• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cost Benefit Analysis

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Policy Evaluation of the Government Financial Transfers to Korean Fisheries : LISREL Approach (수산부문 정부재정지원정책의 정성 평가)

  • 박성쾌;김정봉
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2002
  • The main objective of this research aims at analyzing efficiency of government financial transfers(GFTs) to the Korean fisheries sector, using the Linear Structural Relations model(i.e., LISERL model) and the field survey data. Most policies of GFTs tend to be implemented to protect industries with weak competitive advantages such as infant and/or primary industries. Specific policy instruments include income transfers, government loans with lower interest rates, taxes and the like. Fishing activities are made at a highly changeable natural environment of the ocean with a great amount of risk and uncertainty. Fishing households make their livelihood under the small-scale fisheries. Such fisheries and fishing households have also a relatively weak market power. Because of these fisheries characteristics most coastal states have adopted a variety of government support programs. However, despite such a huge government support, during the past several decades the world fishing communities have seen a tendency of continuous fishereis resource overexploitation. For this resason there have been hot debates over the government support policies for fisheries through OECD, FAO, WTO, and UNEP. In general, policy evaluations tend to be made on the basis of benefit-cost(B/C) analysis. However, the B/C analysis may produce results quite different from real ones primarily due to many unmeasurable effects. Thus, the authors composed simple questionaires and let fishermen, government officials and academic people answer the questions. The survery was made in several ways such as post-mail and personal/group interviews. In recent years, for analysis of policy performances and effectiveness, the LISREL model has often been used, which consists of structural and measurement eqquations. This model has a good advantage of transforming unobservable variables to observable ones so that it helps construct endogenous cause and effect relationships among relevant variables. The evaluation was done from the two aspects: policy results and policy effectiveness. The policy result evaluation showed that there is a need for improvement for policy problem perception and decision-making process, while the policy effect evaluation suggested that the policy goals were successfully achieved and social justice was improved from the perspective of the entire society as well. However, the research results showed that the GFT policies rendered little contrubtion to narrowing down the gap between GFT beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries incomes.

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Effectiveness of Direct Safety Regulations on Manufacturers and Users of Industrial Machines: Its Implications on Industrial Safety Policies in Republic of Korea

  • Choi, Gi Heung
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2017
  • Background: Despite considerable efforts made in recent years, the industrial accident rate and the fatality rate in the Republic of Korea are much higher than those in most developed countries in Europe and North America. Industrial safety policies and safety regulations are also known to be ineffective and inefficient in some cases. Methods: This study focuses on the quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of direct safety regulations such as safety certification, self-declaration of conformity, and safety inspection of industrial machines in the Republic of Korea. Implications on safety policies to restructure the industrial safety system associated with industrial machines are also explored. Results: Analysis of causes in industrial accidents associated with industrial machines confirms that technical causes need to be resolved to reduce both the frequency and the severity of such industrial accidents. Statistical analysis also confirms that the indirect effects of safety device regulation on users are limited for a variety of reasons. Safety device regulation needs to be shifted to complement safety certification and self-declaration of conformity for more balanced direct regulations on manufacturers and users. An example of cost-benefit analysis on conveyor justifies such a transition. Conclusion: Industrial safety policies and regulations associated with industrial machines must be directed towards eliminating the sources of danger at the stage of danger creation, thereby securing the safe industrial machines. Safety inspection further secures the safety of workers at the stage of danger use. The overall balance between such safety regulations is achieved by proper distribution of industrial machines subject to such regulations and the intensity of each regulation. Rearrangement of industrial machines subject to safety certification and self-declaration of conformity to include more movable industrial machines and other industrial machines with a high level of danger is also suggested.

An Empirical Study on the Obstacle Factors of ISMS Certification Using Exploratory Factor Analysis (탐색적 요인 분석을 이용한 기업의 ISMS 인증 시 장애요인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kyeong-Tae;Kim, Sehun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.951-959
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    • 2014
  • In the past few years, data leakage of information assets has become a prominent issue. According to the National Intelligence Service in South Korea, they found 375 cases of data leakage from 2003 to 2013, especially 49 of cases have been uncovered in 2013 alone. These criminals are increasing as time passes. Thus, it constitutes a reason for establishment and operation of ISMS (Information Security Management System) even for private enterprises. But to be ISMS certified, there are many exposed or unexposed barriers, moreover, sufficient amount of studies has not been conducted on the barriers of ISMS Certification. In this study, we analyse empirically through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to find the obstacle factors of ISMS Certification. The result shows that there are six obstacle factors in ISMS Certification; Auditing difficulty and period, Consulting firm related, Certification precedence case and consulting qualification, Internal factor, CA reliability and auditing cost, Certification benefit.

A Study on the Economic Evaluation of the Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles (폐(廢) 자동차(自動車) 재활용(再活用) 과정의 경제성(經濟性) 평가(評價)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Baek, Mi-Hwa;Ahn, Hye-Seong;Kim, Dong-Su
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2009
  • Number of vehicles in Korea is gradually increasing and it exceeded 16 million in 2007. Holding of vehicles is connected to disposal, owing to this reason the importance of ELVs recycling has been emphasized. The recycling of ELVs makes the disposal of ELVs easier as well as protects environment and it has the alternative effect economizing the insufficient resource. This study was carried out to evaluate the economic effect of recycling of ELVs compared with disposal of ELVs. The analysis showed that recycling process makes a profit in comparison to the disposal of ELVs. Therefore the government has to consider establishing the regulation related to recycling of ELVs or materials and car manufactures have to develop the efficient dismantling and recycling methods.

농식품안전 정책방향

  • Jo, Jang-Yong
    • 한국환경농학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.07a
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 2009
  • It is difficult for consumers to satisfy high safety request with post-management method such as inspection and surveillance, as various changes in-and-out of the country associated with food safety. In terms of food safety problems related to foods, it is crucial to recognize public health and consumer protection and construct pre-preventive Food Control System. A joint committee, FAO/WHO made the following consultations to the National Food Safety System. ${\circ}$ Approach entirely from farm to table ${\circ}$ Get ready for Risk Analysis System ${\circ}$ Secure transparency ${\circ}$ Establish the optimal policy by evaluating the effect of regulation When it comes to summarizing the consultation, it would be accumulated as two key words; "Efficiency" and "Credibility". Whereas the problem of efficiency focuses on precaution rather than post-management, it requires policy option to maximize consumer's benefit by evaluating the cost for the Food Safety Management and its benefit. Also, analyzing risk's character and amount, demanding an optimal means, and introducing scientific analysis system put much value on the stakeholder's communications are procedure's security which can satisfy both "Efficiency" and "Credibility" simultaneously. Especially, it is emphasized here that Risk Assessment need to be separated from Risk Management. This action is a valid means of credibility security throughout improving transparency. A number of nations and organizations have reformed the method of food management passing through reflection and examination of the prior National Food Safety Management since BSE occurred in Britain, 1996. FSA; Food Standard Agency, AFFSA, EFSA, BfR, and FSC are Risk Assessment Organization functionally separated from Risk Management Organization, JECFA, JMCFA, JMPR, JEMRA in Codex charge Risk Assessment internationally. In case of advanced countries excluding several those such as The U.S. and so forth, though these Risk Assessment Organizations are either separated functionally within Risk Management Organization or operated as apart organ, common factors are in which it has independence as Science Base. While securing independence of Risk Assessment Function, it is a tendency Risk Management should be functionally unified into efficiency as well. Though Germany constructs integral Risk Management System of diverse ways according to social and political conditions of each country such as GFOCP, DVFA, SNFA, CFIS and AQIS, there is a key word in the center, "Securing efficiency of Food Safety Management". However our nation has a representative plural;diversified system with The U.S., we took a step forward for unification as empowering policy's generalization;adjustment and Risk Assessment Function by means of enacting the "Food Safety Fundamental Law" in 2008 and establishing the "Food Safety Policy Commission" with private and governmental sectors in the Prime Minister's office. Even though the unification of Risk Management hereby increased, there is the lack of strengthening function of Risk Assessment and securing independence. It needs to be required for the professional committee in Food Safety Policy Commission to develop as a exclusive office of Risk Assessment by separating from a policy decision. Administrative Branches should reinforce feeble functions such as fundamental investigation;research for carrying out Risk Assessment with securing efficiency throughout reassessment of prior Risk Management Means.

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Effects of Perceived Benefits and Costs of Traditional Market Support on Relationship Quality and Support (전통시장 지원에 대한 지각된 혜택과 비용이 관계품질과 지지에 미치는 영향)

  • Seo, Jung-Suk;Yang, Jaejang;Lee, Yong-Ki
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - This study examines how perceived benefits and costs of traditional market support affect relationship quality and support for a marketeer. In addition, it investigates whether support for traditional market aid programs leads to support for the government. The author developed a structural model comprising several variables, in which perceived benefits and costs comprising economic, social, and environmental costs were proposed, to affect the relationship quality (satisfaction and trust) of traditional market aid programs and the government. Consequently, marketeers satisfied and trusted by traditional market aid programs and the government would support the traditional market aid program, resulting in higher support for the government. The model proposed that customer satisfaction would improve customer loyalty and business performance. Thus, the relationship quality (satisfaction and trust) of the traditional market aid program and government was proposed as a core mediating variable between perceived benefits and costs and support. Research design, data, and methodology - To analyze the proposed model, this study investigates the scenario with a traditional marketeer. Data were collected from 331 respondents, and analyzed with SPSS/PC 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. To test the unidimensionality and nomological validity of the measures of each construct, we employed a scale refinement procedure. The result of the reliability test with Cronbach's and confirmatory factor analysis warranted unidimensionality of the measures for each construct. In addition, nomological validity of the measures was warranted from the result of correlation analysis. Results - First, perceived benefit affects the relationship quality of traditional market aid programs and government. Second, perceived costs affect the satisfaction of traditional market aid programs and government. Third, the relationship quality of a traditional market aid program affects the support of a traditional market aid program, and the relationship quality of government affects the support of government. Finally, the support of traditional market aid program affects support of government. The results confirm the findings of previous studies that local development positively influences support, based on the social exchange theory. Conclusions - The theoretical and managerial contributions of this study are as follows. First, it is the first such study, and defines mediating variables, analyzing relationship quality (satisfaction and trust) between perceived benefits and costs and support for the traditional market industry. Further, it investigates the structural relationships between them with the AMOS program. Second, while most previous studies investigating the relationship between similar variables and those of the present study analyzed how perceived benefits and costs influenced support, this study identified the transfer relationship between the support for traditional market programs and support for the government. This study confirms that support for traditional market aid program increases support for the government. Therefore, government policy makers for traditional market aid programs should explain to marketeers the benefits and costs of traditional market development in terms of economic, social, and environmental factors. At the end, limitations, further research directions, and implications are suggested.

Factors of Influencing the Benefit Amount according to the National Health Insurance Coverage in Pit and Fissure Sealants (치면열구전색 급여화에 따른 수혜량에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Ahn, Eun-Suk;Hwang, Ji-Min
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.768-774
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to grasp the benefits from pit and fissure sealants and to analyze the factors of influencing the benefit amount by using the raw data of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for 2007~2013 targeting the subjects aged from 6 years in full to 18 years. The analysis was used STATA 11.0. As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions were obtained. It rose up to 1.24 pieces after carrying out the national health insurance coverage from averagely 0.93 piece until the year in 2007~2009 (up to November) when is before enforcing the national health insurance coverage in the pit and fissure sealants. The benefits from pit and fissure sealants depending on general characteristics were surveyed to be higher in the higher income level, in the more subscription to health insurance and private insurance, and in the more toothbrushing frequency per day. The factors that have influence upon the benefits from pit and fissure sealants were shown to include whether or not to have the national health insurance coverage in the pit and fissure sealants, income level, health insurance type and private insurance subscription appearance, and one-day toothbrushing frequency. Synthesizing the results, a rise in the benefits from pit and fissure sealants is shown in 2010 based on December 2009 when the national health insurance coverage in the pit and fissure sealants was implemented, but is showing the tendency of declining again from 2011. To increase the benefits from pit and fissure sealants, it is thought that the schemes will need to be discussed such as reinforcing publicity on the national health insurance coverage in the pit and fissure sealants, expanding a support for low-income bracket, and differentiating the outpatient cost sharing according to socio-economic level.

Korean Caregiver's Perceived Benefits and Costs of the Coresidence with the Elderly Parents - focused on Rural and Urban Difference - (부양의식, 형제자매 지원과 노부모 동거에 대한 혜택-비용 지각 - 도시와 농촌 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • 한경혜;이정화
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.39 no.11
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    • pp.129-144
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    • 2001
  • In spite of rapid sociocultural changes and an increase in the number of nuclear families in recent years, quite many families in Korea still have taken the extended family form where daughter-in-law provides care for the elderly parents. Even though the nature of the inter-generational relationship in Korea is reciprocal in many regards, most of the studies looked at the burden or costs of coresidence with the elderly parents while relatively little attention has been given to the positive side of the coresidence. This study is an attempt to fill this gap in the area. The purpose of this study is to examine not only the costs but also benefits of the coresidence with the elderly parents. We also explore whether there is a rural-urban differences in costs and benefits of coresidence and related factors. For the purpose, data were gathered from 876 daughters-in-law of three generational family both in rural and urban area, using structured questionnaire. The statistical methods used for data analysis were descriptive statistics, cross tables, and regression analysis with SPSS/PC+ program. The major findings of this study were as follows: Marital and economic status of the elderly parents, age, job status and filial responsibility attitude of caregiver, sibling support, and coresidence duration were the significant variables predicting the level of perceived benefits. Marital status of elderly parents, income, job status, educational level, and filial responsibility altitude of caregiver, residence region affected the level of perceived costs. Rural-urban differences are found in many aspects of coresidence experiences and related factors. Rural caregivers receive higher level of the sibling support, have more traditional final responsibility altitude and perceived less costs and more benefit than urban caregivers. There also are differences in the factors influencing the level of perceived costs and benefits between rural and urban area. Level of sibling support and final responsibility attitude have significant impact on both the perceived costs and benefits. But there are differences in terms of that perceived costs and benefits of urban caregivers are affected by job status of caregivers while those of rural caregivers are affected by educational level of caregivers and marital status of elderly. The results confirm that Korean caregivers experience both positive and negative aspects of coresidence and shows that the nature of the inter-generational relationships differ between rural and urban Korea.

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Presenteeism in Agricultural, Forestry and Fishing Workers: Based on the 6th Korean Working Conditions Survey (농업, 임업 및 어업 종사자에서의 프리젠티즘: 제6차 근로환경조사를 바탕으로)

  • Sang-Hee Hong;Eun-Chul Jang;Soon-Chan Kwon;Hwa-Young Lee;Myoung-Je Song;Jong-Sun Kim;Mid-Eum Moon;Sang-Hyeon Kim;Ji-Suk Yun;Young-Sun Min
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2024
  • Objectives: Presenteeism is known to be a much more economically damaging social cost than disease rest while going to work despite physical pain. Since COVID-19, social discussions on the sickness benefit have been taking place as a countermeasure against presenteeism, and in particular, farmers and fishermen do not have an institutional mechanism for livelihood support when a disease other than work occurs. This study attempted to examine the relationship between agricultural, fishing, and forestry workers and presenteeism using the 6th Korean Work Conditions Survey. Methods: From October 2020 to January 2021, data from the 6th working conditions survey conducted on 17 cities and provinces in Korea were used, and a total of 34,981 people were studied. Control variables were gender, age, self-health assessment, education level, night work, shift work, monthly income, occupation, working hours per week, and employment status. Results: As a result of the analysis, farmers and fishermen showed the characteristics of the self-employed and the elderly, and as a result of the regression analysis, when farmers and fishermen analyzed the relationship with presenteeism tendency compared to other industry workers, farmers and fishermen increased by 23% compared to other industry groups. Conclusion: This study is significant in that it has representation by utilizing the 6th working conditions survey and objectively suggests the need for a sickness benefit for farmers and fishermen who may be overlooked in the sickness benefit.

A cost-benefit analysis on tandem mass spectrometry of inherited metabolic diseases in Korea (한국에서의 유전성 대사 질환에 대한 탄뎀 매스 검사의 경제성 분석)

  • Ryu, Hyoung-Ock;Lee, Dong-Hwan;Choi, Tae-Youn;Yoon, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of Genetic Medicine
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.53-63
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) is effective screening test for inherited metabolic diseases. In this study, we estimate potential costs and benefits of using tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) to screen new borns for inherited metabolic diseases (phenylketonuria, BH4 deficiency, citrullinemia, maple syrup urine disease, propionic aciduria, isovaleric aciduria, glutaric aciduria type 1, LCHAD deficiency) in Korea. Methods : From April 2001 to March 2004, 79,179 new borns were screened for amino acid disorders, organic acid disorders, and fatty acid oxidative disorders. Twenty-eight new borns were diagnosed with one of the metabolic disorder and the collective estimated prevalence amounted to 1 in 2,800 with a sensitivity of 97.67%, a specificity of 99.28%, a recall rate of 0.05%, and a positive preditive value of 6.38%. We calculated and compared the total costs in case when neonatal screening on pheny lketonuria, BH4 deficiency, citrullinemia, maple syrup urine disease, propionic aciduria, isovaleric aciduria, glutaric aciduria type 1, LCHAD deficiency is implemented, and when not. Results : If the neonatal screening on pheny lketonuria, BH4 deficiency, citrullinemia, maple syrup urine disease, propionic aciduria, isovaleric aciduria, glutaric aciduria type 1, LCHAD deficiency is implemented, total benefits far exceed costs at a ratio of 1.40:1. Conclusion : Although, this study only concerns the monetary aspects of the neonatal screening, tandem mass spcetrometry for neonatal screening is cost-effective compared with not screening. The study appears to support the introduction of tandem mass spectrometry into a Korea neonatal screening programme for inherited metabolic diseases.

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