• Title/Summary/Keyword: Creep rupture behavior

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Modeling Creep Behavior and Life by Damage Mechanics (손상역학에 의한 크리프 거동 및 수명 모델링)

  • Sin, Chang-Hwan;Jeong, Il-Seop;Chae, Yeong-Seok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.7 s.178
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    • pp.1833-1840
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    • 2000
  • Commercially pure copper is tested to obtain creep curves at 2500C. Constitutive relations adopting continuum damage mechanics concept is found to be appropriate to model the creep defor mation up to the tertiary stage. Microscopic observation by SEM reveals that creep condition induces cavities and microcracks subsequently. The constitutive equations along with evaluated creep parameters are implemented into finite element analysis code. The analysis reproduces creep curves under step loading as well as constant loading with reasonable accuracy. Distribution and evolution of damage under creep loading are numerically simulated for two different types of notched specimen. Predicted creep life agrees quite well with rupture test results. The influence of mesh size at notch tip on rupture time prediction is studied, and a degree of refinement is suggested for the specific notched specimens.

Thermal Aging and Creep Rupture Behavior of STS 316 (STS 316의 시효 열화 처리와 크리프 거동 특성)

  • 임병수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 1999
  • Although type 316 stainless steel is widely used such as in reactors of petrochemical plants and pipes of steam power plants and s attracting attention as potential basic material for the fast breeder reactor structure alloys in nuclear power plants and is attracting attention as potential basic material for the fast breeder reactor structure alloys in nuclear power plants the effect of precipitates which form during the long term exposure at service temperature on creep properties is not known sufficiently. In this study to investigate the creep properties and the influence of prior aging on the microstructure to form precipitates specimens were first solutionized at 113$0^{\circ}C$ for 20 minutes and then aged for different times of 0 hr, 100 hrs, 1000 hrs and 2200 hrs at 75$0^{\circ}C$ After heat treatments tensile tests both at room temperature and $650^{\circ}C$ and constant load creep ruptuere tests were carried out.

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High-Temperature Rupture of 5083-Al Alloy under Multiaxial Stress States

  • Kim Ho-Kyung;Chun Duk-Kyu;Kim Sung- Hoon
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.1432-1440
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    • 2005
  • High-temperature rupture behavior of 5083-Al alloy was tested for failure at 548K under multiaxial stress conditions: uniaxial tension using smooth bar specimens, biaxial shearing using double shear bar specimens, and triaxial tension using notched bar specimens. Rupture times were compared for uniaxial, biaxial, and triaxial stress conditions with respect to the maximum principal stress, the von Mises effective stress, and the principal facet stress. The results indicate that the von Mises effective and principal facet stresses give good correlation for the material investigated, and these parameters can predict creep life data under the multiaxial stress states with the rupture data obtained from specimens under the uniaxial stress. The results suggest that the creep rupture of this alloy under the testing condition is controlled by cavitation coupled with highly localized deformation process, such as grain boundary sliding. It is also conceivable that strain softening controls the highly localized deformation modes which result in cavitation damage in controlling rupture time of this alloy.

A Study on the Creep Deformation Behavior of Mg-Zn-Mn-(Ca) Alloys (Mg-Zn-Mn-(Ca)합금의 크리이프 변형거동에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Dae-Min;Koo, Yang;Sim, Sung-Bo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, creep tests of Mg-Zn-Mn and Mg-Zn-Mn-Ca alloys, which were casted by mold with Mg-3%Zn-1%Mn and Mg-3%Zn-1%Mn-0.2%Ca, were done under the temperature range of 473-573K and the stress range of 23.42-78.00Mpa. The activation energies and the stress exponents were measured to investigate the creep plastic deformation of those alloys, and the rupture lifes of Mg-Zn-Mn alloy were also measured to investigate the fracture behavior. From the results, the activation energy of Mg-Zn-Mn and Mg-Zn-Mn-Ca alloys under the temperature range of 473-493K were measured as 149.87, 145.98KJ/mol, respectively, and the stress exponent were measured as 5.13, 6.06 respectively. Also the activation energies Mg-Zn-Mn and Mg-Zn-Mn-Ca alloys under the temperature range of 553-573K were obtained as 134.41, 129.22KJ/mol, respectively, and tress exponent were obtained as 3.48, 4.63, respectively. Finally stress dependence of rupture life and the activation energy of rupture life of Mg-Zn-Mn under the temperature range of 473-493K was measured as 8.05, 170.0(KJ/mol), respectively, which were a little higher than the results of steady state creep.

High Temperature Creep Characteristics Evaluation for Degraded Heat Resistance Steel of Power Plant by Mini-Specimen (미소시험편에 의한 재질열화된 내열강의 고온 크리프 특성 평가)

  • Lyu, Dae-Young;Baek, Seung-Se;Yu, Hyo-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.429-435
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    • 2003
  • In this study the new creep test using miniaturized specimen(10${\times}$10${\times}$0.5 ㎣) was performed to evaluate the creep characteristics for degraded materials of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel. For this creep test, the artificially aged materials for 330 hrs and 1820hrs at $630^{\circ}C$ were used. The test temperatures applied for the creep deformation of miniaturized specimens was X$630^{\circ}C$ and the applied loads were between 45 kg∼80 kg. After creep test, macro- and microscopic observation were conducted by the scanning electron microscope(SEM). The creep curves depended definitely on applied load and microstructure and showed the three stages of creep behavior like uniaxial tensile creep curves. The load exponents of virgin, 330 hrs and 1820 hrs materials based on creep rate showed 14.8, 9.5 and 8.3 at $550^{\circ}C$ respectively, The 1820 hrs material showed the lowest load exponent and this behavior was also observed in the case of load exponent based on creep rupture time. In contrast to virgin material which exhibited fined dimple fractography, a lot of carbides like net structure and voids were observed on the fractography of degraded materials.

Creep and creep crack growth behaviors for base, weld, and heat affected zone in a grade 91 weldment

  • Kim, Woo-Gon;Sah, Injin;Kim, Seon-Jin;Lee, Hyeong-Yeon;Kim, Eung-Seon
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.572-582
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the creep and creep crack growth (CCG) behavior of the base metal (BM), weld metal (WM), and heat affected zone (HAZ) in a Gr. 91 weldment, which was made by a shield metal arc weld process. A series of tensile, creep, and CCG tests were performed for the BM, WM, and HAZ at 550 ℃. Creep behavior of the BM, WM, and HAZ was analyzed in terms of various creep laws; Norton's power-law, Monkman-Grant relation and damage tolerance factor (λ), and their constants were determined. In addition, each CCGR law for the BM, WM, and HAZ was proposed and compared in terms of a C*-fracture parameter. The WM and HAZ revealed faster creep rate, lower rupture ductility, and faster CCGRs than the BM, but they showed a similar behavior in the creep and CCG. The CCGRs obtained in the present study exhibited a marginal difference when compared with those of RCC-MRx of currently elevated design code in France. A creep crack path in the HAZ plane progressed towards a weak fine-grained HAZ adjacent to the BM.

A Study on the Characteristics of High Temperature and Mechanisms for Creep Deformation of AZ31 Mg Alloy (AZ31마그네슘 합금의 고온특성 및 크리이프 변형기구에 관한연구)

  • Kang, D.M.;An, J.O.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.96-101
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    • 2005
  • Magnesium alloys have been widely used for many structural components of automobiles and aircraft because of high specific strength and good cast ability in spite of hexagonal closed-packed crystal structure of pure magnesium. In this study, uniaxial tension tests at high temperature and creep tests are done in order to investigate the characteristics of high temperature and mechanisms for creep deformation of AZ31 Mg alloy. Yield stress and ultimate tensile stress decreased with increasing temperature, but elongation increased from results of uniaxial tension test at high temperature. The apparent activation energy Qc, the applied stress exponent n and rupture life have been determined during creep of AZ31 Mg alloy over the temperature range of 473K to 573K and stress range of 23.42 MPa to 93.59 MPa, respectively, in order to investigate the creep behavior. Constant load creep tests were carried out in the equipment including automatic temperature controller, whose data are sent to computer. At around the temperature of $473K{\sim}493K$ and under the stress level of $62.43{\sim}93.59%MPa$, and again at around the temperature of $553K{\sim}573K$ and under the stress level of $23.42{\sim}39.00MPa$, the creep behavior obeyed a simple power-law relating steady state creep rate to applied stress and the activation energy for the creep deformation was nearly equal, respectively, and a little low to that of the self diffusion of Mg alloy including aluminum. Also rupture surfaces at high temperature have had bigger dimples than those at lower temperature by SEM.

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Creep Characterization of 9Cr1Mo Steel Used in Super Critical Power Plant by Conversion of Stress and Strain for SP-Creep Test (SP-Creep 시험의 응력 및 변형률 환산에 의한 초임계압 발전설비용 9Cr1Mo강의 크리프 특성 평가)

  • Baek, Seung-Se;Park, Jung-Hun;Yu, Hyo-Sun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.9 s.252
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    • pp.1034-1040
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    • 2006
  • Due to the need of increasing thermal efficiency, supercritical pressure and temperature have been utilized in power plants. It is well known that 9Cr1Mo steel is suitable fer use in power plants operating at supercritical conditions. Therefore, to ensure the safety and the soundness of the power plant, creep characterization of the steel is important. In this study, the creep characterization of the gCr1Mo steel using small punch creep(SP-Creep) test has been described. The applied load and the central displacement of the specimen in SP-Creep test have been converted to bearing stress and strain of uc, respectively. The converted SP-Creep curves clearly showed the typical three-stage behavior of creep. The steady-state creep rate and the rupture time of the steel logarithmically changed with the bearing stress and satisfied the Power law relationship. Furthermore, the Larson-Miller parameter of the SP-Creep test agreed with that of the tensile creep test. From the comparison with low Cr-Mo steels, the creep characteristics of 9Cr1Mo steel proved to be superior. Thus, it can be confirmed that the 9Cr1Mo steel is suitable for supercritical power plant.

A Study on the Creep Behavior and Failure Mechanism of the $SiC_t/Si_3N_4$ Ceramic Composite ($SiC_t/Si_3N_4$ 세라믹 복합재료의 크리프 거동 및 파손 메카니즘에 관한 연구)

  • 박용환
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 1998
  • The creep behavior and failure mechanism of the 30 vol% hot-pressed $SiC_t/Si_3N_4$ ceramic composite was experimentally investigated at $1200^{\circ}C$ and at various stress levels in air. The creep threshold stress for zero creep rate after 100 hr was found to be approximately 60 MPa. The stress exponent was estimated to be n~1, which suggests that fiber-reinforcement reduced the stress sensitivity of the HPSN matrix with the stress exponent of 2. The tertiary stage leading to creep rupture was found at 250 MPa but was very short. The microstructure of the crept specimen showed random fiber fracture and no matrix cracking. Interfacial debonding was absent.

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