• 제목/요약/키워드: Contents of Medical Texts

검색결과 92건 처리시간 0.025초

중국 주요 국가간행의학서의 편제구성과 질병분류인식에 대한 소고 (A Study on the Way of Organizing Contents of State Sponsored Medical Text in Ancient China)

  • 차웅석;김남일;안상우;김동율
    • 한국의사학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2017
  • This paper is focused on the 'contents' of database level medical texts sponsored by the Chinese government. The premise of the study is that the contents of state-sponsored medical texts would show how medical policy makers and practitioners approached the body and diseases of the time, and by association the medical text would reveal the policy associated with state medical education and distribution of medical resources associated with the practitioners' approaches. This paper analyzes the contents of four representative state-sponsored medical texts: Cao's Treatise on the Origins and Symptoms of Various Diseases (巢氏諸病源候論, 610, Sui China); Great Peace and Sagely Benevolence Formulas (太平聖惠方, 996, Song China); Complete Record of Sagely Benevolence (聖濟總錄, 1117, Song China); Formulas for Universal Relief (普濟方, 1406, Ming China).

국내 『온역론』 연구에 대한 비판적 검토 -의론 선정과 분석을 중심으로- (A Critical Review of Researches on the Wenyilun in South Korea -Focusing on the Selection and Analysis of Medical Theories-)

  • 김상현
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2021
  • Objectives : To examine texts dealing with the Wenyilun in South Korea and to re-evaluate its medical theories that have been underrated in previous texts. Methods : The contents and organization of the Gejiaxueshuo were analyzed. In addition, a research paper on the overall contents of the Wenyilun was studied. Results : Common theories of the miscellaneous qi that were mentioned in the two documents such as 'specificity', 'nine-part transition treatment theory', and 'one disease one formula' are either irrelevant or resulting from erroneous interpretation. While both texts evaluated the merits and harms of the Wenyilun, erroneously deducted contents were used as evidence for negative assessments in both. Conclusions : Should the contents of the Wenyilun be evaluated with a focus on the critical points that clinicians with vast experiences with epidemic disease patients raised, we would be judging the text differently.

『동의보감(東醫寶鑑)』 중 『맥결(脈訣)』 인용(引用)에 대한 고찰(考察) (A Study on Maijue Quotation in Dongeuibogam)

  • 송지청;엄동명
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : 'Maijue' is the one of the diverse quoted texts in Dongeuibogam. Maijue is mentioned 72 times. However, we don't know what note of Maijue exactly indicates. Methods : We derives 72 sentences, which is marked as Maijue for quotation in Dongeuibogam, and compared those sentences between Dongeuibogam and texts related to Maijue ; Cui Jiayan's Maijue, Chandobanglonmaekgyeoljipseong and so on. Results : 35 out of 72 sentences are from Cui Jiayan's "Maijue", 28 from Chandobanglonmaekgyeoljipseong(17 from headings, 6 from contents related to Zhang Yuansu[張元素], 5 from contents related to Li Jiong[李駉]). The rest of those annot be found in texts mentioned above. Conclusions : Maijue in Dongeuibogam as a quoting mark doesn't indicate one book and Dongeuibogam used one single mark, 'Maijue' even though Dongeuibogam quoted several texts, which names were related to Maijue.

조선의 주요 국가간행의학서의 편제구성과 질병분류인식에 대한 개설적 연구 (A Study on the Contents of State-sponsored Medical Texts Published in the Joseon Dynasty Korea)

  • 차웅석;김동율
    • 한국의사학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2019
  • In many periods of Korean history, state-sponsored medical books played a crucial role in terms of distributing medical knowledge as well as systemizing medical information. This study uses comparative analysis to examine the tables on contents of state-sponsored medical publications in Korea. These tables of contents reveal the placement and categorization of medical knowledge, which implicates the ways in which diseases were classified. Historically, Korean medicine has been influenced by Chinese medicine, and at the same time, it has made steady efforts to localize Chinese medicine. This paper argues that Korean medicine adopted the Chinese styles of categorizing medical knowledge in the middle of 15th century for the first time and shows the tendency to Koreanize medical knowledge through the early 17th century. In the 18th century the Complete Records of Medicine (醫部全錄) shows the trace of referring the style of Korean medical book, the Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine (東醫寶鑑) in terms of categorizing medical knowledge.

변광원(卞光源)의 두진(痘疹)과 마진(麻疹)에 대한 연구 - 『요산당신집의방금낭지보(樂山堂新集醫方錦囊至寶)』와 『보적신방(保赤新方)』의 편제를 중심으로 - (A Study on Smallpox and Measles by BYUN Gwangwon - Based on a formation Yosandnagsinjipuibangkeumnangjibo and The Bojeoksinbang -)

  • 송지청
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제35권3호
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2022
  • Objectives : The existence of specialized medical texts on a certain disease is reflective of its prevalence of the time. Smallpox and measles were major pediatric diseases, of which previous studies examined the outbreak of measles in late Joseon and the relationship among various specialized texts, and how records of the two diseases in the general medical literature has changed chronologically. Research on the two diseases recorded in different texts written by the same author has not been conducted before. Methods : Examination of the organization of the smallpox and measles parts in the Yosandangsinjipuibangkeumnangjibo and Bojeoksinbang, followed by comparative analysis was undertaken. Results : While the two texts show great similarity in the general contents of smallpox and measles, there was difference in the way they were written. In the case of the Yosandangsinjipuibangkeumnangjibo the author lists referenced literature, while in the Bojeoksinbang he does not. Also, compared to the Yosandangsinjipuibangkeumnangjibo, the Bojeoksinbang has detailed titles for the contents in both introduction and the detailed parts, while in the Bojeoksinbang there are contents that could not be found in the Yosandangsinjipuibangkeumnangjibo, along with more pattern differentiation in the former. Conclusions : The Yosandangsinjipuibangkeumnangjibo which was published in May of 1806 is a general type of medical text, in which the part on pediatrics is positioned in the first two volumes out of the entire 12 volumes, indicative of the author's emphasis on pediatric disease. The Bojeoksinbang which was published in December of 1806 discusses in-depth theories on smallpox and measles out of all pediatric disease, from which we can glimpse a specialized field of pediatrics in the late Joseon period.

북경대학 소장 한대의간(漢代醫簡)과 노관산 의간(老官山醫簡)의 비교 연구 (A Study Comparing the Han Period Bamboo Slats of the Beijing University Collection with the Laoguanshan Collection)

  • 김범수;김기왕
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2023
  • Objectives : Overlapping contents between two recently discovered Han period bamboo slats, the so-called "Beidahanjian" and the "Liushibingfang" have been identified. This study aims to present new knowledge that could be inferred from the concordance of these two texts. Methods : The most recent original texts of the medical part of the Beidahanjian and medical texts excavated from the Laoguanshan in addition to the Liushibingfang were compared with each other to determine identical parts. The meaning of these concordances was explored. Results : Identical sentences in two verses in the Beidahanjian and the Laoguanshan were identified. Conclusions : The Beidahanjian is a credible Western Han period text, of which the medical bamboo slats are likely to comprise an independent text that is a combination of ancient folk prescriptions and those of doctors.

한국 주요 의서(醫書)에 나타난 64卦에 대한 고찰(考察) (A Study on the 64 Trigrams in Major Books of Korean Medicine)

  • 백유상
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.155-172
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    • 2022
  • Objectives : Contents on the 64 trigrams in major medical texts from early to late Joseon such as the Uibangyuchwi(醫方類聚), Donguibogam(東醫寶鑑), Somundaeyo(素問大要), Gyeokchigo(格致藁) were analyzed to examine their characteristics and historical context. Methods : Related contents in each medical texts were collected, sorted and analyzed for thorough examination. Results : The study of Changes which was widely applied in the field of medicine throughout the Joseon period focused more heavily on each of the trigram patterns, especially in regards to the qi interaction between the upper and lower axis of the body, rather than the various meanings of the ten wings[十翼]. This is a result of the Jing-Qi-Shen perspective of the body and the universe that transcends the Daoist inner cultivation method[內丹術], under which concepts related to qi circulation such as the opening and closing[闔闢] of the Heaven[乾] and the Earth[坤], the interaction between Water[水] and Fire[火] were considered more important. Conclusions : The historical context of the study of medicine and Changes[易] of Korea could be grasped through analysing the 64 trigrams in medical texts of each period in Joseon. Further research with the field of History of Changes studies is much anticipated.

『두창경험방(痘瘡經驗方)』의 편집본과 그 활용에 대한 연구 (A Study on Compilations of 『Duchanggyeongheombang』 and its Practical Application)

  • 김상현
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : To investigate how 『Duchanggyeongheombang』 has been adopted and edited in practical texts such as 『Gosachwalyo』, 『Sallimgyeongje』, 『Gosasinseo』. Methods : Based on the disassembled verses of a paragraph in the 『Duchanggyeongheombang』, the 「Duchanggyeongheombang」 contents in 『Gosachwalyo』, 『Sallimgyeongje』,『Gosasinseo』 were compared and examined. Results : 『Gosachwalyo』 directly summarized and quoted the contents of 『Duchanggyeongheombang』 written by Park, Jinhee, while the contents in 『Sallimgyeongje』 and 『Gosasinseo』 are mostly similar, summarizing and quoting from 『Gosachwalyo』. Conclusions : In the perspective of text categorization, while the professional and specialized contents of 『Duchanggyeongheombang』 has been excluded, it was edited in ways of increasing practicality. As these texts were widely dispersed to the public, we can conclude that 『Duchanggyeongheombang』 was very influential in the treatment of douchang(痘瘡, smallpox) among the public.

작약(芍藥)의 보사(補瀉) 효능에 대한 고찰 - 역대 문헌의 논설을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Reinforcing/Reducing Effects of Shaoyao -Focusing on Discussions from Classical Medical Texts-)

  • 임석현;정창현;장우창;백유상
    • 대한한의학원전학회지
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.135-156
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    • 2020
  • Objectives : This paper aims to suggest an integrated explanation for the contrary reinforcing/reducing effects of Shaoyao. Methods : From a list of books on the history of herbology and Chinese Medicine as mentioned in the herbology textbook, main texts were selected for further examination, along with some books of the Four Masters of the Jin Yuan period and some general medical texts. These texts were thoroughly examined with keywords such as Shaoyao, Baishaoyao, Chishaoyao, Baishao, Chishao, out of which contents on reinforcing and reducing were selected and analyzed. Next, explanations of the mechanisms of the contrary effects that were found through categorization of the reinforcing and reducing effects were examined. Among the contrary effects, similarities were uncovered and further studied for deduction of an encompassing higher level mechanism. Results & Conclusions : Overall consideration of the contrary effects of Shaoyao revealed that its working mechanism is to collect qi in the yin-blood part through convergence to control qi among blood, to help smooth flow of blood, eliminate blood stagnation and reinforce blood production which in turn cools down heat.

『의방류취(醫方類聚)』에 인용된 『보동비요(保童秘要)』와 조선전기(朝鮮前期) 소아의학(小兒醫學) (Bodongbiyo quoted in Euibangryuchui and Pediatrics in the Early Chosun Dynasty)

  • 이가은;안상우
    • 한국의사학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 2006
  • Bodongbiyo is an old medical book, which can be traced by its texts quoted in the pediatric part of Euibangryuchui. A notable fact is that its record does not remain in China, and relevant records are found only in Korea. The book is believed to have been widely used until the early Chosun Dynasty. The present study purposed to examine how records on Bodongbiyo have been handed down until today and to answer questions on the author of the book through investigating the quoted texts. In addition, we tried to get a glimpse of early pediatrics remaining in the book. From this study were drawn conclusions as follows. A. The oldest record about Bodongbiyo is found in the history of King Taejong in Joseonwangjosilrok, and its contents remain in the form of quotations in Hyangyakjipseongbang and Euibangryuchui. The fact that there are several records on Bodongbiyo, which cannot be traced in Chinese literature, means that the categories of medicine were so extensive in those days. Moreover, this proves the existence of pediatrics as a special medical area in the early Chosun Dynasty. B. Bodongbiyo is known to have been written by Yoo Wan-so, but there are some questions and, in fact, its contents including the theory of fever are contradictory to Yoo Wan-so's medical theory. A number of books that have been published recently in China under the title Bodongbiyo contain the original commentaries of Euibangryuchui and the contents of Yoo Wan-so's other books. They are likely to throw confusion into future researches. C. Bodongbiyo is believed to have been read widely in the Koryo Dynasty and the early Chosun Dynasty. Through examining its texts, we found that the book takes a different course from Soayakjeungjikgyeol. This provides a lead to the understanding of pediatrics in the early Chosun as well as to further research on pediatrics in the mid Chosun Dynasty represented by Dongeuibogam.

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