• Title/Summary/Keyword: Complement C4d

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An Efficient Array Algorithm for VLSI Implementation of Vector-radix 2-D Fast Discrete Cosine Transform (Vector-radix 2차원 고속 DCT의 VLSI 구현을 위한 효율적인 어레이 알고리듬)

  • 신경욱;전흥우;강용섬
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.1970-1982
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    • 1993
  • This paper describes an efficient array algorithm for parallel computation of vector-radix two-dimensional (2-D) fast discrete cosine transform (VR-FCT), and its VLSI implementation. By mapping the 2-D VR-FCT onto a 2-D array of processing elements (PEs), the butterfly structure of the VR-FCT can be efficiently importanted with high concurrency and local communication geometry. The proposed array algorithm features architectural modularity, regularity and locality, so that it is very suitable for VLSI realization. Also, no transposition memory is required, which is invitable in the conventional row-column decomposition approach. It has the time complexity of O(N+Nnzp-log2N) for (N*N) 2-D DCT, where Nnzd is the number of non-zero digits in canonic-signed digit(CSD) code, By adopting the CSD arithmetic in circuit desine, the number of addition is reduced by about 30%, as compared to the 2`s complement arithmetic. The computational accuracy analysis for finite wordlength processing is presented. From simulation result, it is estimated that (8*8) 2-D DCT (with Nnzp=4) can be computed in about 0.88 sec at 50 MHz clock frequency, resulting in the throughput rate of about 72 Mega pixels per second.

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Optimal Location Allocation of CCTV Using 3D Simulation (3차원 시뮬레이션을 활용한 CCTV 최적입지선정)

  • PARK, Jeong-Woo;LEE, Seong-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.92-105
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to establish a simulation method for CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) sight area. The simulation incorporates variables for computing CCTV sight area including CCTV specifications and installation. Currently CCTV is used for traffic, crime prevention and fire prevention by local governments. However, new locations are selected by administrator decision rather than analysis of the optimal location. In order to determine optimum location, a method to CCTV compute range is needed, which incorporates specifications according to CCTV purpose. For this purpose, limitations of previous research methods must be recognized and the simulation method must supplement these limitations. Here in this study, we derived CCTV sight area variables for realistic analysis to complement the limitations of previous studies. A total of eight elements were derived from image device sensors and installation: wide angle, height, angle, setting height, setting angle, and others. This research implemented a 3D simulation technique that can be applied to the derived factors and automate them using ArcObject and Visual C#. This simulation method can calculate sight range in accordance with CCTV specifications. Furthermore, when installing additional CCTVs, it can derive optimal allocation position. The results of this study will provide rational choices for specification selection and CCTV location by interagency collaborative projects.

유산균의 항암효과

  • 배형석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition Conference
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    • 1997.06b
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    • pp.15-17
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    • 1997
  • 암 발생의 원인 중 80% 이상이 식사습관과 환경오염에 있는 것으로 인정되고 있다. 음식물, 담배, 술, 대기오염, 스트레스, 자외선이 그 대표적인 원인물질로 꼽을 수 있으며 그 중에서도 매일 섭취하는 음식물이 가장 중요한 발암요인으로 지적되고 있다. 대장암과 유방암의 발생에 대한 Wynder 등의 역학조사에서도 식사습관이 암 발생에 중요함을 시사 하고 있다. 동물성 단백질과 지방의 다량 섭취가 대장암과 유방암의 발생을 증가 시키고 섬유질이 풍부한 곡류와 야채의 섭취는 대장암 발생을 억제한다는 상관관계가 밝혀졌다. 그러나 우리가 늘 섭취하는 음식물 자체는 대장암과 유방암을 유발하는 기능이 거의 없다. 섭취된 음식물이 암을 일으키려면 장내 부패 미생물의 분해작용에 의하여 발암물질로 변환되는 과정이 필요하다. 그 발암물질들이 장관으로 흡수 자극함으로써 암을 유발할 수 있다. 반대로 일부장내 미생물들은 장내 발암물질들을 무독화 하거나 숙주의 면역기능을 증강 시킴으로써 암 발생을 억제할 수도 있다는 사실을 간과해서는 안 될 것이다. Mitsuoka는 장내 미생물이 암을 유발하는 중요한 요인이라고 강조하였다. Veer 등은 유산균 발효유를 많이 섭취하면 유방암 발생이 억제됨을, 국제암연구위원회는 섬유질을 많이 섭취하고 있는 핀란드 쿠피오의 거주자들에게는 덴마크의 코펜하겐에 거주하는 사람들에 비하여 대장암 발생율이 1/4에 불과하고 분변내 유산간균수는 100배 높은 사실을 역학조사에서 밝혔다. 이 외에 유산균과 발효유제품의 항암효과에 대한 실험결과들이 많이 발표되었다. 여기에서는 유산균의 항암효과에 대한 지금까지의 관련 자료들을 요약, 정리하여 고찰하고자 한다.높은 당 함량을 나타냈으며, T-AS는 70.3%의 당과 7.8%의 단백질로 구성 되었다. GLG 대부분의 분획들은 60~93%의 glucose로 구성된 다당류 이었으며, 주로 $\beta$-glucose로 구성된 다당류 이었다. 아미노산은 Asp 및 Glu의 산성 아미노산과 Ala, Leu 등의 함량이 높게 나타났으며, 비알칼리 추출물에서 Ser과 Thr의 함량이 높게 나타났다. 다당류 T-AS는 평균 분자량이 2,000 kD와 12kD에서 주 peak를 나타냈으며, 수용성 분획의 평균 분자량은 12kD이고 비수용성 분획은 36~2,000 kD의 평균 분자량 분포를 갖는 것으로 나타났다. IR과 NMR 분석 결과 890 cm-1에서 흡수 peak를 나타내어 $\beta$-(1,3)0glucan과 $\beta$-(1,6)-glucan의 구조를 갖는 다당류로 확인 되었다. T-AS 분획은 C:H:O:N의 함량비가 38.9:5.7:49.6:1.84%이며, 이 물질의 융점은 163 $^{\circ}C$로 연한 갈색을 나타낸다. 분리된 GLG의 항암활성 기전 규명을 위해, in vivo 항암실험, 항보체 활성능, 항체 생성능, serum protein 분비능, 대식세포의 탐식능과 활성능 및 세포간 물질 분비 등의 상관관계를 조사하였다. 다당류 GLG 분획물들 가운데 항보체의 활성이 높았던 분획은 sarcome 180에 대한 항암 활성이 높게 나타났다. 다당류 T-AS의 보체 활성화 기작은 classical과 alternative complement pathway의 양 경로를 통해 활성화 되었다.

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Simultaneous Determination of Asperosaponins and Iridoid Glycosides from Dipsaci Radix by Using LC-ESI-MS Spectrometry (속단(Dipsaci Radix) 중 Asperosaponins 및 Iridoid glycosides의 LC-ESI-MS에 의한 동시분석)

  • Cho, Hwang-Eui;Son, In-Seop;Kim, Sun-Cheun;Son, Kun-Ho;Woo, Mi-Hee;Moon, Dong-Cheul
    • Korean Journal of Pharmacognosy
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2012
  • Dipsaci Radix (Dipsacaceae) has been used as a tonic, an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-complement agents in traditional herbal medicine for the therapy of low back pain, knee pain, rheumatic arthritis, traumatic hematoma, and bone fractures. A high-performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric method (HPLC-ESI-MS) was developed for the simultaneous quantitation method of the five compounds from the herbal drug: asperosaponin VI and asperosaponin XII (terpene glycosides), sweroside, loganin and dipsacus A(iridoid glycosides). HPLC separation of the analytes was achieved on a C18 column ($150{\times}2.0$ mm i.d., 5 ${\mu}m$) using the aqueous methanol containing 5 mM ammonium acetate with gradient flow of the mobile phase. Detection of the analytes was performed by positive ion electrospray ionization, and selected ion monitoring was used for data acquisition using m/z corresponding molecular adduct ion, $[M+NH_4]^+$ and $[M+H]^+$. Calibration graphs showed good linearity ($r^2$=0.9997) over the wide range of the analytes; intra- and inter-day precisions (RSD, %) were within 9.1% and the accuracy between 94.0-111.0%. Recoveries of the analytes through the assay procedure were in the range of 93.7-110.8%. Analytical results of the herbal drugs of Dipsaci Radix (17 samples) show wide distribution of the five marker compounds and clear difference of the species from Phlomidis Radix (4 samples). The developed method would provide a practical guide for the quality control of the herbal drug.

Prospective Study of the Immunologic Factors Affecting the Prognosis of Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia (중증 지역사회획득 폐렴환자의 예후에 영향을 미치는 면역지표에 대한 연구)

  • Hwang, Jae-Kyung;Lee, Ho-Moeng;Song, Kwang-Sik;Park, Gye-Young;Park, Jeong-Woong;Park, Jae-Kyung;Jeong, Seong-Hwan;Ahn, Jeong-Yeal;Seo, Yiel-Hea;Nam, Gui-Hyun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.437-449
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    • 2001
  • Background : In the severe community-acquired pneumonia, it has been known that the immune status is occasionally suppressed. This study was performed to identify the immunologic markers related with the prognostic factors in severe community-acquired pneumonia. Methods : 23 patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia were involved in this study, and divided into survivor (16) and nonsurvivor (7) groups. In this study, the medical history, laboratory tests(complete blood counts, routine chemistry profile, immunoglobulins, complements, lymphocyte subsets, cytokines, sputum and blood culture, urine analysis), and chest radiographs were scrutinized. Results : 1) Both groups had lymphopenia(total lymphocyte count $995.6{\pm}505.7/mm^3$ in the survivor and $624.0{\pm}287.6/mm^3$ in the nonsurvivor group). 2) The T-lymphocyte count of the nonsurvivor group($295.9{\pm}203.0/mm^3$) was lower than the survivor group($723.6{\pm}406.5/mm^3$) (p<0.05). 3) The total serum protein(albumin) was $6.0{\pm}1.0(2.7{\pm}0.7)\;g/d{\ell}$ in the survivor and $5.2{\pm}1.5(2.3{\pm}0.8)g/d{\ell}$ in the nonsurvivor group. The BUN of the nonsurvivor group($41.7{\pm}30.0mg/d{\ell}$) was higher than that of the survivor group($18.9{\pm}9.8mg/d{\ell}$)(p<0.05). The creatinine concentration was higher in the nonsurvivor group($1.8{\pm}1.0mg/d{\ell}$) than that in the survivor group($1.0{\pm}0.3mg/d{\ell}$)(p<0.05). 4) The immunoglobulin G level was higher in the survivor group($1433.0{\pm}729.5mg/d{\ell}$) than in the nonsurvivor group($849.1{\pm}373.1mg/d{\ell}$) (p<0.05). 5) The complement $C_3$ level was $108.0{\pm}37.9mg/d{\ell}$ in the survivor group and $88.0{\pm}32.1mg/d{\ell}$ in the nonsurvivor group. 6) A cytokine study showed an insignificant difference in both groups. 7) Chronic liver disease, DM, and COPD were major underlying diseases in both groups. Conclusion : These results suggest that decreased a T-lymphocyte count and immunoglobulin G level, and an increased BUN and creatinine level may be associated with the poor prognosis of severe community-acquired pneumonia.

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Job Competency in Ultrasonography of Korean Radiological Technologists (한국 방사선사의 초음파진단검사 직무역량에 관한 고찰)

  • Lim, Chang Seon;Kim, Chuk Bok;Namkung, Jang Sun;Jin, Gye Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.857-864
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    • 2019
  • Many countries, including Canada, operate a sonographer license system separately from a radiological technologist license. However, in Korea, radiological technologists perform ultrasound imaging under the guidance of doctors. Therefore, in order to have the opportunity to provide a systematic education by analyzing the job competency of the radiological technologist's ultrasound imaging, based on the Canadian National Competency Profile (NCP) lists, this study measured the job content validity of the job competences and detailed competencies required for performing ultrasonography in Korea. From the results of comparing and analyzing the importance of the core competencies included in the Korean radiological technologist's job competencies and the degree of job performance, the average overall importance was 4.087, the average of overall performance was 3.640, showing that the importance was higher than the performance and that there was a statistically significant difference. In conclusion, 'A Communication', 'B Professional responsibilities', 'D Operation of equipment' and 'G Workplace health and safety' showed high job content validity. However, it is said that as 'C Patient assessment and care', 'E Critical thinking and problem solving', and 'H Image' showed low job content validity, it is necessary to seek ways to strengthen and complement these competencies.

A Study on Monitoring and Management of Invasive Alien Species Applied by Citizen Science in the Wetland Protected Areas(Inland Wetland) (시민과학을 활용한 습지보호지역의 생태계교란 식물 모니터링 및 관리방안 연구)

  • Inae Yeo;Kwangjin Cho
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.305-317
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    • 2023
  • This study suggested a citizen science based model to enhance the efficacy of the managing invasive alien plants and examined whose applicability in 3 Wetland Protected Areas (Jangrok of Gwangju metropolitan city, Madongho of Goseong in South Gyeongsang Province, and Ungok of Gochang in North Jeolla Province). The process consists of (a) collecting citizen scientist including local residents of 3 protected areas and piling up information on the 4 species of invasive alien plants (Sicyos angulatus L., Solanum carolinense L., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. and Solidago altissima L) in a information platform Ecological Information Bank (EcoBank) from September 18th to October 31th, (b) constructing distribution map containing the location and density (3 phases: individual-population-community) of target plants, (c) providing distribution map to Environment Agency and local government who is principal agent of managing invasive alien plants in 3 protected areas, and from whom (d) surveying applications of the distribution map and opinion for future supplement. As a result, citizen science based monitoring should be continued to complement the nationwide information for the field management of invasive alien plants with the expansion of target species (total 17 plants species that Ministry of Environment in South Korea designated) and period of monitoring in a year to increase the usability of surveyed information from citizen science. In the long run, effectiveness of the management of invasive alien species applied by citizen science should be reviewed including efficacy of field management process from citizen's participating in elimination project of invasive alien plants and time series distribution followed by the management of the species.

Types of business model in the 4th industrial revolution (4차 산업혁명시대의 비즈니스 모델 유형)

  • Jung, Sang-hee;Chung, Byoung-gyu
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2018
  • The 4th Industrial Revolution is making a big change for our company like the tsunami. The CPS system, which is represented by the digital age, is based on the data accumulated in the physical domain and is making business that was not imagined in the past through digital technology. As a result, the business model of the 4th Industrial Revolution era is different from the previous one. In this study, we analyze the trends and the issues of business innovation theory research. Then, the business innovation model of the digital age was compared with the previous period. Based on this, we have searched for a business model suitable for the 4th Industrial Revolution era. The existing business models have many difficulties to explain the model of the digital era. Even though more empirical research should be supported, Michael Porter's diamond model is most suitable for four cases of business models by applying them. Type A sharing outcome with customer is a model that pay differently according to the basis of customer performance. Type B Value Chain Digitalization model provides products and services to customers with faster and lower cost by digitalizing products, services and SCM. Type C Digital Platform is the model that brings the biggest ripple effect. It is a model that can secure profitability by creating new market by creating the sharing economy based on digital platform. Finally, Type D Sharing Resources is a model for building a competitive advantage model by collaborating with partners in related industries. This is the most effective way to complement each other's core competencies and their core competencies. Even though numerous Unicorn companies have differentiated digital competitiveness with many digital technologies in their respective industries in the 4th Industrial Revolution era, there is a limit to the number of pieces to be listed. In future research, it is necessary to identify the business model of the digital age through more specific empirical analysis. In addition, since digital business models may be different in each industry, it is also necessary to conduct comparative analysis between industries

Ecological Functions and Losses of Traditional Korean Village Groves

  • Lee, D.-W.;Park, C.-R.
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.65-66
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    • 2004
  • There have been groves, in many cases, along with hedgerows and remnant forests around a traditional Korean village. A village grove is very closely connected to the life of residents. Sometimes it was a holy place where important village festivals were held, and became a resting place for farmers, especially in sunny summer. As a matter of fact, it is noted that traditional Korean village groves had been fostered for many purpose as religion, Confucianism, scenery, sanitation, traffic guard, public security, agriculture, hunting, and military and public uses were included in Chosun Govemor General(1938). Village groves were usually located at the outlet of watershed inside which a village was built. In addition, village groves used to be established along part of mountain ranges, streams and streets. A unique type of village grove, called bibosoop was fostered especially where the outlet of watershed was largely opened. In other cases, it was placed where a part of mountain range was relatively low, or where village residents were likely to see ugly objects such as a huge cliff, stony upland with an unvegetated area and the like(Kim and Jang 1994). In a sense, a sheltebelt is a sort of bibosoop as it is a landscape element to complement places that are exposed to strong winds. However, it is comparable to other typical bibosoop that is situated at a topographically very specific zone of watershed. In this paper, we will address potential functions of Korean village groves from a perspective of modern landscape ecology and show current status of some remnants, based on preliminary surveys. A village grove functions as barrier or filter of objects such as water, nutrients, and other elements and habitat of wildlife (park et al. 2003, Lee 2004). The village grove slows down the flow of water and air, maintains soil moisture an hinders soil erosion, enabling cultivation of crops and bringing up creatures nearby. It contributes to enhancing biodiversity. Birds rest on shrubby and woody trees of the element. Presumably, other organisms may also inhabit the village groves and take advantage of it when those move from a forest patch to others. Emerging insects acclimate themselves in the shade of the green space before they fly to sunny air. Besides the village grove acts as a component of agroforestry system as leaf litter is shed from a grove to an asjacent agricultural area, and transformed into green manure(Lee 2004). By the way, many of the landscape elements were destroyed or declined in Koea during the past several decades. The losses have been parallel or linked to environmental degradation. Unfortunately, we have a little reliable data as for how many groves have disappeared in Korea until now. There has been no complete census on the village groves in Korea, and the viewpoints of survey were to a degree different depending on surveyors. So, it is difficult to analyze the temporal and spatial change of village groves. Currently, national inventory data of Korean village groves are available in three reports. We reviewed the locations of village groves and arranged those according to the present administrative units, DONG. With the limited data, we found that at least 484 of village groves were recorded in South Korea. Among all provinces, village groves were most in Gyeongsanbuk-Do Province and least in Chungcheongbuk-Do Province(Table 1). This is a preliminary report prepared while some quantitative data regarding functions and lossers of the village groves are being collected. More detailed data will be introduced in the near future.

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The effect of artemisinin on the rabbit IgG accelerated nephrotoxic serum glomerulonephritis in mice (개똥쑥에서 분리(分離)된 artemisinin이 가토(家兎) IgG에 의해 유발(誘發)된 생쥐의 현독성(賢毒性) 혈청사구체현염(血淸絲球體賢炎)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Zhu, Quan
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.335-336
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    • 1996
  • Artemisinin, a new antimalarial to treat patients infected with strains of Plasmodium jalciparum, derived from the plant Artemisia annua Linn, has immunopharmacologic actions such as enhence the PHA -induced lymphocyte transformation rate, increased the weight of spleen but reduced the weight of thymus, reduced phagocytic function of peritoneal macrophage, remarkably reduced the level of serum IgG and hemolysin fonning capacity (sentitized with SRBC), inhibited the activity of Ts cells of donor mice by supraoptimal immunuization(SOI), but enhenced activity of Ts cells of recipient mice by SOI. These results suggested that Ts cells may be the target cells of artemisinin. To the serum complement C3 level of plasmodium berghei-infeted mice, artemisinin (i. m,) could remarkly increase it. The artemisinin also obviously reduced the prostaglandin E(PGE) in the mouse hind paw swelling induced by carrageenin. Numerous studies have demonstrated that pharmacologic doses of PGE attenuate the development of immunocomplex nephritis. Some autologous immune mechanisms may be invoolved In the pathogensis of some types of glomurulonephritis. Glomerular abnormalities can be induced in animals by variety of immunological manipulations. The resulting disorder has many clinical and pathogical similarities to the disease in human. Our purpose was therefore to test the ability of the artemisinin to lessen the severity of rabbit IgG accelerated nephrotoxic serum glomerulonephritis in mice model. Mice which had treated with rabbit IgG and NTS, administrated with saline, showed Significant inceases of urinary protein, cholesterol level, and decrease of serum albumin in NS group. On the contrary, By i.g. adminstration of artemisinin at dose of 12.5, 25 and 50 mg/kg for 14 days after NTS injection, shown that artemisinin inhibited the nephritic changes in some parameters by means of urinary protein(p<0.05, p<0.01) and serum choleterol(p<0.05, p<0.01) and albumin (p<0.05, p<0.01), blood urea nitrogen (p<0.05, p<0.01), serum albumin(p<0.05, p<0.01); Cyclophosphamide(i.p. 10mg/kg for 14d) had almost same effect as the artemisinin had. Morphological studies shown that The picture of kidney from the mouse with NTS-nephritis accerated with rabbit IgG, treated with i.g. saline as the control, the mesangiocapillary were enlarged and proliferated; There were inflammatory cells infiltrating around the glomeruli; The ethelial cell were proliferated in the wall of Bowman's capsule. Histopatholological picture of kidney from the NTS-nephritis accerated with rabbit IgG mouse treated with i.p. 10mg/kg cyclophosphamide as the positive control. No siginicant histopathological evidence were found. Treaded with i.p. 12.5mg/kg artemisinine, the picture shown that mesangiocapillary were lightly proliferated; There were inflammatory cells infiltrating around the glomeruli; Treaded with i.p. 25mg/kg artemisinine, The picture shown that the mesangiocapillary were lightly proliferated; Treaded with i.p. 50mg/kg artemisinine, The picture shown that both the mesangiocapillary proliferated and the inflammatory cells infiltrating around the glomeruli are less than treated with saline, 12.5 and 25 mg/kg artemisinine. On the basis of these studies we conclude that the artemisinin can relieve pathological change caused by NTS-nephritis aacerated with rabbit IgG.

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