• Title/Summary/Keyword: Conflict Transformation

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A Study on the Spatial Transformation through the Process of Spatial Changes of Dining-Kitchen for Japanese Houses in Korea (부엌의 변화과정을 통해 본 일식주택 공간적 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, So-Jin;Kim, Young-Bum;Park, Yong-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2008
  • When Korea opened its ports and underwent Japanese colonization, many Japanese style houses were built in Korea. Following Korea's independence from Japan, Koreans began to reside in these houses. The objective of this study is to examine the current state of Japanese style residence areas and Japanese style houses in Korea, and to determine the change in the characteristics of dining kitchens that have taken place since Koreans have lived in them. In the process, while assimilation occurred, there was also a conflict between the residential lifestyles of the two cultures, developing into a state where two housing cultures co-existed. The dining kitchens showed the most sensitive adjustments to social changes, facilitating a number of important changes in the process of modernizing houses. In this regard, the intention is to determine how the dining kitchens responded to other areas within the house as they were being transformed. Research for this study is based on previous studies that were carried out in 1991 on Japanese style houses, in order to clearly define the process of change chronologically rather than from a single examination. In consequently, From the process of changes where from a conventional kitchen to DK anger, 1) The public space - wooden floor, living room, etc - had been formed in house spaces. 2) In the lifestyle, privacy secured. It was separated each functional spaces that greeting space for guests and family's space in the lifestyle. 3) The cause of variation could be summarized that differences of living style, a change of life and fuel.

Changing Understanding on the Journalist Professionalism: A Sense of Crisis about the Journalists' Professional Labour and Professional Vision (저널리스트 전문직에 대한 인식의 변화: 전문직 노동과 직업 전망에 대한 위기의식)

  • Park, Jin-Woo;Song, Hyun-Joo
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.57
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2012
  • Much research has been documented on the topic of journalist labour, including process of news production, organizational culture and journalist ethics. Relatively little interest is given to the recent changes in journalist labor caused by the digital convergence in contemporary news industry, however. This study explore the changes from the perspective of the transformation of professional works, practices and identities. For the purpose, in-depth interviews with 17 Korean journalists were conducted and the results can be summarized as follows. First, interviewed journalists expressed both expectations and worries concerning the changes of news production environments. Second, it was found that the new environments could conflict with the old professional culture and confuse the professional identities. Third, the confusion of professional identities was concerned with adaptability, emotional consent or resistance to the changes.

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The Influence of Portal Site News Services on Online Journalism in Korea: The Structural Transformation or the Power Change in the News Distribution (포털 뉴스서비스와 온라인 저널리즘의 지형: 뉴스 유통의 구조 변동 혹은 권력 변화)

  • Kim, Wi-Geun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.66
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 2014
  • The past, present, and future of online journalism in Korea are inextricably bound up with the portal site news services. In traditional journalism, finite news media took hold on news consumption completely because of performing news production and distribution simultaneously. Since then, in the age of multi-media and multi-channel, the audience selection has become more important because of greatly increasing news media and then exploding news production. In online journalism, the news distribution have emerged as the most important field because of the intensive consuming the portal site news services making use of various news easier, the characteristic of news consumption focusing on not news media brands but news media contents, etc. Therefore, the news present landscape of Korean journalism oriented news distribution has been completed by that the portal site news services became the symbol of online journalism. That the portal site news services performing only news distribution have more influence than the paper based online newspapers and Internet based online newspapers producing news means the change of media power. By this, a conflict between news media and portal site news services appears at all times.

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The Terrain Transformation of the Fishing Industry in East Sea Rim: Impact of Entering Chinese Fishing Fleets into East Sea on the Fishery Production, Employment and Life Threat (환동해 어업의 지형 변화: 중국어선의 동해 진출이 어업생산과 고용 및 생존 위협에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Young-Jin
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to face common threats from the depletion of fish resources, the decline of production and employment as well as the increase of life risk in East Sea Rim countries, North Korea, South Korea, Japan and Russia due to the Chinese fishing fleets entering East Sea. The recent competition in fishing among fishing vessels and fleets of national origin operating in the East Sea has induced a significant change in the ecological landscape of the fishing fleets cluster while having influenced production and employment in the fishing industries of South Korea and Japan as well as life threat on the fishermen in North Korea. It seems that the population organizational ecological theory can be applied to this change. It can be seen as the isomorphism of the selection process over the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) to avoid the environment in which these North Korean fishing vessels are pushed against the Chinese fleet in the North Korean part of the East Sea. To resolve the fishery disputes or conflict in the common waters in East Sea, first of all, Chinese fishing fleets will be required to put international pressure so as to solve the unfairness of the illegal fishing and overfishing by the International Fishery Organization or the UN violations of the sanctions against North Korea selling fishing rights to China. Although it is not easy for South Korea to cooperate with North Korea in the short term, South Korea will be able to support the fishery infrastructure in North Korea in the mid- to the long-term to prevent the loss of innocent lives for their fishermen and to raise their incomes.

An Analysis on the Change of Existing Building-related System in Urban Parks (도시공원 내 기존 건축물 제도의 변천 과정 분석)

  • Oh, Chang-Song;Sim, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2019
  • Existing buildings in urban parks are a kind of thing that has been settled and occupied on the site of an unexecuted park. The aim of this study is to identify nature by analyzing the causality and path-dependency through the transformation of the relevant system. The scope of the study was set up as a system for the occupancy of urban parks from 1934 when the building restriction system was established to 2000 when purchase claim (매수청구권) was introduced. The method of study was to get correlation by harmonizing the external and internal mechanisms affecting the relevant institution. The related system showed a modest change in the fourth stage, polymerizing the initial system. In the 1950s and 1960s, the existing buildings in urban parks were 'disguised' by government and the 'regulation' principle was applied since 1967. In the 1980s, the principle of 'protection' and 'support' for parks was added, but in the 1990s, the principle of regulation began to be lifted as the long-term unexecuted urban park (장기미집행 도시공원) problem continued for more than 60 years. Although the public concept of land ownership (토지공개념) has worked strongly for nearly 30 years since 1960, the system has developed into a form of deregulation since 1980. The nature of the relevant institution is first, dependent on the higher-level system and vertical. Second, it implies a conflict of restrictions and acceptance. Third, it is a temporary measure of the park problem. Therefore, the relevant system has long been enhancing the encroachment requirements on urban parks, so fundamental readjustment is needed in the future.

An Exploratory Study on Contactless Digital Economy: the Characteristics, Regulatory Issues and Resolutions (비대면 디지털 경제에 대한 탐색적 연구: 특성, 규제쟁점 및 개선방안을 중심으로)

  • Shim, Woohyun;Won, Soh-Yeon;Lee, Jonghan
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.66-90
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    • 2022
  • The radical digital transformation and development of the contactless digital economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic are increasing the need to solve various problems such as conflicts of interest among market participants and delays in related laws and regulations. This study investigates the concept and characteristics of the contactless digital economy and identifies the related regulatory issues and resolutions through literature review, news article analysis, and expert interviews. From the literature review, it is identified that the contactless digital economy has eight hyper-innovation characteristics: hyper-intelligence, hyper-connectivity, hyper-convergence, hyper-personalization, hyper-automation, hyper-precision, hyper-diversity, and hyper-trust. From news article analyses and expert interviews, this study identifies various regulatory issues, such as competition between incumbents and new entrants, the collision of constitutional rights, collision of social values, conflict between market participants, absence of laws and regulations, and existence of excessive market power, and then proposes a series of resolutions.

Investigating the Trends of Research for the Small Business Owners (소상공인 연구 동향 분석)

  • Bang, Mi-Hyun;Lee, Young-Min
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.73-80
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    • 2022
  • In this study, prior studies of 280 small business owners in Korea over the past two decades were comprehensively analyzed through keyword network and LDA topic modeling analysis, and overall views and trends in academia were examined. As core keywords, "sales" and "protection," which conflict with each other but are essential for stable and sustainable growth were selected, and 7 topics (Topic 1: start-up, topic 2: digital, topic 3: tax system, topic 4: capability, topic 5: coexistence, topic 6: regulation, and topic 7: funding) were drawn up. Based on the results of the analysis, the need to improve digital maturity for the continued growth and development of small business owners was raised, and the response at the pan-ministerial level and the stability of the performance of functions that can survive even after the new administration to solve the economic damage problems facing small business owners were suggested. In addition, attention to the long-term, speed, detail, and direction of government support in a new way, and a flexible approach to the negative way in which pre-allowance and post-regulation is given were suggested.

Parallel Implementations of Digital Focus Indices Based on Minimax Search Using Multi-Core Processors

  • HyungTae, Kim;Duk-Yeon, Lee;Dongwoon, Choi;Jaehyeon, Kang;Dong-Wook, Lee
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.542-558
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    • 2023
  • A digital focus index (DFI) is a value used to determine image focus in scientific apparatus and smart devices. Automatic focus (AF) is an iterative and time-consuming procedure; however, its processing time can be reduced using a general processing unit (GPU) and a multi-core processor (MCP). In this study, parallel architectures of a minimax search algorithm (MSA) are applied to two DFIs: range algorithm (RA) and image contrast (CT). The DFIs are based on a histogram; however, the parallel computation of the histogram is conventionally inefficient because of the bank conflict in shared memory. The parallel architectures of RA and CT are constructed using parallel reduction for MSA, which is performed through parallel relative rating of the image pixel pairs and halved the rating in every step. The array size is then decreased to one, and the minimax is determined at the final reduction. Kernels for the architectures are constructed using open source software to make it relatively platform independent. The kernels are tested in a hexa-core PC and an embedded device using Lenna images of various sizes based on the resolutions of industrial cameras. The performance of the kernels for the DFIs was investigated in terms of processing speed and computational acceleration; the maximum acceleration was 32.6× in the best case and the MCP exhibited a higher performance.

From Trauma To growth: Posttraumatic Growth Clock (외상 후 병리에서 성장으로: 외상 후 성장 시계)

  • Lee, Hong-Seock
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.501-539
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    • 2016
  • The human mind is a self-evolving system that develops along a multidimensional hierarchical pathway in response to traumatic stimulus. In absence of trauma, a mind integrated in conflict-free state is called monistic. When the monistic mind responses to a traumatic stimulus, a response polarity forms toward stimulus polarity within the mind, turning it into a bipartite structure. Dialectical interaction between the two opposites, originating from their incompatibility, creates a new third polarity in the upper dimension. Thereby, the mind turns into a trinity structure. When the interaction among the three polarities becomes optimized, the plasticity of the mind gets maximized into the "far-from-equilibrium state," and the function of three polarities is synchronized. Through this recalibration, the mind returns back to its monistic structure. If the mind with the recurred monistic structure responds to another traumatic stimulus, this cycle of hierarchical transformation repeats itself in this cyclical and fractal growth process through synchronization of basic trinity system. Applying this concept to the process of post-traumatic growth (PTG), this paper explores how the mind transforms traumatic experiences into PTG and proposes a 'PTG Clock' that shows a fundamental sequence in the development of the human mind. The PTG Clock consists of seven hierarchical phases, and each of the first six phases has two opposite sub-phases: shocked/numbed, feared/intrusive, paranoid/avoidant, obsessional/explosive, dependent/depressive, and meaningless/searching for meaning. The seventh, the synchronization phase, completes one cycle of the mind's transformation, realizing a grand trinity system, where the mind synchronizes its biological, social, and existential dimensions. At that point, the mind becomes more susceptible to not only the stimulus of its own traumatic experience but also the pain of others. Thereby, the PTG Clock sets out on a journey to another cycle of transformation in higher dimensions. The validity of this transformational process for the PTG Clock will be examined by comparing it to Horowitz's theory of stress response syndrome.

New horizon of geographical method (인문지리학 방법론의 새로운 지평)

  • ;Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38
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    • pp.15-36
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    • 1988
  • In this paper, I consider the development of methods in contemporary human geography in terms of a dialectical relation of action and structure, and try to draw a new horizon of method toward which geographical research and spatial theory would develop. The positivist geography which was dominent during 1960s has been faced both with serious internal reflections and strong external criticisms in the 1970s. The internal reflections that pointed out its ignorance of spatial behavior of decision-makers and its simplication of complex spatial relations have developed behavioural geography and systems-theoretical approach. Yet this kinds of alternatives have still standed on the positivist, geography, even though they have seemed to be more real and complicate than the previous one, The external criticisms that have argued against the positivist method as phenomenalism and instrumentalism suggest some alternatives: humanistic geography which emphasizes intention and action of human subject and meaning-understanding, and structuralist geography which stresses on social structure as a totality which would produce spatial phenomena, and a theoretical formulation. Human geography today can be characterized by a strain and conflict between these methods, and hence rezuires a synthetic integration between them. Philosophy and social theory in general are in the same in which theories of action and structural analysis have been complementary or conflict with each other. Human geography has fallen into a further problematic with the introduction of a method based on so-called political ecnomy. This method has been suggested not merely as analternative to the positivist geography, but also as a theoretical foundation for critical analysis of space. The political economy of space with has analyzed the capitalist space and tried to theorize its transformation may be seen either as following humanistic(or Hegelian) Marxism, such as represented in Lefebvre's work, or as following structuralist Marxism, such as developed in Castelles's or Harvey's work. The spatial theory following humanistic Marxism has argued for a dialectic relation between 'the spatial' and 'the social', and given more attention to practicing human agents than to explaining social structures. on the contray, that based on structuralist Marxism has argued for social structures producing spatial phenomena, and focused on theorising the totality of structures, Even though these two perspectives tend more recently to be convergent in a way that structuralist-Marxist. geographers relate the domain of economic and political structures with that of action in their studies of urban culture and experience under capitalism, the political ecnomy of space needs an integrated method with which one can overcome difficulties of orthhodox Marxism. Some novel works in philosophy and social theory have been developed since the end of 1970s which have oriented towards an integrated method relating a series of concepts of action and structure, and reconstructing historical materialism. They include Giddens's theory of structuration, foucault's geneological analysis of power-knowledge, and Habermas's theory of communicative action. Ther are, of course, some fundamental differences between these works. Giddens develops a theory which relates explicitly the domain of action and that of structure in terms of what he calls the 'duality of structure', and wants to bring time-space relations into the core of social theory. Foucault writes a history in which strategically intentional but nonsubjective power relations have emerged and operated by virtue of multiple forms of constrainst wihthin specific spaces, while refusing to elaborate any theory which would underlie a political rationalization. Habermas analyzes how the Western rationalization of ecnomic and political systems has colonized the lifeworld in which we communicate each other, and wants to formulate a new normative foundation for critical theory of society which highlights communicatie reason (without any consideration of spatial concepts). On the basis of the above consideration, this paper draws a new norizon of method in human geography and spatial theory, some essential ideas of which can be summarized as follows: (1) the concept of space especially in terms of its relation to sociery. Space is not an ontological entity whch is independent of society and has its own laws of constitution and transformation, but it can be produced and reproduced only by virtue of its relation to society. Yet space is not merlely a material product of society, but also a place and medium in and through which socety can be maintained or transformed.(2) the constitution of space in terms of the relation between action and structure. Spatial actors who are always knowledgeable under conditions of socio-spatial structure produce and reproduce their context of action, that is, structure; and spatial structures as results of human action enable as well as constrain it. Spatial actions can be distinguished between instrumental-strategicaction oriented to success and communicative action oriented to understanding, which (re)produce respectively two different spheres of spatial structure in different ways: the material structure of economic and political systems-space in an unknowledged and unitended way, and the symbolic structure of social and cultural life-space in an acknowledged and intended way. (3) the capitalist space in terms of its rationalization. The ideal development of space would balance the rationalizations of system space and life-space in a way that system space providers material conditions for the maintainance of the life-space, and the life-space for its further development. But the development of capitalist space in reality is paradoxical and hence crisis-ridden. The economic and poltical system-space, propelled with the steering media like money, and power, has outstriped the significance of communicative action, and colonized the life-space. That is, we no longer live in a space mediated communicative action, but one created for and by money and power. But no matter how seriously our everyday life-space has been monetalrized and bureaucratised, here lies nevertheless the practical potential which would rehabilitate the meaning of space, the meaning of our life on the Earth.

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