The Creating Situations and Social Characteristics of Gutchum-pan to Pray - Focused on Donghaeanbyulsingut -

'축원-굿춤' 판의 생성 국면과 사회적 성격 - 동해안별신굿의 경우 -

  • Jeon, Seong-Hee (BK21plus Team in Department of Folklore, Andong National University)
  • 전성희 (안동대학교 민속학과 BK21플러스사업팀)
  • Received : 2019.01.10
  • Accepted : 2019.02.07
  • Published : 2019.02.28


This discussion is focused on Donghaeanbyulsingut's 'gutchum-pan to pray'. 'Gutchum-pan to pray' is repeated in almost all of the geori in Byulsingut, so it is a crucial chum-pan that can never be disregarded in understanding Byulsingutchum. Meanwhile, it supposes that Donghaeanbyulsingut is grounded on the activity of producing 'praying (words) and dance (motions)' within its relationship with the structure of capitalistic society along with the context of traditional rituals. The motion that is newly generated as a response to the concrete expression of 'praying' conducted by a mudang (a shaman), that is, the expression coming from the inside associated with the praying is seen as gutchum. This dance is bound to be in competition and interest among shaman groups, and they tend to influence one another. If praying leads to dance, a mudang can gain profits from capital as well as the value of labor. When the mudang succeeds in forming a bigger bond of sympathy with her praying, the object of praying gets more eager to select byulbi and dances a heoteunchum (impromptu dance) more vigorously. This means that a mudang's ability to perform a ritual is associated with the object of praying's consumption. With his impromptu motions, the object of praying comes to go into 'the field of consumption' within the structure of capitalistic competition before he is aware of it. Behind the communication that praying leads to dance, a lot of things are associated with one another organically. 'Gutchum-pan to pray' is generated by the continuous movement of diversity and unity that the time has within the ritual of the mudang and the object of praying. It continues to create the future 'self' that is different from the present 'self', and it means that he expects variability from the present 'self' through 'gutchum-pan to pray'. The mudang also prays for him arranging the variability of the other (the object of praying) inside her labor. In a big picture, of course, the mudang expects the variability of herself, too, which is connected to the value of her labor. The variability that they expect forms a crucial axis that determines where the flow of time and space that the 'gutchum-pan to pray' has is directed to. The contents of praying are directly related with the villagers' lives, and what leads to dance is mostly related with their jobs. This implies that what the mudang experiences in her everyday consuming activity is directly associated with the villagers' activity for earning money. In other words, the contents of that praying change constantly according to the flow of capitalistic economy. Also, those striving to respond to it before anyone else also expect better life for them by substituting their self to the 'gutchum-pan to pray' eagerly. If so, who are the ones that generate 'gutchum-pan to pray'? This can be understood through relationship among mudangs, relationship between the mudang and villagers, and also relationship among villagers. Their relationships can never be free from the concepts like labor in capitalistic society, consumption and expenditure, or time; therefore, they come to compete with the other, the present self, or the better self within the diverse relationships. This gets to be expressed in any ways, words or motions. And the range that covers the creation of either group or individual 'gutchum-pan to pray' in the village is the village community. Outside the range, it is upsized to the competition of the village unit, so individual praying may become diminished more easily. Although mudangs pray in each geori, it does not mean all praying leads to dance. Within various relationships between mudangs and villagers, 'gutchum-pan to pray' comes to be generated, repeated, and extinct. As it is mitigated to more positive competition, it does not lead to gutchum any longer. In other words, repeating 'gutchum-pan to pray' previously created has turned the object of praying into the state different from the former. Also, the two groups both have experienced the last step of Byulsingut, and at that point, praying does no longer lead to dance. In other words, from the position of the shaman group, it is the finish of their labor time and ritual performance, and from the perspective of the villagers, it means the finish of consuming activity and participation in a ritual. The characteristics of 'gutchum-pan to pray' can be summarized as follows. First, it goes through the following process: competition in the village group → competition in the group → competition among individuals. Second, repeated praying does not lead to 'gutchum'. Third, in the cases of praying for each of the occupation groups, the mudang can induce a bond of sympathy from the objects of praying directly, and this lead to dance. Fourth, the group that fails in being included in the category of praying gets to be alienated from 'gutchum-pan to pray' repeatedly.

이 글에서 주목하는 것은 동해안별신굿에서 무당과 마을 사람들이 직접 관계 하면서 생성되는 '축원-굿춤'판이다. 굿판의 흥을 돋우기 위해 굿거리의 말미 또는 굿거리와 굿거리 사이에 집단적으로 벌이는 '허튼춤판'과는 달리, '축원-굿춤'은 매 굿거리에서 축원무가 구연 중에 개별적이고 반복적으로 생성되므로 별신굿을 이해하는 데 매우 중요한 춤이다. 그러므로 '축원-굿춤'판의 생성배경을 살피고, 그것이 어떠한 사회적 성격을 지니는지에 대해 살펴 볼 필요가 있겠다. 산업혁명 이후 기계제공업(機械制工業)이 확립되면서 많은 수공업 생산자들이 소비자의 입장으로 바뀌게 되었으며, 자본주의적 생산양식과 분배법칙은 다양한 마을굿에도 영향을 미치게 되었다. 즉 굿에 필요한 제반시설과 도구 그리고 행위 등이 자본주의적 생산과 소비 체제 속에 편입된 것이다. 이로 인해 전통적으로 굿에서 '정성'을 상징했던 시간과 행위 그리고 제물 등이 지닌 의미는 기계의 대량생산화와 자본의 흐름 속에 희석되었다. 그리고 별신 굿 기간 동안 행해지는 모든 가무악 연행은 자본/노동적 가치로 산출될 수있는데, 특히 '축원'이 '춤'으로 이어질 경우, 무당은 자본적 이익[별비]과 노동의 가치를 획득하게 된다. 그러므로 넓은 의미에서 '재수굿'에 해당되는 '축원-굿춤'판에 포함된 '축원[말]과 춤[몸짓]'의 생산 활동은 동해안별신굿이 갖는 전통적인 제의적 맥락과 더불어 한국 자본주의의 문화적 맥락 속에 놓여있다고 할 수 있겠다. '축원-굿춤'의 특징을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, '축원-굿춤'은 '마을공동체→소집단별 경쟁→개별적 경쟁'으로 이어진다. 둘째, '축원 무가' 구연이 지속적으로 반복될수록 이와 관련된 연행이 '굿춤'으로 이어질 가능성은 점점 줄어들게 된다. 셋째, 다양한 축원의 대상들 중에서 특히 어촌 사람들의 생업 활동과 관련된 직간접적인 공감대가 형성되었을 경우 '축원→굿춤'으로 잘 연결된다. 넷째, 축원의 범주에 포함되지 못한 집단은 반복적으로 '축원-굿춤'판에서 소외될 수 있다.
