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Evaluation on Anchorage Performance of 57mm Headed Bars in Exterior Beam-Column Joint under Cyclic Loading (반복하중을 받는 외부 보-기둥 접합부에 정착된 57mm 확대머리철근의 정착성능평가)

  • Jung, Hyung-Suk;Chung, Joo-Hong;Choi, Chang-Sik;Bae, Baek-IL;Choi, Hyun-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.68-75
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    • 2021
  • In this study, the anchoring performance of 57mm headed bars anchored at the external beam-column joint under cyclic loading was evaluated. A total of 6 external beam-column joint test specimens were planned, and anchorage performance was evaluated by setting concrete compressive strength, side covering thickness, lateral reinforcement ratio, and fracture type as major experimental variables. As result of cyclic loading test, it was found that the factors that had the greatest influence on the anchoring capacity of the large-diameter headed bar anchored at the joint were the side cover thickness and the transverse reinforcing bar. It was confirmed that the 57mm large-diameter headed bar anchored at the external beam-column joint showed sufficient anchoring capacity even under cyclic loading.

Qualities Analysis of Domestic Soybean Cultivars (국내산 두류 품종에 대한 품질 분석)

  • Yu, Kwang-Won;Bae, Yun-Jung;Bae, Yu-Jung;Joo, Ga-Young;Kim, Chae-Young;Yun, Ji-Hye;Lee, Kyung-Haeng
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.666-671
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    • 2020
  • To analyze the quality characteristics of soybean (Glycine max), the approximate analysis, physical properties, mineral and free sugar content of domestic soybean cultivars were analyzed. The moisture content was about 9.15~11.84%. The fat content of Cheonga, Taekwang, and Jinpung cultivars were 17.93~18.37%, which was significantly higher than that of others. Protein content of Cheonga and Seonyu were 36.15~36.70%, significantly higher than that of others. As for the weight and shape of soybeans, the Daewon was the largest allele, and the seed cover ratio was the highest in the Seonyu. In terms of water absorption rate, the Seonyu showed the highest absorption rate at 246.19%, and the Daewon showed the lowest absorption rate. Soaked soybeans had a hardness of 2.80~4.73 kg/㎠, which did not show low hardness in the sample with high moisture absorption. The grinded soybeans showed higher lightness and yellowness values than the raw soybeans, and the redness was decreased. Soybean minerals contained high K, P, Mg, and Ca content. Overall, The Taekwang contained more minerals than others. Stachyose, sucrose, glucose and fructose were detected as free sugars in soybeans. The total free sugar content of Taekwang was the lowest at 3.47%, and the Cheonga (6.80%) was the highest.

Prediction of pathogen positive-culture results in acute poisoning patients with suspected aspiration (흡인이 의심되는 급성 중독환자에서 병원균 양성 배양 결과의 예측)

  • Baek Sungha;Park Sungwook
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: This study sought to compare the characteristics of patients with pathogen-positive and negative cultures, and to investigate factors predicting pathogen-positive culture results in patients of acute poisoning with suspected aspiration. Methods: Consecutive patients with acute poisoning admitted to an intensive care unit between January 2016 and December 2018 were retrospectively studied. Respiratory specimens were collected from the enrolled patients at the time of the suspected aspiration. We compared the characteristics of patients with pathogen-positive and negative culture results and analyzed the causative pathogens. Results: Among the 526 patients, 325 showed no clinical features that could be attributed to aspiration, and 201 patients had clinical features suggestive of aspiration. Of these, 113 patients had pathogen-positive culture, 61 were negative, and the specimens of 27 patients contained poor-quality sputum. In univariate analysis, patients with a positive culture showed a longer time to culture from ingestion (p=0.01), faster heart rate (p=0.01), and higher partial pressure of arterial oxygen to the fraction of inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2) (p=0.02) than patients with negative culture. Multivariate analysis demonstrated that PaO2/FiO2 (adjusted odd ratio, 1.005; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.002-1.008; p=0.005) was a significant risk factor for pathogen-positive culture. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of PaO2/FiO2 was 0.591 (95% CI, 0.510-0.669, p=0.05). Gram-negative pathogens (GNPs) were predominant and at least one GNP was observed in 84 (73.3%) patients among those with pathogen positive culture. Conclusion: We failed to find any clinical factors associated with positive culture results. Antibiotics that cover GNPs could be considered when deciding the initial antibiotic regimen at the time of suspected aspiration.

Ground Behavior and Reinforcing Methods of NATM Tunnel through Deep Weathered Zone (대심도 풍화대층에서 NATM 터널의 지반거동 및 보강방법)

  • Chun, Byung-Sik;Song, Seung-Hoon;An, Jung-Whan
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.23 no.8
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2007
  • This study analyzed ground settlement and ground stress depending on tunnel excavation and the ground reinforcing grouting methods for double line road tunnel through deep weathered zone. Diameter of double line road tunnel was approximately 12m and umbrella arch method and side wall reinforcing grouting were applied. The ring-cut split excavation method and CD-cut excavation method for excavation method were applied. Analyses of failure rate and vertical stress ratio show that the tunnel for which the height of the cover (H) was higher than four times the diameter, can be considered a deep tunnel. Comparisons of various excavation and ground reinforcement methods showed that CD-cut method results in lower surface and crown settlement, and lower failure rate than that obtained by Ring-cut split method. In addition, the side wall reinforcing grouting resulted in reduction of tunnel displacement and settlement.

Adsorption Properties of Paint Mixed with Powdered Activated Carbon According to the Number of Coatings (분말활성탄을 혼합한 도료의 도장횟수에 따른 흡착 특성)

  • Choi, Byung-Cheol;Kyoung, In-Soo;Lee, Sang-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.25-26
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    • 2021
  • Due to COVID-19, the spread of non-face-to-face culture is increasing the time spent indoors. Accordingly, it is necessary to reduce indoor air pollutants. Also, among building materials, there are paints. As the number of coatings increases, the coating film becomes thick, and there is a risk of cracking and falling off. Therefore, this study is to examine the adsorption properties of indoor air pollutants according to the number of coatings of a paint mixed with powdered activated carbon. In the experimental plan, the addition ratio of powdered activated carbon was selected as 30%, and the number of coatings was selected as primcoating, second coat, and finishing coat, and the concentration of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds were measured. As a result, as the number of coatings increased, the concentration of formaldehyde and volatile organic compounds tended to decrease. This is considered to be due to the fact that not only the physical adsorption acted by the internal pores of the powdered activated carbon, but also because a lot of powdered activated carbon was present on the painted surface as the coating film was formed. However, since it is judged that there is an error in the concentration due to the inflow of external air as the chamber cover is opened to put the test object in the adsorption test process, it is considered that the experimental method needs to be supplemented.

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Dynamic Behavior of Pretensioned Concrete Member during Detensioning (긴장재 절단에 따른 프리텐션 부재의 동적 거동 고찰)

  • Kim, Jangho;Mun, Do Young;Ji, Goangseup;Kim, Gyuseon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5A
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    • pp.747-756
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of the important parameters on the transfer length during the dynamic flame cutting of tendon experimentally. The considered parameters were strand diameter, concrete cover thickness, stirrup, debonding strand and release method. Ten pretensioned concete beam specimens were cast and tested. Time history curves for the axial strain of tendon were measured by electrical resistance strain gauges mounted on the strands. Experimental results indicated that large dynamic shock effects occurred near cut-end during the sudden release. The prestressing forces are dependent on the parameters above considered. The ratio of residual prestressing forces of 12.7 mm strands is greater than 15.2 mm strands. Using debonding strand and gradual release are more efficient for applying prestressing forces.

Performance Comparison of Machine Learning Models for Grid-Based Flood Risk Mapping - Focusing on the Case of Typhoon Chaba in 2016 - (격자 기반 침수위험지도 작성을 위한 기계학습 모델별 성능 비교 연구 - 2016 태풍 차바 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Jihye Han;Changjae Kwak;Kuyoon Kim;Miran Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_2
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    • pp.771-783
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to compare the performance of each machine learning model for preparing a grid-based disaster risk map related to flooding in Jung-gu, Ulsan, for Typhoon Chaba which occurred in 2016. Dynamic data such as rainfall and river height, and static data such as building, population, and land cover data were used to conduct a risk analysis of flooding disasters. The data were constructed as 10 m-sized grid data based on the national point number, and a sample dataset was constructed using the risk value calculated for each grid as a dependent variable and the value of five influencing factors as an independent variable. The total number of sample datasets is 15,910, and the training, verification, and test datasets are randomly extracted at a 6:2:2 ratio to build a machine-learning model. Machine learning used random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) techniques, and prediction accuracy by the model was found to be excellent in the order of SVM (91.05%), RF (83.08%), and KNN (76.52%). As a result of deriving the priority of influencing factors through the RF model, it was confirmed that rainfall and river water levels greatly influenced the risk.

Relationship between Carbonation Rate and Compressive Strength in Concrete with Unclear Local Aggregate Qualities (골재 지역 특성이 불분명한 콘크리트의 탄산화 속도 및 강도 상관성)

  • Jin-Won Nam;Hyeong-Ki Kim;Seung-Jun Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.246-253
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    • 2024
  • When concrete with slag powder or fly ash is under an accelerated carbonation test at early age, a very complicated carbonation behavior occurs since several reactions covering cement hydration, pozzolanic reaction, and carbonation reaction occu simultaneously. In particular, fine and coarse aggregates with poor quality were used, the trend with strength development and carbonation behavior was not clear. In this study, concrete samples with three design strength grade(24 MPa, 27 MPa, and 30 MPa) were manufactured with different aggregates site(A, B, and C). Compressive strength test were performed considering curing ages(7 and 28 days), and the accelerated carbonation tests were performed for 8 weeks for evaluating carbonation rate. The relationship between compressive strength and carbonation rate was analyzed considering mix properties and the aggregate site conditions. In addition, the minimum cover depth satisfying intended service life was obtained through carbonation design based on Domestic Design Code, and the necessities for improving design parameters (direction coefficient and effective water-binder ratio) were suggested.

Effect of Soil Incorporation of Graminaceous and Leguminous Manures on Tomato (Lycoperiscon esculentum Mill.) Growth and Soil Nutrient Balances (화본과 및 두과 녹비작물 토양환원에 따른 토마토 생육 및 토양 양분수지량 변화)

  • Lee, In-Bog;Kang, Seok-Beom;Park, Jin-Myeon
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 2008
  • To investigate the effects of incorporation of green manures (GM) into a sandy loam soil on growth, yield, and nutrient uptake of tomato (Lycoperiscon esculentum Mill.) and nutrient balances (input minus offtake of nutrients), five tomato production systems were compared under the condition of plastic film house: 1) a no input system (no additional amendment or inputs, 0-To-0-To); 2) a conventional system (application of N-P-K chemical fertilizers, Cf-To-Cf-To); 3) a leguminous GM-containing system (hairy vetch-tomato-soybean-tomato, Hv-To-Sb-To); 4) a graminaceous GM-containing system (rye-tomato-sudan grass-tomato, Ry-To-Sd-To); and 5) system mixed with leguminous and graminaceous GMs (rye-tomatosoybean- tomato, Ry-To-Sb-To). Here, hairy vetch and rye were cultivated as winter cover crops during late Declate Feb and soybean and sudan grass were cultivated as summer cover crops during late Junmid Aug. All of them cut before tomato planting and then incorporated into soil. Biomass of GMs was greater in summer season than that of winter season. Nitrogen amount fixed by a leguminous plants was about 126kgha1 per a cropping season, corresponding to 60% N level needed for tomato production, which was comparable to 50 and 96kgha1 fixed by rye and sudan grass. As a result, tomato yield of Hv-To-Sb-To system (legume GM treatment) was similar to Cf-To-Cf-To (conventional), but that in Ry-To-Sd-To system (graminaceous GM treatment) was not attained to a half level of conventional treatment. Nutrient budgets for N, P and K on the conventional farm were balanced or somewhat positive exception for minus-balanced K. Ry-To-Sd-To system showed a positive N, P and K budgets due to the depressed growth of tomato which is caused by high C/N ratio and low N-fixing capacity of the GMs. Inversely, those of Hv-To-Sb-To system were negative in all of N, P and K budgets because of increased growth and yield of tomato with high nitrogen-supplying capacity as well as low C/N ratio of leguminous GM. In conclusion, although conventional cultivation has an advantage in relation to N, P and K nutrient budgets rather than GM-incorporated systems, a leguminous GMs could be recommended as nitrogen reservoir and soil amendment because the yield of tomato between use of leguminous GM and conventional cultivation was not only significantly difference, but also GMs commonly reduce nutrient loss and improve microbial communities.

Analysis of Urban Growth Pattern and Characteristics by Administrative District Hierarchy : 1985~2005 (행정구역 위계별 도시성장 패턴 및 특성 분석 : 1985~2005를 중심으로)

  • Park, So-Young;Jeon, Sung-Woo;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.34-47
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    • 2009
  • Rapid urbanization is causing environmental and ecological damage, development thoughtless for the environment, and social and economical issues. It is important to grasp urban growth situations and characteristics, reflect them, and establish a policy for the solution of issues pursuant to urbanization and the sustainable and efficient development of national land. This research aims to be used as basic data in establishing an urban policy by analyzing the situations and characteristics of urban growth for the past 20 years in our entire country rather than an existing district. For this, some urban districts were sampled using a 1980s and 2000s version of land cover map produced by Ministry of Environment, and then pattern analysis for urban growth by administrative district ranks was conducted using GIS and a statistical technique. As a result, the development zone area after 1980s has increased by 2.5 times as compared to that before 1980s, and especially in the farm villages neighboring the national capital region, it has increased by 21.2 times. Special cities and metropolitan cities were developed at the districts being low in altitude, close to the principal road and the major downtown, high in road ratio, and restricted environmentally, ecologically and legally, and were diverted from mountains, forests and grassland to urban land. On the other hand, farm villages neighboring a large city, farm villages neighboring the national capital region, and local farm villages were developed at the districts being high in altitude, far from the principal road and the major downtown, low in road ratio, and not restricted environmentally, ecologically and legally, and were diverted from farmland to urban land. That is, it can be seen that urban development has been actively realized despite the unfavorable topographical conditions in the suburban districts due to lack of available land and various regulations and policies as urban growth around big cities expands.

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