• Title/Summary/Keyword: Consumption factors

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Effect of Seed Coat Color and Seed Weight on Protein, Oil and Fatty Acid Contents in Seeds of Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) Germplasms

  • Yu-Mi Choi;Hyemyeong Yoon;Myoung-Jae Shin;Yoonjung Lee;On Sook Hur;XiaoHan Wang;Kebede Taye Desta
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2021.04a
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    • pp.15-15
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    • 2021
  • Seed coat color and seed weight are among the key agronomical traits that determine the nutritional quality of soybean seeds. This study aimed to evaluate the contents of total protein, total oil and five prominent fatty acids in seeds of 49 soybean varieties recently cultivated in Korea, and assess the influences of seed coat color and seed weight on each. Total protein and total oil contents were in the ranges of 36.28-44.19% and 13.45-19.20%, respectively. Likewise, individual fatty acid contents were in the ranges of 9.90-12.55, 2.45-4.00, 14.97-38.74, 43.22-60.26, and 5.37-12.33% for palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids, respectively. Our results found significant variations of protein, oil and fatty acid contents between the soybean varieties. Moreover, both seed coat color and seed weight significantly affected total oil and fatty acid contents. Total protein content, however, was not significantly affected by any factor. Among colored soybeans, pale-yellow soybeans were characterized by a high level of oleic acid (30.70%) and low levels of stearic (2.72%), linoleic (49.30%) and linolenic (6.44%) acids, each being significantly different from the rest of colored soybeans (p < 0.05). On the other hand, small soybeans were characterized by high levels of all individual fatty acids except oleic acid. The level of oleic acid was significantly high in large seeds. Cluster analysis grouped the soybeans into two classes with notable content differences. Principal component analysis also revealed fatty acids as the prime factors for the variability observed among the soybean varieties. As expected, total oil and total protein contents showed a negative association with each other (r = -0.714, p < 0.0001). Besides, oleic acid and linoleic acid showed a tradeoff relationship (r = -0.936, p < 0.0001) which was reflected with respect to both seed coat color and seed weight. In general, the results of this study shade light on the significance of seed coat color and seed weight to distinguish soybeans in terms of protein, oil and fatty acid contents. Moreover, the soybean varieties with distinct characteristics and nutritional contents identified in this study could be important genetic resources for consumption and cultivar development.

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Feasibility Study of Methanesulfonic Acid (MSA), an Alternative Lixiviant to Improve Conventional Sulfuric Acid Leaching of NCM Black Mass (NCM Black Mass 황산침출 개선을 위한 대체침출제 메탄술폰산의 적용가능성 연구)

  • Hyewon Jung;Jeseung Lee;Ganghoon Song;Minseo Park;Junmo Ahn
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.58-68
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    • 2024
  • Critical minerals such as nickel, cobalt and lithium, are known as materials for cathodic active materials of lithium ion batteries. The consumption of the minerals is expected to grow with increasing the demands of electric vehicles, resulting from carbon neutrality. Especially, the demand for LIB (lithium ion battery) recycling is expected to increase to meet the supply of nickel, cobalt and lithium for LIB. The recycling of EOL (end-of-life) LIB can be achieved by leaching EOL LIB using inorganic acid such as HCl, HNO3 and H2SO4, which are regarded as hazardous materials. In the present study, the potential use of MSA (Methanesulfonic acid), as an alternative lixiviant replacing sulfuric acid was investigated. In addition, leaching behaviors of NCM black mass leaching with MSA was also investigated by studying various leaching factors such as chemical concentration, leaching time, pulp density (P/D) and temperatures. The leaching efficiency of nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co), lithium (Li), and manganese (Mn) from LIB was enhanced by increasing concentration of lixiviant and reductant, leaching time and temperature. The maximum leaching of the metals was above 99% at 80℃. In addition, MSA can replace sulfuric acid to recover Ni, Co, Li, Mn from NCM black mass.

Review on Life Cycle Assessment of Waste Lithium-ion Battery Recycling Process (사용 후 리튬이온 배터리 재활용 공정의 전과정평가에 대한 고찰)

  • Insung Hwang;Young-Min Kim;Yong Hwan Kim;Seungyun Han
    • Resources Recycling
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 2024
  • With the rapid global rise in lithium-ion battery (LIB) usage, recycling spent LIBs has become a critical challenge. Conducting life cycle assessments (LCA) of recycling processes for spent LIBs is crucial for evaluating their environmental, economic, and social impacts comprehensively. However, in Korea, research on the LCA of waste LIB recycling processes remains limited. This study introduces various life-cycle assessment cases of waste LIB recycling, carried out by different researchers. The studies reviewed analyzed and compared multiple recycling technologies, including hydrometallurgical, pyrometallurgical, and direct recycling, and quantitatively evaluated factors such as energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and the release of hazardous materials. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of each recycling process are compared from environmental and economic perspectives to propose optimal recycling strategies. This review aims to synthesize these diverse research findings to outline the current status of and future directions for LIB recycling processes, thereby providing foundational data for further research and policy development.

Fulfilling the Export Potential of Agricultural Production in the Context of Aggravating Global Food Crisis

  • Hassan Ali Al-Ababneh;Ainur Osmonova;Ilona Dumanska;Petro Matkovskyi;Andriy Kalynovskyy
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.128-142
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    • 2024
  • Creation and implementation of export-oriented strategy is an urgent issue of economic development of any country. In an export-oriented model of economic development, exports should be a means of promoting economic growth and a tool to strengthen existing and potential competitive advantages. Agricultural production is the key factor in exports and the source of foreign exchange earnings in many countries. However, the export potential of agricultural producers may be inefficiently fulfilled due to the heterogeneity of countries in terms of economic development, trade relations and border policy. The aim of the research is to study the nature, main trends and problematic aspects of fulfilling the export potential of agricultural production in the context of aggravating food crisis. The study involved general scientific methods (induction and deduction, description, analysis, synthesis, generalization) and special (statistical method, economic analysis, descriptive statistics and interstate comparisons, graphical method). The need to ensure food security by countries around the world urges the importance of the agricultural sector as a catalyst for economic development, sources of foreign exchange earnings, investment direction, etc. The study of agricultural specialization led to the conclusion that wheat and sugar are goods with the highest export potential. It is substantiated that the countries of South America, OECD, North America and Europe have the highest level of realization of export potential of agricultural production, and African countries are import-dependent. In addition, the low export orientation of Africa and Asia due to the peculiarities of their natural and climatic conditions is established based on the assessment of export-import operations in the regional context. The internal and external export potential of each of the regions is analysed. Economic and mathematical simulation of assessing the impact of the most important factors on the wheat exports volumes was applied, which allowed predicting wheat exports volume and making sound management decisions regarding the realization of the export potential of agricultural companies. The inverse correlation between the exports volume and wheat consumption per capita, and the direct correlation between the effective size and area of land used for wheat cultivation was established through the correlation and regression analysis.

A study on identifying factors of poultry complex odor using machine learning models (기계학습 모형을 이용한 양계 복합 악취의 요인 파악에 대한 연구)

  • Doyun Kim;Jaehoon Kim;Junsu Park;Siyoung Seo;Jaeeun Kim;Byeong-jun Yang;Tae-Young Heo
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.485-497
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    • 2024
  • With the development of modern society, the number of livestock is increasing, and the corresponding odor is recognized as a serious social problem. In particular, the consumption of poultry meat, such as chicken, duck, and turkey, is expected to rise steeply, making odor problems near poultry farms. To address the problem, it is important to understand the influence of odor components on the complex odor. In this study, the odor data obtained from poultry farms were used to predict the complex odor using machine learning models and analyze the influence of the components. Furthermore, we analyze the differences in the amount of the odor components at the site boundary, compost site, inside the farm, and outside the farm using analysis of variance. The analysis showed that ammonia, trimethylamine, dimethyldisulfide, and acetaldehyde have a high effect on the complex odor. In particular, ammonia, trimethylamine, and acetaldehyde have different amount of the occurence by the location.

Identifying Voluntary Shadow Workers' Motivation and Behavioral Processes for Posting Online Reviews (자발적 그림자노동자의 온라인 리뷰 포스팅 동기와 행동과정 규명)

  • Sang Cheol Park;Sung Yul Ryoo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.23-43
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    • 2024
  • Nowadays, online reviews have become a common word of mouth that many users produce and consume. Posting online reviews is a kind of job that consumers do themselves. Since posting online reviews is not mandatory, it entirely relies on the consumer's voluntary willingness. In this respect, this study aims to describe the motivation for posting online reviews and their behavior processes, such as why online reviewers generate reviews and what types of reviews they create. In this study, we have conducted an in-depth study with 18 participants who have experience in posting reviews. By analyzing interview manuscripts from the grounded theory method approach, we have ultimately presented motivating factors for review posting (mutual reciprocity, material rewards), determinants of review browsing (trust toward review contents, preference for review format), and shadow work (a job that must be done, voluntary data production, consumer's share). We have also proposed the dynamics between core dimensions for theorizing a cycle process of review production and consumption. Our findings could bridge the gap in the existing online review research and offer practical implications for platform companies that need review management.

Research on Road Safety Analysis Program Utilizing MMS Collected Data on Digital Twin (디지털트윈 기반의 MMS 수집데이터를 활용한 도로 안전 분석 프로그램 연구)

  • Min Ho Son;Il Ryong Kweon
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.733-748
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The current road safety diagnostic methods rely on visual inspections based on 2D drawings or field surveys, leading to subjective errors that cannot be quantified, as well as unreasonable factors such as time consumption and road closures due to field surveys. To address these issues, there is a need for practical technologies for highway maintenance and safety diagnostics, including the creation of precise road maps using MMS (Mobile Mapping System) large-scale point cloud data, and digitaltwin-based precise geometric analysis and simulations of highways. Method: We developed a technology for quickly processing high-precision MMS data and software based on digital twin for effective geometric structure analysis. Through this, we developed functions for road safety diagnostics, such as pavement grid longitudinal analysis, slope direction analysis, stormwater flow simulation, superelevation, curvature of curved sections, longitudinal slope, and sight distance analysis, and verified the analysis results for the areas of interest. Result: The causes of accidents that were difficult to diagnose through the views of existing experts and visual inspection have been more clearly identified. In particular, it has been possible to quantitatively analyze the causes of traffic accidents occurring during rainy weather (poor drainage, water pooling, defective drainage facilities), the characteristics of superelevation, and the condition of pavement damage. By comparing the presented analysis results with the actual field conditions, the validity of the diagnostic results has been confirmed. Conclusion: We aim to improve the quality of road services by implementing an intelligent disaster management and alert system, which can effectively and systematically respond to climate change, earthquakes, floods, large-scale wildfires, and other disasters in the vicinity of roads, ensuring a convenient and safe road environment.

Study on the Relationships Among Perceived Shopping Values, Brand Equity, and Store Loyalty of Korean and Chinese Consumers: A Case of Large Discount Store (한국과 중국 소비자의 쇼핑 경험가치 지각과 브랜드자산 및 점포충성도의 관계에 관한 비교 연구: 대형 할인점을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Soonho;Oh, Jongchul;Yoon, Sungjoon
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.209-237
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    • 2012
  • 1. Research Purpose Consumers rely on various clues to evaluate their decision to patronize a retail store, and store brand is one of them (Dodds 1991; Grewal et al. 1998). As consumers find ever increasing variety of contact points connecting them to specific store, the value of experiential shopping as a means of increasing store's brand equity warrants greater attention from scholars of retail management. Retail shopping values are credited for creating not only cognitive experiences like brand knowledge but also emotional experiences such as shopping pleasure and pride (Schmitt 1999). This may be because today's consumers place emphasis on emotional values associated with shopping pleasure, lifestyle brought to life, brand relationship, and store atmosphere more than utilitarian values such as product quality and price. Many previous literature found this to be true (Ahn and Lee 2011; Mathwick et al. 2001). This brings forth important research issues and questions regarding the roles of shopping experiential values and brand equity with regard to consumer's retail patronage choice. However, despite this importance, research on this area remains quite inadequate (Hwang 2010). For this reason, this study aims to verify the relationships among experiential shopping values, retail store brand equity and tries to link that with customer loyalty by surveying large-scale discount store shoppers in Korea and China. 2. Research Contents In order to carry out the research objective, this study conducted comprehensive literature survey on previous literature by discussing major findings and implications with regard to shopping values and retail brand equity and store loyalty. For data collection, researcher employed survey-based research method where data were collected in two major cities of Korea (Seoul) and China (Bejing) and sampling frame was based on patrons of large discount stores in both countries. Specific research questions raised in this study are as follows; RQ1: How do Korean and Chinese consumers differently perceive of shopping values regarding shopping at large-sclae discount stores? RQ2: Are there differences in consumers' emotional consumption propensities? RQ3: Do Korean and Chinese consumers display different perceptions of brand equity towards large-scale discount stores? RQ4: Are there differences in relationships between shopping values and brand equity for Korean and Chinese consumers? For statistical analysis, SPSS17.0, AMOS17.0 and SmartPLS were employed. 3. Research Results The data collected through face-to-face survey conducted in Seoul and Bejing revealed appropriate data validity and reliability as a result of exploratory/confirmatory factor analysis and reliability tests, andh SEM model yielding satisfactory model fitness. The result of the study may be summarized by three main points. First, as a result of testing differences in consumption dispositions, Chinese consumers showed higher scores in aesthetic and symbolic dispositions, whereas Korean consumers scored higher in hedonic disposition. Second, testing on perceptions toward brand equity of large discount stores showed that Korean consumers exhibited more positive perceptions of brand awareness and brand image than Chinese counterparts. Third, the result of exploratory factor analysis on the experiential shopping values revealed different factors for each country. On Korean side, consumer interest value, aesthetic value, and hedonic value were prominent, whereas on Chinese side, hedonic value, aesthetic value, consumer interest value, and service excellence value were found salient. 4. Research Implications While many previous studies on inter-country differences in retailing area mainly focused on cultural dispositions or orientations to explain the differences, this study sets itself apart by specifically targeting individual consumer's shopping values from an experiential viewpoint. The study result provides important theoretical as well as practical implications for large-scale discount store, especially the impotance of fully exploring the linkage between shopping values and brand equity, which has significant influence on loyalty. Therefore, the specific implications deriving from the result shed some important insights upon the consumption values based on shopping experiences and brand equity. The differences found in store shoppers between the two countries may also provide useful insights for Korean and Chinese retailers who plan to expand their operations globally. Related strategic implications derived from this study is the importance of localizing retail strategy which is based on the differences found in experiential shopping values between the two country groups. Especially the finding that Chinese consumers value consumer interest and service excellence, whereas Koreans place importance on hedonic or aesthetic values indicates the need to differentiate the consumer's psychographical profiles when it comes to expanding retail operations globally. Particularly important will be to pursue price-orienated strategy in China in consideration of the high emphasis on consumer interests and service excellence, but to emphasize the symbolic aspects of brand equity in Korea by maximizing the brand equity associated with aesthetic values and hedonic orientations. 5. Recommendations This study focused on generic retail branded discount stores in both countries, thus making it difficult to tease out store-specific strategies based on specific retail brands. Future studies may benefit fro employing actual brand names in survey questionnaire to verify relationship between shopping values and brand-based store strategy. As with other studies of this nature, this study needs to strengthen the result's generalizability by selecting respondents from a wider spectrum of respondents.

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Factors Related to Serum Level of Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9 and Cancer Antigen 125 in Healthy Rural Populations in Korea (일부 농촌지역 주민에서 혈청 CA19-9 및 CA125 농도에 영향을 미치는 인자에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, SK;Yoo, KY;Park, SK;Kang, DH;Kim, JQ;Chung, JK;Lee, MC
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 1998
  • This study examines the levels of carbohydrate antigen 19-9(CA19-9) and cancer antigen 125(CA125) in serum and its related factors in healthy Korean population. Although CA19-9 and CA125 have been widely used tumor markers for gastroenteric cancers and ovarian cancer in Western countries, there are no information available on the serum levels of CA19-9 and CA125 in healthy population and the factors affecting the levels of these tumor markers in Korea. A cross-sectional study was performed to measure CA19-9 and CA125 among 76 healthy males and 95 healthy females in Korea. CA19-9 and CA125 were quantitated using solid-phase radioimmunoassay kits. Informations on the factors which might be related to the levels of these markers were collected by questionnaire(e.g., smoking, alcohol consumption, menstruation, oral pill use, breast-feeding history, etc.). There was no statistically significant difference in the mean of CA19-9 concentration between men(10.4 u/ml) and women(10.1 u/ml), whereas the mean of CA125 levels(11.2 u/ml) was higher in women than that(2.5 u/ml) in men. Although there was a statistically significant association between CA19-9 and average number of cigarette consumed per day(r=0.59, p=0.026) and total number of cigarettes consumed in women(r=0.74, p=0.003), the significance disappeared by multiple regression analysis after adjusting age and body mass index. Later age of menopause(p=0.035) and longer duration of breast-feeding(p=0.050) were significant predictors for CA125 levels in women by multiple regression analysis after adjusting age and body mass index. In conclusion, CA19-9 can be used as a stable tumor marker in clinical practices, however, menstruation and breast-feeding should be considered when CA125 is used in women.

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Association of Health-related Behaviors with Socio-demographic Characteristics (건강증진과 관련된 행태에 영향을 미치는 인구사회학적 특성)

  • Roh, Won-Hwan;Kim, Seok-Beom Gib;Kang, Pock-Soo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.157-174
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    • 1998
  • A survey was conducted to study the influence of socia-demographic factors on health-related behaviors. from June 1 to July 31, 1996. The study population was 1,903 adults in Kyongju City. A questionnaire method was used to collect data. Health-related behaviors included 24 items for men and 26 items for women. The followings are summaries of findings : The compliance of health promotion activities was higher when the age was older in men, when married, when having no religion and when the education level was higher than the other groups. And it was significantly higher when the income was lower in men and higher in women, in the residents living in apartment, in white collar workers, in the chronic ill people and when the body weight was lower than the other groups. Notable differences were found in the composition of health behavior factors for socio-demographic characteristics. Men used more tobacco, coffee and tea, salt and alcohol than women. However, the practice rates of regular exercise and physical examination were higher in men than women. On the other hand, the practice rates of fruit/vegetable intake, milk drinking and regular tooth brushing were higher in women than men. When the age was old, the amount of fruit/vegetable intake, the frequency of physician visit and health check-up, and regularity of meal were increased. When the income was high, the use rate of seat-belts, the amount of coffee, milk, fruit/vegetable and red meat intake were increased. The frequency of regular exercise. tooth brushing, health check-up, pap test and breast self examination were higher in the rich than the poor. When the education level was high, the frequency of regular exercise and tooth brushing, and the use rate of seat belts were increased, and the amount of alcohol consumption and salt intake were decreased. These findings suggest that socio-demographic factors are significantly associated with the patterns of health behaviors. In conclusion public health programs and individual counseling efforts should be multifaceted and behavior-specific to encourage to practice healthy life-style.

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