• Title/Summary/Keyword: DB Quality

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Strategies for the Integrated Water Management System based on GIS (GIS 기반의 물통합관리시스템 구축 방안)

  • Seo, dong-jo;Song, dong-ha;Lee, sang-jin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.463-466
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    • 2009
  • Some strategies for the integrated water management system based on GIS was suggested for the comprehensive and systematic management on the watershed. Contents of database and thematic layers for the related elements with GIS was indicated to estimate the quantity of total pollution loads and to simulate the water quality. Also, functions for the information providing was suggested on the connection with spatial data and attribute data, the search for collected data, the analysis for time series, and the visual presentations. Finally, it was suggested to integrate the existing systems and database structures, and to construct of data warehouse.

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Design and Analysis of Mobile-IPv6 Multicasting Algorithm Supporting Smooth Handoff in the All-IP Network (All-IP망에서 Smooth Handoff를 지원하는 Mobile-IP v6 멀티캐스팅 알고리즘의 설계 및 분석)

  • 박병섭
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2002
  • The QoS(Quality of Service) guarantee mechanism is one of critical issues in the wireless network. Real-time applications like VoIP(Voice over IP) in All-IP networks need smooth handoffs in order to minimize or eliminate packet loss as a Mobile Host(MH) transitions between network links. In this paper, we design a new multicasting algorithm using DB(Dynamic Buffering) mechanism for Mobile-IPv6. A key feature of the new protocol is the concepts of the DB and MRA(Multicast Routing Agent) to reduce delivery path length of the multicast datagram. Particularly, the number of tunneling and average routing length of datagram are reduced relatively, the multicast traffic load is also decreased.

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Database Construction of High-resolution Daily Meteorological and Climatological Data Using NCAM-LAMP: Sunshine Hour Data (NCAM-LAMP를 이용한 고해상도 일단위 기상기후 DB 구축: 일조시간 자료를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Su-Jung;Lee, Seung-Jae;Koo, Ja-seob
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.135-143
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    • 2020
  • Shortwave radiation and sunshine hours (SHOUR) are important variables having many applications, including crop growth. However, observational data for these variables have low horizontal resolution, rendering its application to related research and decision making on f arming practices challenging. In the present study, hourly solar radiation data were physically generated using the Land-Atmosphere Modeling Package (LAMP) at the National Center f or Agro-Meteorology, and then daily SHOUR fields were calculated through statistical downscaling. After data quality evaluation, including case studies, the SHOUR data were added to the existing publically accessible LAMP daily database. The LAMP daily dataset, newly updated with SHOUR, has been provided operationally as input data to the "Gyeonggi-do Agricultural Drought Prediction System," which predicts agricultural weather disasters and field crop growth status.

Joining of Multi Nodes of a Titanium Bicycle by the Superplastic Hydroforming and Diffusion Bonding Technology (티타늄 자전거의 다중 조인트 접합을 위한 초소성 하이드로포밍과 확산 접합 기술)

  • Yoo, Y.H.;Lee, S.Y.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2019
  • The superplastic forming/diffusion bonding process has been developed to fabricate a core frame structure with joint nodes out of tubes, for the development of a titanium high performance bicycle. The hydroforming process has been applied for bulging of a tube in the superplastic condition before, and during the diffusion bonding process. In this experiment, a commercial Ti-3Al-2.5V tube was selected as raw material for the study. The forming experiment has been performed using a servo-hydraulic press with a capacity of 200 ton. Next, nitrogen gas was used to acquire necessary pressure for the bulging and bonding of the tubes to fabricate the joint nodes. The pertinent processing temperature was $870^{\circ}C$ for the superplastic hydroforming/diffusion bonding (SHF/DB) process, using the Ti-3Al-2.5V tube. The bonding quality and the progress of bulging and diffusion bonding have been observed by the investigation of the joining interfaces at the cross section of the joint structure. The control of the nitrogen pressure throughout the SHF/DB process, was an important factor to avoid any significant defects in the joint structure. The whole progress stage of the diffusion bonding could be observed at a joint interface. A core structure with 5 joint nodes to manufacture a titanium bicycle could be obtained in a SHF/DB process.

The Study for Estimating Traffic Volumes on Urban Roads Using Spatial Statistic and Navigation Data (공간통계기법과 내비게이션 자료를 활용한 도시부 도로 교통량 추정연구)

  • HONG, Dahee;KIM, Jinho;JANG, Doogik;LEE, Taewoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.220-233
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    • 2017
  • Traffic volumes are fundamental data widely used in various traffic analysis, such as origin-and-destination establishment, total traveled kilometer distance calculation, congestion evaluation, and so on. The low number of links collecting the traffic-volume data in a large urban highway network has weakened the quality of the analyses in practice. This study proposes a method to estimate the traffic volume data on a highway link where no collection device is available by introducing a spatial statistic technique with (1) the traffic-volume data from TOPIS, and National Transport Information Center in the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and (2) the navigation data from private navigation. Two different component models were prepared for the interrupted and the uninterrupted flows respectively, due to their different traffic-flow characteristics: the piecewise constant function and the regression kriging. The comparison of the traffic volumes estimated by the proposed method against the ones counted in the field showed that the level of error includes 6.26% in MAPE and 5,410 in RMSE, and thus the prediction error is 20.3% in MAPE.

A Study on the Difference of Perception between Data Home Shopping and Traditional TV Home Shopping by Home Shopping Workers (홈쇼핑 종사자의 데이터홈쇼핑과 기존 TV홈쇼핑의 인식차이에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Seong Ryul;Jang, Yong Su;Choi, Seong Jhin
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.218-232
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    • 2020
  • Data home shopping is a kind of T-commerce service with traditional TV home shopping, product DB of data broadcasting, and advantages of catalog shopping based on data broadcasting technology. Since the data home shopping service was partially started in 2012, there were no in-depth researches regarding the perception of data home shopping. Therefore in this paper, the traditional TV home shopping and data home shopping is analyzed how the perception is in terms of platform quality, service quality and content quality and what the difference in perception is. To verify this, a questionnaire survey was conducted on TV home shopping and data home shopping 140 workers who have good understanding of data home shopping. The results showed that the difference of platform quality, service quality and content quality between TV home shopping and data home shopping was significant and TV home shopping had better quality. In terms of platform quality, TV home shopping was 3.75 on a five-point scale and data home shopping was 2.93. Service quality was significantly different between TV home shopping (3.60) and data home shopping (3.25). For the quality of contents, TV home shopping had better quality as 3.21 while data home shopping was 2.82. There was no interaction effect in gender, age, position, and work field except between the age and platform quality.

A Study on Developing and Applying of Integrated Performance Evaluation Model for Public Information Projects (공공 정보화사업에 대한 통합성과 평가모델 개발과 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Si-Hyeong;Yoo, Hae-Young
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.15D no.3
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    • pp.387-398
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    • 2008
  • Recently, an evaluation for information system performance analysis an investment effect quantitatively and qualitatively. So various performance evaluation methods are applied to overcome a limitation which is based on traditional investment returns. However a performance evaluation in public service only derives that a result which is qualitatively evaluated about evaluation domain is yes or no, the performance evaluation does not improve in quality of information system. So in this paper we improve existing performance evaluation methods in public service and add a quality evaluation and quantitative evaluation in the methods. Therefore we propose an integrated evaluation model which guarantees objectivity and reliability of evaluation result and which improves an information system. We consider a project object of an Administration Information DB Construction Project which is promoted in information-oriented project and derive an evaluation result which is applied reflection ratio and weight in each evaluation domain to show a validity of the proposed model.

A Study on the Process management Methodology of Spatial Database Standard Construction (공간데이터 표준구축공정의 관리방법론 연구)

  • Choi, Byoung-Gil;No, Young-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.331-345
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    • 2009
  • This study aims to standardize the work classification system in spatial data. Up to now, a systematic standard for constructing process and quality management has not yet been established in Korea, thus, it is possible for the national budget to be wasted. The regulations related to constructing spatial data are also obscure, and absurd for feasible application to reality, which results in a lack of reliability of the quality of spatial data. This study was conducted by investigating and analyzing regulations related to spatial data quality and various literature, including studies on spatial data quality conducted by the NGII. And also, the study was conducted by investigating and analyzing the constructing processes and working methods of major firms that have experience in constructing a GIS for a local governing body. Based on the analyzed data, we standardized work classification and management methodology for control point surveying using GPS, leveling, aerial photographing, digital mapping, topographic mapping, digital elevation modeling, aerial photographic DB construction, digital orthophotomap.

A Study on Construction Method of Foreign Scientific Database by Utilizing Available Information Resources (가용자원을 활용한 해외학술정보 데이터베이스제작방법에 관한 연구)

  • 노경란;권오진
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.323-326
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    • 2003
  • There are marv problems in conventional database Construction of foreign scientific journal from material aquisition to DB loading. This paper's purpose is to design database construction model which utilizes available information resources scattered several locations and uses agents technology to gather essential metadata efficiently. This paper describes component informations of foreign scientific database and related available resources. And it describes a process of DB construction that include metadata gathering method, automatic metadata classification method, and metadata quality monitoring method.

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우리나라 토양환경정보관리체계 구축방안

  • Hwang Sang-Il;Lee Yang-Hui
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2005.04a
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    • pp.3-5
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this research was to develop a framework of the Soil Environment Information Management System (SEIMS). In this study, we found that the SEIMS needs to be consisted of three sub-systems (i.e., information input system, DB system, and opening to the public system), which is operated on the Web-GIS basis. Also, we suggested structure and detailed items for each sub-system which are acceptable under the basis of current legal and institutional system. Furthermore, we made several suggestions for future-oriented system. Further researches need to be pursued for developing efficiently the SEIMS, such as 1) DB standards for the SEIMS, 2) guidelines for each cleanup phase, 3) improvement of the SEIMS for groundwater quality, and 4) integrated SEIMS for both soil and groundwater system.

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