• Title/Summary/Keyword: Constraint equation

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Dynamics and Control of Holonomic & Nonholonomic System Using GIM (GIM을 사용한 Holonomic과 Nonholonomic 시스템의 동적 거동 및 제어)

  • 은희창;정진형
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.653-660
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    • 1996
  • There have been many studies to control holonomic and/or nonholonomic systems, and nonlinear control problems. However, their approaches require complicated intermediate procedures. Using the Generalized Inverse Method derived by Udwadia and Kalaba in 1992, this study provides two applications to the control of holonomically and/or nonholonomically constrained systems. These applications illustrate the ease with which the equation by the Generalized Inverse Method can be utilized for the purpose of (a) control of highly nonlinear systems without depending on any linearization, (b) maintaining precision tracking motions with the presence of known disturbances, and (c) explicit determination of control forces under the circumstances (a) and (b).

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Human-Tracking Behavior of Mobile Robot Using Multi-Camera System in a Networked ISpace (공간지능화에서 다중카메라를 이용한 이동로봇의 인간추적행위)

  • Jin, Tae-Seok;Hashimoto, Hideki
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.310-316
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    • 2007
  • The paper proposes a human-following behavior of mobile robot and an intelligent space (ISpace) is used in order to achieve these goals. An ISpace is a 3-D environment in which many sensors and intelligent devices are distributed. Mobile robots exist in this space as physical agents providing humans with services. A mobile robot is controlled to track a walking human using distributed intelligent sensors as stably and precisely as possible. The moving objects is assumed to be a point-object and projected onto an image plane to form a geometrical constraint equation that provides position data of the object based on the kinematics of the intelligent space. Uncertainties in the position estimation caused by the point-object assumption are compensated using the Kalman filter. To generate the shortest time trajectory to track the walking human, the linear and angular velocities are estimated and utilized. The computer simulation and experimental results of estimating and trackinging of the walking human with the mobile robot are presented.

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Deployment Dynamics of Large-Scale Flexible Solar Arrays with Deployable Mast

  • LI, Hai-Quan;LIU, Xiao-Feng;GUO, Shao-Jing;CAI, Guo-Ping
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.245-254
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, deployment dynamics of large-scale flexible solar arrays with deployable mast is investigated. The adopted solar array system is introduced firstly, then kinematic description and kinematic constraint equations are deduced, and finally, dynamics equation of the system is established by the Jourdain velocity variation principle and a new method to deal with topology changes of the deployable mast is introduced. The dynamic behavior of the system is studied in detail. Simulation results indicate that the proposed model is effective to describe the deployment dynamics of the solar arrays and that the introduced method is applicable for topology changes.

Vibration Analysis of a Moving Mass Travelling on the Timoshenko Rotating Shaft (티모센코 회전축을 따라 움직이는 질량의 진동해석)

  • Park, Yong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.859-864
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    • 2008
  • The dynamic interaction between the moving mass and the rotating Timoshenko shaft is investigated. The moving speed of the mass is presented by a constraint equation related to the rotating speed of the shaft. The dimensionless equations of motion for the rotating shaft with a moving mass by using the Timoshenko's beam theory. The dynamic responses of this system are studied. influences of dimensionless parameters such as the rotating speed ratio. the Rayleigh coefficient and the dimensionless axial force are discussed on the transient response and the maximum deflection of the moving system.

On the critical maps of the dirichlet functional with volume constraint

  • Koh, Young-Mee
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.303-308
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    • 1995
  • We consider a torus T, that is, a compact surface with genus 1 and $\Omega = D^2 \times S^1$ topologically with $\partial\Omega = T$, where $D^2$ is the open unit disk and $S^1$ is the unit circle. Let $\omega = (x,y)$ denote the generic point on T. For a smooth immersion $u : T \to R^3$, we define the Dirichlet functional by $$ E(u) = \frac{2}{1} \int_{T} $\mid$\nabla u$\mid$^2 d\omega $$ and the volume functional by $$ V(u) = \frac{3}{1} \int_{T} u \cdot u_x \Lambda u_y d\omege $$.

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A Study on Computer Control of Voltage-Rective Power Part 1-Development of Computer Control Seheme (전압, 무효전력의 계산기제어에 관한 연구 1)

  • Kil Yeong Song
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 1976
  • The present voltage-reactive power control aims at an overall coordination of reactive power sources and voltage regulation devices to keep the bus voltages within their allowable bounds on one hand and to reduce the transmission losses on the other. This paper presents an efficient computer control scheme for the real-time control of system voltage and reactive power on the basis of a simplified linear equation by using the system characteristic constant. Computational algorithm is used for the minimization of bus voltage deviation in the first phase of optimization and for the reduction of transmission losses under the constraint of vlotage settling condition in the second phase. The numerical example for sample practical system is also given. The present study on the computer control scheme will contribute to the automation of power system operation in the near future.

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Research of Controlled Motion of Dual Fingers with Soft-Tips Grasping (Soft-Tip을 가진 Dual Finger의 파지운동제어에 관한 연구)

  • 박경택;양순용;한현용
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.670-673
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    • 2000
  • This paper attempt analysis and computer simulation of dynamics of a set of dual multi-joint fingers with soft-deformable tips which are grasping. Firstly, a set of differential equation describing dynamics of the fingers and object together with geometric constraint of tight area-contacts is formulated by Euler-Lagrange's formalism. Secondly, problems of controlling both the internal force and the rotation angle of the grasped object under the constraints of area-contacts of tight area-contacts are discussed. The effect of geometric constraints of area-contacts on motion of the overall system is analyzed and a method of computer simulation for overall system of differential-algebraic equations is presented. Finally, simulation results are shown and the effects of geometric constraints of area-contact is discussed.

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Optical Flow Estimation of a Fluid Based on a Physical Model

  • Kim, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.539-544
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    • 2009
  • An estimation of 3D velocity field including occluded parts without maxing tracer to the fluid had not only never been proposed but also impossible by the conventional computer vision algorithm. In this paper, we propose a new method of three dimensional optical flow of the fluid based on physical model, where some boundary conditions are given from a priori knowledge of the flow configuration. Optical flow is obtained by minimizing the mean square errors of a basic constraint and the matching error terms with visual data using Euler equations. Here, Navier-Stokes motion equations and the differences between occluded data and observable data are employed as the basic constrains. we verify the effectiveness of our proposed method by applying our algorithm to simulated data with partly artificially deleted and recovering the lacking data. Next, applying our method to the fluid of observable surface data and the knowledge of boundary conditions, we demonstrate that 3D optical flow are obtained by proposed algorithm.

Object-oriented coder using pyramid structure and local residual compensation (피라미드 구조 및 국부 오차 보상을 이용한 물체지향 부호화)

  • 조대성;박래홍
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.3033-3045
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, we propse an object-oriented coding method in low bit-rate channels using pyramid structure and residual image compensation. In the motion estimation step, global motion is estimated using a set of multiresolution images constructed in a pyramid structure. We split an input image into two regions based on the gradient value. Regions with larte motions obtain observation points at low resolution level to guarantee robustness to noise and to satisfy a motion constraint equation whereas regions with local motions such as eye, and lips get observation points at the original resolution level. Local motion variations and intesity variations of an image reconstructed by the golbal motion are compensated additionally by using the previous residual image component. Finally, the model failure (MF) region is compensated by the pyramid mapping of the previous displaced frame difference (DFD). Computer simulation results show that the proposed method gives better performance that the convnetional one in terms of the peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), compression ratio (CR), and computational complexity.

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A Method of Determining B-coefficient Applying VDLM/LRDA (전압의존형 부하모델과 손실재분배 알고리즘을 적용한 B계수 산정법)

  • Chae, Myung-Suk;Lee, Myung-Hwan;Kim, Byung-Seop;Shin, Joong-Rin
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07c
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    • pp.1183-1185
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    • 1999
  • The basic purpose of economic dispatch problem is that minimize fuel cost with inequality constraint of generator output. To solve this problem it is very important to express power loss equation that have quadratic function of generator output power included B-coefficient. This Paper presents a method in determining B-coefficient by use A-matrix that is calculated by loss re-distribution algorithm (LRDA) considering voltage dependent load model (VDLM)s. The Proposed algorithm is tested with IEEE 6 bus sample system, which shows the result in each cases by the change of load component factor.

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