• 제목/요약/키워드: Cross-tabulation analysis

검색결과 251건 처리시간 0.024초

프레스 보유 사업장에서 재해 발생 사업장과 무재해 사업장의 안전관리 시스템 비교 (A Comparison of Safety Management System between Accident-occurred Companies and Accident-free Companies in which Press Machine are Used)

  • 신운철
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제28권6호
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2013
  • Notorious press machine bothers employers by causing so many industrial accidents which are mostly of caught-in or between type. In 2008, press machines caused 1665 cases of such type of accidents, which reached about 11% of all those. Even though various approaches has been adopted to prevent those press machine accidents, up to now, no one was found to be satisfactory. In this study, two kinds of companies, accident-occurred and accident-free by press machine, were surveyed to find out positive and negative factors for accidents prevention. 400 companies which experienced accidents in 2008 and 200 companies which did not experience accident at all during the same period were selected for this survey. Most of these companies are small companies that employ less than 50 employees. Even though small companies are exempted from legal obligations to have a safety management system for accident prevention, we surveyed about safety management systems of those companies because of its crucial importance for accident prevention including whether they appointed safety managers and various supervisors. Awareness and efforts for safety of employers and employees were also measured. Results were analysed by the method of cross tabulation analysis. Main findings of this study are as follows. Most accident-occurred companies did not appoint any safety manager or supervisor. While it is recommended that the workplace of high accident rate have a safety manager. In addition, as less employers' effort for safety was made in accident-occurred companies in order to prevent accidents during press processing, the author proposes an amendment to the relevant law. Finally, the most referred reason for the negligence of hazard is the cumbersomeness in installing safeguards.

계절별 위성자료를 이용한 미국 캔자스주 식생 분류 - 하이브리드 접근방식의 적용 - (Kansas Vegetation Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data: A Hybrid Approach)

  • 박선엽
    • 대한지리학회지
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    • 제38권5호
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    • pp.667-685
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    • 2003
  • 미국 캔자스주 정부와 연방정부가 필요로 하는 상세한 지표피복 수치지도제작을 위해, Landsat Thematic Mapper 자료를 이용하여 캔자스주 전체를 대상으로 43가지로 분류된 식생군단(vegetation alliance) 수준의 자연식 생지도를 제작하였다. 지도제작 방법으로는 봄, 여름, 가을의 계절별 위성자료를 이용하여 두 단계 분류절차를 거치는 이른바 '하이브리드(hybrid)' 방식을 채택하였다. 이 접근 방법은 첫 단계로 unsupervised classification을 이용, 자연녹지를 농경지로부터 분리해 낸 다음. 두 번째 단계에서 supervised classification, 현장확인조사. 그리고 분류 후 다양한 보강자료를 이용하여 최종적으로 자연식생을 구분ㆍ분류해 내는 것이다. 정확도 평가는 세 가지 분류 수준에서 실행되었는데, 이는 앤더슨 분류단계 I(Anderson level I), 식생군계(vegetation formation), 그리고 식생군단 수준을 포함한다. 확인결과 전반적인 정확도는 51.7%에서 89.4%에 이르는 것으로 조사되었다.

택지개발지구 특성에 따른 거주자의 생활권 내 근린시설 이용행태 - 청주권 3개 택지개발지구를 중심으로 - (Residents' Using Behaviors of Living Facilities According to the Developmental Concepts of Complexes - The Case of the 3 Complexes in Cheongju Area -)

  • 이상운;박경옥
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2010
  • This study has the purpose to reveal the differences of residents' using behaviors of living facilities at 3 complexes. The physical characteristics of the complexes have been investigated by a literature study and field survey. In addition, questionnaires were answered by residents on living facilities using behavior on community environment. The tools of analysis are frequency, percentage, and cross tabulation using SPSS WIN 12.0 program. Followings are the results of the study. 1) The developmental concept of 3 complexes maintained its initial identity. (1) The residence-oriented complex, having wider residential space, had better downtown access and more convenient facilities for daily life. (2) The residence-government mixed complex, constructed with an eco-friendly concept, had wider green and public service space and good downtown access but on the other hand, had less convenience facilities because of a short period from construction. (3) The residence-industry mixed complex, located in sub-urbanity and conceding more land for industries, had poor access to downtown but had more convenient facilities for workers' use. 2) The most frequently visited convenience facilities were shopping facilities, large or small, and banks, and activities were commonly done in the complex or adjacent area. This means it is recommended that the developer of the new complex locate convenience facilities in multi-core concentration types or street types rather than one-core concentration types.

계절(季節)에 따른 헤어컬러 변화(變化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - 2003 $\sim$ 6년 여성잡지(女性雜誌)에 나타난 헤어컬러 트렌드를 중심(中心)으로- (A Study on the Seasonal Changes of Hair Color - Centered on 2003 $\sim$ 6' hair color trends published on women's magazines -)

  • 안현경
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2007
  • This study was aimed at giving help to the people intending to change their own hair color design and also providing the guide line to the cosmetic circles for developing new hair color design and promoting sales by statistically analyzing seasonal changes of hair colors puplished on women's magazines(Vogue Korea, Estetica Korea, Woman Chosun, Ce.ci) from 2003 to 2006. The researching methods were as follows; (1) hair colors published on women's magazines from september 2003 to August 2006 were measured by N.C.S. color reader(4 magazines $\times$10 main hair colors/magazine $\times$ 12 months $\times$ 3 years = 1,440 colors). (2) N.C.S. tone is made of percentage, so measured values and chromas were statistically analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and seasonal deferences were statistically analyzed by t-test and specified on high significant values. But hues were not made of percentage, so these were statistically analyzed by cross tabulation analysis, $x^2$ -test and specified on high significant values. These all had been analyzed by SPSS program(ver. 11.0). The results were as follows; (1) Usually seasonal changes of hair values were significant, specially in foreign licensed magazines, and bright values appeared in S/S and dark values in F/W. (2) Seasonal changes of hair hues were significant only on foreign women's magazines. Therefore seasonal changes of korean hair colors were not significant compared by foreign hair colors because of hardness of color changes of dark black hair and hair damages by hair tints and bleaches and trends of well being and hair care. But hair color changes have been developed gradually and will developed furthermore. So korean hair cosmetic circles have to present hair color trends deferenciated by seasons. And S/S hair values have to be brignt and F/W have to be dark. And new seasonal hair hues matched by korean have to be developed and presented.

초등학생의 흡연 실태와 흡연 태도에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Cigarette Smoking and Its Attitudinal Factors Among the 6 Grade Students in Korea)

  • 박우연;박영수
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제7권
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2006
  • Background & Objectives: This study was designed to examine relationships between smoking behavior and smoking attitudes among 6th-grade students in Korea in order to provide knowledge on school-based programs for preventing adolescent smoking behaviors. Methods: Questionnaires were administered to 464 students attending three public elementary schools in O city from June 13 to June 16, 2006. The total sample size is 458 (response rate = 98.7%). Data were statistically analyzed by frequency analysis, cross tabulation, and multiple regression. Results: First, smoking behavior was significantly influenced by the factors of gender, self-concept, family structure, sibling smoking, school achievement, relationship with teachers, satisfaction with school life, and smoking friends. Theprevalence of ever-smoking was 12.7% among 6th grade students in this study. Students were most likely to initiate smoking in the 5thgrade with curiosity and smoke at their own home. Second, students showed negative attitude toward smoking overall. From the detailed section, students respondednegatively about smoking in public places while they thought that adult smoking with moderate level was okay. Student who showed positive attitudes toward smoking in the present study were significantly related to the factors of self-concept, family environment, parental and sibling smoking status, school achievement, satisfaction with school life, and smoking friends. Third, Students who had tried cigarette smoking were likely to report less negative attitudes toward tobacco than non-smoking students. Fourth, this study found that smoking friends were the most significant predictor of positives smoking attitudes. Other factors significantlyassociated with smoking attitudes were gender, relationship with friends, self-concept, relationship with teachers, paternal smoking status. Conclusions: The study results suggest that smoking prevention programs focus on resisting peer influence and need to be community-incorporated and/or comprehensive from elementary to high school.

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전문가치면세정술 비용 지불의사가격 (Willingness to Pay for Professional Tooth Cleaning in Implant Patients)

  • 박경화;김윤신;이선미;한경순
    • 치위생과학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.176-182
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    • 2014
  • 전문가치면세정술을 받은 임플란트 보철환자 214명을 대상으로 만족도와 지속여부 및 이유, 비용 지불의사가격과 관련요인을 분석한 결과 다음과 같다. 대상자의 전문가치면세정술 평균 만족도는 4.60점이었다. 성별에서는 남성이 높았으며, 연령에서 가장 높은 군은 40~49세 군이었고, 60세 이상 군이 가장 낮았으며, 음주횟수와 운동 횟수가 많을수록 높은 만족도를 나타냈다(p<0.05). 전문가치면세정술을 지속적으로 받을 의사는 92.5%를 나타냈으며, 이유로는 개운함이 84.7%였고, 비용지불은 84.1%가 의사가 있음을 밝혔으며, 지불가격은 평균 28,100원이었다. 월평균수입, 전문가치면세정술 만족도가 높을수록, 연령은 낮을수록 전문가치면세정술에 대한 지불의사가격이 높아졌으며, 남자가 여자보다 높은 가격을 형성하였다. 전문가치면세정술의 가격을 합리적이고 현실적으로 제시하여 정착시키는 것은 성공적인 임플란트 유지관리와 사회경제적 비용을 감소시키는 데 매우 유용할 것으로 기대된다.

대학생에서 감각처리유형과 우울, 불안과의 상관관계 (Sensory Processing Pattern and its Relation to Depression and Anxiety of University Students)

  • 홍은경;박영주
    • 대한감각통합치료학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.22-32
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    • 2016
  • 목적 : 본 연구는 대학생에서 감각처리유형과 우울, 불안과의 상관관계를 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 연구기간은 2016년 10월 10일부터 10월 29일까지로 174명의 대학생에게 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문조사의 내용은 개인적 특징, 청소년/성인감각프로파일, Beck 우울척도 2판, Beck 불안척도로 구성하였다. 통계처리는 SPSS version 22.0을 사용하여 기술통계, 교차분석, Pearson상관분석을 하였다. 결과 : 감각처리유형 중 낮은등록, 감각민감, 감각회피는 우울과 양의 상관관계를 보였다. 불안은 모든 감각처리유형과 관련성이 있었다. 결론 : 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 대학생과 함께 생활하는 부모, 교수, 그리고 보건의료분야의 전문가들은 감각처리와 감정과의 관련성을 고려하여 지도 및 교육, 치료프로그램을 계획할 필요가 있다.

20~40대 여성의 계절별 침구용품 디자인 선호도 분석 (A Study on the Perception and Preference of Design on Bedding Classified by 20s~40s Women)

  • 서민녕;손다빈;구영석
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.553-563
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the perception and preference on textile design specially on bedding products which are widely interested in the life-style market. The study was carried out targeting to 250 women between the ages of 20s and 40s based on the four seasons. The collected data was processed with SPSS 21.0 program using frequency, cross tabulation, and ANOVA analysis. The results were as following. There were slight differences on the results of the study including purchase behavior and preferred bedding textile design: color, color tone, and pattern on the textile design of bedding products according to age and season. Most of age had similar color preference on the bedding products in the season but a slight different between fall and winter. However, as color tone and pattern on the textile design of the bedding products were concerned, there were significant difference between the age depending on the season. There were significant differences of color tones and patterns in fall and winter, but not significant in spring and summer. Therefore, the domestic market of the bedding products needs more various textile design development according to consumers' preference and seasonal trend which should be discriminated in order to increase product competitiveness.

소방공무원의 방화두건 제작을 위한 머리 치수 연구 (Anthropometric study of the head for the development of firefighting hoods for firefighters)

  • 정다운;장미나;권채령;김동은;이인성
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.670-681
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    • 2017
  • Firefighting hoods protect the head, face, and neck areas of officials while they perform firefighting services. The purpose of this study is to investigate the head size of Korean firefighting officials in order to establish the dimensions necessary to construct firefighting hoods. A total of 98 male firefighting officials participated in this study and 11 body dimensions, necessary for the construction of firefighting hoods, were measured. The data collected from the firefighting officials were compared to the general adult male data from the Size Korea national anthropometric study. The heights, weights, head circumferences, head heights, and bitragion arcs of the firefighters were significantly larger than those of general adult males, which shows that firefighting officials generally have larger body and head sizes than general adult males. Based on the results of Pearson's correlation coefficients, head circumference and head height were judged to be the important measurements for the construction of the firefighting hoods. Thus, these two measurements were chosen as the basic dimensions of the cross tabulation analysis. As a result, head circumferences of 57.00~60.99cm and head heights of 23.00~25.99 cm were found to be important measurement ranges among the firefighters. This study is expected to be used as the basis for the creation of firefighting hoods that help to ensure the safe rescue activities for firefighting officials.

초등학생 어머니의 양육스트레스, 대처방식 및 한방진단시스템과의 연관성 연구 (Associations of PSI, WCC, and DSOM in Mothers of Elementary School Children)

  • 임정화;이인선;정인철;황보민;정민정
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2010
  • Objectives : This study was to investigate the associations of Parent Stress Index(PS]). Way of Coping Checklist(WCC). and Diagnostic System of Oriental Medicine(DSOM) in mothers of elementary school children. Methods: In the study. K-PSI-SF. WCC. and DSOM were carried out on 202 mothers of O Oelementary school children during June. 2010. Cross tabulation analysis was used to verify the association of PSI. WCC and DSOM. Results: 1. The most common pathogenic factor was Dampness(濕) in total subjects. 2. The score of problem-focused coping methods showed significant difference in PSI grades. 3. The zp and sc10 of Qi deficiency(氣虛), Blood deficiency(血虛), Qi-Stagnation(氣滯), Insufficiency of Yang(陽虛), Heat(熱), Dampness(濕), Dryness(燥), Liver(肝), Heart(心), and Kidney(腎) showed significant difference in PSI grades. 4. The score of total PSI and PSI subscale had negative correlations with problem-focused coping methods 5. The score of total PSI had positive correlations with Qi-Stagnation (氣滯), Dampness(濕), Dryness(燥), Heart(心), and Kidney(腎) in total subjects. Conclusions : This study provides insights on associations of parenting stress coping methods and diagnostic system in Oriental Medicine. Furthermore, the study shows positive correlations among Qi-Stagnation (氣滯), Dampness(濕), Dryness(燥), Heart(心), Kidney(腎) and PSI, and negative correlations between PSI and Problem-focused coping methods, all with statistical significance.