• Title/Summary/Keyword: Community-based program

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A Case Study on Teacher Recruitment Experience of Private Kindergarten Director (사립유치원장의 교사 채용 경험에 관한 사례연구)

  • Pyun, Young-Shin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.199-204
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors and reasons for hiring kindergarten teachers and to provide information for successful employment to the college. 12 private kindergarten chiefs over 10 years of experience were conducted in - depth interviews. In-depth interview data were analyzed using open coding analysis. 11 sub - factors of each core concept were derived, and they were nominated as 4 outline (character, sociality, personality & professionalism factors). All of the researchers perceived the sincerity, interpersonal stability, honesty, and ability to perform the curriculum as the most important factors to consider, and the teacher with good personality was perceived as the precondition of successful teacher's job performance. In the college, through the production of portfolios by subject, we raised the necessity of institutionalization of educational volunteer activities such as vacation - based education in addition to on - the - spot education at school and development of liberal arts curriculum to develop capacity for community life. And to develop and operate a field-oriented comparative education program to strengthen the competence of the majors.

The Social Welfare Thoughts in 4 Confucian Classics (사서(四書)에 나타난 유교의 사회복지사상)

  • Park, Seung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.38
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    • pp.126-152
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    • 1999
  • The social welfare system in modern world is generally recognized as the most effective measure against the social problems in capitalist societies. When a social welfare program is introduced to solve a social problem, however, it used to cause another new problem at the same time. In order to overcome this circularity, we need to consider not only quantitative but also the qualitative aspect of social welfare. In line with this problematic, this thesis tries to examine the social welfare thoughts in Confucianism in order to rethink the meaning of social welfare. In contrast to the modern social welfare as a social right, the social welfare in Confucianism was basically regarded as the grace of a king whose purpose was to legitimate his domination. But it was also based upon Confucian humanism and institutionalized into the Confucian govern mentality. It was practiced through the Confucian communality whose basic concept lies in the traditional family system. The social welfare in this society was to be fulfilled automatically by promoting the production and by consolidating the solidarity of the community. The social intervention, therefore, was principal1y indirect and preventive rather than direct and postfactum. The social welfare supports in Confucian societies included not only the material but also the psychological. In these senses, it sounds like that the Confucian welfare system reached the very high standard. Although the real practice should be cautiously differentiated from its ideal state, we may find interesting implications from the social welfare thoughts in Confucianism.

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Cut-off Values of Waist Circumference and Body Mass Index for Metabolic Syndrome according to Sasang Constitution (대사증후군에 대한 사상체질별 허리둘레 및 체질량지수의 절단값에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Jae-Wan;Yu, Jun-Sang
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.365-378
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    • 2014
  • Objectives This study was performed to investigate the cut-off values of abdominal circumference and Body Mass Index(BMI) according to Sasang Constitution. Methods A total of 1,773 persons, namely 440 male people and 1,333 female people, in ages from 40 to 69 years old, participated in this research. They are all included in the community based Genomic cohort in Wonju in years from 2006 to 2013. The diagnostic criteria of metabolic syndrome was used followed by the National Cholesterol Education Program in Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP ATP III) and Asian pacific guideline for only abdominal obesity. Results The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 34.8% for men and 37.6% for women in this research. Taeeumin was the highly significant risk type for the metabolic syndrome in both sexes. Cut-off values of abdominal circumference were 88.3 cm in men, 80.3 cm in women, and cut-off values of BMI were $24.2kg/m^2$ in men and $25.3kg/m^2$ in women. For men, cut-off values of abdominal circumference were 79.5cm in Soyangin, 88.8 cm in Taeeumin and 79.5 cm in Soeumin, and cut-off values of BMI were $23.2kg/m^2$ in Soyangin, $25.6kg/m^2$ in Taeeumin and $20.6kg/m^2$ in Soeumin. For women, cut-off values of abdominal circumference were 76.3 cm in Soyangin, 80.3 cm in Taeeumin and 76.8 cm in Soeumin, and cut-off values of BMI were $22.4kg/m^2$ in Soyangin, $24.9kg/m^2$ in Taeeumin and $21.3kg/m^2$ in Soeumin. Conclusions Although 90 cm in men, 80 cm in women as an Asian pacific guideline were regarded as quite approximate to the mean value of abdominal circumference and $25kg/m^2$ to BMI. But if the results could be allocated in terms of the Sasang constitutional method, the cut-off values for Soyangin and Soeumin should be lowered than now.

A Study on the Garden Meaning of Pungryu through Genre Painting in Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 풍속화를 통해 본 정원의 풍류적 의미 연구)

  • Zoh, Kyung-Jin;Seo, Young-Ai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.94-107
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    • 2008
  • This study examines the diversity of garden culture in the Joseon Dynasty focusing on genre painting. Genre painting gives us insight into the various ways of enjoying the garden. The intimate activities portrayed in the painting show us about the vivid scenes of Korean garden at that time. Among the various meanings of gardens, sensual pleasure is focused on here. The garden has always been a place of pleasure for seeing, smelling, touching, meeting people and erotic flirting. Here, the oriental aesthetic idea of Pungryu is adopted to reformulate pleasure based on the traditional way of thought. Most Korean gardens in the Joseon Dynasty were understood as the place for Pungryu. Sensuality in the Korean garden associated with a high level of spiritual pleasure. In order to look closely into garden activities, genre paintings were selected and analyzed. Several characteristics were elicited. First, the garden was understood as the medium of communication through reconciling man with nature. Mediating man with nature often calls for uplifting the sense of community within groups of people. Second, the garden was featured as the place of cultural creation. Many scholars utilized the garden as a place for poetic imagination. Therefore, the garden was the locus of intellectual discourse. Third, personal retreat was one of important functions in the Korean garden. the humble attitude toward landscape such as solitude and mediation might be understood as one way of enjoying the nature. Fourth, taste, power and social relations were embedded in garden culture. Therefore, the garden was regarded as a space of distinction. Garden making was understood as one of the high class leisure activity. It was quite natural that the garden was used as a place of showing up their taste and culture. Finally, we need to reinvigorate the rich meanings of garden in contemporary practices. In-depth analysis of garden culture through the lens of genre painting gives us quite useful information in Korean garden culture.

Suggesting Some Conceptual and Practical Improvements Coping to Moribund Symptoms of Contemporary Korean Gifted Education (한국 영재교육의 위기 현상 진단과 해결 방안)

  • Choe, Ho Seong
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.493-514
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    • 2016
  • Since the Gifted and Talented Education Promotion Law was enacted 15 years ago, in Korea, gifted education in Korea has continued rapid and quantitative growth. The number of gifted classes or institutes for the gifted have increased, as well as the number of gifted education teachers increasing their participation in professional development training and educational activities. However after 2014, gifted education is somewhat shrinking. Due to the controversy of private education and expansion of social welfare in Korea, administrative and financial support for gifted education is being reduced. This study reviewed the gifted education policies promoted by successive governments and analyzed the relationship between politics and support for gifted education efforts by the government. In addition, the phenomenon of the recently shrinking gifted education in Korean society was analyzed in various aspects. These aspects include: decreasing quantitative growth due to the weakening of administrative and financial support from central and local governments on gifted education, regulations on suppressing private education, social inequality to gifted education access, and lack of solidarity in the gifted education scholastic community. Based on this analysis of gifted phenomenon, ways of developing the ideological and practical aspects of future-oriented gifted education were suggested. In the ideological dimension, it was emphasized that gifted education must move away from insularity and the adhesive perspective of Korean society on the concept of giftedness, the concept of intelligence and the recognition of the legitimacy of gifted education. On the other hand, in the practical dimension, the following points were identified: the collection of empirical data on the economic impact of gifted education, gifted education amendment of the statutes, adaptation of the gifted education program with gifted identification, diversification of gifted education service system, and actively promoting new research topics in relation to the Gifted and Talented Education.

A Study on the Operation Condition and Improvement for Japanese Language Continuing Education - Focused on Social Welfare Centers Located in Seoul - (일본어 평생교육 프로그램 운영 실태 및 개선 방안 - 서울시 소재 종합사회복지관을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Hwal Ran
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.35
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    • pp.315-338
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to propose actual operation condition of Japanese lecture based on social welfare organizations located in Seoul to investigate the current status and problems of Japanese language education in terms of lifelong education. According to the result of this study, the remarkable point was that a majority of Japanese lecture courses are highly focused on the elderly and 86% of the welfare organizations are providing free education. Regarding the effect of specialized business for the aged run by social welfare community center, it says, as Korea changing to aging society at the beginning of 21st century, it has put focus on strengthening personal competences of seniors through opportunities for participation in lifelong education, recreational activity programs and culture classes. It means foreign language classes are operating as one of the lifelong education programs for reinforcement of individual capability. Considering this tendency, it is expected that the lifelong education participation rate of the elder in Seoul will be raised. So, systematic improvements will be needed for this. First, it is required to recognize the existence of Educational and Cultural Industry and work hard to make it public so it could be invigorated and utilized by people usefully at the same time. Second, Japanese language training that mostly 55-year-old or more than 60-year-old people receive at the welfare center needs to be systematized for preparations on proper studying environment which provides the older with appropriate education method and content as well. Third, stable and systematic operation should be available through the link with experts in the field of Japanese language education and elderly education. Fourth, education program development is needed, which is able to satisfy one's desires for learning. Hence, targeting Japanese learners at each welfare center, we need to know the estimation of satisfaction degree and consciousness on learning Japanese. Finally, it has not been studied sufficiently regarding the instructors on teaching Japanese language in this paper, but it has been reported that most of social welfare centers, where Japanese language lectures are provided, are run by volunteers who can teach Japanese. Thus, the study on actual condition for Japanese language instructors will be conducted as well later on.

A Study on the Readaptation of the Women Who have Engaged in Prostitution - A Grounded Theory Approach - (탈성매매여성들의 사회적응에 대한 연구 - 근거이론 방법 접근 -)

  • Kim, Young-sook;Lee, Keun-moo;An, Jun-ri
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • no.37
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    • pp.429-455
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to generate a substantive theory that accounts for the social readaptation of the women who have engaged in prostitution and propose a practical program for them. We used the grounded theory developed by Strauss and Corbin(1990). Raw data were collected through the in-depth interview, documents and observation. We used constant comparative method for the data analysis. The nine women who had the exprience of prostitution have participated in this study. As a result of the data analysis, in open coding were generated 116 concepts, 29 subcategories and 12 categories, In axial coding the outcomes of a paradigm model were as follows. The causal conditions were named 'hostile environment' and 'the self endowed stigma'. The phenomenon turned out to be 'living as an anonymous being'. The contextual conditions were named 'cohesion of family', 'being pushed' and 'shrinked emotion'. The intervening conditions were presented to be 'desire of self restoration as a social being', 'reactionary reconstruction'. The action/interaction strategies turned out to be 'shifting of social status', 'neighbor alliance'. The consequences were presented to be 'psychological wayfarer' and 'tentacular living'. In selective coding we found a core category, 'repetition of leaving and returning from the life world'. Based on the phenomenon, two types of participants life attitudes were found as follows : present hesitating type, self concealing type. Following the adove results, We finally suggested the need to develope a community oriented case management model.

Is Civic Service the Real Antipode of Volunteer Work? - Focusing on AmeriCorps and Senior Corps in the United States (시민서비스는 자원봉사의 대척점에 있는가? - 미국의 AmeriCorps와 Senior Corps를 중심으로)

  • Ji, Eun-Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.31-63
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    • 2014
  • Recently interest in civic engagement and civic service is increasing. However, in Korea, few studies have focused on civic service. This might be on account of general awareness that civic service is fundamentally different from the basic spirit of voluntary work, while interest in paid volunteer work is on the rise. Thus, it is necessary to examine whether civic service is the real antipode of volunteer work. Under this kind of critical viewpoint, this study aims to analyze civic service based on the attributes of voluntary work and civic service. The major findings are as follows. Firstly, contrary to common belief, civic service has not been established to go beyond the principle of voluntary and unpaid characteristics of volunteer work. Rather, some voluntary work has broken out of principle of voluntary activities. Secondly, civic service and volunteer work might be characterized as different not due to spontaneity and unpaid service but the structural characteristics of the goal, continuity and formality. Furthermore, the reason for the soft landing of civic service in the United States is not because they have supported the reimbursement of expenses and the provision of stipends. Rather, it is because their long-term activities have promoted real community development for the purpose of finding solutions to social problems, and they have derived a sense of pride and satisfaction from social recognition and rewards for their contributions.

Characteristics and Types of Social Impact Bond (사회성과연계채권(Social Impact Bond) 운영구조의 유형화)

  • Noh, Hyejin
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.333-360
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    • 2016
  • Social Impact Bonds(SIBs) has emerged as a promising way to finance proven social services programs, fund what works, and drive government accountability and has increased fast. In this context, this study examines and classifies the structure of SIB focusing key criteria of the main steps through two-step cluster analysis. Analysis results are as follows. First, the main commissioners of SIB are the ministries of the central government. And in terms of the stage of invest, there are usually two or three investors mainly consisting of social finance organizations. Second, in terms of target and age of SIB beneficiaries, it focuses on the adolescent and youth. Third, in the outcome evaluation stage, the results show that in most cases outcome payments are determined by a validation of service provider or government administrative data. However, the rate of payments are based on the comparison of the program beneficiaries to other comparable groups is 23.8%. Finally, The results of two-step cluster analysis are as; 'mix of central government and social finance organization', 'multiple agent including private organization', and 'multiple social provider'. Among three types, 'multiple agent including private organization' shows the most active participation between agents and the most systematic outcome measurement and management. The results of this study imply that the importance of the method to manage and measure outcome in SIB structure. Moreover, the consist of commissioners or investors is needed to expanded more.

A Study of the Experiences and Changes of the Self-Sufficient Centers that Converted the Centre Corporation into Social Cooperative (지역자활센터의 사회적협동조합 전환과정과 변화에 대한 연구)

  • Baek, Hakyoung;Kim, KyoungHuy;Han, Kyounghoon
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.265-299
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    • 2018
  • The pilot project for type diversification of self-sufficient support center that convert the centre corporation into social cooperative was introduced in 2015. That aimed to increase the number of participants of self-sufficient programmes and to create more jobs for the working poor through expanding the center's autonomy of usage of budget and arrangement of self-sufficient programmes. This study analyzed the organization transmitting processes and changes of the centers took part in the pilot project, then aimed to suggest the improvement schemes to be helpful for reinforcing positive efforts and removing obstacles in the process converting. The results show that converting into social cooperative is a choice for the sustainability of the centers led by surroundings rather than self-initiated plan. There are some positive changes that are increasing the enterprising spirit and obligation of the center staff. Further more, the cooperation with other community organizations is enhanced based on achieving regional recognition, and support of local governments and the opportunity for new businesses are expanded. However, these are very limited in the regions where social economy is undeveloped. Eventually, we should seek the development schemes of the pilot project considering the reduction of the number of participants in self-sufficient programmes and decreasing of their ability to work, even if some positive aspects are revealed.