• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cutting

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Study on Baled Silage Making of Selected Forage Crop and Pesture Grasses II. Yield performance and nutritieve evaluation of baled silage as affected by stage of growth (주요 사료작물의 곤포 Silage 조제이용에 관한 연구 II. 생육단계별 건물축적형태화 곤포사일리지 조제이용)

  • 김정갑;한민수;김건엽;한정대;강우성;신정남
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.198-206
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    • 1995
  • Baled silage making(BS) of selected forage crops was discussed during 1991-1993, to determine the best cutting time of the plants for BS production, BS yields and silage quality. Seven species of forage crops and pasture grasses(rye, barley, spring oat, Italian ryegrass, orchardgrass, alfalfa and grass-legume pasture mixtures) were harvested at different stage of growth from young plant to physiological maturity, and baled in a self constructed square baling chamber. Each bales, measured 90cm length, 60cm width and 50cm height, were wrapped with 0.05mrn thick polyethylene plastic film, and stored in stack silo. Each bales were weighed between 15-20 kg in dry matter basis. The effects of pre wilting and formic acid addition on the silage quality of young plant materials, which contained high water concentration, was also evaluated during the experiment. Rye plant including of barley and spring oat were evaluated as a good materials for baled silage making. Fodder rye produced high quality BS with a value of silage quality point 84(Flieg's point) when the plant harvested at stage of greatest dry matter accumulation by 12.64 tonha. The best quality BS of barley was obtained at stage of hard dough to yellow stage by 11.9 ton/ha dry matter yield and 81 point silage quality. Italian ryegrass and pasture grasses including of orchardgrass, alfalfa and grass-legume pasture mixtures procuced also high quality bale silage by harvesting at stage of late blooming. However pre witting operation and formic acid addition was required for BS production of grass materials because of high water contents. Water contents of Italian ryegrass and other pasture species ranged 18.9%(Italian) to 20.8%(alfalfa). Silage quality point of Italian BS harvested at late blooing was increased from 72 to 88 by 1/2-one day pre wilting and 0.3% formic acid treatment. Silage quality of young plant materials of rye and other forage crops, barley and spring oat were also improved markedly through the pre wilting treatment and formic acid addition.

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A Demonstrative Study on the Intake Habits of Dairy Goats (Saanen) Fed with Roughages (유산양의 조사료 채식습성에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Gang, Byung-Ho;Lee, In-Duk;Lee, Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2009
  • The experiment was conducted from 2007 to 2008. The experimental roughages include five sources and 25 species in all; grasses and legumes: 5 species (mixed grasses, orchardgrass, tall fescue, alfalfa, white clover), native grasses and weeds: 5 species (mixed native grasses, Miscanthus sinensis Anderss, Arundinella hirta (Thunb.) Tanaka, barnyard grass, short awn, forage crops and straw: 5 species (barley 4- hairy vetch, wheat 4- hairy vetch, rye silage, barley silage, baled rice straw), browse and fallen leaves: 5 species (mixed browse, oriental white oak browse, Quercus serrta Thunb., browse oriental cherry fallen leaves, Japanese chestnut fallen leaves), and imported hay and straw: 5 species (timothy hay, tail fescue straw, annual ryegrass straw, klinegrass hay, alfalfa hay). Ten dairy goats (Saanen) were selected which had nearly the same body weight (25kg). The experiment was carried out on the dairy goats farm at Geumsan-Cun in Chungnam province. The chemical composition and dry matter digestibility of each roughage source and species were significantly different at the sampling area, plant species, growth stages and cutting period. Among all the 25 species of roughages, the favorite intake species order by dairy goats was observed like this: mixed grasses, white clover, alfalfa and the lower intake species order was baled rice straw and rye silages. The dairy goats ate more roughages which had low fibrous contents, but high dry matter digestibility. On the other hand, compared to each roughage source, the goat's favorite roughage were grasses and legumes (34.6%) among the trial species. Based on the result, it is reconfirmed that the food habit of dairy goats seems to be closer to that of graters.

A Comparative Study of Dry Matter Yield and Nutritive Value of Mixtures on the Different Grass Species and Seeding Rates (초종과 파종비율을 달리한 혼파초지의 건물수량과 품질 비교 연구)

  • Lee, In-Duk;Lee, Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2007
  • The object of this experiment was to investigate the effect of mixture which consist of different seeding rates and species on dry matter yield and quality in Daejon area. The field trials were conducted from 2003 to 2005 at Chungnam National University in order to evaluate the dry matter yield and quality of different mixture. The experimental design includes three mixture types: Conventional mixtures, CM{orchardgrass(Potomac) 50% + tall fescue (Fawn)20% + Kentucky bluegrass(Kenblue) 20% + white clover(Regal) 10%}, red clover + mixtures, RM{orchardgrass(Potomac) 40% + tall fescue(Fawn) 20% + Kentucky bluegrass(Kenblue) 10% + red clover(Kenland) 30%) and Turf type grass + mixtures, TM {orchardgrass (Potomac) 50% + turf type grass (tall fescue, Millennium 20% + Kentucky bluegrass, Midnight 10% + perennial ryegrass, Palmer III 10%) + white clover(Regal) 10%}. The average DM yield for 2 years of red clover+mixture(11,656kg/ha) was higher than those of the other mixtures(p<0.05). The content of crude protein and dry manu digestibility were higher in red clover+mixture than in other mixtures(p<0.05). but, the content of fibrous compounds like as NDF, ADF, cellulose and lignin were lower in red clover+mixture than in other mixtures(p<0.05). The crude protein dry matter(CPDM) yield was higher in red clover + mixture(2,832kg/ha) than in conventional mixture(2,372kg/ha) and turf type + mixture(2,266kg/ha)(p<0.05). The digestible dry matter (DDM) yield was higher in red clover + mixture(8,881 kg/ha) than in conventional mixture(8,255kg/ha) and turf type + mixture(7,314kg/ha)(p<0.05). In botanical composition at last cutting time in 2005, conventional mixture were maintained orchardgrass 45%, tall fescue 22%, Kentucky bluegrass 5% and white clover 24%. Red clover + mixture were maintained orchardgrass 40%, tall fescue 22%, Kentucky bluegrass 4% and red clover 31%. turf type + mixture were orchardgrass 37%, tall fescue 23%, Kentucky bluegrass 6%, perennial ryegrass 8% and white clover 24%, respectively. As summary, DM yields and quality of mixture species and seeding rates were observed significant difference. The results of this experiment indicated that red clover + mixture was more effective in enhancing the DM yield and forage quality in Daejon area.

NIRS Calibration Equation Development and Validation for Total Nitrogen Contents Field Analysis in Fresh Rice Leaves (벼 생엽의 질소함량 현장분석을 위한 NIRS 검량식 개발 및 검증)

  • Song, Young-Eun;Lee, Deok-Ryeol;Cho, Seong-Hyun;Lee, Ki-Kwon;Jeong, Jong-Seong;Gwon, Yeong-Rip;Cho, Kyu Chae
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    • v.58 no.3
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    • pp.301-307
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    • 2013
  • This study was evaluated high end research grade Near Infrared Reflectance Spectrophotometer (NIRS) to field grade multiple Near Infrared Reflectance Spectrophotometer (NIRS) for rapid analysis at fresh rice leaf at sight with 238 samples of fresh rice leaf during year 2012, collected Jeollabuk-do for evaluate accuracy and precision between instruments. Firstly collected and build database high end research grade NIRS using with 400 nm ~ 2500 nm during from year 2003 to year 2009, seven years collected fresh rice leaf database then trim and fit to field grade NIRS with 1200 nm ~ 2400 nm then build and create calibration, transfer calibration with special transfer algorithm. The result between instruments was 0.005% differences, rapidly analysis for chemical constituents, Total nitrogen in fresh rice leaf within 5 minutes at sight and the result equivalent with laboratory data. Nevertheless last during more than 8 years collected samples for build calibration was organic samples that make differentiate by local or yearly bases etc. This strongly suggest population evaluation technique needed and constantly update calibration and maintenance calibration to proper handling database accumulation and spread out by knowledgable control laboratory analysis and reflect calibration update such as powerful control center needed for long lasting usage of fresh rice leaf analysis with NIRS at sight. Especially the agriculture products such as rice will continuously changes that made easily find out the changes and update routinely, if not near future NIRS was worthless due to those changes. Many research related NIRS was shortly study not long term study that made not well using NIRS, so the system needed check simple and instantly using with local language supported signal methods global distance (GD) and neighbour distance (ND) algorithm. Finally the multiple popular field grades instruments should be the same results not only between research grade instruments but also between multiple field grade instruments that needed easily transfer calibration and maintenance between instruments via internet networking techniques.

Study on the Food Habits of Korean Native Goats (Capra hircus) Fed with Various Roughage Sources (여러 가지 조사료를 급여한 재래산양의 채식습성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, In-Duk;Lee, Hyung-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.119-128
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    • 2008
  • The object of this experiment was to investigate the food habits of Korean native goats fed with various roughage sources. The feeding trials were conducted at Chungnam National University and Unbong Animal Genetic Resources Station in 2007. The experimental roughages sources were five including 25 species in all; grass sources: 5 species (Lolium perenne, Festuca arundinacea, Poa pratensis, Agrostis alba and mixed grass, legume sources: 5 species (Trifolium pratense, Medicago sativa, Trifolium repens, Melilotus officinalis and Vicia villosa), browse sources: 5 species(Quercus serrata Thunb., Prunus jamasakura Sieb., Quercus aliena Blume, Robinia pseudoaccacia and Pinus densiflora), weed sources: 5 species(Artemisia princeps Pampanini, Erigeron canadensis, Alopecurus aegualis Sobolewski, Echinochloa crusgalli var. frumentacea (Roxb.) Wight and Rumex crispus), and native grass sources: 5 species(Zoysia japonica Steudel, Agropyron tsukushiense var. transiens(Hack) Ohwi., Arundinella hirta(Thunb.) Tanaka, Miscanthus sinensis Anderss and Phragmites comunis Trin). Ten Korean native goats were selected which had nearly the same body weight(average 30.6kg, 남) as experimental animals. Experimental roughages were prepared by 0.5kg per 1 species fed to Korean native goats, and the experiment was carried out from 08:00 to 20:00. The chemical composition and dry matter digestibility of each roughage source and species were significantly different at the sampling area, plant species, growth stages and cutting period (p<0.05). The Korean native goats ate more roughages which had low fibrous contents, but high dry matter digestibility. Among all the 25 species of roughages, the favorite intake species order by Korean native goats was observed like this: Quercus serrata Thunb., Quercus aliena Blume, Trifolium repens, and Pinus densiflora and Artemisia princeps Pampanini which was lower intake compared to other domestic herbivores. On the other hand, compared to each roughage source, total intake amount by Korean native goats was showed as browse(29.9%), legumes(23.0%), weeds(21.6%), grasses(21.5%) and native grasses(4.0%), respectively. Based on the result, the food habit of Korean native goats seems to be closer to browser type.

A Bibliographical Study of Tzeam Using the Meat and Poultry (찜의 문헌적 고찰(I) -수조육류를 이용한 찜을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Eun-Sil;Chun, Hee-Jung;Lee, Hyo-Gee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.59-75
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    • 1990
  • The tzeam is the one of steaming cook that boiled the main material of poultry. meat and the sub-material of vegetables. It is always setted on the main-table in above seven chup ban sang and also kyoja sang. In this thesis, according to the kinds of tzeam in the main material of poultry, meat was to analysis reference frequency to them the materials, the measuring unit of materials, the terms of cooking and kitchen utensil by 47 books published in Korea from 1420 to 1987. 1. It was 37 kinds of tzeam in the main material of poultry, meat. 2. Materials were classified into the main-material, sub-materials, seasioning and decorations. 3. There were 43 kinds of measuring units, of them 18 kinds were for volume, 12 kinds were for quantity, 4 kinds were for length and the rest measuring units were 9 kinds. 4. There were 26 kinds of kitchen utensil for cooking. They were mainly used a hab 1 rice ball with lids, and castles (cast iron castle). 5. There were 27 kinds of cooking terms. The terms of them, 11 kinds were for heating methods, 16 terms of them were for the cutting process.

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  • Youn, Seok-Hee;Lee, Sang-Dae;Kim, Jung-Wook;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Hahn, Se-Hyun;Kim, Chong-Chul
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.228-235
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    • 2004
  • The development and proliferation of the mandibular condyle can be altered by changes in the biomechanical environment of the temporomandibular joint. The biomechanical loads were varied by feeding diets of different consistencies. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether changes of masticatory forces by feeding a soft diet can alter the trabecular bone morphology of the growing mouse mandibular condyle, by means of micro-computed tomography. Thirty-six female, 21 days old, C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into two groups. Mice in the hard-diet control group were fed standard hard rodent pellets for 8 weeks. The soft-diet group mice were given soft ground diets for 8 weeks and their lower incisors were shortened by cutting with a wire cutter twice a week to reduce incision. After 8 weeks all animals were killed after they were weighed. Following sacrifice, the right mandibular condyle was removed. High spatial resolution tomography was done with a Skyscan Micro-CT 1072. Cross-sections were scanned and three-dimensional images were reconstructed from 2D sections. Morphometric and nonmetric parameters such as bone volume(BV), bone surface(BS), total volume(TV), bone volume fraction(BV/TV), surface to volume ratio(BS/BV), trabecular thickness(Tb. Th.), structure model index(SMI) and degree of anisotropy(DA) were directly determined by means of the software package at the micro-CT system. From directly determined indices the trabecular number(Tb. N.) and trabecular separation(Tb. Sp.) were calculated according to parallel plate model of Parfitt et al.. After micro-tomographic imaging, the samples were decalcified, dehydrated, embedded and sectioned for histological observation. The results were as follow: 1. The bone volume fraction, trabecular thickness(Tb. Th.) and trabecular number(Tb. N.) were significantly decreased in the soft-diet group compared with that of the control group (p<0.05). 2. The trabecular separation(Tb. Sp.) was significantly increased in the soft-diet group(p<0.05). 3. There was no significant differences in the surface to volume ratio(BS/BV), structure model index(SMI) and degree of anisotropy(DA) between the soft-diet group and hard-diet control group (p>0.05). 4. Histological sections showed that the thickness of the proliferative layer and total cartilage thickness were significantly reduced in the soft-diet group.

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A Study of the Comparison of Microleakage according to the Types of Cement on the Cast Post and Core (주조 포스트코아에서 시멘트 종류가 미세누출에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam, Ki-Young;Lee, Cheong-Hee;Cho, Kwang-Hyun
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the microleakage at the interface of cast post and tooth according to the type of cement. Forty anterior teeth with single root were used. The teeth were cut 2 mm coronal from the cementoeamel junction and chamfer finish line was made on 1 mm coronal from the cementoeamel junction. After the routine endodontic treatment, post space was prepared using #5.5 Parapost drill to a depth of 7 mm. After the pick up impression, core building was made to 3 mm of clinical crown with burnout wax, then post and core was cast with nonprecious metal. The teeth were divided into four groups of ten each. In Group I, post and core were cemented with Fleck's(Zinc phosphate cement) In Group II, post and core were cemented with Fuji I(Glass ionomer cement) In Group III, post and core were cemented with Superbond C & B(Composite resin cement) In Group IV, post and core were cemented with Panavia 21(Composite resin cement) All cemented teeth were stored in normal saline at $37^{\circ}C$ for 7 days and thermocycled from $5^{\circ}C$ to $55^{\circ}C$ for 500 cycles with a dwell time of 30 seconds. After thermocycling, teeth were immersed in 1% Basic fuchsin dye for 48 hours. All 40 teeth were then embedded in the epoxy resin and cut buccolingually with a cutting instrument. The degree of penetration of dye at interface was graded on a scale of 0 to 4 using a stereomicroscope at 25 to 40 times magnification. Through the findings of this study, the following conclusion were obtained. 1. All the groups showed the microleakage at the interface of cast post core and tooth. 2. Group I showed the highest microleakage score among the groups with a significant difference(p<0.05). 3. Group II showed higher microleakage score than Group III and Group IV with a significant difference(p<0.05). 4. Group IV showed the lowest microleakage score but there were no significant difference with Group III(p>0.05).

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The Study of Bone Healing Response According to the Various Surfaces of the Implant in the Mandible of the Mature Dog (성견 하악골에 식립한 다양한 임플란트 표면에서의 골 치유 양상에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Hyun-Pil;Kim, Yong-Hak;Vang, Mong-Sook;Yang, Hong-So;Park, Sang-Won;Choi, Hong-Ran
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.125-137
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    • 2009
  • There are many reports that these implant surface treatments may affect to cellular reaction in the surface of implant. This study was done by installing the 8 type implant with the variable surface treatment, used or developed, in the mandible of the mature dog to evaluate how the method of surface treatment of the implant can affect to the bone healing by analyzing histologically and histomorphometrically and find out bone healing appearance periodically after installing implant. By using the 8 type implants which have the different surface treatment, 72 implants were installed on the mandible of 9 mature dogs, and 3 dogs were sacrificed on every 2, 4, 8 weeks. After making bone fragment by cutting and managing, we analyzed histologically, then compared with BIC(Bone to implant contact) for the histomorphometrical analysis. In the result of histological analysis, there was large amount of bone formation in good state on the adjacent area of implant in the 2 weeks testing group. At 4 weeks, although there was general bone formation, the new bone was separated with the basal bone. At 8 weeks, the new bone became matured and connected tightly to the basal bone. There was no difference in the each surface of 8 implants. In the result of histomorphometrical analysis, 2 weeks group had considerably lower value than 4 and 8 weeks group, and there was no difference between 4 and 8 weeks group. There was no difference in the each surface treatment of implants.

A Study on the Methodology of Land-Consolidation Sloping Paddies in land Vallry for the Farm-Mechanization (II) (기계화를 전제로 한 산간경사지답경지정리방안에 관한 연구(II))

  • Hwang, Eun
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 1982
  • The paddy fiels slope located in Kangweon province Hwyongsung gun Gonggeun myon Shinchonri was considerably steep and so it was impossible to economically consolidate the field up to date. But for the porpose of farm mechanization, the field (32. 27ha) was consolidated by the auther under the assitance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery and,;the Administration of Kangweon province. This paddy field consolidation was caused by the treatise on "Land-consolidation methods for farm mechanization in the steep-sloped paddy field", of which the auther is the same. The constrution was carried out from September, 1981 to April, 1982. During the 4esign and construction, some Peculiarities were found and discussed. That is, in design, besides the common condititions for a design, some special conditions were considered and written below; (1) The ranges of field slope in this design were 1/100-1/30. (2) Long sides of the land readjustment blocks must be arranged abreast contour line, and so they make the amount of cutting and banking decreased so as to take the maximum advantage of the configuration of the field. (3) In design, the main principles of dividing blocks were written below; i) First of all, long side of a block should be drawn straight abreast a contour line. ii) Long side of a block should arrange abreast contour line and make its length 100-150m, if not, l)reak the side in order to make a bended rectangle. iii) Length of a short side should be determinded within differences of elevation (0.6 -1. 2m) between the two adjacent blocks toward the normal to a contour line. iv) Length of a short side should be above 15m and the ratio of long and short side should be slso kept 1: (4-6). v) A new field surface leveling was determinded from the elevation which produce the least amount of cuttingand banking within the range of 0.6-1. 2m diffe rences of elevation between the two adjacent blocks. vi) In the course of dividing blocks with the same width along the line which was normal to a contour line, all blocks connot keep their shape in a retangle because of steep slope of the field and so on, and so it was also necessory to make some non-retanglar and small blocks such as a trianglar or trapezoidal shape, which was impossible to use some of farm machinery. But because this non-rectanglar and small blocks were divided, larger and many rectanglar blocks can be divided and construction cost can also be lowered. According to the conditions discussed above, the paddy field consolidation project designed and constructed. And the results of this study were obtained as below; (1) Three-forth of total cost of this paddy field consolidation was not construction cost, and these cost consist of land grading (1/4), road and canal construction cost (1/4) and the other cost (1/4) such as surveying or materials and 56 on. (2) The steeper the land slope, the greater cost was assigned for road and canal construction, and than land grading. (3) Curtailment of the road and canal construction cost depended on simplificating their strutures. (4) In the case of the land slopes were low, the land grading cost was high by 1: 1.4 in comparison with the road and canal construction cost, and conversely when the slops were steep, the road and canal construction cost was high by 1 : 5 in compa- rison with the land grading cost. (5) The densities of irrigation canal, drainage canal and trunk and branch road were 150. Sm/ha, 60. im/ha and 17. 4m/ha respectively. The density of irrigation canal of the area was high by 2 times in comparison with the average one of Kangweon Province, and the others were nearly the same. (6) Most farmers (above 85%) knew the effects of paddy field consolidation. The effects are; 1) Improvement of irrigation 2) Improvement of farm management 3) Improvement of transportarion 4) farm mechanization and 5) grouping of the scattered land. And the more farm modernization was accomplished by these projects, the more farmers wanted to live in their land. (7) In spite of the very steep sloped paddy field, the diminution rate of the net farm land caused by consolidation was 7.7% which was nearly the same as the one of Chulweon plain of Kangweon province. Land grading cost was 971, OOOwon/ha which was rather cheap by 13.2% than the one of Ghulweon plain, and unit construction cost was 5, 341, OOOwon/ha (included soil addition) which was also nearly the same as the one of Chulweon plain and FNFIA (The federation of national farmland improvement association).

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