• Title/Summary/Keyword: Constructivist paradigm

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A Study on utilization of constructivist paradigm in Health Promotion and Education (보건교육 및 건강증진에 대한 구성주의 방법의 적용)

  • 최은진;박천만
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 1998
  • The National Health Promotion Law passed in 1995 was a milestone for initiating a national health promotion program in Korea, and government officers and health professionals are working on how to approach health promotion issues. The purpose of this study was to analyse methods and use of constructivist paradigm in health promotion and education. The health promotion area needs community empowerment, building community partnerships, and community capacity. To meet these health promotion requirements health promotion workforce should be trained through professional preparation programs that contains communication skills, group process skills, and management of programs in advanced countries such as the United States and Australia. Skills and responsibilities of those who are in charge of providing health promotion services have not yet been clearly defined in Korea because the area of health promotion is a multi-academic field, and needs a different approach, constructivist approach. Constructivist paradigm requires relativism, reasoning skills, collaborating, and motivation. These components are needed for community empowerment. Constructivism also has been applied to the field of education. Problem-based education, outcome-based education, performance-based education came from the constructivism. These educational methods are student-centered method. As the modernizing society becomes more complicated, traditional or conventional teacher-centered education cannot meet the needs of students. Students need to learn skills necessary to make healthy decisions with individual value system. So these interactive, self-learning methods can serve much more to the learner. Constructivist educational methods can be applied to educational programs in computers, too. To expand and differentiate the area of health education and health promotion from other health related fields, it is crucial to devote efforts in application and development of constructivist methods.

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A Study on the Theoretical Background of Performance Assessment in Mathematics Education (수학과 수행평가의 이론적 기저에 관한 연구)

  • 이대현
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.67-75
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    • 2001
  • Since performance assessment was introduced in Korea in the middle of 1990, many problems which include its definition, characters, methods and scorings etc., raised in mathematics education worlds. Therefore this paper presents the theoretical background of performance assessment in mathematics education. Contemporary teaching and loaming theories reject stimulus-response theory which emphasizes outcome. Performance assessment emphasizes the assessment which reveal learning process and various strategies. And it bases on constructivism and socio-cultural perspective. This paper presents paradigms which guide the roles and purposes of assessment. The paradigms include conventional paradigm, constructivist paradigm and critical paradigm. There is a close correlation between constructivist paradigm and performance assessment. Assessment has to grasp the development of present and the possibility of development of future of the students. Performance assessment must be fixed the new paradigm of education for this purpose.

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Project-based CALL Class: Linking the Theory and Practice

  • Yang, Eun-Mi
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.53-76
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    • 2004
  • This paper introduces a class model based on a course, Internet English, offered by an English department at a university. The course has dual purposes of developing students I English skills and Internet using skills at the same time. In support of using the Internet for language learning, the advantages of project-based language learning and constructivist learning in relation to CALL are explored. The activities in this course, which are basically project-based under the paradigm of constructivist learning perspective, are explained in detail to show the relationship between second language learning theory and teaching application. The way how the four language skills - speaking, listening, reading, and writing - are integrated in this class is described as well. Finally, judgmental evaluation of the course by the students is noted. The results show that a project-based CALL class could be a promising class model to realize an integrative, constructivist, and authentic learning.

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A Comparative Study of the Trends of Current Science Education and the System Thinking Paradigm (현대 과학교육의 동향과 시스템사고 패러다임의 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Man-Hee;Kim, Beom-Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.64-75
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this study are to understand the trends of current science education compared with thinking paradigm and to find the direction of reform in holistic view. It is divided into three parts. Firstly, significant trends of science education during the late 20th century were examined. Secondly, the current society was discussed, particularly focused on the thinking paradigm. Thirdly, the science education trends and thinking paradigms were compared. The results are 1) A major goal of contemporary science education is the scientific literacy, for which the constructivist and STS class are introduced, 2) Thinking paradigm is changing from analytics to systemics, and 3) Compared the current science education and system thinking paradigm, they seem consistent in respect of looking for the whole-part relationship.

Pre-service Teachers' Internalized Meanings of Educational Constructivism

  • Kwak, Young-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2002
  • Constructivism is defined in a variety of ways (e.g., constructivist research paradigm, sociological constructivism, and philosophical constructivism) and applied in vastly different contexts. Among the various usages and interpretations of constructivism, one is educational constructivism that embodies an epistemological view of knowledge and learning that is an alternative to naive empiricism or classical behaviorism. To represent the full range of stances taken by educational constructivists, three versions of educational constructivism were considered in this study: individual constructivism originating in the work of Piaget, the radical version of constructivism associated with von Glasersfeld, and the social constructivism of Vygotsky. I investigated preservice teachers' meaning construction about constructivist epistemology as they went through their preservice teacher education program using in-depth interviews. This preservice teacher education program employs constructivist aspects of teacher education and generates applications of constructivism to the practice of teaching. Features of preservice teachers' internalized meanings of educational constructivism include: (1)traditional pedagogy as the default, (2) Literal interpretation of constructivism, (3) Individual constructivism as conceptual change learning, (4) Radical constructivism as a strong individualistic philosophy, (5) Social constructivism as being too ideal to be practical. A compilation of the teachers' own statements about how to implement conceptual change learning and their projected role as constructivist teacher is also provided.

Constructivist Research in Smart Tourism

  • Hunter, William Cannon;Chung, Namho;Gretzel, Ulrike;Koo, Chulmo
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2015
  • Smart tourism is a social phenomenon arising from the convergence of information technology with the tourism experience. New ways of doing business, new patterns of experience and new problems concerning tourism destination image management and marketing are emerging due to the ubiquitous presence and influence of the internet and mobile devices. New conceptual tools are also available to enable researchers to further understand the social implications as well as the practical implementation of these new virtual and augmented smart tourism ecosystems. To this effect this paper introduces the constructivist paradigm and associated research methodologies as another toolbox for interpreting how smart tourism works as a form of soft power. The implications revealed by constructivism are that through smart tourism ecosystems, destination commodification and commoditization, experience and image formation are increasingly self-perpetuating, autonomous and organic social constructions. Researchers in information technology can use constructivist research to further explore these dynamic developments in smart tourism.

Constructivism : A Shifting Paradigm for Educational Practice in Information Society (정보화사회의 교육 패러다임으로서 구성주의 -본질과 교육적 적용-)

  • Hwang, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.100-113
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    • 1998
  • The information society is characterized by rapidly increasing and changing information. Traditional models of learning and instruct on have emphasized forms of mastering the information in content domains. Storing information and being able to recall it has been central to formal education. But it is no longer possible to master content domains. This paper discusses constructivism as a shifting paradigm for educational research and practice in information society. Constructivism provides an alternative epistemological base to the objectivist tradition. Constructivism holds that there is a real world that we experience. However, the argument is that meaning is imposed on the world by us, rather than existing in the world independently of us. Meaning is seen as rooted in experience. The experience in which an idea is embedded is critical to the individual's understanding of that idea. From the constructivist perspective, learning is not a stimulus-response phenomenon. It requires self-regulation and the building of conceptual structures through reflection and abstraction. Problems are not solved by the retrieval of rote-learned right answers. The effective motivation to continue learning can be fostered by leading students to experience the pleasure that is inherent in solving problems chosen as one's own. Constructivism requires the change of the teacher's role from a knowledge transmitter to a coach or facilitator of student's understanding. Constructivist teachers inquire about students' understanding of concepts before sharing their own understandings of those concepts, and encourage students to engage in dialogue, both with them arid with one another. In Korea, the educational reform called open education has been spreading through out the country. There should be a paradigm shift in learning and instruction from objectivism to constructivism for better educational reform in Korea.

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Theoretical Background of Constructivist Epistemology (구성주의 인식론의 이론적 배경)

  • Kwak, Young-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.427-447
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    • 2001
  • Science teachers need to understand what science is, how students learn, how to teach science effectively, and the rationale for their teaching methods. Along this line, this article discusses constructivist learning theory as an alternative to the traditional pedagogy and the origin of various versions of constructivism. Constructivism is defined and used in a variety of contexts including philosophical constructivism, constructivist research paradigm, sociological constructivism, and educational constructivism. Educational constructivism (or psychological constructivism) can be divided into three distinct versions (i.e., individual, radical, and social constructivism) depending on unique ontological and epistemological beliefs that underlie each version. Each version of educational constructivism supports different conceptions of science teaching and learning that are consistent with its specific ontological and epistemological beliefs. In this article, the main tenets of each version of educational constructivism are examined with regard to ontological beliefs, epistemological commitments, and pedagogical beliefs. In addition, two major criticisms on constructivist pedagogy as well as implications for research methods for each version are also discussed.

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Yet Another Paradigm Shift?: From Minds-on to Hearts-on

  • Song, Jin-Woong;Cho, Sook-Kyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.129-145
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    • 2004
  • Since science was first taught in schools, maybe during the 18th century, school science education has experienced many substantial changes in its goals and nature over the period. The historical changes are usually referred to by some key terms, like, mechanics' institutes, object lessons, heuristics, general science, inquiry, STS, misconceptions. To characterize these changes, science educators frequently use some slogan-like analogies, referring to parts of the human body to indicate the movement of science education during a particular period of time: for example, 'Hands-On' for inquiry movement during 1960s-70s, 'Minds-On' for constructivist movement during 1980s-90s. In this paper, we briefly summarize the overall historical development of science education in Britain, then further expand the analogies to cover the overall process, that is, Ears-On ${\to}$ Eyes-On ${\to}$ Hands-On ${\to}$ Minds-On. To illustrate future directions of the 21st century, we propose a new analogy, 'Hearts-On', and also discuss the meanings and implications of a 'Hearts-On' analogy by illustrating how this new paradigm can be applied to reflect various current trends of science education, particularly in Korea. In addition, a parallel historical change between school science and science museums & centres is discussed.

A Study on Space Design in Russian constructivism on early 20th Century (20세기 초 러시아 구성주의에서 나타나는 공간디자인에 관한 연구)

  • 김주연;강수미
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.29
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2001
  • As a part of Avant-Garde movement centered in Russia before and after the Revolution in 1917, Russian Constructivism was born as most experimental and avant-garde modernity artistic movement. Russian Constructivism played a significant part in relative to Avant-Garde in the beginning of twentieth century and has contributed to a series of artistic movement, it deserves a status befitting its contribution to modem abstract art. Noticing the fact that Constructivist approaches are being attempted in modern architecture with the new rise of Constructivist design theory and increased interest in Constructivism, this thesis explores the design elements characterizing Constructivism in art and architecture To be specific, it suggests the relation of Plastic paradigm in formalistic, elemental and technical aspects and categories into Plastic characteristics. Thereby, the thesis aims to categorize the elements in terms of contradicting two trends of pure plastic and scientific expressions, and to analyze comparatively the related Plastic trends represented in modern space design. The thesis recolonizes that attempts to break out from stereotypes of Constructivism to reinvent itself constantly have contributed to an unconventional forms and new aesthetic standards and have a great impact on idealistic forms in many genres.

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