• Title/Summary/Keyword: Conflict Transformation

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A Japanese American Female Writer's Tearing Down the Barriers: Lydia Minatoya's Talking to High Monks in the Snow and The Strangeness of Beauty. (재미 일본인 여류작가의 경계 허물기 : 리디아 미나토야의 『설중 고승여담』과 『미의 기묘함』)

  • Kim, Ilgu
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2010
  • By taking the form of a fictional autobiography, a Japanese American woman writer Lydia Minatoya tries to solve the inexpressible confliction which Japanese Americans experience in their living in America. In her first published fiction, Talking to High Monks in the Snow, the writer faithfully tries to follow the Japanese I-story tradition where meandering of personal petit histories and frequent self-pities are constructed without solid action, characters and plot. Here appear many accidental others whom function as significant yet fleeting subalterns. In contrast, in the second fiction, The Strangeness of Beauty published seven years later, the I-narratives undergoes some drastic transformations by authorial intrusion, dramatic and haiku styles, and appearances of actorial agents. Just working as an invisible yet important stagehand (kuroko in Japanese) behind the stage of life, the author now handles her own self-inquiry through more controllable distance and maturity as directors or photographers often do. However, despite achieving dramatic actions and artistic elegance mainly thanks to her adoption of western masterpieces's grand narratives, Minatoya seems to stop in the midway in her tallying work of fiction with fact by delaying the larger imaginable conflict through which the temporarily gained autonomy can be turned into a disaster anytime. Nonetheless, the reader feels relieved and encouraged after recognizing the fragile Asian female self's transformation as a new, flexible and autonomous self by her unwavering contact with two contrasting cultures and providing silent minority female characters with gradually stronger and uncannier voices.

『The Death of a Salesman』 reinterpreted by Media Transformation: Focusing on (2017) by Asghar Farhadi (매체 변환을 통해 재해석된 『세일즈맨의 죽음』: 아쉬가르 파라디 감독의 영화 <세일즈맨>(2017))

  • Choi, Young-hee;Lee, Hyun-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 2022
  • Arthur Miller's play has been reproduced for a long time, and has been made into a film several times. Director Asghar Farhadi made a film set in Iran in the 21st century, showing the film (2017), which excludes "Death" from the original title. is not just a movie of . In , the play is summoned in the form of performing a play. There are many movies in this form, but is an exquisite fabrication so that the reality outside the play and the content in the play harmonize with each other. The play depicts the tragedy of the head of the family who falls at the end of the American dream. The movie transforms this tragedy into a conflict between a young couple living in Iran in the 21st century. In addition, is completed as an independent work that not only rearranged the space and characters of the original work, but also reinterpreted the meaning of death, creating the effect of media conversion such as theater and film.

A Study on the phenomenal Transformation of the western Architecture in the 20th century -Focused on the Wall as Element of Architecture- (20세기 서양건축의 현상적 전환에 관한 연구 -건축요소로서의 벽을 중심으로-)

  • 김성은
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.20
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 1999
  • The western architecture is being transformed with the utmost rapidity in the 0th century. The architectural culture is strongly influenced by various thoughts and views on life of people. And then it would reflect the sprit of the same times. Architects have much imaginations that tend to limit of the present at a glance. However, if we observe these imaginations in detail, we can find that th4eir imaginations are based on not only the utopian conceptions but abstract theories. And above all, these imaginations are an energy of conflict between the endless asking and the conviction against the traditions and history. The most of architects consider their ideology and conviction as a whole. Furthermore they regard the wall as a element of architecture and attempt to persuade the people through making the realizatiov. In order to understand more easily the architectural characteristics, it is the best way to see the architecture at the high of our eyes. That is the reason why the wall was chosen as a element of architecture. I would like to emphasize the architects who were the representative in their ages and their works that are based on the conceptions at that time. However, I didn't refer to make a comparison with qualities of them anywhere of this study. Because it is necessary that we should be accepted the architectural paradigm as a matter of course.

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A study on the Mannerism tendencies in the Contemporary Costume (현대복식에 나타난 매너리즘(Mannerism)적 경향에 관한연구)

  • 안선경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.33
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    • pp.157-173
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    • 1997
  • The Mannerism which was born on Italy in 16th century was the critical trend of art influencing the political economical and psychological trends and was the first mo-dality which respected the individual sense of artist. The cultural situation of that time es-pecially the alienation of men is similar to the pluralism of value the coexistency of conflict the acceptance of heterogeneity and uncer-tainty I modern century. This paper analysed the pattern of change in the trend of Mannerism in modern costume by comparing current trend from the past focus-ing th fact that the over-all situation in this century is similar to that of Mannerism in 16th century. In this paper the author suggests the Defor-mation Ambiguity and Irreglarity as the character of manneristic trend which has re-solved the sense of alienation of men by paradoxic expression. The results of comparing the characteristic of mannerism to the modern costume is followd; 1. The Deformation in modern costume is grossly subdivided to the transfrmation of morphology the transformation of scale and the breakdown of equilibrium 2. The ambiguity in the modern costume can be subdivided to the eclecticistic expression and the ambiguity of spatial concept(between inner and outer garments). 3. The illogiclities in modern costume are the technique of illusion structural illogicality and the collage technique.

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A Study on the Formation of Traditional Settlement In NaJu Castle Areas (나주 읍성안 전통주거지의 형성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Byoung-Jin;Shon, Seung-Kwang
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.205-209
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    • 2005
  • A traditional settlement, in a long history establishment, is appeared to be configured of the people and their life in the areas. This is, a positive aspects, compared to most of the city in these day which is monotonous aspects. The purpose of this research deals what is the formation process and spatial character in urban settlement of Naju city, and how to applicate in a modern city context. For the research goals, it analyse an old Naju Castle area, transformation of the land use through the cadastral survey, and spatial character through step by step in chronical approach. The process of change can be seen in the devide pattern in a lot, formation and extension of a private road, and formation and change of the road; This shows how to changes traditional settlement in a old urban areas of Naju city. A now road system in old area, as a conflict, push the change of the spatial organization, and the balance of the identity of a traditional settlement and a new change as a convenient needs, it is a key point to get ideal settlement.

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A Study on the Path-Creative Characteristics of AI Policy (인공지능정책의 경로창조적 특성에 관한 연구 : 신제도주의의 경로 변화 이론을 기반으로)

  • Jung, Sung Young;Koh, Soon Ju
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.93-115
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    • 2021
  • Various policy declarations and institutional experiments involving artificial intelligence are being made in most countries. Depending on how the artificial intelligence policy changes, the role of the government, the scope of the policy, and the policy means used may vary, which can lead to the success or failure of the policy. This study proposed a perspective on AI(Artificial Intelligence) in policy research, investigated the theory of path change, and derived the characteristics of path change in AI policy. Since AI policy is related to a wide range of policy areas and the policy making is at the start points, this study is based on the neo-institutional path theory about the types of institutional changes. As a result of this study, AI policy showed the characteristics of path creation, and in detail presented the conflict relationship between institutional design elements, the scalability of policy areas, policy stratification and policy mix, the top policy characteristics transcending the law, and the experiment for regulatory innovation. Since AI can also be used as a key tool for policy innovation in the future, research on the path and characteristics of AI policy will provide a new direction and approach to government policy or institutional innovation seeking digital transformation.

Conflicts and Resolutions due to the Expansion of Urban Heritage - Focusing on Historic Sites and Hanok Areas in Seoul -

  • Hyun Chul Youn;Seong Lyong Ryoo
    • Architectural research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the conflicts caused by the spatial expansion in two types of urban heritage in Seoul. To explain the national and professional orientation found in each spatial transformation, the study brought the concept of 'historic state' and 'epitome,' thereby examining the operating system of the conflicts. Field observations and stakeholder interviews were performed based on literature and historical research. The study results are as follows. ①In the case of Gwanghwamun and Donuimun, the spatial expansion is to find the historic state of the sites. Gwanghwamun with high national status and substance, conflicts show a pattern that spreads to memory conflicts. Donuimun is relatively unknown and has no substance so that a flexible method of digital restoration was applied. ② In the case of Ikseon-dong and Bukchon hanok, they show heterogeneous spatial expansion. The conflicts in relation to this is caused by the epitome of hanok. In Ikseon-dong, illegal installation of structures(non-epitome) is prevalent, while in Bukchon, there was a process of transferring the new basement(non-epitome) as part of the hanok. ③Conflicts in Gwanghwamun can be coordinated by referring to the digital restoration of Donuimun, and conflicts in Ikseon-dong can be resolved by taking Bukchon as a precedent.

The multi-level understanding of Shamanistic myth Princess Bari as a narrative: focusing on levels of story, composition, and communication (무속신화 <바리공주> 서사의 다층적 이해 - 이야기·생성·소통의 세 층위를 대상으로)

  • Oh, Sejeong
    • 기호학연구
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    • no.54
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    • pp.119-145
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    • 2018
  • This paper attempts to divide the narrative into three levels and review the approach methodology to understand Princess Bari as a narrative. If the stratification of the narrative, the analysis of each levels, and the integrated approach to them are made, this can contribute to suggesting new directions and ways to understand and study Princess Bari. The story level of Princess Bari, the surface structure, is shaped by the space movement and the chronological sequential structure of the life task that started from the birth of the main character. This story shows how a woman who was denied her existence by her father as soon as she was born finds an ontological transformation and identities through a process. Especially, the journey of finding identity is mainly formed through the events that occur through the relationship with family members. This structure, which can be found in the narrative level, forms a deep structure with the oppositional paradigm of family members' conflict and reconciliation, life and death. The thought structure revealed in this story is the problem of life is the problem of family composition, and the problem of death is also the same. In response to how to look at the unified world of coexistence of life and death, this tradition group of myths makes a relationship with man and God. This story is mainly communicated in the Korean shamanistic ritual(Gut) that sent the dead to the afterlife. Although the shaman is the sender and the participants in the ritual are the receivers, the story is well known a message that does not have new information repeated in certain situations. In gut, the patrons and participants do not simply accept the narrative as a message, but accept themselves as codes for reconstructing their lives and behavior through autocommunication. By accepting the characters and events of as a homeomorphism relationship with their lives, people accept the everyday life as an integrated view of life and death, disjunction and communication, conflict and reconciliation, and the present viewpoint. It can not change the real world, but it changes the attitude of 'I' about life. And it is a change and transformation that can be achieved through personal communication like the transformation of Princess Bari into god in myth. Thus, Princess Bari shows that each meaning and function in the story level, composition level, and communication level is related to each other. In addition, the structure revealed by this narrative on three levels is also effective in revealing the collective consciousness and cultural system of the transmission group.

Comparisons of Family Life Culture among Korean Married Families and Korean-Vietnamese Multicultural Families: Focusing on Family Rituals and Values (한국인 기혼남녀와 한국-베트남 다문화가족의 가족생활문화 비교: 가족의례와 가족가치관을 중심으로)

  • Ok, Sun Wha;Chin, Meejung;Chung, Grace;Kim, Jiae
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2014
  • Family life culture embodies the ways of thinking and behaving among family members in everyday lives. With a noticeable growth of multicultural families since 2000, there has been an inflow of other culture into the existing Korean family life culture. This new phenomenon signals a potential transformation of the family life culture in Korean society. To forecast such changes, we compared the family life culture of Korean-Vietnamese multicultural families (as reported by 104 Korean husbands and their Vietnamese wives) with that of mainstream Korean families (as reported by 108 Korean married men and 92 Korean married women) by comparing family ritual practices and family values. We also sought to identify whether two cultures in Korean-Vietnamese multicultural families harmoniously coexist or clash by examining differences within couples. Results showed that Korean married men and Korean husbands of Vietnamese women were very similar in terms of family ritual practices and family values. Differences emerged between Korean husbands and their Vietnamese wives. Specifically, Korean husbands endorsed more traditional gender role beliefs while their family values were less patriarchal compared to their wives. Results suggest that more flexible gender role beliefs reported by Vietnamese wives may be a source of conflict in Korean-Vietnamese multicultural families. At the same time, it may be a driving force of change in their existing family life culture. It will be worthwhile to pay attention in future research to whether and how patriarchal values and flexible gender role beliefs would continue to coexist or modify each other.

A Dual Real-Time Scheduling Design under Real-Time Constraints Kernel Environments (실시간 제약 커널 환경하에서의 이중 실시간 스케쥴링 설계)

  • 인치호
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposes a dual real-time scheduling design under real-time constraints kernel environments. In this paper, we have designed both the real-time kernel and the general kernel that have their different properties to satisfy these properties, that is, interrupt latency, scheduling precision, and message passing. In real-time tasks, interrupt processing should be run. In general kernel, non real-time tasks or general tasks are run. Also, when tasks conflict, it executed the mixed priority scheduling that non real-time kernel executed static scheduling and real-time kernel executed dynamic priority transformation scheduling, that is, least-laxity-first/minimization preemption scheduling. We have compared the results of this study for performance of the proposal real-time kernel with both RT Linux 0.5a and QNX 4.23A, that is, of interrupt latency scheduling precision and message passing.

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