• Title/Summary/Keyword: Couple identity

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Does Apparel Purchase Involve Joint Purchase Decision-Making? -Interpersonal Influences between Spouse or Significant Others-

  • Kang, Joohee;Lee, Yoon-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.799-811
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    • 2015
  • This study examined factors that influenced susceptibility to dyadic influences between opposite-gender couples on making apparel purchase decisions. This study focused on main effects of couple identity, product knowledge, clothing involvement and gender, and the interaction effects of gender with other factors for normative and informational influences. A survey was conducted on 155 males and 166 females currently married or in a relationship between the ages of 20 and 50 living in South Korea. For normative influence, the main effects of joint couple identity and clothing involvement (fashion interest, symbolism, and pleasure), and the interaction between gender and clothing involvement (fashion interest) were significant. The interaction between gender and other variables were insignificant. For informational influence, the main effects of partner's product knowledge, pleasure, and gender as well as the interaction effects between fashion interest and gender, and between pleasure and gender were significant. Marketers may find implications from the study results on how couples influence each other in making apparel purchase decisions.

Development and Evaluation of Family Life Education Program for Middle-Aged Man -To establish equal relation between a couple- (중년남성 대상 가족생활교육 프로그램 개발 및 평가 -평등한 부부관계 정립을 목적으로-)

  • 김양호;배선희;송말희
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate family life education for meddle-aged man. We developed family life education program for man consisting of 4 sessions, which is based on the system theory and strong family perspective. The program was designed to contribute to making sound family culture and more to make more equal relation between a couple by breaking from the sex-types identity and recognizing androgyny. After implementing a program for 4 weeks, the quantity and quality evaluation revealed that the program made the middled-aged man have a chance to recognize the importance of their family, especially the need to respect wife, to reflect family role performance and to learn the importance of communication between a couple.

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The urban household's housing fund and its contributing factors according to the type of housing mobility (도시가계의 주거이동유형별 주택자금규모와 관련변수에 관한 연구)

  • 김순미
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.95-110
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study were 1) to identity housing fund by the type of housing mobility and 2) to analyze the variable contributing to housing fund by the type of housing mobility. For these purposes, the 1993 KHPSD data was used and the sample in this study consisted of 2,796 couple households. Statistics employed for the analysis were frequencies, means, univariate analysis and multiple regression analysis. As the results, the composition and the amount of housing fund according to the type of housing mobility, were different respectively. Housing fund was consisted of previous housing sales price, savings deposits, loans, inheritance, subsidy, and personal debts. Households who already own houses used housing finance for their housing fund easily while renters were at a disadvantage to use housing finance. Moreover, among the contributing factors, home ownership, number of family member, residence, average monthly income, average monthly expenditure, husband's education attainment, satisfaction with housing, husband's job, and the type fo housing were positively associated with the amounts of housing funds. However, duration fo residence tended to negatively related to the amounts of housing funds.

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The Antecedents of Need for Self-Presentation and the Effect on Digital Item Purchase Intention in an Online Community (온라인 커뮤니티에서 자기표현욕구의 영향요인과 디지털 아이템 구매의도에 미치는 효과)

  • Koh, Joon;Shin, Seon-Jin;Kim, Hee-Woong
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.117-144
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    • 2008
  • Lots of virtual communities and online businesses presently derive their primary sources of revenues through advertising, but nevertheless are plagued with marginal profitability though they might possess a significant user base. In the light of the need for an efficacious business model, there have been recent insights of an online community in particular reaping profits through an innovative and lucrative revenue generation method that earns by selling digital items. There have been some obvious evidences (e.g., Cyworld, SecondLife, Habo Hotel, etc.) that online communities can be profitable through their unique business model of selling digital items. However, there is lack of understanding about the motivation of purchasing digital items. This study tries to identify the main motivators of digital item purchases based on social/individual identity theory and self-presentation theory. "Digital items", otherwise known as "virtual assets", may include online avatars, accessories for the avatars, decorative ornaments like furniture, digital wallpapers, skins, background music and virtual weapons used for Internet games. These digital items are employed by users for representation and articulation in the online space, especially to create and enhance their online profiles in web pages and games. Prices for digital items typically range from a few cents to a few dollars each. Based on the theoretical framework like social identity theory and self-presentation theory, we developed the research model and proposed seven hypotheses. An analysis of 225 members of Cyworld found that digital item purchase intention in virtual world is affected by both members' need for self-presentation and need for affiliation. We also found that the need for self-presentation is significantly increased by innovativeness of members, community group norm, and community involvement. We concluded that the need for self-presentation could be a key variable for profitable business model in online community service industry. However, neither individual self-efficacy nor the need for affiliation significantly influenced the need for self-presentation which triggers purchase intention of digital items. In term of the theoretical and practical contribution, this study can be a pioneering empirical research that investigates the purchase intention of digital items based on social identity theory and self-presentation theory in the online context. Also, the findings of our study are valuable and practical for practitioners in the market who wish to adopt or improve the business model of selling digital items in an online community. From the findings, it can be seen that innovativeness of users, community group norm, and community involvement are three significant factors that influence need for self-presentation of users which ultimately leads to their intentions to buy digital items. These findings put forth that virtual community providers and online businesses selling digital items should prioritize their efforts and focus on these three factors if they want to increase the sales of these digital items and generate greater revenues. This study provides important implications for academic researchers and practitioners to understand why the community members pay money for their digital items in virtual world and how the practitioners can increase the sales of digital items in an online community. A couple of limitations of the study and future research directions are also discussed.

Development of the Tailored Health Promotion Program for Rural Elderly: Based on the PRECEDE Model (농촌형 노인 건강증진프로그램 개발 연구: PRECEDE 모형을 중심으로)

  • Oh, Yun-Jung;Park, Jeong-Sook
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.179-202
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop the health promotion program for rural elderly through PRECEDE process. Method: The health promotion program was developed based on the preliminary diagnosis. The data collection was performed from March 10th to April 9th, 2003. The subjects were selected at Mari Myun, Geochang Gun, in Korea. The preliminary diagnosis was examined with the 115 elders. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and Cronbach's n test with SPSS/Win 10.0 program. Results: The health promotion program was developed based on diagnostic result using PRECEDE model. The developed program was corrected and revised with the advices from 6 experts. The final program included health responsibility(cancer prevention and early detection, hygienic, false teeth management no smoking and moderation in drink, and chronic disease prevention and management), physical activity(6 kinds of exercise), nutrition(low sodium diet calcium intake, and right eating habit), spiritual growth(spiritual demand and death preparation teaching), interpersonal relations(relationship with couple, children, grandchildren, neighborhood), and stress management(sports dance, foot massage, positive thought, and song class). Conclusion: I propose that it is necessary to identity the effect of health promotion program for rural elderly. And strategy development that can spread the health promotion program elderly is needed.

Criteria in ′Landscape and Memory′ as Sense of Place for the Sustainable Development of Korean Mountainous Landscape

  • Jino Kwon;Shin, Joon-Hwan;Park, Myoung-Sub
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2003
  • Since the experience of major landscape change during last half of the century due to war and rapid urbanization, the traditional character has been weakened, and it is necessary for a reconsideration to improve the landscape for the future. To review these relationships, the importance of a comprehensive understanding of nature has been suggested. Therefore identification of a new concept based on the 'socio-cultural influence of landscape' and 'sense of place' which are related to peoples' previous experience, is required. Furthermore more practical definitions and criteria to reveal the relationship are necessary. Among the terms suggested to describe sense of place such as 'home', 'place identity', 'place-based meaning' and 'settlement identity' etc., the 'home' is selected to represent our surrounding landscape. For more practical classification of home landscape, additional terms are suggested and defined based on both the relationships between human beings and nature, and between memory derived from previous experience and shared values with in the community. The additional terms which are the most important in the role of landscape character related to humans' are; ⅰ) Personal Landscape: Landscape of an individual human, which derives from previous personal experience; involves distinguishable character for a given person, and it is emotional and flexible depending on circumstances. ⅱ) Ordinary Landscape: Landscape of the 'common interest' between members of a community, which is acceptable as a surrounding for everyday daily life, it produces the richness and variety of landscape. ⅲ) Kernel Landscape: Landscape of the 'common ground' which is acceptable to the majority members of the community, and it provides variety and stability for periods of time, and it could strongly represent community attitudes toward nature. ⅳ) Prototype Landscape: Landscape as the 'common denominator' of overall community from past to present and towards the future, which encompasses all the kernel landscape throughout history. It provides a sense of place, balances the homogeneity of character throughout overall communities. Some part of this can be shared throughout history to shape an overall sense of place. It can also represent short terms fashions. For a prototype landscape to reveal sense of place, there are a couple of points which we should underline the commencing point. Firstly, understanding the relationship between humans and nature should be based on a given character of surroundings. Secondly, reoccurring landscape elements which have sustained in history can lead to sense of place, and should be reviewed the influences between nature and humans.

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Theatricality of Absence: Male Identity and O'Neill's Self-reflection in Before Breakfast (부재의 연극성-『조식 전』에서 남성 정체성과 오닐의 자기반영)

  • Park, Jungman
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.249-277
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    • 2012
  • Eugene O'Neill's one-act play Before Breakfast (1916) depicts a morning scene of a married couple who live in a slovenly flat at Greenwich Village. There is no apparent dramatic action occurring in the play. Instead, the play is full of Mrs. Rowland's incessant complaints about her husband Alfred's loafing around bars with artists friends, neglecting his role as breadwinner. An irony is that every morning she prepares breakfast for the good-for-nothing husband even in the moment of complaining. It is worth noting that Alfred is an 'unseen character' who is never directly observed by the audience but is only described by her wife. Deprived of all chances to speak and present himself on stage, he is kept in the room throughout the play. In contrast, Mrs. Rowland dominates the stage, monopolizing language and action. The audience has to listen to her, judge from her statements, and take her one-sided complaints. The accused husband, with zero chance of showing up and defending himself, has no choice but to be the sinner as the wife intends. Another irony is that the audience's feeling about the situation is quite different from what is expected. The wife's complaints are regarded to be unfair and groundless in the reason that the situation is monopolized by her. In case of the husband, in contrast, the loss of voice and presence stresses the injustice of his dead-lock situation. In other words, the 'absent' quality of Alfred works to evoke the audience's sympathy for himself and subsequently makes his presence recognized, not visually but emotionally, by the audience throughout the play. Discovered in this paradoxical moment where the spectators understand or 'see' the status of the unseen and the devoiced message is successfully conveyed to the listeners, is the theatricality of absence. Adding to the function as theatrical device, the 'unseen character' Alfred works as a device of self-reflection to mirror the author's own life. Alfred, the alter-ego of O'Neill, effectively exorcises the author's life-long feeling of guilty as the unfaithful husband and father in the unhappy first marriage, successfully evoking the audience's sympathy for himself.

The Experience of the first-married stepmother's stress and adaptation to her stepfamily (초혼계모의 재혼가족생활 스트레스와 적응에 대한 경험적 연구)

  • 임춘희
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.73-102
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the specific and empirical contents in terms of first-married stepmother about her stress and efforts to adapt to her stepfamily. This studies relied on the qualitative research method in order to approach stepmother's subjective experience. There were 6 stepmother respondents who were 6 first-marrieds living in Seoul or Kyoungki area. The data was collected by in-depth personal interview.‘Open coding process’, a part of grounded theory procedures were used to analyzed the data. The major findings can be summarized as follows: 1. When focused o stressors, the stress of stepmothers were categorized into 4 categories. Those were the following: 1 When focused on stressors, the stress of stepmothers were categorized into 4 categories. Those were the following: (1) Stepmother's own problem such as stepmother' identity problem; (2) Problems within stepfamily such as problems about relations with husbands, stepchildren, and her own children; (3) Problems of stepmother family's kin such as relational problems with former spouses, in-laws, and her parent; (4) Problems of social relationship such as isolation and alienation in social relationship and neighbors' prejudice about stepmother. 2. In overcoming stress from stepfamily life and adapting to it, 4 categories were identified as important. Contents of 4 categories were such like this: (1) Stepmother's own efforts - (a) give a positive meaning to marriage or remarriage (b) flexible personality (c) situation-accepting attitude (d) exclusive management of household income (e) job (f) perseverance for time to adaptation; (2) Positive feedback within stepfamily - (a) supportive husband (b) sense of unity as a couple (c) psychological reward from stepchildren (d) existence of stepmother's own child (e) behavior for family solidarity (f) family-centered religious life; (3) Stepfamily's relationship with former spouses such as breakdown in relationship with ex-wives or ex-husbands; (4) Support from stepmothers' kin and people in social network with stepmothers. It was concluded that to reduce stress and to help adapt to stepfamily, stepmother should make an effort, and that her stepfamily and her kin should cooperate and support. In addition, negative stereotype of stepmother and stepfamily should disappeared. It was suggested that studies on stepfamily should be vitalized and that programs for preparing remarriage and counseling for stepfamily should be spread.

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Cooperation-Aware VANET Clouds: Providing Secure Cloud Services to Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

  • Hussain, Rasheed;Oh, Heekuck
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2014
  • Over the last couple of years, traditional VANET (Vehicular Ad Hoc NETwork) evolved into VANET-based clouds. From the VANET standpoint, applications became richer by virtue of the boom in automotive telematics and infotainment technologies. Nevertheless, the research community and industries are concerned about the under-utilization of rich computation, communication, and storage resources in middle and high-end vehicles. This phenomenon became the driving force for the birth of VANET-based clouds. In this paper, we envision a novel application layer of VANET-based clouds based on the cooperation of the moving cars on the road, called CaaS (Cooperation as a Service). CaaS is divided into TIaaS (Traffic Information as a Service), WaaS (Warning as a Service), and IfaaS (Infotainment as a Service). Note, however, that this work focuses only on TIaaS and WaaS. TIaaS provides vehicular nodes, more precisely subscribers, with the fine-grained traffic information constructed by CDM (Cloud Decision Module) as a result of the cooperation of the vehicles on the roads in the form of mobility vectors. On the other hand, WaaS provides subscribers with potential warning messages in case of hazard situations on the road. Communication between the cloud infrastructure and the vehicles is done through GTs (Gateway Terminals), whereas GTs are physically realized through RSUs (Road-Side Units) and vehicles with 4G Internet access. These GTs forward the coarse-grained cooperation from vehicles to cloud and fine-grained traffic information and warnings from cloud to vehicles (subscribers) in a secure, privacy-aware fashion. In our proposed scheme, privacy is conditionally preserved wherein the location and the identity of the cooperators are preserved by leveraging the modified location-based encryption and, in case of any dispute, the node is subject to revocation. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed scheme is the first effort to offshore the extended traffic view construction function and warning messages dissemination function to the cloud.

Progress in Regional Geographical Studies of America in the Age of Globalization (세계화시대의 아메리카지역 연구)

  • Hong, Keum-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.267-285
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    • 2004
  • Globalization has been the buzzword during the past couple of decades, embroiling humankind into the inescapable maelstrom of homogenization. Some critics identify the globalization process undergoing in the realms of politics, economy, culture and ecology with Americanization which entails Neoconservatives' scheme to stretch out the hegemony of the United States. The top-down transcontinental movement, however, deems to confront localization or a reasoned resistance from the local driven by the spiritual attachment to places and, in that sense, regional identity. What is needed to cope with this complex circumstance of glocalization is to be acquainted with beth the global sense of the local and the localized sense of the global at once. For this, it seems indispensible to do justice to area studies. As far as American studies are concerned, this research field has so far been tainted by an overdose of politics, economics, business administration, law and sociology. Regional analysis which constitutes the reason d'etre of the discipline of geography has remained marginal to the political economic mainstream. It is the mounting concerns about America and enhanced research caliber that raises the regional geographical studies of America on the right track. Particularly, a number of articles have been published since the mid-1990s owing to the combined efforts of practitioners, institutions and periodicals. It is expected that systematic training of new generation of American specialists, advance in research infrastructure, and generous funding will stimulate geographical investigation of America in the coming future.

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