• 제목/요약/키워드: Collection method

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초등 예비교사들이 인식하는 과학 흥미에 대한 개념적 특성 분석 (Conceptual Characteristics Analysis of Interest in Science Perceived by Elementary Pre-Service Teachers)

  • 최윤성
    • 과학교육연구지
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    • 제47권3호
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    • pp.225-237
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    • 2023
  • 이 연구는 과학 흥미를 주제로 초등 예비교사들이 어떤 인식을 하고 있는지 탐색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 비수도권 소재 A 교육대학교에 재학 중인 187명의 초등 예비교사들을 대상으로 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 그 중 비대면 면담 참여에 동의한 3명의 초등 예비교사들을 대상으로 자료 수집을 병행하였다. 초등 예비교사가 작성한 설문 문항을 주제별 질적 텍스트 분석 방법을 통하여 설문 자료를 분석하였다. 면담 자료는 전사하여 귀납적으로 추가적인 해석을 더하였다. 그 결과 과학 흥미 용어에 대한 개념은 과학과 흥미 두 용어의 합성어로 해석하는 경향을 보였다. 과학 흥미가 감소하는 시기는 중학교 이후, 초등학교 고학년, 저학년 순으로 나타났다. 과학 흥미가 감소하는 이유는 학교 교육 현장에서 개인 맥락적인 범위 내에서 과학 교과에 대한 부정적인 경험에서부터 비롯한 것으로 해석할 수 있었다. 과학 흥미 감소 및 과학 흥미 증진에 대한 방안은 개인, 가정, 학교, 교사, 지역사회, 국가의 범위로 구분하고 장단기적인 관점에 대해 논한 결과 과학 영역에 대한 다양한 탐구 활동과 경험, 과학과 관련된 활동의 참여, 학생 중심 수업, 교사 전문성 계발에서부터 시작하여 초등학생과 교사를 위한 지원, 정책 등 다차원적인 접근이 이루어졌다. 다층화된 접근과 노력은 과학에 대한 개인의 긍정적인 피드백 및 과학과 관련된 경험의 장을 열어주기 위한 노력의 일환으로 해석할 수 있었다. 마지막으로 과학 흥미가 감소하는 현 상황과 학생들의 과학 흥미 증진을 위해 초등 예비교사 입장에서 준비해야 하는 역량에 관해서는 교과 수업에 대한 전문성 향상을 목표로 하는 다원화된 활동으로써 명시적이자 암묵적으로 논할 수 있었다. 이 연구는 초등 예비교사들을 대상으로 과학 흥미라는 주제에 대한 개념적인 특성, 과학 흥미 변화에 대한 교육 맥락적인 양상, 과학 흥미에 대해 필요로 하는 교육 사항에 대해 탐색함으로써 과학 흥미가 감소하는 현 상황에 대한 기초연구 자료로서 학술적인 의의가 있을 것이라 기대하는 바이다.

검사별 radioimmunoassay시약 조사 및 비교실험 (Radioimmunoassay Reagent Survey and Evaluation)

  • 김지나;안재석;전영우;윤상혁;김윤철
    • 핵의학기술
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2021
  • [목 적] 의료기관의 핵의학 검사실에서 신규검사를 도입하거나 사용하던 시약을 변경하게 되는 경우 절차에 따라 검사의 특성이 분석되고 시약에 대한 평가가 이루어져야 한다. 그러나 요구되어지는 비교실험을 모두 수행하기 위해서는 몇 가지 필요한 조건이 충족되어야 하는데, 첫째 각 검사별로 수행하기에 충분한 검체량이 준비되어야하며, 둘째 비교실험에 적용 가능한 다양한 시약의 공급이 가능해야한다. 충분한 비교실험이 이루어졌다고 하더라도 변경된 시약에 의한 데이터 변동이 전체 환자데이터 변동을 의미하는 것에는 한계가 있으므로 검사실에서 시약이 변경되는 것에 대한 부담이 있다. 이러한 다양한 어려움으로 검사실에서의 시약변경은 제한적으로 이루어지고 있다. 본원에서는 원할한 경쟁 입찰을 도입하기 위하여 검사별로 radioimmunoassay(RIA)시약을 전수조사하고 비교실험을 통해 검사실에서 사용가능한 시약범위를 설정하였다. 이 과정을 공유하고자 하였다. [대상 및 방법] 본원 핵의학 검체 검사실에서 시행하고 있는 검사는 위탁검사를 제외하고 총 20종목이다. 각각의 검사별로 외부정도관리와 기관간 정도관리 결과보고서를 참고로 사용가능한 RIA시약을 전수 조사하였고, 각 시약에 대한 메뉴얼을 확보하였다. 각각의 시약마다 메뉴얼을 확인하여 검사 방법과 incubation시간, 검사 시 필요한 검체량, 시약량 등을 확인하여 본 검사실에서 사용가능한지 여부에 따라 시약 1차 선정을 하였다. 1차 선정된 시약을 100 test기준으로 2 kit씩 공급받아 데이터 상관성시험, 민감도, 회수율, 희석시험을 진행하였고, 비교실험 결과에 따라 시약을 2차 선정하였다. 1, 2차 선정을 통과한 시약을 경쟁 입찰리스트로 제출하였다. 검사 시약을 단수로 지정할 경우에는 1차, 2차 선정 과정에서 얻은 자료로 단수지정 사유서를 작성하였다. [결 과] 각각의 시약마다 매뉴얼을 확인하여 시약 1차 선정에서 제외되는 경우는 각 검사의 현재 Turn Around Time(TAT)보다 길어지는 경우와 검사 시 사용 시약량이 많아 장비사용이 불가능한 경우였다. 1차 선정에서 사용가능한 시약이 1개인 경우는 5종목 squamous cell carcinoma antigen(SCC Ag), 𝛽-human chorionic gonadotropin(𝛽-HCG), vitamin B12, folate, free testosterone 이었고, 2개인 경우는 8종목 (CA19-9, CA125, CA72-4, ferritin, thyroglobulin antibody(TG Ab), microsomal antibody(Mic Ab), thyroid stimulating hormone-receptor-antibody(TSH-R-Ab), calcitonin), 3개인 경우는 5종목(triiodothyronine(T3), Free T3, Free T4, TSH, intact parathyroid hormone(intact PTH)), 4개인 경우는 2종목(carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA), TG)이었다. 2차 최종 선정결과 사용가능한 시약이 3개인 것은 T3, Free T3, Free T4, TSH, CEA, 2개인 것은 TG Ab, Mic Ab, TSH-R-Ab, CA125, CA72-4, intact PTH, calcitonin이었다. 단수 지정된 종목은 ferritin, TG, CA19-9, SCC, 𝛽-HCG, vitamin B12, folate, free testosterone이었다. 2차 선정에서 제외된 사유에는 비교실험을 위한 시약공급이 안된 경우와 데이터 재현성에 문제가 있었던 경우, 데이터 변동에 대한 수용이 불가능하다고 판단되는 경우였다. 비교실험 시 가장 문제가 되는 부분은 검체 수집이었다. 검사건수가 많고 검사 시 필요한 검체량이 적은 경우에는 문제가 되지 않았지만, 검사건수가 적은 경우(월 100건 이하)에는 다양한 농도 검체를 수집하기가 어려웠으며, 한번 검사 시 필요한 검체량이 상대적으로 많은 경우(100 uL이상)에는 회수율시험을 진행하기가 어려웠다. 또한 민감도 측정이나 희석시험을 위한 희석액이나 표준액0 물질이 부족한 경우도 문제점 중의 하나였다. [결 론] 검사시약 변경을 위한 비교실험 시 다양하고 충분한 검체 수집을 위해 적정한 준비기간이 필요하다. 또한 1회 검사 시 필요한 검체량 및 시약량에 따라 비교실험 시 필요한 총 검체량, 시약량 범위를 설정해 놓는다면 비교실험을 진행할 때마다 검체 수집과 실험계획을 세우는 데 부담이 줄어들 것이다.

강제동원 구술자료의 관리와 활용 -일제강점하강제동원피해진상규명위원회 소장 구술자료를 중심으로- (Management and Use of Oral History Archives on Forced Mobilization -Centering on oral history archives collected by the Truth Commission on Forced Mobilization under the Japanese Imperialism Republic of Korea-)

  • 권미현
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제16호
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    • pp.303-339
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    • 2007
  • '일제강점하 강제동원 피해'라 함은 만주사변 이후 태평양전쟁에 이르는 시기에 일제에 의하여 강제동원 되어 군인 군속 노무자 위안부 등의 생활을 강요당한 자가 입은 생명 신체 재산 등의 피해를 말한다. 강제동원 피해 역사를 복원하기 위한 노력이 피해당사자, 유족, 시민단체, 학계 등에서 이루어져왔고, 그 결과 2004년 3일 5일 ${\ll}$일제강점하 강제동원피해 진상규명등에 관한 특별법${\gg}$ (2007년 5월 17일 일부 개정)이 제정 공포되었다. 이를 근거로 2004년 11월 10일 국무총리 소속으로 일제강점하 강제동원피해진상규명위원회(이하 강제동원위원회)가 발족하였고, 2005년 2월 1일부터 일제강점하 강제동원 피해의 진상을 규명하여 역사적 진실을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 업무를 수행하고 있다. 주요 업무는 강제동원 피해신고접수 및 피해신고조사(피해자 및 유족 심사 결정), 진상조사신청접수 및 진상조사, 진상조사 및 피해판정 불능에 관한 사항, 피해판정에 따른 호적정정, 강제동원 관련 국내외 자료수집 분석 및 보고서 작성, 유해발굴 및 수습 봉환, 사료관 및 추도공간 조성사업 등이다. 강제동원위원회는 피해조사 및 진상조사 업무를 위해 다양한 기록을 발굴 수집해 오고 있다. 여타 피해의 역사가 그러하듯이 이미 공개되었거나 새롭게 발굴되는 기록은 강제동원의 다양한 역사상을 확인하기 어려울 만큼 그 양이나 질에 면에서 부족하다. 피해의 역사에서 피해당사자의 이야기는 기록의 부재를 메우기도 하고, 기록 이상의 근거적 가치를 갖기도 한다. 강제동원위원회는 피해생존자와의 구술면담을 통해 다수의 구술자료를 생산하였고 조사업무에 활용하며 체계적인 관리방법을 토대로 관리하고 대중적인 활용까지 꾀하고 있다. 강제동원위원회의 구술자료는 생산 당시부터 철저한 기획에 의해 이루어졌고, 생산단계부터 관리와 활용의 편의성을 염두에 두고 디지털매체의 생산을 유도했다. 또한 조사업무 과정에서 생산되는 구술자료의 한계를 극복하기 위해 수차례 면담자 교육을 실시하고, 면담자로 하여금 구술당시의 상황을 면담일지로 남기도록 했다. 강제동원위원회는 소장 기록을 관리하는 별도의 기록관리시스템을 갖고 있지 않다. 디지털 아카이브는 피해 진상 관리시스템과 전자결재시스템을 통해 생산되어 관리되지 않는 생산 수집 기증 기록을 등록 검색하는 역할을 한다. 구술자료는 디지털 아카이브에 등록이 되어, 실물과 중복 보존되고 있다. 구술자료는 등록과 동시에 분류, 기술행위가 이루어지고 구술자료의 관리 아이디인 등록번호, 분류번호, 비치번호 등을 부여받게 된다. 강제동원위원회는 구술자료의 적극적인 활용을 위하여 구술기록집의 발간을 지속적으로 해오고 있고, 영상물 등의 제작을 계획하고 있다. 강제동원위원회의 구술자료는 정부차원의 조사 업무 과정에서 생산된 것이라는 한계, 예산부족이나 기록관리시스템 등의 부재 등을 넘어서 한시조직으로서 가능한 적극적인 방법으로 생산 관리 활용되고 있다. 축적된 구술자료는 향후 특별법에 규정되어 있는 대로 사료관 등이 건립된다면 대중 이용자들을 위해 더 체계적으로 관리 활용될 것이다.

암환자를 위한 호스피스 케어에 관한 탐색적 연구 (An Exploratory Study of Hospice Care to Patients with Advanced Cancer)

  • 박혜자
    • 대한간호
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 1989
  • True nursing care means total nursing care which includes physical, emotional and spiritual care. The modern nursing care has tendency to focus toward physical care and needs attention toward emotional and spiritual care. The total nursing care is mandatory for patients with terminal cancer and for this purpose, hospice care became emerged. Hospice case originated from the place or shelter for the travellers to Jerusalem in medieval stage. However, the meaning of modem hospice care became changed to total nursing care for dying patients. Modern hospice care has been developed in England, and spreaded to U.S.A. and Canada for the patients with terminal cancer. Nowaday, it became a part of nursing care and the concept of hospice care extended to the palliative care of the cancer patients. Recently, it was introduced to Korea and received attention as model of total nursing care. This study was attempted to assess the efficacy of hospice care. The purpose of this study was to prove a difference in terms of physical, emotional a d spiritual aspect between the group who received hospice care and who didn't receive hospice care. The subject for this study were 113 patients with advanced cancer who were hospitalized in the S different hospitals. 67 patients received hospice care in 4 different hospitals, and 46 patients didn't receive hospice care in another 4 different hospitals. The method of this study was the questionaire which was made through the descriptive study. The descriptive study was made by individual contact with 102 patients cf advanced cancer for 9 months period. The measurement tool for questionaire was made by author through the descriptive study, and included the personal religious orientation obtained from chung(originated R. Fleck) and 5 emotional stages before dying from Kubler Ross. The content ol questionaire consisted in 67 items which included 11 for general characteristics, 10 for related condition with cancer, 13 for wishes far physical therapy, 13 for emotional reactions and 20 for personal religious orientation. Data for this study was collected from Aug. 25 to Oct. 6 by author and 4 other nurse's who received education and training by author for the collection of data. The collected data were ana lysed using descriptive statistics, $X^2-test$, t-test and pearson correlation coefficient. Results of the study were as follows: "H.C Group" means the group of patient with cancer who received hospice care. "Non H.C Group" means the group of patient with cancer who did not receive hospice care. 1. There is a difference between H.C Group and Non H.C Group in term of the number of physical symptoms, subjective degree of pain sensation and pain control, subjective beliefs in physical cure, emotional reaction, help of present emotional and spiritual care from other personal, needs of emotional and spiritual care in future, selection of treatment method by patients and personal religious orientation. 2. The comparison of H.C Group and Non H.C Group 1) There is no difference in wishes for physical therapy between two groups(p=.522). Among Non H.C Group, a group, who didn't receive traditional therapy and herb medicine was higher than a group who received these in degree of belief that the traditional therapy and herb medicine can cure their disease, and this result was higher in comparison to H.C Group(p=.025, p=.050). 2) Non H.C Group was higher than H.C Group in degree of emotional reaction(p=.050). H.C Group was higher than Non H.C Group in denial and acceptant stage among 5 different emotional stages before dying described by Kubler Ross, especially among the patient who had disease more than 13 months(p=.0069, p=.0198). 3) Non H.C Group was higher than H. C Group in demanding more emotional and spiritual care to doctor, nurse, family and pastor(p=. 010). 4) Non H.C Group was higher than H.C Group in demanding more emotional and spiritual care to each individual of doctor, nurse and family (p=.0110, p=.0029, P=. 0053). 5) H.C Group was higher th2.n Non H.C Group in degree of intrinsic behavior orientation and intrinsic belief orientation of personal religious orientation(p=.034, p=.026). 6) In H.C Group and Non H.C Group, the degree of emotional demanding of christians was significantly higher than non christians to doctor, nurse, family and pastor(p=. 000, p=.035). 7) In H.C Group there were significant positive correlations as following; (1) Between the degree of emotional demandings to doctor, nurse, family & pastor and: the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation in personal religious orientation(r=. 5512, p=.000). (2) Between the degree of emotional demandings to doctor, nurse. family & pastor and the degree of intrinsic belief orientation in personal religious orientation(r=.4795, p=.000). (3) Between the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation and the degree of intrinsic: belief orientation in personal religious orientation(r=.8986, p=.000). (4) Between the degree of extrinsic religious orientation and the degree of consensus religious orientation in personal religious orientation (r=. 2640, p=.015). In H.C. Group there were significant negative correlations as following; (1) Between the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation and extrinsic religious orientation in personal religious orientation (r=-.4218, p=.000). (2) Between the degree or intrinsic behavior orientation and consensus religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r=-. 4597, p=.000). (3) Between the degree of intrinsic belief orientations and the degree of extrinsic religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r=-.4388, p=.000). (4) Between the degree of intrinsic belief orientation and the degree of consensus religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r=-. 5424, p=.000). 8) In Non H.C Group there were significant positive correlation as following; (1) Between the degree of emotional demandings to doctor, nurse, family & pastor and the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation in personal religious orientation(r= .3566, p=.007). (2) Between the degree of emotional demandings to doctor, nurse, family & pastor and the degree of intrinsic belief orientation in personal religious orientation(r=.3430, p=.010). (3) Between the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation and the degree of intrinsic belief orientation in personal religious orientation(r=.9723, p=.000). In Non H.C Group there were significant negative correlation as following; (1) Between the degree of emotional demandings to doctor, nurse, family & pastor and the degree of extrinsic religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r= -.2862, p=.027). (2) Between the degree of intrinsic behavior orientation and the degree of extrinsic religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r=-. 5083, p=.000). (3) Between the degree of intrinsic belief orientation and the degree of extrinsic religious orientation in personal religious orientation(r=-. 5013, p=.000). In conclusion above datas suggest that hospice care provide effective total nursing care for the patients with terminal cancer, and hospice care is mandatory in all medical institutions.

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사무 자동화에 따른 사무직 근로자의 건강과 연관된 자각 증상에 대한 조사연구 (An Investigation on the self-consciousness Symptoms of the Clerical Workers attendant upon Office Automation)

  • 정미화
    • 한국직업건강간호학회지
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    • 제3권호
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    • pp.54-70
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    • 1993
  • According as the automation of clerical work(OA ; Office Automation) develops, the use of VDT(Visual or Video Display Terminal) is increasing suddenly. But, in proportion to the spread of office automation(OA tendency), the self-conciousness syptom attendant upon the work is appearing also (Kim, Jung Tae, Lee, Young Ook, 1990). The apparatuses of office enable the clerical workers to be convenient and perform mass businesses. But, they are increasing the opportunity to be exposed to VDT syndrom, techno stress, computer terminal disease, pain by muscle strain(RSI), bradycausia of noise nature, and electromagnetic waves, etc. which are referred to as the new type of occupational diseases to the workers. It is the real situation that the workers to use VDT is complaining of the physical inconvenience sense in the recent newspaper and literature, it is the point of time that the sydrome to come from VDT use and computer terminal disease, etc. must be classified into the occupational disease(Lee, Kwang Young 1990, Lee, Kyoo Hak 1990, Lee, Won Ho 1991, Lee, Si Young 1991, Lee, Joon 1991, Choi, Young Tae 1991, Heo, Seung Ho 1989). In addition, it is the real situation that the scientifitic study result about the scope that electromagnetic waves has influence on the human body has not been suggested yet, and criticism on the stable exposure permission standard about electromagnetic waves to be emitted from VDT and on the problem in the health about electromagnetic waves is continuing. (IEEE Spectrum, 1990). In addition according to the experience of nursery business of industry field, it is the real situation that the patients who consult complaining of physical and mental inconvenience sence, among the users of apparatus of office automation, are reaching 10% of the patients coming to doctor's room. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the self-consciousness symptom that the clerical workers complain of multilaterally with the actual state examination about the use of the apparatuses of offices automaton. Thus, this study was tried as th basic data for the cosultation and education for the maintenance and furtherance of the health of workers as the nurse of industry field, by confirming the contents of self-consciousness symptom attendant upon the use of the apparatus for office outomation making the financial institution in which the spparatus for office automation in most frequently used as the subject, and by examining whether there is the difference according to the subject of study, the data were collected, by using the questionnaire method, making 200 workers who consented to the study participation as the subject, among the persons who have spent over 3 months since they used the apparatuses for office automation and didn't receive the treatment in hospital due to the clerical disease for recent 3 years. The period of data collection was from Oct. 9, 1991 to Oct. 12. As for the measurement instrument about the complaint if self-consciousness symptom attendant upon the use of apparatuses fo office automation, the question item on the complaint symptom of health problem attendant upon the treatment of VDT that Kim(1991) developed and on CMI health problem and the question items on the fatigue degree due to industry were used by previous examination to 25 persons. Collected data were analyzed with the statistical method such as percentage, arithmetic mean, Person correlation coeffient, Kai square verfication, t-test, ANOVA, etc. by using SPSS/PC+ program, and the result is as follows : 1. The self-consciousness symptom that the clerical workers complained of most frequetly appeared high in 'My eyes are tired'(99.4%), 'I feel fatigue and weariness'(99.4%), 'I feel that my head is heavy5(90.0%), 'eyesight fell'(88.8%), 'I have a stiff neck'(88.8%), 'I fell pain in the shoulder'(85.0%), 'I feel cold and painful in the eyes'(76.9%), 'I feel the dry sense of eyeball'(76.2%), 'My nerves are edgy, and I an fretful, (75.6%), 'I feel pain in the waist'(73.2%) and 'I fell pain in the back'(72.8%). It emerged that the subject use the apparatuses for office automation complained of self-consciousness symptoms related to visual symptoms and musculoskeletal symptoms. 2. As for the general feature of examination subjects, the result to see the distribution by classifying into sex, age, school career, use career of apparatuses for office automation, skillfulness degree of the use of apparatus for office automation, use hours of the apparatuses for office automation per 1 day, type of business of the apparatus for office automation, rest hours during the use of apparatus for office automation, satifaction degree of business of office automation, and work circumstance, etc. emerged as follows : As for the sex of subjects, the distribution showed that men were 58.8% and women were 41.3%, Age was average 26.9. As the distribution of school career, the distribution showed that4below the graduation of high school' was 58.8%, 'graduation from junior college-university' was 35.0%, and 'over graduate school' was 6.3%. In the question to ask the existence or non-existence of experience of health consultation in connection with the work of office automation, the response that I had the consultation exprience and I feel the necessity emergerd as 90.1% And, the case that the subject who didn't wear the glasses or lens before using the OA apparatus wear glasses or lens after using OA apparatus emerged as 28.3% of whole. As for the existence or non-existence of use career of OA apparatus, the case under 3 years was highest as 52. 7%. As for the skillfulnness degree about the use of apparatus for office automation, most of them are skillful with the fact that 'common' was 44.4%, 'skill' was 42.5%, and 'unskillful' was 13.1% As for the use average hours of the apparatus for office automation per 1 day, the distribution showed that the case under 3-6 hours was 33.1%, the case under 6-9 hours was 28.1%, the case under 3 hours was 30.6%, and the case over 9 hours was 8.1% Main OA business and the use hours for 1 day showed in the order of keeping and retrieval, business of information transmission(162min), business of information transmission(79.3 min), business of document framing(55.5 min), and business of duplication and printing(25.4min). as for the rest during the use of apparatus for affice automation, that I take rest occasion demands the major portion, but that I take after completing the work emerged as 33.8%. Though the subiness gets to be convenient by the use of the apparatus for of office automation, respondents who showed the dissatisfaction about the present OA business emergd high as 78.1%. The work circumstances of each office was good with the fact that the temperature of office was 21.8, noise was average 42.7db, and the illumination was average 364.4 lx, in the light of ANSi/HFS 100 Standard. 3. Sight syptom, musculoskeletal symptom, skin and other symptoms showed the significant difference according to the extent of skillfulness of the apparatus for office automation. All the symptoms exept skin symptom showed the difference according to the use hours of the apparatus for office automation. All the question items exept the sytoms of digestive organs and the rest hours during the apparatus for office automation showed the signicant difference. The question item which showed the signicant difference from the satisfaction degree of present OA business showed the significant difference from all the question item classified into 6 groups. But, age and school career didn't significant difference from the complaint of any self-consciousness symptoms.

    . In conclusion, the self-consciousness symptoms of the subjects to use OA apparatus appeared differently, according to sex distiction, skillfull degree of OA apparatus, use hours of OA apparatus, the rest hours during th use of OA apparatus, and the satiafaction degree of persent business. Therefore, it is necessary that the nurse in the inuctry field must recognize to receive the education about the human technological physical condition which is most proper for te use of OA apparatus and about the proper rest method until they get accustomed to the use of OA apparatus. In addition, the simple exercise relax the tention of muscle due to the repetitive simple movement, and the education for the protection of eyesight are necessary.

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  • 뇌성마비아 어머니의 경험 (Lived experience of mothers who have child with cerebral palsy)

    • 이화자;김이순;이지원;권수자;강인순;안혜경
      • Child Health Nursing Research
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      • 제2권1호
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      • pp.93-111
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      • 1996
    • The purpose of the study is to identify the lived experience of mothers who have children with cerebral palsy in order to understand their agony. Moreover, the result of study was to find some nursing intervention for disabled children and their mothers. For this purpose, ten mothers who are willing to cooperate with this research were selected at random from those who have children with the cerebral palsy, currently using the municipal facilities for the handicapped with cerebral malfunction. Data collection was done from October 4, 1994 th December 31, 1994. The data were collected by asking the mothers mentioned above with some unstructured open-ended questions, recorded on the tapes with permission by the interviewee in order to prevent missing of the interviewed contents. These collected data have been substantiated and properly analyzed on the basis of phenomenological approach initiated by Colaizzi's method. The results and validity are proved to be credible by means of the individual checking of the interviewed mothers. The results of this study are as follows : 1. When the mother is first informed of the diagnosis of cerebral palsy on her child, she usually misses the crucial timing needed for proper treatment of the child's disorder because she is notified through the doctor's indifference and his apparently inactive, matter-of-fact attitude. At first she suspects the doctor's diagnosis and tries to attribute it to the unknown cause from a certain genetic problem and then she quickly wants to deny the whole situation that her child is really suffering from the cerebral palsy. The reality is too much for her to accept as it is and she would not believe her child is abnormal. Therefore, she even attempts depend on the power of God for its solution. 2. The mother, who goes thorough this kind of uncommon experiences, is totally devoted to the treatment and care of the child and completely ignores her own life and happiness. At the same time, she feels sorry for her other normal children she believes having not enough care and concern. Also, she feels sorry for the sick child when the child's brothers or sisters show special concern for the patient out of sympathy. It is sorry and not satisfied for her that the child is growing with abnormality and neighbor other around have inappropriate attitudes. Likewise, she is discontent with her husband's lack of concern about the child's treatment. She believes that the health care system in this society isn't fulfilling its due purpose. In the state of her utmost distress and anxiety, she always feels the need of competent consultants, and is angry about that her child is treated as an abnormal being, she is trying to hide the child from other people and to make him or her disappear, if possible. Although she doesn't have harmonious relation with her husband, she id happy when he shows his affection for the child and she feels relieved and thankful when the relatives don't mention about the child's condition Since the child's overall status of health is continuously in unstable conditions, requiring her all-time readiness for an emergency, she feels guilty of her child's illness toward the fEmily members as if it was her own fault to have borne such an abnormal child and she feels responsible for the child morally and financially if necessary Because her life is centered on taking care of the child, she cannot afford to enjoy her own life and happiness. She is a lonely mother, fatigued, with no proper relationship with other people around her. With this sense of guilt and responsibility as a mother of an unusual disease, she has no choice but to grieve her destiny from which she is not allowed to escape. 3. Nevertheless, the mother with the child suffering from the cerebral palsy does not easily give up the hope of getting her child cured and she believes that in the long run, though slower than hoped, her abnormal son or daughter will be eventually cured to become a normal sibling someday. This kind of hope is sustained by the mother's strong faith coming from observing the progress of other similar children getting better. Sometimes she is encouraged to have this faith by other mothers who share the same painful experiences, believing that her child will improve even more rapidly than others with the same palsy. Full of hope, she painstakingly waits for the child's healing. Moreover, she plans to have another child. she thinks that the patient child's brothers and sisters only can truly understand and look after the patients. However, when she notices that the progress of other children under the treatment does not look so hopeful, she is distressed by the thoughts that her child may never get well. Too, she is worried that the patient's brother or sister will be born as the same invalid with the cerebral disease. She is discouraged to have another baby as much as she is encouraged to. She is also troubled by the thought that in case she has another baby, she will have to be forced. to neglect the patient child, especially when she does have an extra hand or some reliable person to help her with taking care of the patient.

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    서해안 태안 어은리 갯벌의 연속관측 메탄(CH4) 플럭스 특성 평가 (Evaluation of CH4 Flux for Continuous Observation from Intertidal Flat Sediments in the Eoeun-ri, Taean-gun on the Mid-western Coast of Korea)

    • 이준호;노경찬;우한준;강정원;정갑식;장석
      • 자원환경지질
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      • 제48권2호
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      • pp.147-160
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      • 2015
    • 2014년 8월 31일~9월 1일 충남 태안 어은리 갯벌 퇴적물의 동일한 실험 장소에서 닫힌 챔버를 이용하여 챔버내 가스들(메탄($CH_4$), 이산화탄소($CO_2$) 및 산소($O_2$))의 갯벌 표면 노출시 일조량이 있는 조석주기의 저조 시점을 기준으로 각 기체의 플럭스량을 파악하기 위해 총 6회 실험하였다. 챔버 내에서 채취된 대기 샘플 중 메탄의 농도는 6시간 이내에 지구온실가스 측정용 EG model GS-23 가스크로마토그래피로 분석하였으며 그 외 가스종은 Multi Gas Monitor를 이용하여 실시간 측정하였다. 각 가스 종들의 배출원(source (+)) 또는 흡수원(sink (-))의 플럭스 계산값은 단순 선형 회귀분석을 이용하여 시간에 따른 각 기체의 농도변화인 1차 함수 기울기 값을 수식에 대입하여 계산하였다. 또한 주변 환경 특성을 참고하기 위해 퇴적물 함수율, 온도, 총유기탄소, 챔버내 온도 및 퇴적물 퇴적상도 측정하였다. 첫째날, 총 3회 플럭스 측정이 진행되는 5시간 20분 동안 이산화탄소는 $-137.00{\sim}-81.73mg/m^2/hr$ 흡수원, 산소는 $-0.03{\sim}0.00mg/m^2/hr$ 흡수원 그리고 둘째날, 이산화탄소는 -20.43~-2.11 mg/m2/hr 흡수원, 산소는 $-0.18{\sim}-0.14mg/m^2/hr$ 흡수원으로 모두 동일하였다. 메탄의 경우 양일간 조석주기의 저조 시점이 되기 전에는 첫째날 $-0.02mg/m^2/hr$ 흡수원(SPSS 통계분석을 이용한 Pearson 상관계수는 뚜렷한 음의 선형관계인-0.555(n=5, p=0.332)) 및 둘째날 $-0.15mg/m^2/hr$ 흡수원(상관계수는 강한 음의 선형관계인 -0.915(n=5, p=0.030))으로 작용하였다. 그리고 저조시점 이후로 메탄은 첫째날 최소 $+0.00mg/m^2/hr$ 배출원(상관계수는 거의 무시될 수 있는 선형관계인 +0.713(n=5, p=0.176)) 및 둘째날 최대 $+0.03mg/m^2/hr$ 배출원(상관계수는 약한 양의 선형관계인 +0.194(n=5, p=0.754))이 된다는 플럭스 양상은 양일간 모두 같았다. 그러나 $CH_4$ 플럭스 값은 일자 및 시간별로 모두 다르게 분석되었다. 이러한 결과는 같은 시간, 동일지역 퇴적물 일지라도 $CH_4$ 플럭스 변화율은 갯벌 근처 해수의 표층 조석주기 특성 이해를 통한 가스 방출 상관관계 및 물리화학적 퇴적물 환경과 같은 주변 변수에 따라 영향을 받음 수 있음을 보여준다.

    한국 민간경비 실태 및 발전방안 (Developmental Plans and Research on Private Security in Korea)

    • 김태환;박옥철
      • 시큐리티연구
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      • 제9호
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      • pp.69-98
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      • 2005
    • 한국의 민간경비산업은 1960년대 초 미군부대의 용역경비를 실시함으로써 시작되었다. 이후 1973년 청원경찰법이 제정되었고, 1976년 용역경비업법(현 경비업법)이 제정됨으로써 민간경비산업이 조금씩 성장하기 시작하였다. 1980년대 초 외국기술과 자본의 도입으로 민간경비산업은 급속한 성장을 하였고, 현재 2000여개가 넘는 민간경비업체들이 있다. 하지만 이러한 업체들 중 상당수의 업체들이 부실경영과 자본력의 압박, 인력관리능력부족 등으로 인하여 인프라를 구축하지 못하고 파산하거나 영세성을 면치 못하고 있다. 그리고 이들 업체들은 치열한 민간경비시장에서 생존하기 위하여 과다한 덤핑행위와 위${\cdot}$탈법을 저지르거나 자격조건에 맞지 않는 인력채용 등으로 민간경비시장을 어지럽히고 있다. 또한 민간경비업체의 허가요건을 갖추기가 너무 용이하다보니 업계의 진${\cdot}$출입이 손쉽게 이루어진다. 이러한 모든 문제점이 피드백을 이루면서 민간경비시장의 질적 발전을 저해하고 있다 .이에 본 연구자는 한국민간경비산업의 현황을 분석하고, 이에 따르는 문제점을 도출하여 미국, 일본의 민간경비를 바탕으로 한국민간경비산업에 대한 적절한 발전방안을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구에 따르면, 현재 한국 민간경비는 법적${\cdot}$제도적 측면, 경영적 측면, 학문연구적 측면, 마지막으로 관련기관의 문제점을 해결해야만 한다. 이러한 문제점들은 법의 일원화, 자격증제도의 도입, 체계화된 경영전략, 관련기관의 상호협력 등이 원활하게 이루어지면서 해결될 것이며, 한국 민간경비는 더욱 발전할 것으로 전망된다.렛 장애 환아군에서 유의하게 높음이 관찰되었다. 그러나 TDT에서는 유의한 차이가 관찰되지 않았다. 또 뚜렛 장애 환아군의 세 가지 서로 다른 유전형 사이에 틱 장애의 가족력, 주의력결핍 과잉행동장애, 강박증, 약물에 대한 반응, 공존 질환 여부 등에 있어서 유의한 차이는 없었다. 결 론:본 연구에 있어 사례 수가 적고 TDT에서 유의한 결과가 발견되지 않았기 때문에 해석에 조심을 기할 필요는 있겠으나, 본 연구는 COMT유전자의 기능적 다형성과 뚜렛 장애 간에 연관 관계가 있음을 밝혀 낸 최초의 보고라 하겠다.산수, 토막짜기 점수도 유의하게 높았다. 약물치료력에 있어서는 임상가가 평가한 약물 반응이 순응군에서 유의하게 높았고, 약물 용량도 순응군이 유의하게 높았으며, 오후 약물 순응율(2003년 3월 평가)도 유의하게 순응군이 높았다. 또한 주치의의 지휘에 따라서도 순응율에 차이를 보였다. 결 론:국내에서는 최초로, 외래 치료를 받고 있는 ADHD 아동에 대한 MPH-IR 순응도를 조사하였다. 평균 1년 치료기간동안의 순응도는 62%로 외국에서의 연구결과와 유사하였으며, 지능이 높을 때, 약물반응이 우수하고, 약물용량이 높으며, 오후약물에 대한 순응이 초기에 높을 때 약물 순응률이 보다 높았다. 결국 약물치료 효과에 대한 만족도가 순응률 결정에 가장 중요한 요인이라고 생각되며, 약물치료효과를 높이기 위한 다양한 전략을 사용하여, 약물 순응도를 향상 시킬 필요가 있다고 생각된다.으나, 주의력에서는 전두엽의 실행능력(executive function)과 관련되는 검사들에서 산소흡입이 특이한 효과를 보여준다는 것이 확인되었고, 기억능력에서는 단기기억능력

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    계획된 간호 중재가 미숙아 어머니의 스트레스, 모성 역할 긴장과 역할 수행에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Planned Nursing Intervention on the Stress, the Maternal Role Strain, and the Maternal Role Performance of Mothers of Premature Infants)

    • 정경화
      • Child Health Nursing Research
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      • 제5권1호
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      • pp.70-83
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      • 1999
    • The birth of a premature infant is distressing for its parents. The parents of a premature infant experience stress according to the infant's physical appearance and behavior, the environment of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) , and the alteration in the parental role. Especially, a mother of a premature infant feels distressed even after the discharge of the infant : therefore, she has difficulties in maternal role performance. The main purpose of this study is to identify the effects of the planned infant care information program in order to lower the stress level for mothers of premature infants caused by the birth and hospitalization in NICU of premature infants, to reduce the maternal role strain, and to promote the maternal role performance after the infants' discharge. This study employed two methods of research at the same time : quasi -experimental non-equivalent pre and post test to compare : non-equivalent post test to compare. The total number of subjects was 19 who were assigned to the research program : 12 mothers of premature infants at the NICU at the Ch university hospital and 7 at the NICU at the Y general hospital located in Chounju city. The data were collected for 79 days from August 18 to November 5, 1998. The questionnaire method was applied for the data collection, and the measures used in this study were Parental Stressor Scale : NICU(Miles, 1993), the Maternal Role Strain Measures ( Hobbs, 1968 ; Steffensmeier, 1982) , and Self Confidence Scale (Pharis, 1978). Research procedure is as follows : after preliminary examination, the experimental subjects, the mothers of premature infants at the Nl CU at Ch university hospital were provided with slide films and information developed by the researcher based on existing documents and data. It took two 60-minute sessions a week for two weeks, and the mothers' stress level was measured using the same instrument twice one week and two week after the infants' hospitalization. The stress level of the contrast subjects, the mothers at Y general hospital was measured during the same period. The experimental subjects were provided with booklets on matters that require attention after the infants' discharge and on developmental project, and they were educated to play the maternal role in person for 2-3 hours a week : breast-feeding, burping a baby, and changing diapers. One week after the infants' discharge, the maternal role strain and the maternal role performance were examined in two groups of the subjects. The analysis of collected data was done using descriptive statistics including real numbers, percentages, averages, and standard deviations. Mann-Whitney test ; x² test ; Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance ; ANCOVA Spearman's rho correlation coefficients. The results on this study were as follows. (1) The examination of the same quality showed that there were no differences in the general and obstetrical characters between the two groups. However, in terms of the characters of premature infants. just right after their birth, the infants at the contrast group weighed more than those at the experimental group(U=16.5, p=.02), and the former was in mother's womb longer than the latter(U=15.5, p=.02). (2) The stress level of the mothers provided with the plannned nursing intervention program became lower as time passed compared to the others'(F=16.61, p=.00) Even when the influence of weight at birth and the length of gestation was removed among the premature infants' characters, the mothers' stress levels made a statistical difference 2 weeks after the infants' hospitalization depending on treatment (F=8.00, p=.01) (3) The maternal role strain of the mothers provided with the planned nursing intervention program was lower than the others'(U=2.0, p=.00). Even when the influence of weight at birth and the length of gestation was removed among the premature infants' characters, the maternal role strain levels made a statistical difference 2 weeks after the infants' hospitalization, depending on treatment(F=14.72, p=.00). (4) The maternal role performance level of the mothers provided with the planned nursing program was higher than the others'(U=.0, p=.00). Even when the influence of weight at birth and the length of gestation was removed among the premature infants' characters, the mothers' stress levels made a statistical difference 2 weeks after the infants' hospitalization, depending on treatment(F=8.00, p=.01). (5) The correlation between a mother's stress level 2 weeks after her infant's hospitalization, the maternal role strain and the maternal role performance were compared : the stress and the maternal role strain were statistically irrelevant to each other(r=.33, p=.12) : the stress was found to be in inverse proportion to the maternal role performance(r=-.53, p=.02). The maternal role strain was in inverse proportion to the maternal role performance as well(r=-.50, p=.00). In conclusion, for the mothers provided with the planned nursing intervention program, their stress level was getting lower as time passed during the infants' hospitalization, their maternal role strain reduced when they took care of their infants after their discharge, and their maternal role performance level was high compared to the other mothers. Besides, the lower the stress level of mothers of premature infants was during the infants' hospitalization, the higher the maternal role performance after their discharge was. The lower maternal role strain was, the higher the maternal role performance was as well. These results of the study suggested that the nursing intervention program for the mothers of premature infants developed by the researcher would be effectively applied to nursing practice, and it would be a foundation for the development of this kind of program.

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    사회연결망 분석을 활용한 연관규칙 확장기법 (Extension Method of Association Rules Using Social Network Analysis)

    • 이동원
      • 지능정보연구
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      • 제23권4호
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      • pp.111-126
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      • 2017
    • 연관 상품 추천은 수많은 상품을 다루는 온라인 상거래에서 소비자의 상품 탐색 시간을 줄여주며 판매자의 매출 증대에 크게 기여한다. 이는 주문과 같은 거래의 빈도를 기반으로 생성되므로, 통계적으로 판매 확률이 높은 상품을 효과적으로 선별할 수 있다. 하지만, 판매 가능성이 높은 경우라도 신상품처럼 판매 초기에 거래 건수가 충분하지 않은 상품은 추천에서 누락될 수 있다. 연관 추천에서 누락된 상품은 이로 인해 노출 기회를 잃게 되고, 이는 거래 건수 감소로 이어져, 또 다시 추천 기회를 잃는 악순환을 겪을 수도 한다. 따라서, 충분한 거래 건수가 쌓이기 전까지 초기 매출은 일정 기간 동안 정체되는 현상을 보이는데, 의류 등과 같이 유행에 민감하거나 계절 변화에 영향을 많이 받는 상품은 이로 인해 매출에 큰 타격을 입을 수도 있다. 본 연구는 이와 같이 거래 초기의 낮은 거래 빈도로 인해 잘 드러나지 않는 상품 간의 잠재적인 연관성을 찾아 추천 기회를 확보할 수 있도록 연관 규칙을 확장하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 두 상품 간에 직접적인 연관성이 나타나지 않더라도 다른 상품을 매개로 두 상품 간의 잠재적 연관성을 예측할 수 있을 것이며, 이런 연관성은 주문에서 나타나는 상품 간 상호작용으로 표현될 수 있으므로, 사회연결망 분석을 활용한 분석을 시도하였다. 사회연결망 분석기법을 통해 각 상품의 속성과 두 상품 간 경로의 특성을 추출하고 회귀분석을 실시하여, 두 상품 간 경로의 최단 거리 및 경로의 개수, 각 상품이 얼마나 많은 상품과 연관성을 갖는지, 두 상품의 분류 카테고리가 어느 정도 일치하는지가 두 상품 간의 잠재적 연관성에 미친다는 것을 확인하였다. 모형의 성능을 평가하기 위해, 일정 기간의 주문 데이터로부터 연결망을 구성하고, 이후 10일 간 생성될 상품 간 연관성을 예측하는 실험을 진행하였다. 실험 결과는 모형을 적용하지 않는 경우보다 제안 모형을 활용할 때 훨씬 많은 연관성을 찾을 수 있음을 보여준다.