만성 문맥압 항진증에서 관찰되는 과혈류 순환과 말초혈관 이완에 대한 산화질소의 역할을 규명하기 위해 본 연구를 시행하였다. 실험동물은 수컷 흰쥐를 이용하여 문맥을 부분결찰하여 문맥 고혈압을 유발시킨 군과 겉보기 수술만을 시행한 대조군으로 구분하고 문맥 고혈압군은 문맥 부분 결찰후 부터 혈역학 측정 전까지 식수를 경구 투여한 식수 투여군과 산화질소 억제제인 $N^{\omega}$-Nitro-L-Arginine(1mg/kg/day)를 경구 투여한 NNA 투여군으로 나누었다. 혈역학적 측정은 수술 2주 후에 시행하였고 $^{51}Cr$과 $^{57}Co$-labeled microspheres를 이용하여 심박출량, 조직 혈류량, 문맥-전신 단락률, 문맥압, 말초혈관 저항 내장혈관 저항 등을 측정하였다. 평균 동맥압은 대조군 $129.3{\pm}9.6mmHg$, 식수 투여군은 $111.3{\pm}5.5mmHg$로 대조군에 비해 유의하게 감소되어 있었고, NNA 투여군은 $128.7{\pm}19.8mmHg$로 식수 투여군에 비해 증가되어 있었다. 심박출량은 대조군의 $105.2{\pm}6.5ml/min$에 비해 식수 투여군에서 $144.2{\pm}17.9ml/min$로 증가되었으며, NNA 투여군은 $89.9{\pm}14.4ml/min$로 식수 투여군에 비해 감소되어 있었다. 전말초 저항은 식수 투여군에서 $6.0{\pm}0.9dyne/sec/cm^5{\times}10^5$로 대조군의 $9.5{\pm}0.8dyne/sec/cm^5{\times}10^5$에 비해 감소되었고, NNA 투여군은 $11.2{\pm}2.1dyne/sec/cm^5{\times}10^5$로 식수 투여군에 비해 증가되어 있었다. 문맥으로 유입되는 혈류량은 대조군 $16.61{\pm}5.03ml/min$, 식수 투여군은 $29.66{\pm}4.27ml/min$로 식수 투여군에서 유의한 증가가 있었으며, NNA 투여군은 $11.43{\pm}2.24ml/min$로 식수 투여군에 비해 감소되어 있었다. 내장혈관 저항은 식수 투여군에서 $2.59{\pm}0.44dyne/sec/cm^5{\times}10^5$로 대조군의 $6.61{\pm}3.08$dyne/sec/$cm^5{\times}10^5$에 비해 감소되었으며, NNA 투여군은 $8.09{\pm}2.04$dyne/sec/$cm^5{\times}10^5$로 식수 투여군에 비해 증가되어 있었다. 문맥-전선 단락율은 대조군의 $1.35{\pm}0.42%$ 에 비해 식수 투여군은 $95.42{\pm}2.73%$로 증가되었으며, NNA 투여군은 $73.36{\pm}17.67%$로 식수 투여군보다 감소되어 있었다. 문맥압은 대조군 $7.94{\pm}1.29mmHg$, 식수 투여군 $17.16{\pm}3.17mmHg$, NNA 투여군은 $16.67{\pm}2.24mmHg$로 대조군에 비해 식수 투여군과 NNA 투여군에서 증가되었으나, 양군 사이에 유의한 차이는 없었다. 문맥 저항은 NNA 투여군에서 $12.23{\pm}3.93dyne/sec/cm^5{\times}10^5$로 식수 투여군의 $4.74{\pm}1.20yne/sec/cm^5{\times}10^5$에 비해 증가되었다. 결론적으로 문맥의 부분결찰로 유도된 만성 문맥압 항진 쥐에서 산화질소 합성 억제제인 NNA를 투여할 경우 문맥압의 변화 없이 동맥압의 증가, 심박출량의 감소, 내장 및 전신 혈관 저항의 증가 등이 유발되었다. 이상의 결과를 고려해 볼 때 만성 문맥압 항진증시 관찰되는 과혈류 순환의 형성에 산화질소가 중요한 역할을 하는 것으로 생각된다.
사람의 본태성 고혈압 연구 모델인 SHR에 PCE 에탄올 추출물을 농도별로 음용수로 섞어서 8주간 공급한 결과, SBP 및 DBP 모두 대조군에 비해 유의적으로 감소되었다. 특히, PCE에 의한 SBP 저하효과는 2주째부터 현저하였으며 PCE 농도에 의존적이었고 DBP는 4주째에 유의적인 차이가 나타나기 시작하여 이후의 실험시간 동안 낮게 유지되었다. 신장 조직에서 측정한 ACE 저해활성은 고농도의 PCE군들(PCE100 및 PCE500)에서 대조군보다 유의적으로 높게 나타났다. 혈장의 총항산화능은 PCE500에서 매우 높았으며 모든 PCE군들이 대조군에 비해 유의적으로 높았다. 조직의 단백질 산화는 PCE 투여에 의해 절반 정도로 억제되며 간 손상의 지표로 사용한 GOT 및 GPT는 PCE 투여군과 대조군 사이에 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 이상의 실험결과로 미루어볼 때, 줄기부의 활용도가 높은 맹종죽 줄기 추출물은 본태성 고혈압 예방의 목적으로 상용할 수 있는 천연식물 자원으로서의 가치가 높을 것으로 짐작되며, ACE 활성저해는 조직 산화의 억제 및 총항산화력의 증가와 더불어 PCE에 의한 혈압 저하의 기전으로 설명될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. 끝으로, 선행 연구 및 본 연구에서 드러난 맹종죽 줄기 추출물의 in vitro 및 in vivo ACE 저해활성으로 볼 때, 맹종죽 줄기에서 ACE 활성저해의 원인 물질을 분리 동정해 내는 것이 향후 연구의 귀결점이 되어야할 것으로 판단된다.
연구배경: 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군 환자들에서 동반될 수 있는 전신성 고혈압과 심부정백을 포함한 심혈관계 기능 부전은 장기사망률을 증가시키는 중요한 요인으로 생각되고 있다. 그러나 이들 환자에서 심혈관계 기능부전이 발생하는 병태생리학적 기전에 관한 정설은 확립 되지 못한 실정이다. 방 법: 저자들은 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군 환자 29명과 대조군 25명을 대상으로 수면다원검사, 각성시와 수면 중 요 catecholamines 농도 측정, 24 시간 활동중 심전도 및 혈압 감시를 실시하여 자료를 비교 분석함으로써 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡이 전신성 혈압, 심조율 및 요 catecholamines 농도 변화에 미치는 영향을 이해하고자 하였다. 결 과: 1) 요 norepinephrine (UNE) 및 epinephrine(UEP) 농도는 페쇄성 수면 무호흡증후군환자와 대조군 모두에서 각성시에 비하여 수면중에 유의하게 감소하였다(P<0.01). 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군 환자들의 수면중 UNE 농도는 대조군에 비하여 유의하게 높았으나(P<0.05), 각성시 UNE 농도는 대조군과 유의한 차이가 없었다. 두군 모두에서 전신성 고혈압의 동반 여부와 각성시 및 수면중 UNE 및 UEP 농도 상호간의 관련성은 없었다. 2) 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군 환자들에서는 수면 중 혈압 하강이 없는 경우 (non-dipper) 가 통계적으로 유의하지는 않았으나 대조군에 비하여 많은 경향을 보였으며(P=0.089), 수면중 혈압 하강의 유무와 전신성 고혈압의 동반 여부와는 상호 관련성이 없었다. 3) 전체 연구 대상에서 각성시 및 수면중 평균 수축기 혈압은 무호흡지수, 무호흡-저호흡지수, 수면중 최저 산소포화도, 수면중 산소 탈포화정도와 상호 관련성이 있었으며, 수면중 UNE 농도는 무호흡지수, 무호흡-저호흡지수, 수면중 최저 산소포화도 및 산소 탈포화정도, 수면중 평균 수축기 혈압과 관련성이 있었다. 4) 무호흡지수가 20 이상인 14명의 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군 환자들에서 무호흡 시기 동안의 섬박동수는 무호흡이 시작되기 전에 비하여 감소하였고, 무호흡이 끝나고 호흡이 재개되는 시기에는 우호흡이 시작되기 전에 비하여 유의한 증가를 보였으며 (P<0.01), 이러한 변화는 무호흡의 기간이 길수록 더욱 현저하였다 (P<0.01). 무호흡 시기와 무호흡이 끝나고 호흡이 재개되는 시기의 심박동수 차이 (${\Delta}HR$) 는 무호흡 발생 전후의 동맥혈 산소포화도의 차이 (${\Delta}SaO_2$)와 매우 유의한 상관관계를 보였다 (r=0.223, P<0.001). 5) 심부정맥의 발생 빈도는 두군 사이에 유의한 차이가 없었으며, 대조군에서는 심실성 기외수축이 각성시에 비하여 수면중에 현저히 감소하였으나(P<0.05), 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군 환자들에서는 수면중에도 각성시와 차이가 없었다. 결 론: 폐쇄성 수면 무호흡 증후군 환자들은 수면중에 무호홉, 저산소증 및 각성의 주기가 반복됨으로써 교감신경계 활성도의 변화가 초래될 수 있으며, 반복되는 저산소증과 교감신경계 활성도 증가는 전신성 혈압 및 심기능의 변화를 포함한 여러 가지 심혈관계 기능부전의 발생에 영향을 미칠 것으로 생각된다.
Park, Sang Woong;Noh, Hyun Ju;Kim, Jung Min;Kim, Bokyung;Cho, Sung-Il;Kim, Yoon Soo;Woo, Nam Sik;Kim, Sung Hun;Bae, Young Min
The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Ketamine is an anesthetic with hypertensive effects, which make it useful for patients at risk of shock. However, previous ex vivo studies reported vasodilatory actions of ketamine in isolated arteries. In this study, we reexamined the effects of ketamine on arterial tones in the presence and absence of physiological concentrations of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and norepinephrine (NE) by measuring the isometric tension of endothelium-denuded rat mesenteric arterial rings. Ketamine little affected the resting tone of control mesenteric arterial rings, but, in the presence of 5-HT (100~200 nM), ketamine ($10{\sim}100{\mu}M$) markedly contracted the arterial rings. Ketamine did not contract arterial rings in the presence of NE (10 nM), indicating that the vasoconstrictive action of ketamine is 5-HT-dependent. The concentration-response curves (CRCs) of 5-HT were clearly shifted to the left in the presence of ketamine ($30{\mu}M$), whereas the CRCs of NE were little affected by ketamine. The left shift of the 5-HT CRCs caused by ketamine was reversed with ketanserin, a competitive 5-$HT_{2A}$ receptor inhibitor, indicating that ketamine facilitated the activation of 5-$HT_{2A}$ receptors. Anpirtoline and BW723C86, selective agonists of 5-$HT_{1B}$ and 5-$HT_{2B}$ receptors, respectively, did not contract arterial rings in the absence or presence of ketamine. These results indicate that ketamine specifically enhances 5-$HT_{2A}$ receptor-mediated vasoconstriction and that it is vasoconstrictive in a clinical setting. The facilitative action of ketamine on 5-$HT_{2A}$ receptors should be considered in ketamine-induced hypertension as well as in the pathogenesis of diseases such as schizophrenia, wherein experimental animal models are frequently generated using ketamine.
Kam, Kyung-Yoon;Shin, Seung Yub;Han, Seong Kyu;Li, Long Hua;Chong, Wonee;Baek, Dae Hyun;Lee, So Yeong;Ryu, Pan Dong
It is well known that the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis is under the negative feedback control of adrenal corticosteroids. Previous studies have suggested that glucocorticoids can regulate neuroendocrine cells in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) by modulating catecholaminergic transmission, a major excitatory modulator of the HPA axis at the hypothalamic level. But, the effects of corticosteroids on the expression of adrenoceptor subtypes are not fully understood. In this work, we examined mRNA levels of six adrenoceptor subtypes (${\alpha}_{1A}$, ${\alpha}_{1B}$, ${\alpha}_{2A}$, ${\alpha}_{2B}$, ${\beta}_1$ and ${\beta}_2$) in the PVN of normal and adrenalectomized (ADX) rats. Total RNA ($2.5{\mu}g$) was extracted from PVN micropunches of brain slices ($500{\mu}m$) and analyzed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The levels of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) mRNA were increased in the ADX rats relative to normal rats, indicating that the PVN had been liberated from the negative feedback of corticosteroids. Among the six adrenoceptor subtypes examined, mRNA levels for ${\alpha}_{1B}$- and ${\beta}_1$-adrenoceptors were increased, but the level for ${\beta}_2$-adrenoceptors was decreased in the ADX rats. The mRNA levels for the other three subtypes and for the general and neuronal specific housekeeping genes, glyceroaldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and N-enolase, respectively, were not changed in the ADX rats. In conclusion, the results indicate that adrenal steroids selectively regulate the gene expression of adrenoceptor subtypes in the PVN.
Bambusae caulis in Liquamen is one of the important herbal medicine produced by heating bamboo indirectly and is used for treatment of stroke, hypertension, and diabetes etc. Recently the mechanism of clinical effects on Bambusae caulis in Liquamen has been studied. This experiment was conducted to confirm the clinical effects of Bambusae caulis in Liquamen on type 1 diabetes and its related mechanism. We divided C57BL/6 mice into 3 groups and induced them to be type 1 diabetes by injection of streptozocin into peritoneum. The dosage of each group was 150 mg/kg once only, 140 mg/kg once only and 40 mg/kg for 5 days respectively. The two groups injected streptozocin for once took orally Bambusae caulis in Liquamen after the induction of diabetes, and the other one group was given Bambusae caulis in Liquamen during the diabetes inducing period. As the result, the two diabetes-induced groups showed blood glucose decreasing effect by Bambusae caulis in Liquamen on an average, but they didn't show the signiftcant differences statistically. But Bambusae caulis in Liquamen showed the anti-diabetic effect suppressing blood sugar rising trend during the diabetes inducing peried (P<0.05). The anti-oxidative effect of Bambusae caulis in Liquamen was measured with the hypoxanthine/xanthine oxidase (HX/XOD) system. The quantity of ROS was measured using DCFDA reagent indirectly. As the result, $10\%$ solution of Bambusae caulis in Liquamen showed anti-oxidative effect by scavenging $93.4\%$ superoxide as compared with control group. It is suspected that the anti-oxidative effect of Bambusae caulis in Liquamen suppressed the increase of blood glucose in the diabetes-inducing group. These results could be useful data to understand the effect of Bambusae caulis in Liquamen on type 1 diabetes and type 1 diabetes developing because ROS were closely connected with the induction and complications of diabetes.
Poly-pharmacy has been on the rise because of aging of population and chronic disease. Most of drug metabolism happens in the liver by CYP isozymes and the metabolism by CYP450 enzymes. The Cytochrome P450 (CYP) is a superfamily of enzymes that catalyzes the oxidations of many endogenous and exogenous compounds. Primary human Hepatocytes (HH) are considered as the gold standard model for In vitro drug interaction studies. However, there are several limitations (cost, limited life span) for using HH cells. HepaRG cells are being used as a possible alternative. HepaRG cells were cultured in William E medium containing the positive control inducers (1A2: 10, 25, 50 ${\mu}M$ omeprazole, 2C9 and 2C19: 10 ${\mu}M$ rifampin, 3A4: 10, 25, 50 ${\mu}M$ rifampin) at $37^{\circ}C$, 5 % $CO_2$ in a humidified atmosphere. This study was to evaluate the induction of CYP isozymes (1A2, 2C9, 2C19 and 3A4) using LC-MS/MS. We evaluated the potential induction ability of Bosentan, as a drug of pulmonary artery hypertension, in HepaRG cells. For reference, dose of the Bosentan is determined to the basis of the $C_{max}$ (835 mg/ml) value. The enzyme activity demonstrated that CYP2C9 and 3A4 were induced up to 20 times by Bosentan. Like as In vivo, the enzyme activity of CYP2C9 and CYP3A4 is significantly induced in a dose-dependent by Bosentan.
O. diffusa, C. appendiculata and F. thunbergii are reported to possess many pharmacological activities including anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-hypertension, anti-diabetic and anti-cancer effects. However, their anti-cancer activities in human breast cancer have not been clearly elucidated yet. Objectives: In the present study, we compared the in vitro cytotoxic effects of single and complex treatment of O. diffusa, C. appendiculata and F. thunbergii in human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells. Methods: After we treated human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells with O. diffusa, C. appendiculata and F. thunbergii. we evaluated viability, growth inhibition, morphological changes, apoptotic body formation, measurement of the cell cycle and formation of DNA fragmentation of these cells. Results: We found that single treatment of O. diffusa and F. thunbergii could inhibit cell proliferation in human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cells. However, complex treatment of O. diffusa, C. appendiculata and F. thunbergii had weak or no effect on the cell proliferation of MDA-MB-231 cells. The first, anti-proliferative effects of O. diffusa in MDA-MB-231 cells was associated with G2/M arrest of cell cycle and apoptotic cell death. The second, anti-proliferative effect of F. thunbergii in MDA-MB-231 cells was associated with apoptotic cell death. Conclusions: Taken together, these findings suggest that O. diffusa and F. thunbergii may be a potential chemotherapeutic agent for the control of human breast cancer cells, further studies will be needed to identify the molecular mechanisms.
The present study was designed to examine effects of polyphenolic compounds isolated from red wine (PCRW) on the release of catecholamines (CA) from the isolated perfused model of the rat adrenal medulla, and to clarify its mechanism of action. PCRW (20${\sim}$180 ${\mu}$g/mL), given into an adrenal vein for 90 min, caused inhibition of the CA secretory responses evoked by ACh (5.32 mM), high $K^+$ (a direct membrane-depolarizer, 56 mM), DMPP (a selective neuronal nicotinic $N_N$ receptor agonist, 100 ${\mu}$M) and McN-A-343 (a selective muscarinic $M_1$ receptor agonist, 100 ${\mu}$M) in dose- and time-dependent fashion. PCRW itself did not affect basal CA secretion (data not shown). Following the perfusion of PCRW (60 ${\mu}$g/mL), the secretory responses of CA evoked by Bay-K-8644 (a L-type dihydropyridine $Ca^{2+}$ channel activator, 10 ${\mu}$M), cyclopiazonic acid (a cytoplasmic $Ca^{2+}$-ATPase inhibitor, 10 ${\mu}$M) and veratridine (an activator of voltage-dependent $Na^+$ channels, 10 ${\mu}$M) were also markedly blocked, respectively. Interestingly, in the simultaneous presence of PCRW (60 ${\mu}$g/mL) and L-NAME (a selective inhibitor of NO synthase, 30 ${\mu}$M), the inhibitory responses of PCRW on the CA secretion evoked by ACh, high $K^+$, DMPP, McN-A-343, Bay-K-8644 and cyclpiazonic acid were recovered to considerable level of the corresponding control release compared with those effects of PCRW-treatment alone. Practically, the amount of NO released from adrenal medulla after loading of PCRW (180 ${\mu}$g/mL) was significantly increased in comparison to the corresponding basal released level. Collectively, these results obtained here demonstrate that PCRW inhibits the CA secretory responses evoked by stimulation of cholinergic (both muscarinic and nicotinic) receptors as well as by direct membrane-depolarization from the isolated perfused adrenal gland of the normotensive rats. It seems that this inhibitory effect of PCRW is mediated by blocking the influx of both ions through $Na^+$ and $Ca^+{2$} channels into the rat adrenomedullary chromaffin cells as well as by inhibiting the release of $Ca^{2+}$ from the cytoplasmic calcium store, which are due at least partly to the increased NO production through the activation of nitric oxide synthase. Based on these data, it is also thought that PCRW may be beneficial to prevent or alleviate the cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension and angina pectoris.
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of several fractions obtained from methylene chloride ($CH_2Cl_2$) extract of self-fermented pine needle (SFPNE) on the acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked CA release from the isolated perfused model of the rat adrenal medulla and to establish the mechanism of the most active fraction (Fr.)-induced inhibitory action on the CA release. We obtained 6 fractions from $CH_2Cl_2$ extract of self-fermented pine needle. For the ACh (5.32 mM)-evoked CA release, the following rank order of inhibitory potency was obtained: Fr.4-5 > Fr.8-11 ${\gg}$ Fr.3 > Fr.6 = Fr.7 > Fr.1-2. Fr. 4 - 5 (60 ${\mu}g/mL$) perfused into an adrenal vein for 90 min produced relatively time-dependent inhibition of the CA secretory responses to ACh (5.32 mM), DMPP (100 ${\mu}M$), McN-A-343 (100 ${\mu}M$) and high $K^+$ (56 mM). Fr. 4 - 5 itself did not affect basal CA secretion. Also, in the presence of Fr. 4 - 5 (60 ${\mu}g/mL$), the CA secretory responses to angiotensin II (AngII, 0.1 ${\mu}M$), veratridine (50 ${\mu}M$), Bay-K-8644 (10 ${\mu}M$), and cyclopiazonic acid (10 ${\mu}M$) were significantly reduced, respectively. In the simultaneous presence of Fr. 4 - 5 (60 ${\mu}g/mL$) and L-NAME (30 ${\mu}M$), the inhibitory responses of Fr. 4 - 5 on the CA secretion evoked by ACh, DMPP, high $K^+$, AngII, Bay-K-8644 and veratridine were considerably recovered to the extent of the corresponding control secretion compared with that of Fr. 4 - 5-treatment alone. The level of NO released from adrenal medulla after the treatment of Fr. 4 - 5 (60 ${\mu}g/mL$) was greatly elevated compared with the basal level. Taken together, these results demonstrate that Fr. 4 - 5 inhibits the CA secretion from the isolated perfused rat adrenal medulla evoked by stimulation of cholinergic receptors as well as by direct membrane-depolarization. It seems that this inhibitory effect of Fr. 4 - 5 is mediated by blocking the influx of $Ca^{2+}$ and $Na^+$ into the adrenomedullary chromaffin cells as well as by inhibition of $Ca^{2+}$ release from the cytoplasmic calcium store, which is evoked at least partly through the increased NO production due to the activation of NO synthase. Based on these results, it is also thought that Fr. 4 - 5 isolated from $CH_2Cl_2$ extract of pine needle may contain beneficial antihypertensive components to prevent or treat hypertension.
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[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.