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Cleaning Method for Selective Removal of Stains from Historic Textiles and Stains Change by Long Period Storage -Focused on Blood Soil- (복식유물 오구의 선택적 제거를 위한 세척방법 및 장기간 보관에 따른 오구 변화 -혈액오구를 중심으로-)

  • Roh, Eui Kyung;Ryu, Hyo-Seon;Chae, Jeongmin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.341-351
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    • 2017
  • This study evaluates a cleaning method to maintain and minimize the change of blood soil for the selective removal of stains from textiles with historical significance and special meaning. Cotton and silk fabrics were soiled with blood, aged artificially and then washed by wet cleaning or dry cleaning (water, nonionic surfactant; Triton, natural surfactant; saponin, organic solvent; n-Decane). The washed fabrics were stored at room temperature for four years. The change of the blood soil was evaluated by SEM, weight, thickness, and color differences. Subsequently, the shape and the amount of blood adsorption on the fabric varied depending on fiber type and fabric structure characteristics; in addition, long term storage affected changes to blood soil. It was difficult to remove artificially aged blood soil from fabrics by wet or dry cleaning. However, the changes of the blood soil by these cleanings can be explained by the changes on SEM, weight, thickness and fabric color. The changes (especially color) showed over time. Wet cleaning showed that the changes of those factors were slightly lower than those by dry cleaning.

Comparison of Detergency and Fabric Deformation between Ultrasonic and Home Laundry (초음파 세탁과 가정 세탁의 세척성과 직물변형 비교)

  • Nawon Hwang;Hae-won Chung;Kwang-Woo Lee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.386-397
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the efficacy of ultrasonic washing in cotton and wool fabrics was compared and evaluated against conventional washing in terms of cleaning properties and fabric deformation. Factors such as washing temperature, time, liquid ratio, and detergent concentration were kept varied, and the cleaning properties of sebum-soiled fabrics were assessed using different detergents such as alcohol ethoxylate, linear alkylbenzenesulfonate, and IEC 60456 Reference Detergent A*. In addition, the effects and emulsification power of enzymes and oxygen bleach were examined. To compare the cleaning properties with general washing, a launder-O-meter was used. To investigate fabric deformation during the washing process, the loosening test cloth, shrinkage test cloth, and mechanical strength test cloth were compared between ultrasonic washing machines and household drum washing machines. The results indicate that ultrasonic washing exhibits superior cleaning properties than launder-O-meter when the temperature is low and the washing time is short. Furthermore, there is less deformation and damage during the washing process. It was also observed that the activity of the detergent increases when ultrasonic waves are applied to the washing process. Considering the increasing tendency to pursue convenience and simplicity in clothing management as well as the anticipated commercialization of smart clothing with built-in electric circuits, ultrasonic laundry could serve as a new alternative to existing laundry methods.

Performance and Stability Evaluation of Muscle Activation (EMG) Measurement Electrodes According to Layer Design (근활성도(EMG) 측정 전극 레이어 설계에 따른 성능 및 안정성 평가)

  • Bon-Hak Koo;Dong-Hee Lee;Joo-Yong Kim
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to develop electromyography (EMG) textile electrodes and assess their performance and signal stability by examining variations in layer count and fabric types. We fabricated the electrodes through layering and pressing techniques, focusing on configurations with different layer counts (Layer-0, Layer-1, and Layer-2). Our findings indicate that layer presence significantly influences muscle activation measurements, with enhanced performance correlated with increased layer numbers. Subsequently, we created electrodes from five distinct fabrics (neoprene, spandex cushion, 100% polyester, nylon spandex, and cotton canvas), each maintaining a Layer-2 structure. In performance tests, nylon spandex fabric, particularly heavier variants, outperformed others, while the spandex cushion electrodes showed superior stability in muscle activation signal acquisition. This research elucidates the connection between electrode performance and factors like layer number and electrode-skin contact area. It suggests a novel approach to electrode design, focusing on layer properties and targeted pressure application on specific sensor areas, rather than uniformly increasing sleeve pressure.

Natural dyeing with aqueous Extracts of Black bean seed coat (검정팥 종피 추출물에 의한 천연염색)

  • Cha, Hae-Suk;Jung, Yang-Sook;Bae, Do-Gyu
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.76-81
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    • 2012
  • In this study the natural colorant was extracted from black bean seed coat in aqueous solution and used to dye silk and cotton fabrics. To obtain the optimal dyeing conditions it was examined at various dyeing condition (temperature, pH, time and liquor ratio). The dyeing behavior and the depths of shade which were evaluated in terms of K/S and CIELAB color difference values of the dyed and mordanted fabrics were also investigated. The dyeing fastness evaluated standard light and wash fastness tests. The obtained results were as follows ; The most K/S value of silk and cotton fabrics were obtained when the pH was 4.0 and 4.8, respectively and it increased slightly with dyeing time passes when the dyeing temperatures were at 40C and 60C but, it increased at 80C. The color of silk fabrics changed from yellowish red to yellow at only Fe mordanting among various mordanting. Sn and Ti mordanting of silk fabric and only Ni mordanting of cotton fabric increased the L values, but the others decreased. The light fastness of silk fabrics showed 4-6 grade without mordant, 4-5 grade with Al, 3-4 grade with Cu and Sn, and 2-3 grade with Fe as mordant, and that of cotton fabrics showed 1-2 grade without mordant, 2-3 grade with Fe, 2 grade with Cu, 1-2 grade with Al and Sn as mordants. All mordanting coluld not improve the light fastness of fabrics. Washing fastness(fade) of silk fabrics showed 2 grade without mordants and 2-3 grade with mordants and those of cotton fabrics showed 4 grade with Cu, 3 grade without mordant and with Al, Sn and Fe. All of the washing fastness(stain) of both fabrics showed 4-5 grade.

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A Study on the Restoration Methods of the Excavated Costume: Focus on Excavated Costumes of Yeosan Song's Family at Mokdal-dong in Daejeon (출토복식의 보수방법에 관한 연구: 대전 목달동 출토 여산송씨 출토복식을 중심으로)

  • Ha, Shinhye;Kwon, Youngsuk
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to find the reasonable plan for the restoration method through the practical repair of excavated costume. The minimal repair only without adding the physical force as far as possible after investigating the state of excavated costume has been progressed in case of excavated costume since it is already degraded and weak due to the characteristics of organic matter at the moment when it is excavated. Moreover, it has been restored as the following course; The restoration has been applied according to the state of excavated costume with the maximum stability by classifying items capable of being restored considering the fabric state of excavated costume. The drawn thread from the weak in strength and the refined thread of the Juasa(simple gauze) or the light degraded silk thread has been used in case of thread for restoration. The cotton fabrics has been used in the fabric of cellulose system, the Juasa or the silk has been used in the silk depending on the kind of fabric in connection with the support fabric, some parts have been dyed with Alnus firma fruit and the persimmon, has been repaired by using the dyed fabric with the clove for the purpose of mothproof-antibacterial treatment. The method to repair has been carried out by classifying according to the state of damage and the way of formation of costume. The needlework method suitable for the part and state of damage by using the basting, the broad-stitching, backstitch, the blind stitch and the hemming stitch in connection with the needlework method for restoration.

Analysis of Buried-Fabrics from the Tomb of Kim HeumJo by Physical Chemical and Biological Methods (김흠조 분묘 출토직물의 보존처리를 위한 물리.화학.생물학적 분석)

  • 이미식;박명자;배순화;이연희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.809-819
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    • 1999
  • The scientific analysis of buried fabrics from the 16th century tomb of Kim HeumJo was conducted focusing on the conservation of fabrics, In order to find out the appropriate cleaning solvent and detergent for historical textiles physical chemical and biological analysis was conducted. The following results are obtained from this study : 1, The buried fabrics from the tomb of Kim HeumJo were composed of cotton silk and ramie. Most of fabrics had lost their original colors faded to brown. It was revealed variations in weaves and patterns were very developed at that times. 2. The chemical components of soils are hydrocarbons alkyl alcohols nitrogen compounds aromatic organic acid which is supposed to be from a human body microorganisms and their by-products. 3. Seven kinds of fungi Actinomycetes Corynebacterium spp Micrococcus luteus Bacillus Clostridium were isolated from the fabrics. The most common fungus was Bacillus.

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Flame retard finishing of Cotton fabric with Phosphorous compounds

  • Park, Hui-Mun;Kim, Jin-Su;Kim, Tae-Gyeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Dyers and Finishers Conference
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    • 2008.04a
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    • pp.190-191
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    • 2008
  • In the presence of heat and oxygen, phosphorous compounds decompose to form water vapor and phosphorous oxides. The phosphorous oxides subsequently reat with the polymer matrix and dehydrate it, reforming phosphoric acids. These acids again decompose to reform water vapor and phosphorous oxides. Ultimately as the water available from normal combustion of hydrocarbons diminishes, the phosphorous oxide reat with hydrocarbon fragments to produce a very high melting point char at the interface between the polymer and the heat material. The chars, which contain phosphorous, rapidly dissipate heat energy and lose their glow. This antiglow property of phosphorous compound contributes to its availability as a flame retardant. In this study, the acrylated phosphorous compounds will be prepared and demonstrated as flame retardants.

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A Study on Fabric Adhesive Interlining (1) (직물접착심지에 관한 연구(I))

  • Cho, Cha
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 1991
  • After adhering theone-sided non-woven adhesive interlining to the polyester/cotton fabrics and making experiments under the various conditions by L27 Orthogonal Array Table, we examined and analyzed the breaking away strength. The rusults are summarized as follows : 1. The best length of the adhering time is 15 secs. 2. As the adehesive interlining for blouse and jacket, B3 is best 3. The pressure for the adhesion is best under the pressure of 6.2Kg. 4. The temperature for the adhesion is best at 140C. 5. As for the direction of the adhesion, three directions appear much the same breaking away strength. 6. For the better adhesion power, if the less adhering power, if the less adhering pressure is applied, the adhering time must be extended(15-20 secs), and if much stronger adhering pressure is applied, the time must be shortened(10-15 secs). In general, it is the best way for the adhesion to apply under the pressure of 6.2Kg, for 15 secs long, and at 140C of the adhering temperature.

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Bioscouring of Cotton Fabric with Alkaline Pectinase (면직물의 알칼리 펙티나제에 의한 효소정련)

  • 김재원;김성동;최은경;홍현필
    • Proceedings of the Korean Fiber Society Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.392-395
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    • 2002
  • 효소는 주로 면직물의 전처리 및 염색가공에 사용되고 있는데, 공업적으로 적용되고 있는 예로는 아밀라제에 의한 호발, 셀룰라제에 의한 감량 및 유연가공을 들 수 있고, 최근 미국과 일본을 중심으로 연구되고 있는 펙티나제에 의한 정련은 공업화 가능성이 매우 높은 것으로 보고되고 있으며, 글루코스 옥시다제에 의한 표백은 아직연구 초기 단계에 있다. 효소정련이란 기존의 수산화나트륨 대신에 효소를 사용하여 행하는 정련을 말하며, 장점으로는 50-60C 정도의 온도에서 행하기 때문에 기존 정련법과 비교시 에너지와 용수를 절약할 수 있는 것, 폐수 중에 방출되는 오염물질의 양을 현격하게 줄일수 있을 것, 우수한 생분해성으로 인한 수질오염을 감소시킬 수 있을 것, 부드럽고 스무스하여 자연스런 태를 부여하는 것 및 재현성이 높은 것 등이다. (중략)

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A Study on Wearing and Manufacturing of Surgical Gowns (수술가운의 생산 및 착용현황에 관한 연구)

  • 박상희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2004
  • Surgical operating gowns are worn by doctors and nurses in operating theater to address dual function of preventing transfer microorganisms like bacteria and body fluids from the operating staffs to patients. and also from patients to staff. They must allow necessary mobility without rubbing and must resist tearing. These gown must be designed to fit a diversity of body shapes and sizes with a limited range of sizes as hospitals will stock limited quantities. Also they must proper in various operating situations. In order to suggest improving design features of surgical gowns, it has been done to analyze current situation of medical uniform manufacturing and wearing. Surgical gown were made with plain fabric of cotton 100% and had a little size system without sexual division. Many doctors were unsatisfied with surgical gown size and wearing comfort. Surgical operating gowns need continuos research for new material and design as surgical situation, and new sizing system.