A Comparative Study of the Trends of Current Science Education and the System Thinking Paradigm

현대 과학교육의 동향과 시스템사고 패러다임의 비교 연구

  • Published : 2002.03.30


The purposes of this study are to understand the trends of current science education compared with thinking paradigm and to find the direction of reform in holistic view. It is divided into three parts. Firstly, significant trends of science education during the late 20th century were examined. Secondly, the current society was discussed, particularly focused on the thinking paradigm. Thirdly, the science education trends and thinking paradigms were compared. The results are 1) A major goal of contemporary science education is the scientific literacy, for which the constructivist and STS class are introduced, 2) Thinking paradigm is changing from analytics to systemics, and 3) Compared the current science education and system thinking paradigm, they seem consistent in respect of looking for the whole-part relationship.



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