• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cyperus difformis

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An Approach for Increasing Herbicidal Efficacy by Adding Plant Growth Regulator "Chlorflurenol" (식물생장조절제(植物生長調節劑) "Chlorflurenol"을 이용(利用)한 제초제(除草劑) 살초력(殺草力) 증대(增大) 및 사용량(使用量) 절감방법(節減方法) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, D.S.;Kim, S.C.;Kim, K.U.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 1984
  • This experiment was conducted to find out the possibility for reducing herbicidal dose of the recommended herbicides in combining with the plant growth regulator "chlorflurenol" at the Yeongnam Crop Experiment Station, from 1981 to 1982. Chlorflurenol itself exhibited weed suppression effect against Monochoria raginalis Presl., Rotala indica Koehne, Cyperus difformis L., Lindernia procrembens Philcox, etc. and its effect increased as the concentrations of chlorflurenol increased from 100 to 1,000 ㎖/㏊. Combination of chlorflurenol with butachlor or thiobencarb, showing synergistic effect, reduced their recommended herbicidal rates by 50 to 75%, showing 90% of weed control rate, stic but combined treatment between chlorflurenol and bentazon showed an antagonistic effect since bentazon had poor control ability to Echinochloa crusgalli Beauv. An application of chlorflurenol showed no significant effect on rice growth, in terms of dry weight, but it resulted in the decrease in the ratio of leaf blade to other non-photosynthetic organ.

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Controlled Release of Oxyfluorfen from the Variously Complexed Formulations III. Phytotoxicity and Efficacy of Selected Formulations as Affected by Application Rates (수종(數種)의 結合齊l型(結合齊l型)으로부터 Oxyfluorfen의 방출제어연구(放出制御硏究) III. 사용량(使用量)에 따른 선발제형(選拔劑型) Oxyfluorfen의 약해(藥害)·약효평가(藥效評價))

  • Guh, J.O.;Lim, W.H.;Chon, S.U.;Kwon, S.L.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 1991
  • Seven formulations of oxyfluorfen selected from the previous studies(4. 5) were tesed to evaluate crop injury and herbicidal efficacy on two rice cultivars and several annual and perennial weeds in a greenhouse. Each formulation at two different rates was applied to rice transplanted with 8-, 22- and 32-day old seedlings and to direct-seeded rice. Among the formulations, Elvan, Bentonite B. Chitosan and Coal Slag gave lower injury than a control formulation, Sand-coated oxyluorfen, and they did not have a problem with excessive release if active ingredient at once. Especially, the formulations of Elvan, Chitosan and Bentonite B controlled annual weeds (Echinochloa crus-galli, Monochoria vaginalis, Cyperus difformis., and Scirpus juncoides) and perennial weeds (Sagittaria pygmaea, and Cyperus serotinus). The surface structure of the formulations indicate the different possibilities of releasing of oxyfluorfen by different cracking and hole sizes, namely retention capacity.

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Emergence, Growth of Weeds and Growth, Yields of Rice as Affected by Rice Transplanting Time and Nitrogen Levels (수도(水稻)의 이앙시기(移秧時機)와 질소시비량(窒素施肥量)이 잡초(雜草)의 발생(發生)과 수도(水稻)의 생장(生長) 및 수량(收量)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Pyon, J.Y.;Shim, I.S.;Ahn, S.B.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.19-25
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    • 1984
  • Emergence, growth of weeds and growth, yields of rice (cv. Sam Seung Byeo) were determined at different transplanting times and nitrogen levels. Dominant weed species were Cyperus difformis, Rotala indica, Monochoria vaginalis, Cyperus serotinus, Sagiitaria pygmaea, Scirpus hotarui, and Fimbristylis miliacea. Number of weeds was increased in earlier transplanting time and but decreased in high nitrogen level. Dry weight of weeds was decreased with increase of nitrogen level at early transplanting time (May 26) but increased at nitrogen 8 or 16㎏/10a, Plant height, dry weight, leaf area index, and yield of rice were decreased as transplanting time was delayed but increased as nitrogen level increased. Yield reduction of rice due to weed competition was increased in earlier transplanting time and decreased in high nitrogen level.

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Influence of Cultivated Regions in Organic and Conventional Farming Paddy Field (벼 유기농업과 관행농업에 미치는 재배지역의 영향)

  • Lee, Seong-Tae;Seo, Dong-Cheol;Cho, Ju-Sik;Kim, Eun-Seok;Song, Won-Doo;Lee, Young-Han
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.408-414
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to find out optimum cultivated regions for rice organic farming. The organic and conventional rice as control were grown in three different places : secluded hill paddy field for Hapcheon, normal rural paddy field for Sancheong, and suburban paddy field for Jinju from 2005 to 2006. In secluded hill paddy field, the organic material and pesticide to control pest and disease were input twice for organic and conventional rice cultivation. However, in normal rural and suburban paddy field, those were input three times for organic and conventional rice cultivation. The occurrence of sheath blight in organic farming was higher than in conventional farming. Whereas brown planthopper population per 20 plant was significantly high 10.1~19.5 for conventional farming compared with 4.4~10.0 for organic farming. For that reason, the density of the brown planthoppers was higher in organic farming than those in conventional farming. Dominated weeds occurred in organic and conventional paddy field were namely Monochoria vaginalis, Ludwigia prostrata, and Cyperus difformis. The population per 20 plant and dried weight per $m^2$ of weeds were higher in 121 and 50.5 g for organic paddy field. The productivity of rice in different cultivated regions for organic farming was $2.96Mg\;ha^{-1}$ in hill paddy field, $4.03Mg\;ha^{-1}$ in normal rural and suburban paddy field. Toyo-taste value and ratio of perfect grain of milled rice were not different by cultivated regions in both farming system.

Occurrence Patterns of Paddy Weeds and Distribution of Resistant Weeds to an ALS Inhibiting Herbicide in Jeonnam by a Soil Assay Method (토양검정법에 의한 전남지역 논잡초 발생양상과 ALS 저해제 제초제 저항성 논잡초 분포)

  • Jeong, Jang Yong;Yun, Young Beom;Jang, Se Ji;Hyun, Kyu Hwn;Shin, Dong Young;Lee, Jeongran;Kwon, Oh Do;Kuk, Yong In
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.191-199
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    • 2018
  • This study was to investigate the occurrence patterns of paddy weeds, their resistance levels to an ALS inhibiting herbicide, and to estimate the areas of resistance in these paddy fields. We used soil collected from 358 paddy fields of Jeonnam province in 2017. Based on their life cycles, weeds were 96% annuals and 4% perennial. Additionally, according to morphological classification, 59% were broad leaves, 28% were sedges and 13% were grasses. Different areas within Jeonnam province contained different numbers and occurrence rates of weed species. However, generally, we observed Lindernia dubia var. dubia, Monochoria vaginalis var. plantaginea, Ludwigia prostrata, L. procumbens, Cyperus difformis, Scirpus juncoides, Eleocharis Kuroguwai, Echinochloa oryzoides, and E. crus-galli var. echinata. We also observed seven weeds resistant to an ALS inhibiting herbicide. They were M. vaginalis, S. juncoides, C. difformis, L. dubia, Ludwigia prostrata, E. oryzoides, and E. crus-galli var. echinata. Although there were differences in the number and occurrence rate of resistant weed species to an ALS inhibiting herbicide among areas in Jeonnam province, the M. vaginalis, C. difformis, and S. juncoides occurred in 23 cities and counties in Jeonnam including Gwangju metropolitan city. Based on the rates (52%) of resistant occurrence to an ALS inhibiting herbicide in Jeonnam province, the area of weed resistant paddy fields was estimated to be 91,543 ha.

Weed Infestation and Effective Weed Control in Direct - Seeded Rice (담수(湛水) · 건답직파(乾畓直播) 벼재배(栽培)에서 잡초(雜草)의 발생특성(發生特性) 및 효과적(效果的)인 잡초방제(雜草防除))

  • Kim, H.H.;Lee, S.G.;Lee, J.C.;Song, I.M.;Shin, C.W.;Moon, C.S.;Pyon, J.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 1998
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate weed infestation and to determine effective weed control methods in direct-seeded rice. Twenty two weed species occurred in dry- and water-seeded rice, which was mainly composed of annual weeds. Dominant weed species in dry-seeded rice were Cyperus difformis, Echinochloa crus-galli, Aneilema keisak and Digitaria sanguinalis in discending order. Dominant weed species in water-seeded lice were E. crus-galli, C. difformis, Monochoria vaginalis and Scirpus juncoides. E. crus-galli emerged at 7 days after sowing. In water-seeded rice, E. crus-galli emerged at 5 days after sowing, and M vaginalis, S. juncoides and C. difformis at 8~10 days after sowing. Mean days to emerge important weeds was 20 days in dry-seeded rice and 13 days in water-seeded rice. Leaf development of weeds was faster than that of rice in dry-seeded rice. In water-seeded rice, E eras-galli was more vigorous than rice, but leaf development of other weeds were slower than that of rice. Changes in number of weeds and dry weight oil weed species varied depending upon weed species in the direct-seeded rice. Dry weight of weeds were increased greatly from 30 days to 60 days after sowing in dry-seeded rice. Number of weeds tended to increase up to 40 days after sowing drastically, and then trend of the increase was dull thereafter. Dry weight and number of weeds increased up to 20~60 days after sowing in water-seeded rice. Most effective herbicide treatments was foliar application of cyhalofop/bentazon at 20 days after sowing followed by fenoxaprop/bentazon at 45 days after sowing in dry-seeded rice. All herbicide treatments except foliar applications were very effective to control weeds in water-seeded rice. Slight phytotoxicity was observed in foliar applied fenoxaprop/bentazon at 45 days after sowing in water-seeded rice, but it did not affect rice yield.

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Current status, mechanism and control of herbicide resistant weeds in rice fields of Korea (한국 논에서 제초제 저항성잡초의 발생 현황, 메카니즘 및 방제)

  • Park, Tae Seon;Seong, Ki Yeong;Cho, Hyun Suk;Seo, Myung Chul;Kang, Hang Won;Park, Kee Woong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2014
  • Sulfonylurea (SU)-resistant weeds of eight annual weeds, Monochoria vaginalis, Scirpus juncoides and Cyperus difformis, etc., and four perennial weeds, Scirpus planiculmis, Sagittaria pigmaea, Eleocharis acicularis and Sagittaria trifolia as of 2013 since identification Monochoria korsakowii in the reclaimed rice field in 1998. And the resistant Echinochloa oryzoides to ACCase and ALS inhibitors has been confirmed in rice fields of the southern province, Korea in 2009. In the beginning, the M. vaginalis, S. juncoides and C. difformis of these SU-resistant weeds were rapidly and individually spreaded in different fields, however, these resistant weeds have been occurring simultaneously in the same filed recently. The resistant biotype by weed species demonstrated about 10-to 1,000-fold resistance, based on $GR_{50}$ values of the SU herbicides tested. And the resistant biotype of E. oryzoides to cyhalofop-butyl, pyriminobac-methyl, and penoxsulam was about 14, 8, and 11 times more resistant than the susceptible biotype base on $GR_{50}$ values. The products and applied area of SU-included herbicides have been increased rapidly, and have accounted for about 69% and 96% in Korea, respectively. In Korea, the main cause of SU-resistant weed is extensive use of these herbicides. The top ten herbicides by applied area were composed of all SU-included herbicides by 2003. The concentrated and successive treatment of ACCase and ALS inhibitors for control of barnyardgrass in rice led up to the resistance of E. oryzoides. Also, SU-herbicides like pyrazosulfuron-ethyl and imazosulfuron which effective to barnyardgrass can be bound up with the resistance of E. oryzoides. The ALS activity isolated from the resistant biotype of M. korsakowii to SU-herbicides tested was less sensitive than that of susceptible biotype. The concentration of herbicide required for 50% inhibition of ALS activity ($I_{50}$) of the SU-resistant M. korsakowii was 14-to 76-fold higher as compared to the susceptible biotype. No differences were observed in the rates of [$^{14}C$]bensulfuron uptake and translocation. Acetolactate synthase (ALS) genes from M. vaginalis resistant and susceptible biotypes against SU-herbicides revealed a single amino acid substitution of proline (CCT), at 197th position based on the M. korsakowii ALS sequence numbering, to serin (TCT) in conserved domain A of the gene. Carfentrazone-ethyl and pyrazolate were used mainly to control SU-resistant M. vaginalis by 2006 in Korea. However, the alternative herbicides such as benzobicyclone, to be possible to control simultaneously the several resistant weeds, have been developing and using broadly, because the several resistant weeds have been occurring simultaneously in the same fieled. The top ten herbicides by applied area in Korea have been occupied by products of 3-way mixture type including herbicides with alternative mode of action for the herbicide resistant weeds. Mefenacet, fentrazamide and cafenstrole had excellent controlling effects on the ACCase and ALS inhibitors resistant when they were applied within 2nd leaf stage.

Fact-Finding Survey of Herbicide Use at Farmer's Level and Distribution of Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Paddy Field of Jeonbuk Province, Korea (전북지역 제초제 저항성 논 잡초 발생분포 및 제초제 사용실태)

  • Cho, Seung-Hyun;Kwon, Seog-Ju;Song, Young-Eun;Lee, Deok-Ryeol;Song, Young-Ju;Kim, Chung-Kon;Lee, In-Yong
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.312-317
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to obtain basis information for effective weed control by the fact-finding survey of herbicides use at farmer's level and distribution of herbicide resistant weeds in paddy field of Jeonbuk province, Korea. The distributions of major paddy field weeds and frequently used herbicide according to the survey were as follows. The dominant weeds in rice paddy field were Echinochloa crus-galli, Eleocharis kuroguwai, Scirpus juncoides, Monochoria vaginalis, etc.. Preferred herbicides widely used by farmers were ranked in the following order, early and middle treatment (48.0%), treatment before transplanting (36.7%) and foliar treatment (15.3%). The occurrence of herbicide-resistant weeds according to collected paddy soils was as follows. The occurring area of herbicide-resistant weeds was 24,413 ha, approximately 18.4% of rice cultivation area. Herbicide-resistant weeds were occurred in four species. The order of occurrence were Scirpus juncoides (39.0%) > Monochoria vaginalis (27.8%) > Echinochloa crus-galli (16.6%) and Cyperus difformis (16.6%). This information could be useful for estimation of future herbicide-resistant weed and establishment of herbicide-resistant weed control methods in Jeonbuk province, Korea.

Inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase activity and selectivity of new compound EK-5439 (신규 화합물 EK-5439의 선택성 및 protoporphyrinogen oxidase 저해활성)

  • Hong, K.S.;Kim, H.R.;Jeon, D.J.;Lee, B.H.;Song, J.H.;Cho, K.Y.;Hwang, I.T.
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2004
  • 3-Chloro-2-[4-chloro-2-fluoro-5-(5-methyl-3-phenyl-4,5-dihydroisoxazol-5-ylmethoxy)-phenyl]-4,5,6,7-tetrahy dro-2H-indazole(EK-5439) demonstrated rice selectivity and herbicidal activity on annual weeds, such as Echinochloa oryzicola, Monochoria vaginalis, Lindernia pyxidaria, Rotala indica, Aneilema keisak, Cyperus difformis, and Ludwigia prostrata at doses of 16-63 g a.i./ha. However, the application window was limited from pre-emergence to 5 days after transplanting. The control efficacy of EK-5439 on barnyardgrass was 4 times higher than that of oxadiazon. EK-5439 was excellently safe to the 16 different transplanted rice cultivars treated 2 days after transplanting. These compounds have the mechanism of action on the chlorophyll biosynthesis like protoporphyrinogen IX oxidase inhibitors.

Use of Pythium myriotylum MD2 to Control Weeds in Rice Paddy Fields (물달개비 병원균인 Pythium myriotylum MD2를 이용한 논잡초 방제)

  • Choi, Gyung-Ja;Hwang, In-Taek;Choi, Yong-Ho;Lee, Byung-Hoi;Kim, Heung-Tae;Kim, Jin-Cheol;Lee, Seon-Woo;Kim, Jin-Won;Cho, Kwang-Yun
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2001
  • An isolate of the indigenous fungus Pythium myriotylum was isolated from Monochoria vaginalis in Yusung, Korea in year 2000 and evaluated potential as a biocontrol agent in laboratory and greenhouse. P. myriotylum MD2 grew in a wide range of temperature regimes and the optimal growth temperature was $35^{\circ}C$. The fungus was highly pathogenic to Monochoria vaginalis at 30 to $35^{\circ}C$. Several weeds such as Rotala, indica, Lindernia procumbens, Ludwigia prostrata, Cyperus difformis, Scirpus juncoides, Aneilema keisak were also susceptible to the fungus, but Echinochloa crus-galli was not. The fungus affected the growth of rice seed germinated, but not to rice seedlings of 1- to 3-leaf stage. A total of 12 rice cultivars (3- to 4-leaf stage) tested showed no disease symptoms when inoculated with the fungus. Eleven crops, including Chinese cabbage, corn, soybean except wheat were immune to the infection of the fungi. These data suggest that P. myriotylum MD2 has a potential as a mycoherbicide to control weeds in paddy fields.

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