• Title/Summary/Keyword: Construction Detail

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A Development Direction of Infrastructure Based Disaster Mitigation & Management Integrated System (SOC 시설물 재난대응 및 관리시스템 개발방향)

  • Park, Suyeul;Oh, Eunho;Choi, Bonghyuck;Kim, Jinman
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.134-142
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    • 2016
  • Main infrastructures, such as levee, dam, bridge, road, etc., are very important due to not only the means of support for social and industrial activities in normal situation but also the means of protection of life and property during disaster occurrence. In spite of this importance of infrastructures, however, any disaster management systems that actively use these infrastructures are not developed yet. Moreover, infrastructures are not usually included in emergency action plans, thus it occurs second and third impact on communities and industries due to collapsing or damage of infrastructures. Therefore, the authors in this paper analyzed previous research, SWOT, STEEP, and patents and technical journals and conducted a technology need survey ni order to understand the trend of disaster management system as well as suggest main research fields and detail research items. The results of this paper will be a foundation of developing an advanced infrastructure integrated system of maintenance and disaster mitigation and contribute our nation to have an active response system by using infrastructure.

Assessment of Defect Risks in Apartment Projects based on the Defect Classification Framework (효율적인 품질관리를 위한 공동주택 하자위험 분석)

  • Jang, Ho-Myun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.11
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    • pp.510-519
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study was to set a defect classification framework and evaluate the defect risks in apartment buildings For this, approximately 15,056 defect items for 133 apartment buildings were examined. As a result of the analysis, the major defect of the RC work was cracks, which were found mainly in public locations. Moreover, the RC work was found to exhibit a high defect risk of water problem and surface appearance, which are highly connected with cracks. Second, the finish work has a high defect risk because it is composed of various work types, and there are many kinds of materials and construction parts involved. Third, the major defects of the waterproof work were incorrect installation and missing tasks, which have high defect risks in the garage. This is because defects that require rework occur mainly in the underground garage. Based on these results, this study proposed countermeasures for defect risk management to be considered in the construction, handover, post-handover, and occupancy phases. These have been set in detail based on the three zones: low frequency high severity (LFHS), low frequency low severity (LFLS), and high frequency low severity (HFLS).

A Study on the Ohguktong(吳鞠通)'s Upper Burner[上焦] in "The Sections of Warm Disease(溫病條辨)" (오국통(吳鞠通)의 "온병조변(溫病條辨)"중(中) 상초(上焦)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Young-Doo;Shin, Seung-Yuel;Cho, Kyung-Jong;Lee, Seok-Jae;Keum, Kyung-Soo;Lee, Si-Hyeong
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.177-258
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    • 2008
  • An Epidemic disease is regarded as warm disease by Korean Medicine. Warm disease is highly contagious and shows an unfavorable condition, and that is characteristic of being widely prevalent. Warm disease study cope with this epidemic disease opportunely. In the Myeong[明] and Cheong[淸] Dynasty, warm disease study got into the region of Korean medicine of today and "The Sections of Warm Disease(溫病條辨)" contributed to the cause of the study was really great. "The Sections of Warm Disease" written by Ohguktong(吳鞠通) in the Cheong Dynasty are divided into the three sections of Upper burner[上焦], Middle burner[中焦] and Lower burner[下焦]. Ohguktong, dealing with the contents of Defense-aspect[衛分], Gi-aspect[氣分], Construction-aspect[營分], Blood-aspect[血分], and so forth in all "Sections of Warm Disease", made use of Seopcheonsa(葉天士)'s Defense Gi[衛氣], Construction, and Blood pattern identification with Triple burner[三焦] pattern identification and six channel pattern identification. And he, having a correct understanding of the nature of medicine, suggested in detail that the directions of medicine and described the processing according to method and the method to take medicine. To conclude, Ohguktong(吳鞠通) Tong in "The Sections of Warm Disease" not only formulated the system of the practical theory of warm disease but also solidified the foundation covering warm disease and its treatment as well, He established the new method of treatment and formula related to warm disease and made a definite distinction between cold damage[傷寒] and warm disease[溫病].

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Comparative Study on Seismic Performance of Viscously Damped Self-Centering SDOF Systems with Elasto-Plastic SDOF Systems (점성 감쇠기를 가진 셀프 센터링 단자유도 시스템과 탄소성거동의 단자유도 시스템의 내진성능 비교에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.553-561
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to analytically find the approximate supplement damping ratio of the viscous damper installed in self-centering (SC) single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) systems with maximum displacements that are similar to those of elasto-plastic (EP) SDOF systems. The behavior of an SC SDOF system under harmonic cyclic loading was first described. Then an analytical model that can capture the behavior of the viscously damped SC SDOF system was introduced. Analysis parameters that characterize the hysteresis of the EP and SC SDOF systems were chosen, and nonlinear time-history analyses were performed using 20 historical accelerograms. Most of the SC SDOF systems with viscous dampers with approximately 10-15% damping ratios presented mean maximum displacement values that were similar to those of the EP SDOF systems. To investigate in detail the seismic performance of both systems, three EP SDOF systems and six corresponding SC SDOF systems were selected. The analyses showed that all the SC SDOF systems eliminated the residual displacements after the end of their shaking, and that the SC SDOF systems with 15% damping ratios performed better than the EP SDOF systems in terms of maximum displacement and acceleration response.

Development of All-in-one Attachment Based Steel Pipe Pile Cutting Robot Prototype (강관말뚝 두부정리 및 절단 부위 핸들링 로봇의 프로토타입 개발)

  • Yeom, Dong Jun;Han, Jae Hyun;Jung, Eui Hyun;Kim, Young Suk
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2018
  • The primary objective of this study is to develop an all-in-one based steel pipe pile cutting robot prototype that improves the conventional steel pipe pile head cutting work in safety, quality, and productivity. For this, the following research works are conducted sequentially; 1)literature review and expert survey, 2)selection of core technology using AHP analysis, 3)deduction of detail design, 4)verification of structural stability, 5)development of full-scale prototype. As a result leveling laser and laser detector(94.46), plasma cutter(96.72), rotary grapple(98.45) are selected as a core technologies. As an outcome, it is analyzed that gripper, cylinder pivot bracket and gripper base are structurally stable. Their maximum stresses are shown as 43.0%, 19.4%, 5.3% compared to their yield strength respectively. The development of full-scale prototype in this study will be utilized for the development of the all-in-one attachment based steel pipe pile cutting robot commercialization model.

Alternative Evaluation Model in the Development of Environment-friendly Residential Land (택지개발사업의 환경친화적 대안평가모형 구축)

  • Jung, In-Su;Lee, Chan-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.156-166
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    • 2009
  • Residential land development projects are tending upwards recently. However, an indiscreet residential land development has tended to damage environment by destroying existing green lands and trees of target lands and generating many cut slopes with transformation of its topography. There are Prior Environmental Review(PER) for district designation and Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) before approval on development plans. PER is implemented after developing a residential land development plan and EIA is implemented after completing a detail design. As the result, many of residential land development projects are passive to reduce potential environmental problems on the designated sites. Object of this study is to construct an evaluation system on alternatives in the early step of site designation for implementing residential land development projects with environment-friendly and sustainable way. For this, alternative evaluation model is constructed by using Fuzzy Inference and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP) method based on Environmental Evaluation Factors of residential land development project, which are proposed in the precedent research. If a decision maker evaluates environment damage by ten-point method, the point is transformed Environmental Performance(EP) by Fuzzy Inference, and then, applying weight that is already calculated by AHP method, Total Environmental Performance(TEP) is calculated. After all, an alternative with the highest TEP is selected as the best one. Using this evaluation system, more than two alternatives of residential land development project site, which can hold location appropriateness in the early under undecided land use plan, can be evaluated quantitatively. As environmental damages, which can be generated by implementing a residential land development project, can be detected in the early step, environmental damages can be removed or reduced at the source.

Micro-silica Mixed Aqua-epoxy for Concrete Module Connection in Water : Part 2 - Structural Application and Evaluation (해상 프리캐스트 콘크리트 부유체 모듈 가접합을 위한 마이크로 실리카 혼입 수중용 에폭시 접합 성능 검토 : Part 2 - 구조 접합 성능 평가)

  • Choi, Jin-Won;You, Young-Jun;Jeong, Youn-Ju;Kwon, Seung-Jun;Kim, Jang-Ho Jay
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2015
  • Recent studies to develop Very Large Floating Structure(VLFS) has shown that the construction procedure of the structure needs to acquire precast concrete module connection system using prestressing. However, the loads occurring on water are complex combinations of various condition, so the safe and stable performance of the module joints and bonding materials are key to the success of the construction. Therefore, micro-silica mixed aqua-epoxy development was introduced in Part 1 using a bonding material developed in this study. The performance of the micro-silica mixed aqua-epoxy(MSAE) applied joint of concrete module specimens connected by prestressing tendon was evaluated to verify the usability and safety of the material. RC beam, spliced beam connected by prestressing tendon and MSAE, and continuous prestressed concrete beam were tested for their initial cracking and maximum loads as well as cracking procedure and pattern. The results showed that the MSAE can control the stress concentration effect of the shear key and the crack propagation, and the maximum load capacity of MSAE joint specimens are only 5% less than that of continuous RC specimen. The details of the study are discussed in detail in the paper.

Proposal of Connection Details for a Double Split Tee Connection Without a Shear tap (전단탭이 없는 상·하부 스플릿 티 접합부의 접합부상세 제안)

  • Yang, Jae Guen;Lee, Hyung Dong;Kim, Yong Boem;Pae, Da Sol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.423-433
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    • 2015
  • A double split tee connection, which is a beam-column moment connection, shows different behavioral characteristics under the influences of the thickness of a T-stub flange, a high-strength bolt gauge distance, and the number and diameter of a high-strength bolt. A double split tee connection is idealized and designed that a flexural moment normally acting on connections can be resisted by a T-stub and a shear force by a shear tap. However, where a double split tee connection is adopted to a low-and medium-rise steel structure, a small-sized beam member can be adopted. Then, a shear tab may not be bolted to the web of a beam. This study was conducted to suggest the details of a connection to secure that a double split tee connection with a geometric shape has a sufficient capacity to resist a shear force. To verify this, this study was conducted to make a three-dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis on a double split tee connection.

An Analysis on the Educational Needs for the Smart Farm: Focusing on SMEs in Jeon-nam Area (중소·중견기업의 스마트팜 교육 수요 분석: 전남지역을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Doo-hee;Park, Geum-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.649-655
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    • 2020
  • This study determined effective educational strategies by investigating and analyzing the related educational demands for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in the 4th Industrial Revolution based area of smart farms. In order to derive the approprate educational strategies, Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and Borich's Needs Assessment Model were conducted based on the smart farm technological field. As a result, the education demand survey showed high demand for production systems and intelligent farm machinery. In detail, Borich's analysis showed the need for pest prevention and diagnosis technology (8.03), network and analysis SW linkage technology (7.83), and intelligent farm worker-agricultural power system-electric energy hybrid technology (7.43). In contrast, smart plant factories (4.09), lighting technology for growth control (4.46) and structure construction technology (4.62) showed low demands. Based on this, the IPA portfolio shows that the network and analysis SW linkage technology and the CAN-based complex center are urgently needed. However, the technology that has already been developed, such as smart factory platform development, growth control lighting technology and structure construction technology, was oversized. Based on these results, it is possible to strategically suggest the customized training programs for industrial sectors of SMEs that reflect the needs for efficiently operating smart farms. This study also provides effective ways to operate the relevant training programs.

Behavior of Hybrid Stud under Compressive Load (복합스터드의 압축 좌굴 거동)

  • Lee, Sang Sup;Bae, Kyu Woong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.16 no.5 s.72
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    • pp.609-619
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    • 2004
  • An investigation was conducted on the activities around Europe in order to solve the problem of the thermal bridging of steel studs, which had caused a significant disadvantage. This study included the following: diminishing the contact area between the studs and the sheathing, lengthening the heat transfer route, replacing the steel web with a less conductive material, and placing foam insulation in locations where the thermal shorts are most critical. Although energy efficiency is usually the focus of such foreign cases because their stud application is mostly limited to low-rise residential buildings, both structural and thermal performance are taken into consideration in this study because these target middle-story buildings. A hybrid stud composed of steel and polymer was also developed. This hybrid stud, which is 150 SL in size, is made of a galvanized steel sheet (SGC58) and a glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) withepoxy bonding. A total of 32 specimens were manufactured. Its parameters comprise two types of connection detail,s: the thickness of steel (1.0mm and 1.2mm) and of the GFRP (4mm-4ply and 6mm-6ply), and the ratio of the length to the depth (L/D = 3, 6, 9, 12). Steel stud specimens with the same conditions were compared to the hybrid stud. The test revealed that in the case of the steel specimen with a thickness of 1.0mm, the maximum load of hybrid studs increased an average of 1.62 times comparedto that of the steel stud. In the case of the steel specimen with a thickness of 1.2mm, on the other hand, the average increase was 1.46times. All specimens showed full composite action until the collapse.