• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cultural Regeneration

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A Basic Study on the Establishment of Preservation and Management for Natural Monument(No.374) Pyeongdae-ri Torreya nucifera forest of Jeju (천연기념물 제374호 제주 평대리 비자나무 숲의 보존·관리방향 설정을 위한 기초연구)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kim, Jae-Ung;Oh, Hae-Sung;Choi, Byung-Ki;Lee, Jong-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2014
  • In this study, Analyze environment of location, investigation into vegetation resources, survey management status and establish to classify the management area for Natural monument No.374 Pyengdae-ri Torreya nucifera forest. The results were as follows: First, Torreya nucifera forest is concerned about influence of development caused by utilization of land changes to agricultural region. Thus, establish to preservation management plan for preservation of prototypical and should be excluded development activity to cause the change of terrain that Gotjawal in the Torreya nucifera forest is factor of base for generating species diversity. Secondly, Torreya nucifera forest summarized as 402 taxa composed 91 familly 263 genus, 353 species, 41 varieties and 8 forms. The distribution of plants for the first grade & second grade appear of endangered plant to Ministry of Environment specify. But, critically endangered in forest by changes in habitat, diseases and illegal overcatching. Therefore, when establishing forest management plan should be considered for put priority on protection. Thirdly, Torreya nucifera representing the upper layer of the vegetation structure. But, old tree oriented management and conservation strategy result in poor age structure. Furthermore, desiccation of forest on artificial management and decline in Torreya nucifera habitat on ecological succession can indicate a problem in forest. Therefore, establish plan such as regulation of population density and sapling tree proliferation for sustainable characteristics of the Torreya nucifera forest. Fourth, Appear to damaged of trails caused by use. Especially, Scoria way occurs a lot of damaged and higher than the share ratio of each section. Therefore, share ratio reduction Plan should be considered through the additional development of tourism routes rather than the replacement of Scoria. Fifth, Representing high preference of the Torreya nucifera forest tourist factor confirmed the plant elements. It is sensitive to usage pressure. And requires continuous monitoring by characteristic of Non-permanent. In addition, need an additional plan such as additional development of tourism elements and active utilizing an element of high preference. Sixth, Strength of protected should be differently accordance with importance. First grade area have to maintenance of plant population and natural habitats. Set the direction of the management. Second grade areas focus on annual regeneration of the forest. Third grade area should be utilized demonstration forest or set to the area for proliferate sapling. Fourth grade areas require the introduced of partial rest system that disturbance are often found in proper vegetation. Fifth grade area appropriate to the service area for promoting tourism by utilizing natural resources in Torreya nucifera forest. Furthermore, installation of a buffer zone in relatively low ratings area and periodic monitoring to the improvement of edge effect that adjacent areas of different class.

Collaborative Planning Model for Brownfield Regeneration (브라운필드 재생을 위한 협력적 계획 모델 연구)

  • Kim, Eujin Julia;Miller, Patrick
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.92-100
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    • 2015
  • Unlike most other planning processes, brownfield planning generally requires a high level of technical and legal expertise due to potential site contamination. To successfully engage in inclusionary decision making, an adaptive collaboration strategy for brownfield planning is therefore critical. This study examines how a communicative planning approach can be used to overcome the challenge of enabling experts from different fields to work alongside lay people from the local community to achieve a properly balanced collaboration in brownfield planning. After identifying appropriate indicators for collaboration through a literature review of established communicative planning theory, these indicators are applied to the brownfield planning process, highlighting critical points of collaboration such as site prioritization, assessment, remediation, and redevelopment throughout. The results suggest the critical need for an adaptive model focusing on three aspects: 1. Facilitation of a balanced dialogue between the experts with social, cultural, and design-based knowledge and the ones with scientific and engineering-based knowledge, 2. Preparation of an appropriate tool for risk communication with the lay people, 3. Development of decision support system for the integration of expert-oriented technical data and public opinion-oriented subjective data.

Neoliberal Urbanization and Projects of Entrepreneurial City (신자유주의적 도시화와 기업주의 도시 프로젝트)

  • Choe, Byeong-Doo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.263-285
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    • 2011
  • Despite the process of neoliberalization has made a decisive influence on our society as a whole, there seems little interests in neoliberal urbanization and entrepreneurial urban projects promoting it. This study is to see relationships between neolibealization process and recent urbanization and urban policies in terms of entrepreneurial city mediating them. In particular, this paper tries to reconceptualize entrepreneurial city as corresponding to privatization and commodification, financialization, state redistribution, and management and manipulation of crises which Harvey(2005) suggests as four main features of neoliberalization process in general and 'accumulation by dispossession' in particular, and to characterize it in terms of 'creative destruction' and of 'entrepreneurial governance'. As examined in the later part of this paper, recent cases of these entrepreneurial urban projects in S. Korea include volatility of land and housing price in the Capital region and urban regeneration and newtown projects, project for free economic zones construction in Incheon and other 5 regions, project for SOC construction heavily relying on private investment, in particular project financing pursued nationwidely including Daegu, and project of urban cultural marketing to promote capital inflow tacitly as well as to enhance urban imagine explicitly.

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Case Study on the Overseas Locally-Led Community Design Guidelines (주민참여형 커뮤니티정원 조성 가이드라인 마련을 위한 국외 사례 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Airan;Park, Jae-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2018
  • With the changing of social needs and paradigms, citizens are concerned about aesthetic and cultural community gardens from productive urban farms in Korea. It is still difficult, however, to cultivate a beautiful garden with a community to design, install and manage it. Therefore, this study analyzed the community garden design guidelines of other countries to derive the characteristics and implications. The research method analyzed six guidelines for community garden design in the UK, Canada, the USA, Australia and Japan. As a result of the study, most community garden design guidelines are opened freely via on-line service. The guidelines are composed with chronological processes such as intro, site selection, design, construction and maintenance. The introduction section treats definition, purpose, meaning, efficiency and success factors for community gardens. Site selection emphasizes site conditions (soil, light, shadow, water, etc.), landholding and insurance. The design section, however, lacks adequate drawings and case images. These guidelines offer little explanation with few illustrations and sentences. Construction sections explain about plantings, facilities, expense and details. The maintenance guidelines of community gardens contain how to control members, funding, harvesting, pests and plants. In addition, some guidelines include vandalism, organic cultivation methods, recording and advertisement. Lastly, the appendix contains a variety of checklists, administrative documents, guidelines, drawings, and contacts. This study will help understand the trends and characteristics of overseas community gardens design guidelines so as to also supply directions for guidelines to be introduced in Korea.

A study on the Changes in form and spatial uses of Urban Hanok in Bukchon, Seoul (서울 북촌한옥의 변화양상에 관한 연구 - 북촌 가꾸기 사업에 따른 2002~2007 한옥 대수선 사례를 대상으로 -)

  • Song, In-Ho;Kim, Young-Soo;Cho, Eun-Joo
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2009
  • This study focused on changes in form and spatial uses of Urban Hanok in Bukchon, Seoul. There are 10 representative cases which have been renovated through the policy of 'Preservation & Regeneration of Bukchon' by Seoul metropolitan government and other experts. Changes in form and spatial uses of Urban Hanok in Buckon are as follows. First, Changes of scale. Trough removing extension parts, facade of renovated Hanoks are 'transformed' into recovering their identity. Using basements or lofts, intensive application of spaces is transformation which promotes the vitality of Hanoks. Second, changes of space organization. As Hanok changes its function from residence to commercial or cultural use, il a1so changes space character or reorganizes space organization. It is important that deciding function of Hanok has to adjust its scale and organization. Third, changes of construction performance. Through introducing new material and constructing method, performance of wall has been changed respecting its wooden structure and interior-exterior figure. However, technical studies must back it up not to destroy its value of eco-friendly architecture. Fourth, changes of facility systems, like floor heating system. They changes floor level of Hanok equally, and then sections of Hanok have became simple. Furthermore, inserting new facility space, such as boiler room, stand-up kitchen, bathroom and toilet, organization of space also changed. It is necessary that wise alternative proposal through the method of transformation or mutation must be presented. These four changes can be classification into method of 'transformation' and 'mutation'. Changes of scale are method of transformation and changes of space organization are method of mutation. Also, while changes of construction performance are mutation, changes of facility systems are transformation. Recently, as price of lots have been increased, a lot of Hanoks have been commercialized. Thc commercial energy threat 'the identity of Bukchon as residential area'. From now on, to operate 'identity' and 'vitality' complementary, it is necessary to make up for the preservation policy of Hanok and consolidate renovating standards of Hanok which correspond to character of particular region and building usage.

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Changes and characteristics of the biochemical components on the differentiation of soybean cell tissue cultures: (1) Changes and characteristics of the proteins, amino acids and peroxidase isozymes on differentiation of soybean cell tissue cultures (대두 기내 배양체의 분화에 대한 생화학적 성분의 변화와 특성 : (I) 대두 기내 배양체의 분화에 대한 단백질, 아미노산 및 peroxidase 동위효소의 변화와 특성)

  • Nam, Sang-Hae;Choi, Sang-Uk;Yang, Min-Suk
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.134-141
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    • 1991
  • In order to investigate the changes and characteristics of biochemical metabolic substances of soybean tissue culture during the cultural period, immature cotyledons were detached form the plant on 15th days after flowering and cultured in vitro for 3 weeks. The cultures were classified into embryogenic(EC) and non-embryogenic callus(NEC). A part of the EC lines were subcultured for another 3 weeks and classified into root forming(RFC), and shoot forming cultures(SFC). Another part of the EC lines were used for isolation of protoplasts, which were subsequently cultured in vitro for 4 weeks. The cultures were classified into embryogenic(PEC) and non-embryogenic callus(PNEC) derived from the protoplasts. The cultures of EC and PEC lines showed higher phenylalanine content and lower methionine content than those of NEC and PNEC. At organ differentiation stage, both cultures showed the content of aspartic acid decreased, while the other amino acids increased as a whole. The protein pattern analysis of the cultures revealed that EC and NEC lines contained distinctive polypeptides, with mass of ca. 18KD for EC and ca. 22KD for NEC respectively. The EC and PEC lines also showed high activity of peroxidase isozyme A(piA), while the RFC and SFC lines showed that of peroxidase isozyme B(piB).

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A study of the Characteristics of Community Design for Modern Industrial Heritage's Reproduction (근대산업유산 재생을 위한 커뮤니티디자인 특성 연구)

  • Jeong, Min-Joo;Lee, Chan
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.157-168
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    • 2014
  • In buildings on the street, indiscriminate redevelopment are being made by overlooking the relationship with surrounding landscape to create their own unique meaning, due to industrialization progressed rapidly with human needs of longing for something constantly. Selection and methods of two plans, conservation and utilization should be required, considering heritage values on industrial buildings which are being lost and aged in this redevelopment higher. The attempt for the use of modern industrial heritage becomes a hot topic, and several experimental challenges are being made. However, there are rather many cases of causing industrial buildings' depreciation and one-size-fits-all reproduction performance as it applies other examples as standards by recognizing the reproduction of modern industrial heritage as one trend, not focusing on the trend of the times or paradigm, what the times want. To minimize these problems, we focus on how to utilize industrial buildings beyond the importance of industrial buildings' reproduction, considering the quality of local residents' life as well as the expected effect obtainable due to security of local identity and reproduction of buildings, focusing on the concept of community design that offers and forms a way of community life as the design of shares based on unspecified individuals' common life. Community design's core can be called to have diversity rather than undifferentiated unity by pursuing whole unification, since local residents become those who plan design and all people participate in it. In addition, community design achieves integration with other fields as an enlarged design area without limiting in an environmental area, by making indigenously natural characteristics combined with cultural factors in one context so that people may understand the flow of the place. The importance of effects acquired from modern industrial heritage's reproduction has well-known, and the attempt for utilizing aged heritage as a new value and a function has constantly been made. Now, it's time to focus on how long it lasts through this method, rather than modern industrial heritage's reproduction itself. There can be a significance in this study in proposing methodological solutions on modern industrial heritage's reproduction, not to cause depreciation of industrial buildings by recognizing contemporary trends and uniform regeneration performance, multifaceted research is needed for creative, effective development on modern industrial heritage which will occur constantly.

Cartoonists' Awareness of the Comic Industries Cluster (만화클러스터에 대한 만화창작인력의 인식 연구)

  • Yim, Haksoon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.36
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    • pp.593-617
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    • 2014
  • This article is aimed at evaluating the comic industries cluster in the cartoonists' perspective in terms of benefits, innovation milieu and loyalty. This article surveyed the 105 cartoonists in the Bucheon comic industries cluster, which has been established since 1998. As a result of analysis, cartoonists evaluated the comic industries cluster in term of facilities, knowledge and information, and social relationship in the positive way. However, the business network with the comic companies, the other contents industries is not established. The communication and collaboration between the cartoonists and local communities is not active in the Bucheon comic industries cluster. In addition, while comic industries cluster is effective in terms of city branding, the comic industries cluster is not effective in terms of economic impacts. In general, cartoonists' loyalty to the comic industries cluster is highly evaluated. The five factors such as knowledge, policy, urban regeneration, facilities are very significant in terms of the cartoonists' loyalty. This article concludes with a discussion of the sustainable strategies of the comic industries cluster in the context of creative city through comic resources.

Abstruseness of Rimbaud's Barbare : Autotextuality and Meaning (랭보의 「야만」의 난해성 : '자기텍스트성'과 '의미')

  • Shin, Ok-Keun
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.43
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    • pp.327-354
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    • 2016
  • Rimbaud's prose poem, Barbare in Illuminations, is known for its abstruseness with regard to forms, themes, metaphors. This paper first analyzes the poem's grammatical structure to make sense of such an inscrutable piece of work, then discusses its autotextuality in order to decipher its meaning by comparison with Rimbaud's other works. Autotextuality, a method of literary interpretation of Rimbaud's prose poem presented by Steve Murphy, refers to the intertextuality between the author's works. Despite some previous researches focusing on the intertextuality of Barbare, previous authors have failed not only to find its meaning but also to determine its significance. The abstruseness of Rimbaud's Barbare is sometimes considered an example of the meaningless of Rimbaud's work. However, examining the textual structure and the autotextuality builds meaning, rather than rendering the work meaningless. Barbare which consists entirely of noun phrases and metaphors means destruction, fusion and the pure power of regeneration in the original context of Rimbaud's work. This poem is Rimbaud's answer to Baudelaire's poetic question, Any of where out of World, and presents a strange scenery that uses 'the eternal female voice' to reach the Vulcan in the North Pole. Interpretation of Barbare could provide a methodology for reading the difficult Illuminations. The kind of analyses used are, for example, analysis of the text, analysis of verbal indicators, autotextuality, and an understanding of the joy and the solitude in the silence of the poem. Understanding Barbare may provide a method of interpreting the abstruseness of Illuminations. Through this approach, we can connect and combine every fragment of the Illuminations, so that we can reconstruct the story and the adventure contained therein.

A Study on the Typical Characteristics and Conservation Plan of Roadscape as a Modern Asset - Case Study of Yeongdo-gu, Busan - (근대 자산으로서 길에서 보는 경관의 유형적 특성과 경관 보전 방안에 관한 연구 - 영도구를 사례로 -)

  • Kim, Seong-Wan;Kang, Young-Jo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2018
  • This study examined the value of the old roads and roadscapes as modern assets. Topographic maps of the two years (1916 and 1919, which were produced by the Japanese Government-General of Korea) and the digital topographic map produced in 2017, were analyzed. The total amount of roads that have survived for the past 100 years are located in 108 places and total 26.32km. After examining the remnants of the roads in YeongDo, the type of scenery experienced along the roads were classified into nine kinds. The place where a sequential scenery experience takes place due to the survival of the past, the experience is based on the transition of historical scenery, not the scenery of the present time. A new model that can preserve, manage and plan this scenery is required. Therefore, we propose a new landscape model that elevates the concept of gaze from a spatial concept to a spatiotemporal concept. Based on this model, we propose a conservation criterion of the landscape viewed on the road as a viewpoint. As a modern asset for the next 100 years of YeongDo, it is necessary to understand and preserve the meaning of the landscape and roadside scenery as a transit landscape network. The remnant of roads from 100 years ago suggests that the scenery on the road was has been maintained, and it is the historical landscape of the YeongDo area. Through the landscape conservation plan proposed in this study, it is expected that the historical roads and their landscape will be positioned as a modern asset and an aspect of local heritage, and the future conservation and management of the roads and roadscapes will continue.