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Effects of Milk Replacer and Ambient Temperature on Growth Performance of 14-Day-Old Early-Weaned Pigs

  • Heo, K.N.;Odle, J.;Oliver, W.;Kim, J.H.;Han, In K.;Jones, E.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.908-913
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    • 1999
  • This experiment was conducted in three trials to evaluate optimal ambient temperature for a novel milk replacer feeding system designed for early-weaned pigs, compared to commercial dry diets fed within a conventional hot nursery. A total of 165 PIC genotype pigs were weaned at 13.89±0.7 days of age and allotted to one of two dietary treatments in three trials based on weight and litter origin. Each trial consisted of pigs fed dry diets (DD) and pigs fed milk replacer (MR) which was offered in one of 3 different ambient temperatures. Pigs fed milk replacer were housed in a specialized nursery building in which one half of each pen contained an enclosed hover that was thermostatically maintained at 32C while the exterior ambient temperature (where milk was fed) was set at either 17 (trial 1), 24 (trial 2) or 32C (trial 3). Pigs fed dry diets with the conventional nursery were maintained at 30C for each trial. From d 21 to d 49, all pigs were fed DD within a standardized hot nursery environment. During the first week (d 14-21), pigs fed MR showed increased ADG from 214% to 228% over control pigs fed DD (p<0.001), regardless of ambient temperature. As ambient temperature was increased from 17 to 24 to 32C, ADG of MR-fed pigs was increased by 214%, 220% and 228% over those of pigs fed DD, respectively. ADFIs of MR-fed pigs at 17C, 24C, and 32C compared with pigs fed DD were increased by 108%, 139% and 164% from d 14 to d 21, respectively. Fed efficiency (G/F) of MR-fed pigs at 17C, 24C, and 32C compared with pigs fed DD were 199%, 162% and 139% of those of pigs fed DD, respectively. As ambient temperature increased, diarrhea scores showed a slight tendency to increase. The advantage of MR feeding was greater when the ambient temperature was higher, but G/F was impaired with increased ambient temperature. We conclude that ambient temperature within the specialized nursery influenced behavior, MR feed intake, and probably piglet energy expenditure. There were no differences between MR-fed and DD-fed pigs for ADG, ADFI and G/F in the subsequent growth period (d 21 to d 49, p>0.05). Maximal advantage of MR feeding was obtained at the intermediate (24C) ambient temperature during the overall period (p<0.05). Results from this experiment indicate that a milk replacer feeding system utilized in the early postweaning period can maximize pig growth performance, and that ADG, ADFI and G/F were affected by different ambient temperatures within MR-fed pigs. The high or low temperatures could not support the maximal growth of pigs fed MR.

Response Time Analysis of Web Service Systems with Mixedly Distributed Stochastic Timed Net (혼합 분포 확률 시간 넷을 이용한 웹 서비스 시스템의 응답 시간 분석)

  • Yim, Jae-Geol;Do, Jae-Su;Shim, Kyu-Bark
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.1503-1514
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    • 2006
  • Today, consumers can access Internet from everywhere, therefore most commercial and other organizations provide their services on the Web. As the result, countless Web service systems are already on the Internet and more systems are under construction. Therefore, many researches of verifying that the system to be constructed will not have any deadlock and will run successfully without any problem at the early stage of design have been performed. Several Petri net based verification methods have also been published. However, they have focused on building Petri net models of Web service systems and none of them introduces efficient analysis methods. As a mathematical technique with which we can find the minimum duration time needed to fire all the transitions at least once and coming back to the initial marking in a timed net, the minimum cycle time method has been widely used in computer system analysis. A timed net is a modified version of a Petri net where a transition is associated with a delay time. A delay time used in a timed net is a constant even though the duration time associated with an event in the real world is a stochastic number in general. Therefore, this paper proposes 'Mixedly Distributed Stochastic Timed Net' where a transition can be associated with a stochastic number and introduce a minimum cycle time analysis method for 'Mixedly Distributed Stochastic Timed Net'. We also introduce a method of analysing a Web service system's response time with the minimum cycle time analysis method for 'Mixedly Distributed Stochastic Timed Net.'.

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Optical Fiber-Based Hybrid Nerve Measurement System for Static and Dynamic Behavior of Structures (구조물의 정적 및 동적 거동 모니터링을 위한 광섬유 기반 하이브리드 신경망 계측 시스템)

  • Park, Young-Soo;Song, Kwang-Yong;Jin, Seung-Seop;Park, Young-Hwan;Kim, Sung-Tae
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2020
  • Various studies have been conducted on the structural health monitoring using optical fiber. Optical fibers can be used to measure multiple and distributed strain. Among the optical fiber sensors, FBG sensor has advantages of dynamic response measurement and high precision, but the number of measurement points is limited. Distributed fiber sensors, represented by distributed Brillouin sensors, usually have more than 1000 measurement points, but the low sampling rate makes dynamic measurements impossible. In this study, a hybrid nerve sensor system using only the advantages of the FBG sensor and the distributed Brillouin sensor has been proposed. Laboratory experiments were performed to verify the proposed system, and the accuracy and reproducibility were verified by comparing with commercial sensors. Applying the proposed system, dynamic response ambient measurements are used to evaluate the global state of the structure. When an abnormal condition is detected, the local condition of the structure is evaluated by static response measurement using the distributed measurement system. The proposed system can be used for efficient structural health monitoring.

An Experiment for Surface Reflectance Image Generation of KOMPSAT 3A Image Data by Open Source Implementation (오픈소스 기반 다목적실용위성 3A호 영상자료의 지표면 반사도 영상 제작 실험)

  • Lee, Kiwon;Kim, Kwangseob
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.6_4
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    • pp.1327-1339
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    • 2019
  • Surface reflectance obtained by absolute atmospheric correction from satellite images is useful for scientific land applications and analysis ready data (ARD). For Landsat and Sentinel-2 images, many types of radiometric processing methods have been developed, and these images are supported by most commercial and open-source software. However, in the case of KOMPSAT 3/3A images, there are currently no tools or open source resources for obtaining the reflectance at the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) and top-of-canopy (TOC). In this study, the atmospheric correction module of KOMPSAT 3/3A images is newly implemented to the optical calibration algorithm supported in the Orfeo ToolBox (OTB), a remote sensing open-source tool. This module contains the sensor model and spectral response data of KOMPSAT 3A. Aerosol measurement properties, such as AERONET data, can be used to generate TOC reflectance image. Using this module, an experiment was conducted, and the reflection products for TOA and TOC with and without AERONET data were obtained. This approach can be used for building the ARD database for surface reflection by absolute atmospheric correction derived from KOMPSAT 3/3A satellite images.

A Study on the Apparel Industry and the Clothing Culture of North Korea (북한(北韓)의 의류산업(衣類産業)과 의생활문화(衣生活文化) 연구(硏究))

  • Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.158-175
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to understand and improve the clothing habits and the apparel industry of North Korea in preparation for the reunification of South and North Korea. For this study, literary data, reports, periodicals, interviews and internet data of the two Koreas were reviewed. North Korean clothing habits used to be monotonous and uniform but nowadays people's clothes have become somewhat brighter in color and more diverse in design than before. In particular, liberal and individual dressing habits appeared among the privileged classes. When taking part in national events, women have to wear the traditional Korean costume, Hanbok, while men wear business suits for formal wear. In general, men don't wear Hanbok. Students have to be in uniforms but blue jeans, T-shirts with English logos were popular among them reflecting their sensitivity and openness towards western cultures. The brides usually wear pink Hanboks and the bridegrooms wear black business suits for their wedding. North Koreans also wear Hanbok on national holidays like South Koreans. Clothing is the most important item in the trade of process commission between North and South Korea. Trading items are mid to low end men's clothing for the most part due to less emphasis on fashion in the North. The processing is indirect trade and composed of sample making and contracting, sending out materials and production, carrying in goods and setting accounts. To activate South-North trade, establishment of infrastructure, stabilization of shipping, reducing high costs of distribution, building direct communication system by setting up office in a neutral zone and simplifying procedures in applying for the South and North Korea Economic Cooperation Fund. On the other hand, clothing and textiles education is carried on at art colleges, light industries colleges and commercial colleges in Pyongyang. Clothing institutes which study Hanbok and Western clothes, are installed in each city and province. Graduates who majored in clothing and textiles are posted in institutes or apparel factories. Their job is designing, patternmaking and sewing for their customers. Most of them are women and in good state of economic conditions. The North Korean clothing industry has been the core national industry that has developed based on overseas demand form the mid 1980s. The standard is that of South Korea in the early 1980s. In 1999, trade of North Korean textile products with trade counterparts such as Japan and China was 1.3millioninexportsand1.27 in imports. Of this amount the export takes up 25.4% of the total exports in North Korea. However, fundamentally even in sectors that are irrelevant to politics such as the fashion clothing industry, trust between the South and North should be a prerequisite. Only through this can exchange between North and South and economic cooperation contribute towards the reunification.

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Study on Problems and Its Improvements of Legislation for Shop Key Money (상가권리금 법제화의 문제점과 개선방안 연구)

  • No, Han-Jang
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.410-421
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to review the contents of the legislation(2015.5.12.) for shop key money concretely and to find an effective way in making an improvement of practical protection in the process of tenant's shop key money collection. From this point of view, this study tries to make some legislative suggestions as follows. First of all, the code of conflicting definition between 'shop key money' and 'shop key money contract' in the amended Commercial Building Lease Protection Act need to be harmonized with each other because they are likely to face potential problems in the protection of tenant's shop key money collction as well as risks for confusion. In the second place, it requires to strengthen the protection of tenant's shop key money collection by approval of direct opposing power of shop key money itself on condition that it satisfies a certain prerequisites. In addition, the ambiguous codes related to the landlord's disturbance should be distinctly arranged and the distribution principle of demonstration about landlord's disturbance on tenant's shop key money collection also should be made clear. Finally, the standard level of shop key money by region, business district, and category of business should be set and announced by Ministry of Land and Transport.


  • 최덕주;전병훈;민원식;함태영
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1987.05a
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    • pp.6-6
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    • 1987
  • 만성중이염은 현재 그 빈도가 줄어드는 추세에 있으나 아직도 이과 영역에서 큰 비중을 차지하는 질환이다. 또한 청력개선, 정상구조의 보존, 병변 제거의 목적을 위하여 대부분 수술적 요법이 필요하게 된다. 이에 저자들은 본 병원에서 시행한 만성 중이염 451예, 남자 238예, 여자 213예. 진주종성 중이염 170예, 비진주종성 중이염 273예에 대한 수술시 소견에 대한 임상 통계적 관찰을 한 바, 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 관찰대상을 술식별로 분류하면 진주종성 중이염과 비진주종성 중이염의 비가 \circled1 Myningoplasty ; 19.1% : 0%, \circled2 Tympanoplasty without mastoidectomy ; 34.5% : 14.4%, \circled3 Tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy ; 3.0% :12.1% 이었다. 2) 고막천공부위는, 진주종성 중이염과 비진주종성 중이염의 비가 변연부천공이 10.1% : 5.5%, 상고실천공이 38.8% : 1.4%, 중심부천증이 12.9% : 47.3%, 전천공이 32.5% : 39.6%, 고막유착이 5.6% : 6.2% 을 보였다. 3) 이소골의 상태는 진주종성중이염과 비진주종성 중이염의 비가, 모든 이소골의 손실은 26.6% : 4.3%, 모든 이소골이 정상에 가까운 예는 16.6% : 69.3%, 가장 병변이 심했던 침골 이상은 76.9% : 24.8% 를 보였다. 4) 중이강 점막소견은 진주종성 중이염과 비진주종성 중이염의 비가, 정상에 가까운 예가 16.7% : 47.0%, 병적 소견을 보인 예가 83.3% : 53.0% 이었다. 5) 진주종성 중이염과, 비진주종성 중이염에서의 안면신경관노출은 2.2% : 0.3%, 뇌막노출은 9.5% : 2.9%, 횡정맥동노출은 5.0% : 1.1%, 미로누공은 1.7% : 0% 이었다.lant, engineering service business can be said "The Software of Total Industry." Engineering service is what is called a higher business which offers specialized engineering know-how and experience. Engineering service compaines offer Its specialized knowledge and experience to government, industry and commerce. Whether the task is to modernize plant equipment, to design a building or to manage construction, an engineering company will develop and implement the most appropriate and cost effective solution. Clients use the engineering service of firm knowing that the engineer′s professional judgement is not influenced or biased by other commercial affiliations. While benefiting from the diverse experience that professional engineers can apply to a specific problem, government and industry also reduce the need for permanent in-house engineering staff. Engineering firms may be specialized or multi-disciplinary.도말표본에서와 같이 제 14 일 이전에는 호중구가, 그 이후에는 단핵구가 주종을 이루었다.>18.9dB

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Development of Microsatellite Markers for Discriminating Native Korean and Imported Cattle Breeds (한국 재래품종과 외래품종의 구별을 위한 초위성체 마커의 개발)

  • Kim, Seungchang;Cho, Chang-Yeon;Roh, Hee-Jong;Yeon, Seong-Heum;Choi, Seong-Bok
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.464-470
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    • 2017
  • Three Korean native cattle (KNC) and seven exotic breeds (Chikso, Hanwoo, Jeju black, Holstein, Japanese black, Charolais, Angus, Hereford, Simmental, and Cross breed) were characterized by using five microsatellite (MS) markers (INRA30, TGLA325, UMN0803, UMN0905, and UMN0929) from the sex chromosome. Genetic diversity was evaluated across the 10 breeds by using the number of alleles per locus, allele frequency, heterozygosity, and polymorphism information content (PIC) to search for locus and/or breed specific alleles, allowing a rapid and cost-effective identification of cattle samples, avoiding mislabeling of commercial beef. It was divided into two main groups from STRUCTURE analysis, one corresponding to KNC and the other to exotic cattle breeds. These results also showed specific genetic differences between KNC and exotic breeds. Nei's standard genetic distance was calculated and used in the construction of a neighbor-joining tree. Results evidenced a correspondence between genetic distance, breeds' history, and their geographic origin, and a clear separation between KNC and exotic breeds. Overall, this study evidenced that DNA markers can discriminate between domestic and imported beef, contributing to the knowledge on cattle breeds' genetic diversity and relationships by using MS markers of the sex chromosome. These markers would be useful for inhibitory effect about false sales and for building an effective tracking system.

Design and Implementation of Server based GIS Computing Platform for Mobile Web Map Service (모바일 WMS를 위한 서버기반 GIS 컴퓨팅 플랫폼 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim Myung-Sam;Chung Yeong-Jee
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2006
  • Web Map Service on mobile environment, provided with cost effective mobile GIS contents and user preferred POIs(Points of interests), is strongly required at this moment when mobile and portable Internet is rapidly spreaded on mobile user community as information technology and mobile HW are evolved in its speed, bandwidth and features. As the mobile and portable Internet becomes popular in mobile services, LBS(Location Based Service) is positioned on a mobile client as one of the best information infra services. Recently mobile GIS (Geographic Information System) comes in service to support LBS, but it is constrained and limited on its system configuration and its presentation methodology of a map, and also it depends on its run time environment. In this paper, we made an effort to design and implement a GIS computing platform with server based thin client for mobile WMS(Web Map Service). For its cost effective Platform which could be easily building up POIs and GIS contents, we're not using commercial GIS solution but NGII's (National Geographic Information Institute's) DXF numerical map, and representing the maps, GIS contents and POIs by SVG(Scalable Vector Graphics) recommended by OGC(OpenGis Consortium). We're also adapting de facto standard of XML web service technology such as WSDL, SOAP to provide real time mobile GIS service on PDA as well as mobile terminal by applying a GPS receiver for a user's location information on mobile environment.

Live Lines Tracing Method in Power Distribution System with 3-phase-4 wires (삼상 다중 접지 배전계통에서 활선로 추적 방법)

  • Zheng, Yan-peng;Byun, Hee-Jung;Shon, Sugoog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.559-562
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    • 2017
  • In city, tracing of power transmission lines is difficult due to compound installation of overhead and underground lines, transposition, bad view caused by trees or big buildings. It is hard problem for electrical technician on site to trace power transformers or power lines to serve customers in 3 phase -4 wires power distribution systems. It is necessary that the correct and fast tracing method is required for load balancing among distribution lines. Old technology use to trace off-lines with high power impulse injection. Our proposed method use to trace live lines with very small power high frequency signal injection. Typical power transformers in the distribution system prevent propagating the higher frequency carrier signal. The proposed method uses the limited propagation ability to identify the power transformer to serve customers. Two end communication terminals are required to be synchronized between them for determination on electrically same phases. Challenging issue is to achieve synchronization without GPS providing synchronizing time. A novel power transformer and wire identification system is designed and implemented. The system consists of a transmitter and a receiver with power-line communication module. Some experiments are conducted to verify the theoretical concepts in a big commercial building. Also some simulations are done to help and understand the concepts by using MATLAB Simulink simulator.

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