• Title/Summary/Keyword: Competition Status

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Types of Organizational Culture and Their Matched Occupations

  • SEO, Minjun
    • East Asian Journal of Business Economics (EAJBE)
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.93-104
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - Organizational individuals can gain profit from any trials and errors concerning the knowledge others have been able to accumulate. The culture also states the organizational behaviors by identifying the principal aims, and the way members handle personal relationships. This study aims that how corporate cultures can be connected with particular occupations. Research design, Data, and methodology - For the systematic review in prior literature dataset, the present author used the PRISMA which is a set of items that are evidence-based and utilized in reporting systematic reviews. It includes the reporting of meta-analyses. Result - The present author figured out that corporate culture is one of the most crucial factors that workers consider in deciding whether or not they want to be employed in an organization. Having an excellent corporate culture sets the company apart from the competition and increases the company's status to new positions of recruiting and business success Conclusion - The current research concluded that possessing an excellent corporate culture positions the company apart from the competition but boosts the company to new recruiting and business success levels. The two traits of an excellent corporate culture include the culture allowing every individual in the organization to succeed, and the culture works for every individual involved.

Impact of Pay TV Market Structure and Competition on Digital Switch Over of Cable TV (유료방송의 시장구조와 경쟁이 케이블 TV의 디지털 전환에 미치는 영향)

  • Do, Joonho
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 2016
  • Cable TV with largest subscription base in pay TV market has difficulty in managing the task of digital switch over. This study analyzed the factors in delay of cable TV switch over and examined the impact of pay TV market structure and competition. The delaying factors turned out to be the lack of incentives and resources of cable TV operators, insufficient policy measures and acceptance tolerance issues of subscribers. Since cable TV operators with monopolistic status in pay TV market had continuous profit from analog service, they were not responsive to digital switch over which requires additional investment. Policy measures including support for the low income household and mandatory cut-off point for stopping analog broadcasting. Subscriber's willingness to accept digital broadcasting in terms of price sensitivity and preference for convenient operation also played a role. Introduction of IPTV in pay TV market influenced the speed of digital switch over of cable TV operators. MSOs with economies of scale showed higher digital switch over rate than independent SO.

An investigation into the Online Sales Channels of Small Business Fashion Retailers on Portal Shopping and Fashion Shopping Malls (소상공인 패션판매업자의 온라인 판매채널 연구: 포털쇼핑몰과 패션쇼핑몰(종합물/전문몰)을 중심으로)

  • Son, Mi Young
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.449-463
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    • 2021
  • The aim of this study was to analyze the perceptions and entering status of small business online fashion retailers on portal shopping and fashion shopping malls. Case studies were conducted on a total of 10 research samples. The results were as follows: first, regarding the strategic factors of online fashion stores, 'price competitiveness' is important, especially in portal shopping and low-cost brands; 'product assortment' is important but not essential in all platforms; and 'differentiation' is important to continuously secure loyal customers in fashion shopping malls. Customer satisfaction leads to customer loyalty, and customer loyalty affects the sales conversion rate and brand growth of online sales channels. Factors that promoted sales activities in online sales channels were exposure, advertisements, SNS, events, special exhibitions, and events. Hindrance factors were low price competition, overheated competition, and the MD of sales channels. Second, the research samples used multiple online sales channels, including portal shopping malls and fashion shopping malls, in addition to their own malls. The selection factors were platform reputation and commission, branding, and customer inflow through exposure. Portal shopping malls were perceived as providing easy access, advertising/customer communication, exposure/search, price competitiveness, scalability, and intense competition, whereas fashion shopping malls were perceived as providing a brand image and concept, brand promotion, high commissions, difficult entry, and low profits. The factors for success in portal shopping malls were exposure/search, price competitiveness, and brand recognition, whereas the factors for success in fashion shopping malls were differentiation, brand, exposure/advertisement, product assortment, and MD.

The Influence of Competition Uncertainty on Dancing High School Students' Impacts on Dancing Immersion and Achievement (무용전공고등학생의 경쟁불안이 무용몰입 및 무용성취에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Yu-Jin;Min, Yun-Mi
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.441-451
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    • 2020
  • The study was conducted with the aim of identifying the impact of competition anxiety on dance immersion and performance in high school students majoring in dance. As of 2020, online surveys were conducted on students majoring in dance at high schools in Seoul and the metropolitan area. A total of 222 people's data were processed by applying t-test, one-way variable analysis, correlation and multiple regression analysis through SPS 18.0 for Windows, resulting in the following conclusions. First, male students were more confident in their condition than female students, and students who recognized that their family's economic power was in the middle class were more aware. In addition, it was found that the group perceived that economic power was at the top of the list was higher than the median. Second, cognitive anxiety and self-confidence have been shown to have a static effect on immersion into dance. Third, cognitive anxiety and self-confidence have been shown to have a static effect on the achievement of uselessness. Fourth, immersion in dance appeared to be a powerful parameter related to competition anxiety and achievement of dance. To sum up the above conclusions, competition among high school students majoring in dance has been shown to increase their performance by immersing themselves in dance, but further studies of these psychological variables are expected to have side effects.

Current Status of Hospital-based Health Promotion Programs in Korea and the Factors Influencing Their Introduction (우리 나라 병원들의 건강증진 서비스 도입 현황과 이에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Sang-Gyu;Park, Choon-Seon;Kang, Myung-Guen;Hahm, Myung-Il;Lee, Soon-Young;Cho, Woo-Hyun
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.399-407
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    • 2001
  • Objectives : To investigate the current status of hospital-based health promotion programs in Korea and to elucidate the factors which affect to the process of implementation. Methods : We conducted a mail survey of all 875 hospitals in Korea from March to May 2001. In reference to 12 specific kinds of health promotion programs, hospital CEOs were asked whether their hospital have such programs, whether they are fully staffed and whether the program is paid for by the patients. Contextual factors(location, hospital type, number of beds, length of operation, public/private status, economic level of the community, the level of competition) and organizational factors (the extent of market, compatibility with vision, formalization), strategic types of the CEOs (defender/analyser/prospector) were also surveyed. The relationships between each variable and the implementation of health promotion services, activation of services, and the target groups(patient/community resident) were analyzed by univariate analysis and the independent effects of these variables were examined with multiple logistic regression. Results : 100 of 125 hospitals responding (84.8%) had mere than one health promotion program. However, they showed fluctuations in the adoption rate of each programs, meaning that comprehensive health promotion services were not provided. Many programs were not fully staffed and few hospitals had paid programs. In factors affecting health promotion service implementation, private hospitals showed a higher rate in implementation than public hospitals. In contrast, when the competition among nearby hospitals was intense, the level of implementation of service lowered. In the strategic type of the CEOs, the prospectors were shown to have instituted more health promotion programs in their hospitals and the analysers had a greater tendency to have programs for community residents than the defenders. Conclusion . Considering the above results, contextual factors may contribute greatly to the introduction of health promotion services in Korean hospital, although the CEO's personal preference and organizational factors play a larger role in the activation of services. Additionally, the CEO's personal preference may be the major influencing factor in the introduction of programs for community residents.

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A Comparative Understanding of Health Concepts

  • Lee, Mi-Kyung;Duncan Boldy;Kim, Kong-Hyun-Kim
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 1999
  • This study explored the understanding of health of people from Korea. Data were collected from a total of eighteen focus groups: Koreans (living in Korea), Korean-Australians, Korean-Americans and Australians. The data were analysed using QSR NUD*IST. The meaning of health varied among people and it was related to differences in age, culture, gender, marital status and perceived health status of individuals. However, there were several themes common to everybody. All groups included aspects of physical, mental, emotional (and spiritual), environmental and social dimensions in their definitions of health. All young single groups placed more emphasis on physical and lifestyle factors whereas mental and emotional aspects and social responsibility were more associated with health among older married groups. Young women in all cultures felt social pressure to 'look good' and the media was perceived as responsible. Men in general associated health with societal roles and social competition. Health was strongly associated with the economy and economic stability for all Korean groups reflecting the recent adverse economic situation in Korea. This information will be of value to health professionals to provide more effective health services and health promotion programs for clients of Korean ethnicity living in multicultural societies like Australia and America.

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The Analysis of Present Status and Residents' Design Preference on a Fitness Center in Apartment Complex - Focused on the Resting Space of Fitness Center - (공동주택 부속 휘트니스센터의 이용현황 및 디자인 선호도 분석 - 휴게공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Jung-Min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.1 s.60
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    • pp.56-64
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    • 2007
  • Community facilities in apartment complex have been developed through residents' needs for housing environmental amenities and social trend for 'Well-being' combined with marketing competition among construction companies. But community facilities and fitness centers which are in the initial stage of development are not well fit with residents' needs because the designers plan the community facilities without considering on residents' life-style and preference. This study investigates the present status of fitness center, and surveys the residents' preference for the proposed fitness center design. The result includes that fitness center users in apartment complex want a convenient and comfortable resting spaces similar level with those in fitness center of mixed-use residential building. A resting space provides opportunity that community members meet each other as well as they can rest after exercise. The result also shows that the fitness center users prefer wood floor and wall as interior finishing materials in exercising space and resting space, which users think, gives more comfortable and splendid feeling.

Analysis on Status about Container Terminal of ShangHai Port (상하이항의 컨테이너 터미널 현황 분석)

  • Xuan Hui-Ying;Noh Chang-Kyun
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.77-81
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    • 2004
  • As developing for dozens of years, East Asia has been a central area of world economic and trade growth. The containerization of East Asia also goes up rapidly. With the development of this area, countries all try hard to dispute the status of international shipping centre. The competitors of Shanghai Port are Busan Port, Kobe Port and GaoXiong Port. This thesis analyses these three Ports and Shanghai Port‘s information. The main point is Shanghai Port’s merits and faults, and also compares these four ports‘ competition of soft and hardware. At last, this thesis expatiates some concrete measures of Shanghai Port's constructing.

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The definition, problems and policy direction of structure reform in Korean coastal and offshore fisheries. (연근해어업 구조개선의 의의, 문제점과 추진 방향)

  • 신영태
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 1999
  • This paper focused on meaning, problems and prospect of structural reform of coastal and offshore fisheries in Korea. Structural reform can be defined as effective combination of production factors in order to enhance fisheries productivity and it can be realized mainly through fleet reduction, modernization of fishing vessels and fishing gear etc. However, the structural reform alone will not be sufficient to advance Koreanl fisheries facing with severe challenges from both inside and outside. Domestically, worsening status of fisheries resources, decreasing number of fishermen, worsening financial status of fisheries businesses and severe competition cause structural problem in fisheries sector and internationally the pressure from WTO and OECD to reduce tariff and subsides in fisheries poses severe challenges. The structural reform should be carried out in relation with the general adjustment programs across coastal and offshore fisheries such as M&A among fisheries businesses, adjustment of number of fishing permits and fishing areas. And the policy to enhance the fishing productivity is needed for recovery of fisheries resources and for the reduction of fishing efforts, that is, the approach which combines economic and resources concerns is needed. For the effective implementation of the reform, effect analysis of the reform program is needed and at the same time, eradication of illegal fishing, reduction of fishing fleet and reduction of fishing cost should be realized. However, the most important thing is the will and efforts of the government for successful reform. If the government does not exert sufficient efforts for the structural reform, Korea could be degraded into a backward country in fisheries.

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A Study on operational issues and status of Certificate of Basic OSH Training in Construction (건설업 기초안전보건교육의 운용적 문제점과 실태에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Geon;Kang, Kyung-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2017
  • Full embroidery industrial accidents in recent years has shown a declining trend. But disaster embroidery of domestic construction industry were more than 20,000 deaths per year is about 500 people. The government has introduced a construction site often changing the recruitment of new construction based on health and safety as an alternative to road safety education training yisuje of construction workers, daily work periods short. Certificate of Basic OSH Training in Constructions had also been evaluated as successful by reducing the accident rate problem. It is conducted in private educational institutions has occurred on the friction between workers and employers and training costs are difficult to approach workers in the education standards for such facilities due to the superintendent. Educational institutions are institutions that have been caused by excessive competition lowered levels of education. There is also a lack of evaluation that the training is limited to the basic safety knowledge. These details are brought formal safety education purposes only and is introducing the results of other self jyeotgi difficult to reap the proceeds to good effect. In this study, we propose a plan for improving operational problems and enemy status based on research data presented after the Certificate of Basic OSH Training in Construction.