• Title/Summary/Keyword: Competition Status

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A Study on Design Medical Tourism Strategy and Business Service Model (의료관광 전략 수립 및 비즈니스 서비스 모델 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Chang, Sae Kyung;Baek, Jong Sun
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.43-55
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    • 2017
  • The market for medical tourism services in the world is steadily increasing and the medical tourism market in the South Korea is also showing high growth. However, they have also problem such as informal various information and services, irregularity price competition etc. In order to solve this problem, We have designed a medical tourism service model based on ICT specific on domestic medical ecosystem. First, analysis trends of domestic and overseas medical ecosystem and identify current problem of medical tourism. In order to solve existed problem we also have designed a medical tourism strategy. Based on the strategy, we have designed business service model based on ICT platform for as fit as Korea medical tourism status. The proposed medical tourism business service model can provide usability to customer and also can solve current medical tourism problem. We expect industrial effect and contribution to the activation.

A Case Study on the Diversity of International Co-produced Drama

  • Kim, Youn-Sung;Kim, Tae-Yang
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.64-73
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    • 2020
  • The importance of international co-production that enables content production, diversification of overseas markets, and diversification has been highlighted as demand for content has soared due to intensifying competition between media outlets, while contents provision has become easier due to changes in media environment such as convergence of broadcasting and communication and the spread of mobile Internet. In particular, the boom in Korean dramas, called the Korean Wave in China, opened up a new market after "My Love from the Star" in 2014, and in 2016, Netflix's entry into Korea served as an opportunity for local broadcasters and producers to seek international co-production. In addition, "Good Doctor" which was aired on American Broadcasting Co. (ABC) in 2017, has topped the same time slot for the first time in 29 years, and is set to air season 4 this fall. Accordingly, overseas broadcasters and production companies wanted to collaborate with domestic broadcasters and producers, and since 2011, they have conducted a total of 12 co-produced dramas until 2019. Unfortunately, however, there are few studies related to international co-production dramas in the domestic industry and academia. In this paper, we present to help Korea, which used to be a powerhouse in complete export-type content, move toward becoming a powerhouse in international co-produced dramas. In addition, it is meaningful that the research focused on the current status and achievements of international co-production dramas, which have not been studied much, and the diversity of international co-production dramas in the future through the analysis of the form and structure of international co-production.

Investigating Railway Market Trends based on the Characteristics of International Railway Business Orders (해외 철도사업 발주 특성에 따른 철도 시장 동향 분석)

  • Oh, Ji-Taek;Hwang, Seonkeun;Pyo, Sukhoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.785-791
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    • 2016
  • This research suggests feasible means for domestic railway industries to actively enter overseas railway markets by thoroughly analyzed the business trends of the expanding international railway markets and their characteristics. The 983 independent cases of international railway orders introduced in domestic markets during the past five years were analysed. In order to enhance the efficiency and consistency of the series of analysis, one classification system was established, and proportions of each category were assessed after the analysis of each piece of business information in the classification. It can be concluded from the analysis that early entrance into new projects with system design similar to that used in Korea will enrich the chances for domestic industries to enter the expanding international railway market, because Korean business is likely face competition from other companies for low-price contracts if the entering timing to the market is too late.

AA Study on the Selection Criteria for Delivery Systems of Public Construction Projects in Local Governments (지자체 공공건설사업의 발주방식 선정기준에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Eun-A;Kim, Byung-Ok;Lee, Sang-Beom
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 2009
  • With the current trend in the industry toward increasingly complex, diversified and large construction projects, advanced countries in the construction field have already introduced and applied a variety of methods for placing orders in order to cope with such changes in construction circumstances. In Korea, there have been efforts to continuously improve approaches to placing an order. With the aim of diversifying the methods of Delivery Systems, the "Technical Proposal Type Bid," and the "Design Competition and Technical Proposal Type Bid" were introduced through a revision of Korea's contract law enforcement ordinance. In line with the government's efforts, criteria for a method of placing an order that is suitable for a public construction project should be presented. This study enumerates the current issues using a survey for construction projects already placed and an analysis of the current status, and presents the selection criteria for Delivery Systems by business type as an improvement for the problem.

A Study on Core Factor Analysis for the Development of Automated Container Terminal in Korea (우리나라 자동화 컨테이너터미널 발전을 위한 핵심요인 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Yeong-Hwan;Choe, Hyeong-Rim;Yu, Dong-Ho;Yun, Su-Jin
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.97-114
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    • 2008
  • This research is focused on the organizations related to development and operation of automated container terminal to find the core factors to prepare for the changes in maritime logistics circumstances and to secure superiority in the middle of fierce competition. Through an analysis of the status of development and operation of internal and external automated container terminals, it is concluded that public organizations, companies, research centers/schools, and private organizations influence on the development and operation of automated container terminals. The specific role of each organization is also concluded in this study. Based on the findings above, a survey of experts in the organizations of container terminals in Korea has been carried out using AHP method. Through this survey, the order of importance of the related organizations was found to be public organizations, research centers/schools, companies, and private organizations. This research can be referred to make a master plan for the development and operation of automated container terminal in Korea.

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Current situation and future prospects for the Australian beef industry - A review

  • Greenwood, Paul L;Gardner, Graham E;Ferguson, Drewe M
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.31 no.7
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    • pp.992-1006
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    • 2018
  • Beef production extends over almost half of Australia, with about 47,000 cattle producers that contribute about 20% ($A12.7 billion gross value of production) of the total value of farm production in Australia. Australia is one of the world's most efficient producers of cattle and was the world's third largest beef exporter in 2016. The Australian beef industry had 25 million head of cattle in 2016-17, with a national beef breeding herd of 11.5 million head. Australian beef production includes pasture-based cow-calf systems, a backgrounding or grow-out period on pasture, and feedlot or pasture finishing. Feedlot finishing has assumed more importance in recent years to assure the eating quality of beef entering the relatively small Australian domestic market, and to enhance the supply of higher value beef for export markets. Maintenance of Australia's preferred status as a quality assured supplier of high value beef produced under environmentally sustainable systems from 'disease-free' cattle is of highest importance. Stringent livestock and meat quality regulations and quality assurance systems, and productivity growth and efficiency across the supply chain to ensure price competiveness, are crucial for continued export market growth in the face of increasing competition. Major industry issues, that also represent research, development and adoption priorities and opportunities for the Australian beef industry have been captured within exhaustive strategic planning processes by the red meat and beef industries. At the broadest level, these issues include consumer and industry support, market growth and diversification, supply chain efficiency, productivity and profitability, environmental sustainability, and animal health and welfare. This review provides an overview of the Australian beef industry including current market trends and future prospects, and major issues and opportunities for the continued growth, development and profitability of the industry.

Directions for Future Development of Preventive Medicine in Korea (예방의학의 발전방향)

  • Kim, Joon-Youn
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.185-189
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    • 2006
  • It is the actual state of the medical society in our country that many graduates of medical schools want to be clinicians, and accordingly Korea's medical situation is relatively too focused on curative medicine. However, this situation is changing due to several factors including a growing number of doctors, inappropriate regulations for medical fees, changes in social status of doctors themselves, and excessive competition between doctors. Furthermore, we expect more advances in medical field of Korea since Korean government started to attach great importance to sciences and produced policies to support sciences, and as a result, more and more interest and effort in the fields of basic research including preventive medicine is being attached especially by young doctors as compared against the past. However, decline of clinical medicine fields doesn't always mean bright future for the field of preventive medicine. True future is possible and meaningful only when we prepare for it by ourselves. In other words, as the promising future is closed to one who spares no effort, we shouldn't fear to oppose unknown challenges and simultaneously need to support colleagues who bear such a positive mind. It is the most important thing for our preventive medicine doctors to evaluate the past and the present of preventive medicine and to foster a prospective mind to prepare for the future of preventive medicine. I set forth my several views according to directions for the development of preventive medicine which we already discussed and publicized in the academic circle of preventive medicine. Those directions are recommendation of clinical preventive medicine, promotion of preventive medicine specialty, fostering the next generations, improving the quality of genetic epidemiologic study, participation in control of environmental pollution and food safety, contribution to chronic disease control, and preparation to role in medical services for unified Korea.

An Analysis and Comparison on Creative of Local Government's TV Commercial (지방자치단체 TV광고의 크리에이티브 비교분석)

  • Paik, Jae-Hun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.1 s.69
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    • pp.121-132
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    • 2007
  • A change of social environment based on digital information technology has decreased the disparity of regional cultures by exchanging & consuming contemporary information & culture freely. After 1995, when local autonomous entity system was established, the local autonomous bodies competed with one another in developing the regional society with its' own resources, human powers & cultures, independently of the central government. In the competitive system, a local government is getting itself distinguished from each other in the cultural & regional properties, and brands the region with its unique events, public relations(PR) & development strategies. The environment for advertisement has changed rapidly under the spontaneous system of regional brand and competition, which means the changes of creative standard in the field of advertisement. An in-depth advertising creativity with induced impression & trust is one of the most important aspects of the advertisement to become persuasive to the public effectively. This demand has had public advertisements changed rapidly and the change of regional system's advertisements has started already. This study focuses on analyzing the status of Local Government's commercials on TV, and presenting an effective method for improving it.

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The Effect of Disabled Wage Workers' Occupational Ability on Job Quality (장애인 임금근로자의 직업능력이 고용의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Myeong-Sook;Jeong, Weon-Cheol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to provide important information on vocational education and employment policy for the disabled by analyzing the relationship between disabled wage workers' occupational ability and job quality. For this purpose, the relationship between job competence and employment quality was theoretically examined and empirically analyzed based on human capital theory, screening theory, and job competition theory. The empirical analysis used data on 975 disabled wage workers with the use of the data of the 8th Panel Survey of Employment for the Disabled(2015). As a result of the empirical study, it was found that the occupational ability of the disabled workers is an important factor in determining Wage, job status, job satisfaction, which constitute the quality of employment. This result indicates that job quality can be improved by ameliorating disabled people's occupational ability. Accordingly, this study proposed that there might be a need to extend customized education and educational facilities for improving disabled people's occupational ability.

Cultural Opening & Animation (문화개방과 애니메이션)

  • Choi, Seung-Rak;Choi, Young-Chul
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.9
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    • pp.294-309
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    • 2005
  • The term 'animation' derived from the Latin 'anima' meaning spirit, life, or vitality. Although its original meaning was somewhat related to creation of life or incorporation of vitality into an inanimate or nonexisting entity by providing mobility through artificial manipulation, it is now used in a rather narrow sense to define collectively the cartoon-based films or tape-recordings and specialists who are involved in animation production or related areas are called animators. The current worldwide market for animation production is progressing and expanding enormously. Although the domestic animation market is ranked as third in the world in terms of overall quantity, the reality is that there are few high quality products that can compete with foreign animation products in the global markets. This issue is further discussed in this paper along with the current status of the domestic animation technology and production. This investigation concerns the comparative analysis of literature data on foreign and domestic animation, which can be a basis for the production of internationally competitive animation work.

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