• 제목/요약/키워드: Couette Flow

검색결과 74건 처리시간 0.026초

온도 분포가 원심 불안정성에 미치는 영향에 대한 전산해석적 연구 (Numerical Study of the Thermal Effects on the Centrifugal Instability)

  • 황종연;;이승수;윤동혁;양경수
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제30권6호
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    • pp.578-586
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    • 2006
  • Numerical simulations are carried out to investigate the thermal effects of the gravitational potential on the centrifugal instability of a Taylor-Couette flow, and to further study the detailed flow fields and flow bifurcations to spiral vortices. The effects of centrifugal potential on the centrifugal instability are also investigated in the current study. Spiral vortices have various types of mode depending on Grashof number and Reynolds number. The correlation of Richardson number with the spiral angle of the spiral vortices shows that the structure of the spiral vortices strongly depends on the Richardson number. The heat transfer rate of the inner cylinder increases with increasing Grashof number. It is also confirmed that the torque required to rotate the inner cylinder increases as Grashof number increases.

승용차용 연속가변 ER댐퍼의 성능연구 (Performance Investigation of a Continuously Variable ER Damper for Passenger Vehicles)

  • 김기선;장유진;최승복;정재천;서문석;여문수
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제3권6호
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 1995
  • This paper presents performance investigation of a continuously variable ER(Electro-Rheological) damper for passenger vehicles. A dynamic model of the damper is formulated by incorporating electric field-dependent Bingham properties of the ER fluid. The Bingham properties are experimentally obtained through Couette type electroviscous measurement with respect to two different particle concentrations. The governing equation of the hydraulic model treating three components of fluid resistances;electrode duct flow, check valve flow and piston gap flow, is achieved via the bond graph method. A prototype ER damper is then designed and manufactured on the basis of parameter analysis. The damping forces of the system are experimentally evaluated by changing the intensity of the electric field, the particle concentration and the electrode gap.

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  • Attia, Hazem A.;Ewis, Karem M.;Abd Elmaksoud, Ibrahim H.;Awad-Allah, Nabil A.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • 제16권3호
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    • pp.169-180
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    • 2012
  • The steady hydromagnetic flow of an electrically conducting non-Newtonian fluid due to the rotation of an infinite disk is studied with heat transfer with the inclusion of the ion slip as well as Ohmic heating. The governing nonlinear momentum equations and energy equations are solved using the finite difference method. The numerical results indicate the important effect of the ion slip and the non-Newtonian fluid characteristics on the velocity and temperature distributions.

Simulating flow-induced fiber motion with finite element based explicit coupling method

  • Diwei Zhang;Xiaobo Peng;Dongdong Zhang
    • Advances in Computational Design
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.229-252
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    • 2024
  • This paper presents a finite element based explicit coupling method. The derived method is proposed to solve a certain type of fluid-structure interaction problem, which is the motion of a single or flexible fiber with the motion induced by the low-Reynolds-number fluid. The particle motion is treated as a non-linear geometric dynamic problem. The Total-lagrangian finite element method is applied to describe and discretize the particle domain. The Bathe method is used to integrate the time domain. The Stokes equation is used as the governing equation of the fluid domain. The inertia term of the Stokes equation is ignored, and Reynolds number flow is assumed as zero. Since the time term is also canceled, we solve it as a quasi-static problem. Mixed finite element is to solve the fluid equation. An explicit strategy is implemented to couple the particle and the zero-Reynolds number flow. Simulations with the proposed method are presented, including the motion of single and double rigid particle immersed in the double Couette flow and the Poiseuille flow. Simulation of single flexible fiber immersed in a Poiseuille flow is also presented. Effect of particle's density, aspect ratio, and geometry are discussed.

Combined Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin Method and Segregated Finite Element Algorithm for Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems

  • Malatip Atipong;Wansophark Niphon;Dechaumphai Pramote
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제20권10호
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    • pp.1741-1752
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    • 2006
  • A combined Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin method (SUPG) and segregated finite element algorithm for solving conjugate heat transfer problems where heat conduction in a solid is coupled with heat convection in viscous fluid flow is presented. The Streamline Upwind Petrov-Galerkin method is used for the analysis of viscous thermal flow in the fluid region, while the analysis of heat conduction in solid region is performed by the Galerkin method. The method uses the three-node triangular element with equal-order interpolation functions for all the variables of the velocity components, the pressure and the temperature. The main advantage of the presented method is to consistently couple heat transfer along the fluid-solid interface. Four test cases, which are the conjugate Couette flow problem in parallel plate channel, the counter-flow in heat exchanger, the conjugate natural convection in a square cavity with a conducting wall, and the conjugate natural convection and conduction from heated cylinder in square cavity, are selected to evaluate efficiency of the presented method.

CFD를 이용한 테일러 반응기의 3차원 유동해석 (Three-dimensional Fluid Flow Analysis in Taylor Reactor Using Computational Fluid Dynamics)

  • 권승예;이승호;전동협
    • 공업화학
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.448-453
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    • 2017
  • 테일러 반응기에서 일어나는 유동의 변화를 전산유체역학을 이용하여 3차원 유동해석을 수행하였다. 테일러 유동은 레이놀즈 수의 증가에 따라 5개의 영역(순환 쿠에트 유동(CCF), 테일러 와류 유동(TVF), 물결 와류 유동(WVF), 변조 물결 와류 유동(MWVF), 난류 테일러 와류 유동(TTVF))으로 나뉘어지며, 각각의 영역에서의 유동 특성을 알아보았다. 각각의 영역에서 와류의 형상, 개수, 길이 등에 차이를 나타나며 바이패스 흐름에도 영향을 줌을 확인하였다. 그 결과 TVF, WVF, MWVF, TTVF 영역에서 테일러 와류가 발생하였다. 테일러 와류의 개수는 TVF 영역에서 가장 많으며 TTVF 영역에서 가장 적게 관찰되었다. 수치해석모델의 검증을 위하여 실험결과와 비교하였고, 실험결과 대비 해석결과가 잘 일치함을 나타내었다.

난류채널유동에서 움직이는 벽면에 대한 수치연구 (Numerical Investigation of the Moving Wall Effects in Turbulent Channel Flows)

  • 황준혁;이재화
    • 한국가시화정보학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2017
  • Direct numerical simulations of turbulent channel flows with moving wall conditions on the top wall are performed to examine the effects of the moving wall on the turbulent characteristics. The moving wall velocity only applied to the top wall with the opposite direction to the main flow is systematically varied to reveal the sustained-mechanism for turbulence. The turbulence statistics for the Couette-Poiseuille flow, such as mean velocity, root mean square of the velocity fluctuations, Reynolds shear stress and pre-multiplied energy spectra of the velocity fluctuations, are compared with those of canonical turbulent channel flows. The comparison suggests that although the turbulent activity on the top wall increases with increasing the Reynolds number, that on the bottom wall decreases, contrary to the previous finding for the canonical turbulent channel flows. The increase of the turbulent energy on the top wall is attributed to not only the increase of the Reynolds number but also elongation of the logarithmic layer due to increase of the wall layer on the top wall. However, because the logarithmic layer is shortened on the bottom wall due to the decrease of the wall layer, the turbulence energy on the bottom wall decreases despite of the increase of the Reynolds number.

진동장에서의 적혈구 응집성을 측정하는 광학적 방법 (Optical Detection of Red Blood Cell Aggregation under vibration)

  • 장주희;박명수;구윤희;신세현
    • 대한기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한기계학회 2004년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.1510-1515
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    • 2004
  • Aggregability of red blood cells (RBCs) was determined by a laser backscattering light analysis in a microfluidic channel. Available techniques for RBC aggregation often adopt a rotational Couette-flow using bob-and-cup system for disaggregating RBCs, which causes the system to be complex and expensive. A disposable microfluidic channel and vibration generating mechanism were used in the proposed new detection system for RBC aggregation. Prior to measurement, RBC aggregates in a blood sample were completely disaggregated by applying vibration-induced shear. With the present apparatus, the aggregation indexes of RBCs can be easily measured with small quantities of blood sample. The measurements with the present aggregometer were compared with those of LORCA and showed a strong correlation between them. The aggregability of the defibrinogenated blood RBCs is markedly lower than that of the normal RBCs. The noble feature of this design is the vibration-induced disaggregation mechanism, which enables to incorporate disposable element that holds the blood sample.

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Modified Boundary-Fitted Coordinate System Method for HDD Slider Analysis

  • 황평
    • KSTLE International Journal
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.52-56
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    • 2004
  • The hard disk drive performance depends strongly on air bearing characterisitcs of the head slider. The objective of the slider design is to provide accurate positioning of the magnetic read/write element at the very small height above the disk. Application of the numerical methods is required due to complexity of the air bearing surface of the slider. The Boundary-Fitted Coordinate System Divergence Formulation method can be used for calculation of pressure distribution in the case of steep film thickness gradients. In the present work, the interpolating functions used in the expression for the Couette flow are modified in order to improve the solution characteristics in the extremely high compressibility number region. The advantages of the modified method are demonstrated on example of the flat skewed slider. Finally, the modi.ed method is applied to analysis of the static characteristics of the femto-slider. The analysis results indicate the effect of the silder's air bearing surface crown on the flying height and the pitching angle in steady state position.

고분자용액에 분산된 구형입자의 수력학적 확산계수 (Hydrodynamic Diffusivity of Spherical Particles Suspended in Polymer Solution)

  • 한민수
    • 유변학
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 1997
  • 본 연구에서는 고분자용액을 분산매로한 현탁액 내에서 입자의 수력학적확산에 관 한 실험적인 연구를 수행하여다. 입자로는 평균직경 275마이크론의 polymethlmethacrylate (PMMA)구형입자를 사용하였고, 분산매로는 PMMA 입자와 밀도르 맞춘 글리세린과 에틸 렌글리콜의 혼합용액에 고분자를 첨가하여 사용하였다. 고분자로는 분자량 6백만의 시약용 폴리아크릴아마이드를 사용하였다. 입자농도는 50%이었다. 용액의 농도는 0∼700ppm이었으 며 이러한 용액은 전단박화현상을 나타내지 않았다. 확산계수는 쿠엣장치 내에서 입자가 두 원통사이에서 아래쪽의 빈 공간으로 확산할 때 시간에 따른 점도측정결과로부터 예측하여 다. 본 연구의 결과 뉴튼성유체의 경우와는 달리 무차원확산계수(D/2)가 일정하지 않으며 전단율이 증가될수록 점점 감소하는 현상을 나타내었다. 고분자의 농도가 증가하는 경우에 는 무차원 확산계수가 감솨는 것을 볼수있었다. 이러한 무차원 확산계수의 감소는 유동하는 현탁액 내에서 입자간의 상호작용이 뉴튼성유체에 비하여 가역적인 것에 기인하는 것으로 판단된다.

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