architecture and interior design projects. While he was presenting new ideas he continued to support design for democracy which has close relationship to the new frontier spirit of America. He was the master architect for the general society with accurate understanding of the life style of the public with design sensitivity shown in his concept of the total design.s concept of the total design.

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Effects of National Pride and National Attachment on Consumer Ethnocentrism (국가 자부심, 국가 애착이 소비자 자민족주의에 미치는 영향)

  • Choy, Jung-Hyuck;Choi, Soon-Hwa
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - In the major global markets, such as US and China, consumer ethnocentrism has been strengtened and there is a growing need for related study. This research aims to investigate the effects of national pride and national attachment on consumer ethnocentrism, using a nationally representative dataset from 2013 Korean General Social Survey. Based on the reviews of literature in social and political sciences, two dimensions of national pride were considered: national society pride which is based on positive evaluations on the nation's democracy condition or social security system, and national achievement pride which is based on positive evaluations regarding the country's achievements in the areas of technology, art, sports, and so on. Research design, data, and methodology - The authors developed a structural model in which two types of national pride, national society and achievement pride, are proposed to affect national attachment, thus influencing consumer ethnocentrism. 1,294 surveys were used for empirical analysis. The hypotheses were tested by utilizing SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 21.0. The unidimensionality of each construct and the nomological validity were supported from the results of factor analyses and correlation analysis. Results - It was found that both national society pride and national achievement pride have significant and positive effects on national attachment. Consumers who show stronger pride on the social systems or the global achievements of Korea are more likely to remain being a citizen of the country and support the country even in wrong. Also, there was a significant and positive relationship between national attachment and consumer ethnocentrism. Korean consumers who have stronger attachment to Korea tend to express higher ethnocentrism to protect Korean labor market and to promote economic development of the country. Conclusions - The findings of this study showed that companies and government need to emphasize the country's advanced social environments or global competitiveness in technology, sports, art, and so on, to boost national attachment. With a deeper understanding on the relationships among national pride, national attachment, and consumer ethnocentrism, the authors expect that both local and foreign companies in Korea will be able to develop more effective marketing strategies and to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.

Traditional Donors in Good Governance and Corruption: Analysis on 43 African Recipients (굿 거버넌스 전통 공여국 원조와 부패: 아프리카 43개국 분석연구)

  • Kim, Da Sul;Chang, Hyeyoung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2019
  • This study analyzes the relationship between OECD DAC aid and recipients' corruption based on the good governance discussion. The study applies a fixed-effect model and PCSE model with a dataset of 43 African countries' corruption perception index, World Bank data, Polity IV, and OECD DAC aid statistics between 2000 and 2014. A statistical analysis confirmed that OECD DAC aid has a negative impact on corruption in African countries. DAC's aid affects negatively to corruption in African countries, especially in countries where democracy has matured. This research suggests that a more comprehensive follow-up study of the OECD DAC's good governance-oriented aid. Simultaneously, the general democratic effect on the recipients' institutions could not be applied in African countries, when considering regional peculiarities.

Improvement Plans of the Parliamentary Inspection System in the Information Society

  • Park, Jong-Ryeol;Lee, Young-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2019
  • Today, in the information society, since the government administration of all countries places importance on clarity and efficiency, the authority concentration of the administration is inevitable. Therefore, the Parliament, which is a legislative body, is at a time when the policy control function to check and monitor it is becoming more important. In particular, due to the emergence of parliamentary democracy, in the reality that the people must elect representatives and represent their own opinions, the parliamentary inspection system is very valuable in that it satisfies the right of the people to know and ultimately enables the people to democratically control the administration. The role of the Parliament moves from the inherent legislative function to the information collection and disclosure of government administration, discussion and resolution of political issues, and observation and supervision of the administration. And it can be seen as the global trend. As a result of this trend, status and role of the National Assembly is being strengthened from the legislative body to the control agency of government administration. Thus, the most substantive authority of Article 61 of the Constitution can be deemed the parliamentary inspection system. The parliamentary inspection system is a system that let exercise the legislation, budget, and authority to control of state administration by identify the challenges and policy implementation of each country's institutions through the audit of the executive administration's overall government administration performance outside the National Assembly. However, due to the amendment of Constitution in 1988, the parliamentary inspection right and investigation of state administration right had reinstated and the parliamentary inspection system, which is being implemented annually, is the 31st year of the year in 2019. However, the general evaluation of the public is negative and insufficient time for inspections, lack of sanctions on nonattendance witnesses, excessive data submission, and refusal to submit materials by the administration were pointed out as the problem. Therefore, in this paper, the researcher tries to point out the overall problems of the parliamentary inspection system and to summarize the effective improvement plans.

Industrial Structure and Development of Welfare State : Using Fuzzy-set Analysis (산업구조와 복지국가 발달 관계에 관한 연구 : Fuzzy-set 질적 비교분석을 활용하여)

  • Jung, Yuiryong
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2019
  • The industrialization theory that industry and economic development of country has an important influence on the development of the welfare state had become a major theory explaining the development of the welfare state. However, the theory of industrialization faced criticism that the size of public welfare was relatively weak even in advanced industrial countries where industrialization developed. To complement and explain these limitations, The theory of democracy that the welfare state could be expanded as a strategy for election competition, and the theory of power-resources theory that welfare states could develop when the power of unions and left parties demanding welfare states were strengthened. This study uses Fuzzy-set analysis for the data of OECD countries adding industrial structure variables to existing theory of the development of welfare state. The result suggests that the proportion of manufacture such as industry structure of country is important for the development of welfare state.