• Title/Summary/Keyword: Dance department in the university

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The Study of Subjective Awareness Acceptance about the Successful Scene of and (<강남스타일>과 <젠틀맨>을 성공하게 한 장면에 대한 주관적 수용인식 유형 연구 Q-Sort 분석을 중심으로)

  • Huh, Sang Moo;Lee, Ok Ki;Kim, Woo Je
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.73
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    • pp.92-128
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    • 2015
  • We found that world wide popularity was attracted by Korea culture aspects of Psy's . The main factors that caused the syndrome, we noticed that the image of Korea. Expressly, we compared the Korea cultural scene that appeared in and . So, we analyzed successful Korea cultural factors of . For the analysis, we applied the Q methodology. As a result, in , we found 'Recreation Type', 'Advanced Development Type', 'Relieve fatigue type' and 'Adult Type'. Most of these factors have been recognized in Korea cultural factors. we found 'Communal Dancing Type', 'Cheeky Dance Type', 'Pleasant Packing Carriage Type', and 'afflicting type'. However, the Korean factor of were identified only 'Packing Carriage Culture'.

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Relationship between College Dance Students' Self-Leadership and the Cognitive Flexibility (대학 무용전공자의 셀프리더십과 인지적 유연성과의 관계)

  • Sung, So-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the self-leadership and the cognitive flexibility of the university students who are majoring in dance to provide useful information in the field of dance instruction. Participants were the students majoring in dance who are enrolled in the dance department of the four-year universities nationwide and 282 data have been used for the final analysis. The analytical method for verification of hypothesis was multiple regression analysis to be performed at a significance level of ${\alpha}$=.05. As the result, the following conclusions have been gained. First, the constructive thinking pattern among the sub-factors of self-leadership had a positive influence on the flexibility of preferred varieties which is a sub-factor of cognitive flexibility. However, the behavior-oriented and natural reward self-leadership did not have influence on the diversity preferred flexibility. Second, the natural reward and constructive thinking pattern among the sub-factors of self-leadership have positive influence on the flexibility of preferred complexity which is a sub-factor of cognitive flexibility while the constructive thinking pattern flexibility was shown as exercising a very powerful influence. But the behavior-oriented self-leadership did not have influence on the flexibility of preferred complexity.

Kinematic Character istics to Skill Degree during Dance Sports Rumba Forward Walk (댄스스포츠 룸바 Forward Walk 시 숙련도에 따른 운동학적 특성)

  • Seo, Se-Mi;Kim, Tae-Sam
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the kinematic difference between skilled and less skilled group for the forward walk at dance sports rumba. Six female players(skilled group: 3, less skilled group: 3) were participated as the subjects. To obtain the three-dimensional location coordinates in the joints and segments, it shot with 100Hz/s using 8 video cameras. Step length, shoulder rotation angle, orientation angle and angular velocity of pelvis were analyzed for each trail. The skilled group showed a bigger movement than the less skilled group at the shoulder rotation angle and ROM. The skilled group showed a bigger movement than the less skilled group at the up/down obliquity and internal/external rotation movement for pelvis. And the skilled group showed a bigger movement than the less skilled group at Maximum angle (down obliquity) of P2 and Maximum angle (up obliquity) of P3 to pelvis ROM. The skilled group showed a faster angular velocity than the less skilled group at P2 (+ direction, posterior) of anterior & posterior tilt, P2 & P3 (- direction, up) of up & down obliquity, and P2 (+ direction, external) of internal & external rotation.

The Effect of Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy and Social Support of University Students Majoring Dance on Career Preparation Behavior (무용전공 대학생들의 진로결정 기효능감과 사회적 지지가 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Do, Jung-Nim
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2019
  • This study was to investigate the effect of career decision-making self-efficacy and social support of university students majoring dance on career preparation behavior. For the study, 300 students from universities in capital area were selected to measure their career decision-making self-efficacy, social support and career preparation behavior. Correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis have been conducted to analyze research question using SPSS Ver. 24.0. The conclusion from results and discussion are as follows. First, there were positive relationships between career decision-making self-efficacy and social support and career preparation behavior. Second, career decision-making self-efficacy influenced career preparation behavior. Third, appraisal support a sub-factors of social support effected on career preparation behavior but emotional support, material support and informational support did not effect on career preparation behavior. Forth, career decision-making self-efficacy effected more than social support on career preparation behavior. Shortly, this study explored that career decision-making self-efficacy influenced career preparation behavior.

Production of multipurpose cotton fabrics to improve the quality of aerobic and dance sportswear

  • Mingfa Gao;Bin Long
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2024
  • The production of multipurpose cotton fabrics aimed at elevating the quality of aerobic and dance sportswear is explored in this study. Powder metallurgy, known for its high efficiency in manufacturing technological components with minimal waste, is employed as a method for fabricating brush ferrules for painting. The utilization of iron-copper material, prepared through powder metallurgy, enhances the strength and quality of the brush ferrules. A microscopic analysis reveals a robust interconnection between the particles of each layer achieved through isostatic pressure, resulting in a favorable microstructure. The relative density and strength of parts produced from copper-iron powder exhibit an increase with higher pressure levels. The application of this material in brush ferrules ensures their durability and longevity, thereby supporting the creation of artwork. The evolution of art over time reflects changing ideas and possibilities, and technological advancements have significantly improved artistic tools. The role of tools in artistic expression is paramount, and the integration of powder metallurgy materials in brush ferrules fortifies their artistic importance. In summary, this study underscores the advantages of powder metallurgy in augmenting the quality of art tools and facilitating artistic creation.

The Effect of Bellydance on the Blood Components, Deoxypyridinoline, Osteocalcin in Middle Age Woman (벨리댄스가 중년여성의 혈액성분, 골밀도, Osteocalcin에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Jeong-Rim;Lee, Hyun-Mi;Jeon, Jae-Young;Baek, Yeong-Ho
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.1739-1743
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a movement program adopted from Bellydance, and to analyze the effects of the Bellydance program on the blood Components and Deoxypyridinoline, Osteocalcin in middle aged women. The Bellydance program was composed of warming-up (10min), main exercise (40min) and cooling-down (10min) parts. The 40 middle-aged women between 40 and 60 year old were divided into two group; the control group (8 women), the Bellydance group (8 women). The Bellydance program was applied three times a 12weeks. The result of this study were as follow. RBC, Hb, WBC, PLT, Osteocalcin was measured in a whole blood. The belly dance group showed WBC was more significantly decreased than control group, but RBC, Hb, PLT were insignificant in other groups. The belly dance group showed Deoxypyridinoline was more significantly increased than control group, but Osteocalcin were insignificant in other groups. Therefore this program can be available in middle aged women.

The Creating Situations and Social Characteristics of Gutchum-pan to Pray - Focused on Donghaeanbyulsingut - ('축원-굿춤' 판의 생성 국면과 사회적 성격 - 동해안별신굿의 경우 -)

  • Jeon, Seong-Hee
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.38
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    • pp.349-383
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    • 2019
  • This discussion is focused on Donghaeanbyulsingut's 'gutchum-pan to pray'. 'Gutchum-pan to pray' is repeated in almost all of the geori in Byulsingut, so it is a crucial chum-pan that can never be disregarded in understanding Byulsingutchum. Meanwhile, it supposes that Donghaeanbyulsingut is grounded on the activity of producing 'praying (words) and dance (motions)' within its relationship with the structure of capitalistic society along with the context of traditional rituals. The motion that is newly generated as a response to the concrete expression of 'praying' conducted by a mudang (a shaman), that is, the expression coming from the inside associated with the praying is seen as gutchum. This dance is bound to be in competition and interest among shaman groups, and they tend to influence one another. If praying leads to dance, a mudang can gain profits from capital as well as the value of labor. When the mudang succeeds in forming a bigger bond of sympathy with her praying, the object of praying gets more eager to select byulbi and dances a heoteunchum (impromptu dance) more vigorously. This means that a mudang's ability to perform a ritual is associated with the object of praying's consumption. With his impromptu motions, the object of praying comes to go into 'the field of consumption' within the structure of capitalistic competition before he is aware of it. Behind the communication that praying leads to dance, a lot of things are associated with one another organically. 'Gutchum-pan to pray' is generated by the continuous movement of diversity and unity that the time has within the ritual of the mudang and the object of praying. It continues to create the future 'self' that is different from the present 'self', and it means that he expects variability from the present 'self' through 'gutchum-pan to pray'. The mudang also prays for him arranging the variability of the other (the object of praying) inside her labor. In a big picture, of course, the mudang expects the variability of herself, too, which is connected to the value of her labor. The variability that they expect forms a crucial axis that determines where the flow of time and space that the 'gutchum-pan to pray' has is directed to. The contents of praying are directly related with the villagers' lives, and what leads to dance is mostly related with their jobs. This implies that what the mudang experiences in her everyday consuming activity is directly associated with the villagers' activity for earning money. In other words, the contents of that praying change constantly according to the flow of capitalistic economy. Also, those striving to respond to it before anyone else also expect better life for them by substituting their self to the 'gutchum-pan to pray' eagerly. If so, who are the ones that generate 'gutchum-pan to pray'? This can be understood through relationship among mudangs, relationship between the mudang and villagers, and also relationship among villagers. Their relationships can never be free from the concepts like labor in capitalistic society, consumption and expenditure, or time; therefore, they come to compete with the other, the present self, or the better self within the diverse relationships. This gets to be expressed in any ways, words or motions. And the range that covers the creation of either group or individual 'gutchum-pan to pray' in the village is the village community. Outside the range, it is upsized to the competition of the village unit, so individual praying may become diminished more easily. Although mudangs pray in each geori, it does not mean all praying leads to dance. Within various relationships between mudangs and villagers, 'gutchum-pan to pray' comes to be generated, repeated, and extinct. As it is mitigated to more positive competition, it does not lead to gutchum any longer. In other words, repeating 'gutchum-pan to pray' previously created has turned the object of praying into the state different from the former. Also, the two groups both have experienced the last step of Byulsingut, and at that point, praying does no longer lead to dance. In other words, from the position of the shaman group, it is the finish of their labor time and ritual performance, and from the perspective of the villagers, it means the finish of consuming activity and participation in a ritual. The characteristics of 'gutchum-pan to pray' can be summarized as follows. First, it goes through the following process: competition in the village group → competition in the group → competition among individuals. Second, repeated praying does not lead to 'gutchum'. Third, in the cases of praying for each of the occupation groups, the mudang can induce a bond of sympathy from the objects of praying directly, and this lead to dance. Fourth, the group that fails in being included in the category of praying gets to be alienated from 'gutchum-pan to pray' repeatedly.

Relationship among Matured Aging Attitude, Depression, and Successful Aging of Elderly Participating in Dance-Oriented Physical Activity: Focused on Line Dance and Rhythmic Gymnastics (댄스중심의 신체활동에 참여하는 노인들의 성숙한 노화태도와 우울 및 성공적 노화의 관계: 라인댄스와 리듬체조 참여자를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Seak-Hwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.469-477
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted with 202 elderly people aged 65 years or older (40.6% male and 59.4% female) participating in physical activities centered on line dance and rhythmic gymnastics. To achieve the main objectives of the study, a questionnaire for mature aging attitude, depression and successful aging was used. The results are as follows. First, matured aging attitude influenced negatively on depression. Second, matured aging attitude influenced positively on successful aging. Third, depression influenced negatively on successful aging. Based on the above results, it is necessary to encourage the elderly to participate in physical activities to achieve successful aging through active interventions against depression.

Danse et Musique, Music Visualization on Stage: Focused on Interview with Isang YUN (Danse et Musique, 무대 위의 '음악의 시각화': <윤이상을 만나다>를 중심으로)

  • BYUN, Daniel H.
    • Trans-
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    • v.1
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    • pp.91-116
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    • 2016
  • The theme of this research is the music visualization on stage. As the collaborated work, combining the dance, images with the Isang Yun's music, is showing the staged music, which is expressing the music not only through the sound but also the visualization. In the process of visualizing the music through the body and images on the stage, Isang Yun's musics are recreated in the hand of today's artists. The study found that the recreated work from the new point of view, like Interview with Isang Yun can be the bridge between the composer and today's artists and we can see the future through it. Even though, this paper analyzed the work through the aspects of dance and images, the main theme of the work is focusing how can we deliver the music in the new representative form through formative visualization on the stage.

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Osteoid Osteoma of the Navicular in the Foot - case report - (족근 주상골에 발생한 유골골종 - 증례 보고 -)

  • Young, Ki-Won;Lee, Kyung-Tai;Lee, Se-Young;Kim, Wan-Seop;Choi, Sung-I
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.211-216
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    • 2002
  • Delay in diagnosis is possible in bone tumor located in the foot because it is rare. We experienced one case of osteoid osteoma located at the navicular bone of the foot which was slowly progressive and complicated with calcaneocuboidal joint, talonavicular joint arthritis. Osteoid osteoma of the navicular bone in the foot is rare. It bring about unwanted delay in diagnosis, complication. It is necessary to diagnose and treat in early situation to prevent complication and unnecessary operation.

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