• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cross-National study

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The Role of L1 and L2 in an L3-speaking Class

  • Kim, Sun-Young
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.24
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    • pp.170-183
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    • 2011
  • This study explored how a Chinese college student who previously had not reached a threshold level of Korean proficiency used L1 (Chinese) and L2 (English) as a tool to socialize into Korean (L3) culture of learning over the course of study. From a perspective of language socialization, this study examined the cross-linguistic influence of L1 and L2 on the L3 acquisition process by tracing an approach to language learning and practices taken by the Chinese student as a case study. Data were collected through three methods; interview protocols, various types of written texts, and observations. The results showed that the student used English as a means to negotiate difficulties and expertise by empowering her L2 exposure during the classroom practices. Her ways of using L2 in oral practices could be characterized as the 'Inverse U-shape' pattern, under which she increased L2 exposure at the early stage of the study and shifted the intermediate language to L3 at the later stage of the study. When it comes to the language use in written practices, the sequence of "L2-L1-L3" use gradually changed to the "L2-L3" sequence over time, signifying the importance of interaction between L2 and L3. However, the use of her native language (L1) in a Korean-speaking classroom was limited to a certain aspect of literacy practices (i.e., vocabulary learning or translation). This study argues for L2 communication channel in cross-cultural classrooms as a key factor to determine sustainable learning growth.

Computational Analysis of an Inverted-type Cross-flow Turbine for Ultra-low head Conditions (전산유체역학을 이용한 초저낙차 상황에서의 도립형 횡류수차의 해석 및 설계 최적화)

  • Ham, Sangwoo;Ha, Hojin;Lee, Jeong Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.76-86
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    • 2019
  • The cross-flow turbine is a key hydraulic power system that is widely due to low costs, high efficiency, and low maintenance. In particular, the cross-flow turbine considered as the most suitable turbine for low head situations as it is known to operate down to 5 m of water head. However, the conventional cross-flow turbine is unsuitable for ultra-low head situations with less than a 3 m water head. In this study, we propose an inverted-type cross-flow turbine to overcome the limitations of conventional cross-flow turbines under ultra-low head situations. First, we described the limitations of conventional turbines and suggested a new turbine for the ultra-low head circumstances. Second, we investigated the performance of the new turbine using CFD analysis. Results demonstrated the effects of the design parameters, such as number of blades and rotor diameter ratio, on the performance of the suggested turbine. As a result, we developed an inverted-type cross-flow turbine with up to 60% efficiency under low water head conditions.

Dynamic Property of Cross-Laminated Woods Made with Temperate Seven Species

  • GONG, Do-Min;SHIN, Moon-Gi;LEE, Soo-Hyun;BYEON, Hee-Seop;PARK, Han-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.504-513
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    • 2021
  • In this study, cross-laminated wood panels were manufactured with four softwoods and three hardwoods with the goal of efficiently predicting the static strength performance using dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOE) and simultaneously revealing the dynamic performance of cross-laminated wood panels. The effect of the density of the species on the dynamic MOE of the laminated wood panels was investigated. Moreover, the static bending strength performance was predicted nondestructively through the correlation regression between the dynamic MOE and static bending strength performance. For the dynamic MOE, the parallel- and cross-laminated wood panels composed of oriental oak showed the highest value, whereas the laminated wood panels composed of Japanese cedar showed the lowest value. In all types of parallel- and cross-laminated wood panels, the density dependence was confirmed, and the extent of the density dependence was found to be greater in the P and C types with perpendicular-direction laminae in the faces than in the P and C types with longitudinal-direction laminae in the faces. Our findings confirmed that a high correlation exists at a significance level of 1% between the dynamic modulus and static bending modulus or bending strength in all types of laminated wood panels, and that the static bending strength performance can be predicted through the dynamic MOE.

Pressure Measurement in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome : Correlation with Electrodiagnostic and Ultrasonographic Findings

  • Ahn, Seong-Yeol;Hong, Youn-Ho;Koh, Young-Hwan;Chung, Yeong-Seob;Lee, Sang-Hyung;Yang, Hee-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.199-204
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    • 2009
  • Objective : This study was done to evaluate the correlation between carpal tunnel pressure (CTP), electrodiagnostic and ultrasonographic findings in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Methods : CTP was measured during endoscopic carpal tunnel release (ECTR) for CTS using Spiegelberg ICP monitoring device with parenchymal type catheter. Neurophysiologic severity and nerve cross sectional area were evaluated using nerve conductive study and ultrasonography (USG) before ECTR in all patients. Results : Tests were performed in a total of 48 wrists in 39 patients (9 cases bilateral). Maximum CTP was $56.7{\pm}19.3$ mmHg ($Mean{\pm}SD$) and $7.4{\pm}3.3$ mmHg before and after ECTR, respectively. No correlation was found between maximum CTP and either neurophysiologic severity or nerve cross sectional area, whereas we found a significant correlation between the latter two parameters. Conclusion : CTP was not correlated with neurophysiologic severity and nerve cross sectional area. Dynamic, rather than static, pressure in carpal tunnel might account for the basic pathophysiology of CTS better.

Shape Effect of Inlet Nozzle and Draft Tube on the Performance and Internal Flow of Cross-Flow Hydro Turbine

  • Choi, Young-Do;Son, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.351-357
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    • 2012
  • Small hydropower is a reliable energy technology to be considered for providing clean electricity generation. Producing electrical energy by small hydropower is the most efficient contribution to renewable energy. Cross-flow turbine is adopted primarily because of its simple structure and high possibility of applying to small hydropower. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of inlet nozzle shape on the performance and internal flow of a cross-flow turbine for small hydropower by CFD analysis. Moreover, the shape effect of draft tube has been investigated according to modified shapes of the length and the diffuse angle. The results show that relatively narrow and converging inlet nozzle shape gives better effect on the performance of the turbine.

In Vivo Quantitative Analysis of PKA Subunit Interaction and cAMP Level by Dual Color Fluorescence Cross Correlation Spectroscopy

  • Park, Hyungju;Pack, Changi;Kinjo, Masataka;Kaang, Bong-Kiun
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.87-92
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    • 2008
  • We employed dual color Fluorescence Cross Correlation Spectroscopy (FCCS) to measure the interaction between PKA regulatory (RII) and catalytic subunits (CAT) in living cells. Elevation of intracellular cAMP with forskolin decreased the cross-correlation amplitude between RFP-fused RII (RII -mRFP) and GFP-fused CAT (CAT-EGFP) by 50%, indicating that cAMP elevation leads to dissociation of RII-CAT complexes. Moreover, diffusion coefficient analysis showed that the diffusion rate of CAT-EGFP was significantly increased, suggesting that the decreased RII-CAT association caused by cAMP generated free CAT subunits. Our study demonstrates that in vivo FCCS measurements and their quantitative analysis permit one not only to directly quantify protein-protein interactions but also to estimate changes in the intracellular cAMP concentration.

Review on Cross-curricular Approach of English Education in Elementary School as the National Common Basic Curriculum (국민공통기본교육과정으로서 초등학교 영어교육의 교과통합적 접근 재조명)

  • Lee, Jae-Geun
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.153-178
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of the present study is to develop several types of English teaching/learning models in view of cross-curricular approach in Korean elementary school. Brewster(1992)' model is suitable for younger children as well as the 1st or 2nd graders. For 3rd or 4th graders, Halliwel1(1997)' model seems more proper type in Korean EFL situation. There has been studying for cross-curricular approach in elementary English education. Many studies has recently focused the characteristics of elementary students by cognitive and psychological perspectives. Among them, Park(1996)'s research talks about the elementary school students. Han(1996)'s research based on the notion of applied to other subjects. Kim(1999)'s also emphasized the importance of linking other subjects. Kim(2003) argued the need of integrating English with other subjects. The elementary education as the National Common Basic Curriculum(NCBC) has the essence of cross-curricular approach, so the English education will be linked with other subject matters more and more, not just as for Communicative function based English education but as both content and function based subject matter.

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  • Kim, Jong-Chul;Lowe, Alan A
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.25 no.6 s.53
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    • pp.655-664
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    • 1995
  • Sixty male patients with polysomnographically documented OSA were included in this study. A pair of cephalograms were obtained in the upright and supine positions. In the supine position, the ANB angle, lower facial height and the cross-sectional area of soft palate increased and there was a decrease in the vertical airway length and oropharynx cross-sectional area. Positional changes did not affect the cross-sectional area of tongue, but the cross-sectional area of the oropharynx decreased in the supine position. The obese group had higher AI and RDI. Maxillary unit length, C3-H, the cross-sectional areas of tongue, soft palate and oropharynx were significantly greater in the group Obese than in non-obese group. No correlation was noted between the mandibular unit length and OSA severity, The group of small mandibular unit length showed shorter lower facial height and maxillary unit length, and smaller cross-sectional area of tongue than the long mandibular unit length group. Hyold bone positioned more inferiorly and cross-sectional area of nasopharynx decreased as the OSA severity increased.

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An Exploratory Study of Cross-border Crowdfunding: Focusing on South Korea-based Projects from Kickstarter (국경 간 크라우드펀딩에 관한 탐색적 연구: 킥스타터의 한국 프로젝트를 중심으로)

  • Sehwan Oh
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.13-29
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    • 2020
  • With the development of the Internet environment, cross-border crowdfunding has emerged as a novel method to attract foreign investors online. Focusing on 324 South Korea-based crowdfunding projects from Kickstarter, which is a representative cross-border crowdfunding platform, this study explores the trends of South Korea-based funding projects and examines the effects of key determinants on crowdfunding outcomes. Regarding the characteristics of crowdfunding projects, analysis results show that the appropriate goal amount and funding period, sufficient updates of project status, and active communication is critical for success. Additionally, from the perspective of project creators, this research finds that creators need to pay greater attention to writing their detailed biographies. Finally, examining the characteristics of project backers, this study shows that attracting project backers from various countries would be desirable rather than focusing on Korean sponsors from the start.

End Distance of Single-shear Screw Connection in Cross Laminated Timber

  • Oh, Jung-Kwon;Kim, Gwang-Chul;Kim, Kwang-Mo;Lee, Jun-Jae;Hong, Jung-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.746-752
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    • 2017
  • Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is a relatively new engineered wood for timber construction. It is a great shear wall material. It was known that the shear performance of the CLT wall depends on the performance of connections. In connection, nail or screw has to be installed with a certain distance from the end of the timber. Current building code specifies the distance on the name of end distance. The end distance was decided as a minimum distance not to make splitting or tearing out in lumber or glued laminated timber. As a relatively new engineered wood, the end distance of CLT connection need to be identified because CLT is cross-wisely glued lumber products like plywood. Different from glued laminated timber or lumber, cross layer of CLT may prevent wood from splitting or tearing-out. As a result, the end distance of CLT was expected to be reduced than glued laminated timber. The shorter end distance may let more versatile connector design possible. In this study, prior to developing novel connection for CLT, the end distance of CLT connection was experimentally investigated to identify the end distance limitation. The experiments showed that the end distance can be reduced from 7D to 6D, in case of the tested CLT combination and screw in this study.