• 제목/요약/키워드: Collagen-II-induced Arthritis(CIA)

검색결과 80건 처리시간 0.024초

족삼리(足三里) 진구약침이 생쥐의 Collagen-induced Arthritis에 미치는 영향(影饗) (A Study on the Effect of Herbal-acupuncture with Gentianae macrophyllase Radix Solution at Joksamni(ST36) on Collagen-induced Arthritis DBA/1J mice)

  • 박정현;임윤경;이현
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.117-137
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    • 2007
  • Objectives & Methods : The purpose of this study is to observe the effects of Gentianae macrophyllase Radix herbal-acupuncture solution(GR-HAS) at Joksamni(ST36) on Collagen-induced arthritis(CIA) in DBA/1J mice. The author performed several experimental items to analyze arthritis evaluation, change of weight, spleen size and adhesion rate, change of cytokine level, IgG, IgM and anti-collagen II , change of immunocyte count, histological change of CIA mouse joint related with RA. Results : 1. In the GR-HA group, the arthritis index, the incidence of arthritis and joint edema were significantly decreased. 2. In GR-HA group, there were no weight loss and similarly maintained as normal group. Spleen size, adhesion rate and the edema and transformation of knee joint were low and similarly maintained as normal group. 3. In the GR-HA, cytokine level, IgG, IgM and anti-collagen II were significantly decreased. 4. In the GR-HA, the change of immunocyte count were similarly maintained as normal group. 5. In the histological changes of the CIA mouse joint, the cartilage destruction and synovial cell proliferation were decreased in the GR-HA(Hematoxylin and eosin stain). The collagen fiber expressions in the GR-HA were similar with that of the normal group(Masson's Trichrome stain) Conclusions : These results suggest that GR-HA at ST36 has an effect to control immune reaction and suppress inflammation, synovial cell proliferation and cartilage destruction in rheumatoid arthritis.

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황기약침이 Collagen으로 유발된 생쥐의 Arthritis에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Astragali Radix Herbal-acupuncture at $ST_{36}$ (Jok-samni) on Collagen-induced Arthritis in Mice)

  • 최봉균;조명래;김재홍;류충열
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.25-55
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : The aim of the present study was to observe the effect of Astragali Radix Herbal-Acupuncture Solution(AR-HAS) at $ST_{36}$(jok-samni, $Z\acute{u}s\bar{a}n$ Li) on collagen- II -induced arthritis(CIA) in mice. Methods : DBA/1J mice were immunized with bovine type II collagen(CII) on days 0 and 21 to induce arthritis. The mice were divided into 5 groups : normal group(no CIA), control group(CIA+no treatment), needle prick group(CIA+single prick with an injection needle), saline group(CIA+saline injection) and ARHA group(CIA+ R-HA treatment). The needle prick, saline injection, and AR-HA groups were injected on the right $ST_{36}$(jok-samni) of mice for 9 weeks, 3 times a week, beginning 4 weeks after the booster immunization. Results : 1. The incidence of arthritis, AI(arthritis index), and joint edema decreased in the AR-HA group. 2. Weight gain, hypertrophy of the spleen, adhesion of the tissues, and transformation of the joint were restrained in the AR-HA group. 3. The concentrations of $IL-1{\beta}$, IL-6, $TNF-{\alpha}$, $IFN-{\gamma}$ in CIA mouse serum and $IFN-{\gamma}$, IL-10 in the CIA mouse spleen cell culture decreased significantly at $ST_{36}$ in the AR-HA group. 4. Total cell counts increased significantly, and the ratio of $CD3e^+$ to $CD45R^+$, $CD4^+$ to $CD8^+$, and $CD4^+$ to $CD25^+$ cells decreased significantly at $ST_{36}$ in the CIA mouse spleen cell culture of the AR-HA group. 5. Total cell counts decreased significantly, and $CD4^+/CD25^+$ and $CD45R^+/CD69^+$ decreased significantly at $ST_{36}$ in the CIA mouse lymph nodes of the AR-HA group. 6. $CD3e^+/CD69^+$ and $CD11b^+/Gr-1^+$ cells decreased significantly at $ST_{36}$ in the CIA mouse joints of the AR-HA group. 7. The histological examination showed that cartilage destruction and synoviocyte proliferation decreased in the CIA mouse joints of the AR-HA group, and collagen fiber was expressed similar to that seen in the normal group. Conclusions : Our experiments show that at $ST_{36}$, an anti-inflammatory mechanism of AR-HA controls synovial cell proliferation and protects against cartilage destruction in rheumatoid arthritis.

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가미대강활탕(加味大羌活湯)이 Collagen II로 유발된 관절염에 미치는 영향 (Inhibitory Effects of Gamidaeganghwal-tang(Jiaweidaqianghuo-tang) on Rheumatoid Arthritis Induced by Type II Collagen)

  • 김민기;오민석
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : This study was carried out to understand the immunity responses and anti-oxidation effect of the Gamidaeganghwal-tang(GDT) on rheumatoid arthritis by using the THP-1 cells and the serum of CIA mice. Methods : For this purpose, GDT was orally administerd to mice with rheumatoid arthritis induced by collagen II. To investigate the immunity responses, value of cytokine and gene expression in the THP-1 cell, levels of cytokines in the serum of CIA(collagen type II induced arthritis) mice, number of immunocyte in PBMC of CIA mice were measured. Then, anti-oxidant activity, scavenging activity on DHHP(2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) free radical and SOD(Superoxide dismutae)-like activity of GDT was observed. Results : 1. The levels of IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6, IL-8, MCP-1 at 100, $50{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of GDT were significantly reduced in the THP-1 cell. 2. The levels of TNF-${\alpha}$, COX-2 mRNA expression at 100, $50{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of GDT and IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6 at $100{\mu}g/m{\ell}$ of GDT were significantly reduced in the THP-1 cell line. 3. The levels of IL-6, TNF-${\alpha}$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ were significantly reduced in the serum of CIA mice. 4. The absolute number of CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ cells were significantly induced, CD3+/CD69+, CD3+/CD49+, CD19+, B220+/CD23+ cells were significantly reduced in PBMC. 5. Scavenging activity on DPPH free radical and SOD-like activity were significantly induced in a concentration dependent manner. Conclusions : Taking all these observations, GDT considered to be effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis. Therefore we have to survey continuously in looking for the effective substance and mechanism in the future.

택칠에서 분리한 Corilagin이 Collagen 유발 관절염에 미치는 영향 (I);Corilagin을 투여한 류마티스 관절염 유발 생쥐의 형광유세포 분석 (Studies on the Effect of Corilagin Isolated from Euphorbia helioscopia on Collagen-Induced Arthritis (I);Analysis of Fluorescence Flow Cytometry from Collagen II Induced Arthritis Mice Model)

  • 신삼기;장준복;도은수
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.329-335
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    • 2008
  • 본 연구에서는 택칠에서 분리된 CRN(corilagin)이 류마티스성 관절염 치료제로 사용될 수 있는가능성을 조사하기 위하여 류마티스성 관절염의 동물 모델인 CIA(collagen induced arthritis) 생쥐에 CRN을 복강 투여하여 CIA의 발병률 및 관절염 지수 등에 대한 효과를 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 택칠에서 분리한 corilagin을 관절염 유발 생쥐에게 투여한 결과, 관절염의 발병진행이 억제되고 관절염 지수가 감소되는 것을 확인하였다. 세포 조직학적 관찰을 통하여 염증성 세포들이 현저하게 줄어들고, 관절강이 잘 확보되었으며, pannus의 형성이 보이지않고 연골 또한 잘 보호되어져 있음을 확인하였다. 관절염 유발 생쥐의 형광유세포 분석결과 각 조직에 침윤되는 염증세포가 감소하였다.

Induction of tolerance against the arthritogenic antigen with type-II collagen peptide-linked soluble MHC class II molecules

  • Park, Yoon-Kyung;Jung, Sundo;Park, Se-Ho
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제49권6호
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    • pp.331-336
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    • 2016
  • In murine collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), self-reactive T cells can recognize peptide antigens derived from type-II collagen (CII). Activation of T cells is an important mediator of autoimmune diseases. Thus, T cells have become a focal point of study to treat autoimmune diseases. In this study, we evaluated the efficacy of recombinant MHC class II molecules in the regulation of antigen-specific T cells by using a self peptide derived from CII (CII260-274; IAGFKGEQGPKGEPG) linked to mouseI-Aq in a murine CIA model. We found that recombinant I-Aq/CII260-274 molecules could be recognized by CII-specific T cells and inhibit the same T cells in vitro. Furthermore, the development of CIA in mice was successfully prevented by in vivo injection of recombinant I-Aq/CII260-274 molecules. Thus, treatment with recombinant soluble MHC class II molecules in complex with an immunodominant self-peptide might offer a potential therapeutic for chronic inflammation in autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Influence of moxibustion on collagen-induced arthritis in mice

  • Fang, Jian-Qiao;Aoki, Eri;Seto, Akira;Yu, Ying;Kasahara, Takako;Hisamitsu, Tadashi
    • 대한약침학회지
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    • 제3권2호
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2000
  • The influence of moxibustion, a traditional Chinese medical treatment, on type II collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) was examined in DBA/1J mice in vivo. Mice were immunized intradermally twice at the 3-week interval with bovine type II collagen (C Il). The main incidence of arthritis started about on day 30 and lasted to day 60 after the first immunization. Moxibustion with three different regimens, was applied at the acupoint equivalent to GV 4 every other day. Moxibustion, from day 0 to day 30 after the first immunization, suppressed the onset and development of arthritis, as well as anti-collagen antibody level. Treatment with moxibustion, from the day 31 to day 60, also resulted in a significant inhibition of progression of arthritis and production of anti-C II antibody. Thirdly we examined the influence of moxibustion on the established arthritis. Moxibustion given from day 61 to day 120, significantly but mildly decreased the anti-C II antibody level in diseased mice, while the bone erosion and joint destruction were not affected. These results indicate that moxibustion could prevent the incidence and attenuates the development of murine CIA.

족삼리(足三里) 독활약침(獨活藥鍼)이 Collagen-induced Arthritis에 미치는 영향 (A Study on the Effect of Herbal-acupulcture with Angelicae Pubescentis Radix Solution at Joksamni$(ST_{36})$ on Collagen-induced Arthritis)

  • 양기영;김영일;이현
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.191-206
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    • 2006
  • Objective & Methods : The purpose of this study is to observe the effects of Angelicae Pubescentis Radix herbal-acupuncture solution(APR-HAS) at Joksamni(ST36) on collagen IT induced arthritis in DBA/1J mice. The author performed several experimental items to analyze several cytokines and immune cells related with RA. Results : 1. In the APR-HA group, the incidence of arthritis and arthritis index were significantly decreased. 2. In APR-HA group, the levels of IL-6, $INF-{\gamma}$, $TNF-{\alpha}$, IgG, IgM, $IL-{\beta}$ and Anti-collagen II in serum of the CIA mouse were significantly decreased. 3. In APR-HA group, the level of $IFN-{\gamma}$, IL-4 in the CIA mouse spleen cell culture were significantly decreased. 4. In histology, the cartilage destruction and synovial cell proliferation were decreased in the APR-HA group, and the collagen fiber expressions in the APR-HA group were similar with that of the Normal group. 5. In the APR-HA group, CD3e+/CD19+ and CD4+/CD8+ were similarly maintained as Normal group in the CIA mouse lymph nodes, 6. In the APR-HA group, CD3e+/CD69+ was significantly decreased in the CIA mouse joint. 7. In the APR-HA group, CD11a+/CD19+ and CD11b+/Gr-l+ were significantly decreased in the CIA mouse lymph nodes 8. In the APR-HA group, CD4+/CD25+ was decreased in the CIA mouse spleen cell. 9. In the APR-HA group, CD4+/CD25+ was similarly maintained as Normal group in the CIA mouse lymph nodes.

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The Preventive Effects of Nanopowdered Peanut Sprout-added Caciocavallo Cheese on Collagen-induced Arthritic Mice

  • Kim, Dong-Hwi;Chang, Yoon Hyuk;Kwak, Hae-Soo
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제34권1호
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2014
  • The present study was carried out to investigate the effects of nanopowdered peanut sprout-added Caciocavallo cheese (NPCC) on the prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in DBA/IJ mice immunized with type II collagen. After the induction of arthritis, the mice were being divided into five groups: (1) normal, no immunization; (2) CIA, collagen-induced arthritis; (3) MTX, collagen-induced arthritis treated with methotrexate (0.3 mg/kg body weight); (4) CC, collagen-induced arthritis treated with Caciocavallo cheese (0.6 g/d); (5) NPCC, collagen-induced arthritis treated with nanopowdered peanut sprout-added Caciocavallo cheese (0.6 g/d). Nanopowdered peanut sprout was ranged from 300 to 350 nm, while regular powdered peanut sprouts were ranged from 50 to $150{\mu}m$. The NPCC group had considerable reductions of clinical scores and paw thicknesses at the end of experiment as compared to the CIA group. In the serum analysis, the TNF-${\alpha}$, IL-$1{\beta}$, IL-6 and $IgG_1$ levels in the NPCC group have decreased by 69.4, 75.9, 66.6, and 61.9%, respectively, when compared to the CIA group. The histological score and spleen index of the NPCC group were significantly lower than the CIA group. In conclusion, the feeding NPCC method could delay and/or prevent the rheumatoid arthritis in the collagen-induced arthritis mouse model. Based on this study, nanopowdered peanut sprouts could be applied to various functional cheeses.

택칠에서 분리한 Corilagin이 Collagen 유발 관절염에 미치는 영향 (II);Corilagin을 투여한 류마티스 관절염 유발 생쥐의 사이토카인 분석 (Studies on the Effect of Corilagin Isolated from Euphorbia helioscopia on Collagen-Induced Arthritis (II);CytokinesAnalysis of Collagen II Induced Arthritis Mice Model)

  • 신삼기;장준복;도은수
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.336-340
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    • 2008
  • 류마티스성 관절염의 동물 모델인 CIA(collagen induced arthritisd) 생쥐에 CRN을 복강 투여하여 CIA의 발병률 및 관절염지수 등에 대한 효과를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. RF(rhumatoid factor) 인자인 IgG와 IgM 생산량, 그리고 염증 사이토카인인 IL-6와 $TNF-{\alpha}$의 생산량이 감소하였다. 사이토카인 분석결과, 비장세포에서 Th1과 Th2 세포에서 분비되는 $IFN-{\gamma}$와 IL-4를 측정하여 CRN 투여로 Th1 세포에서 Th2 세포로 면역반응이 전환됨을 시사하는 것은 CRN의 치료효과로 사료된다. 혈청 중에서 RA 인자인 IgG와 IgM, 염증 사이토카인인 $TNF-{\alpha}$와 IL-6 및 type II bovine collagen antibody 생산량 이 대조군에 비하여 CRN 투여군이 감소하여 CRN이 관절염의염증 사이토카인을 억제하는 것으로 확인된다.

Collagen 유발(誘發) 관절염(關節炎) 동물모델에 대(對)한 전침자극(電鍼刺戟)의 진통효과(鎭痛效果) 및 그 기전(機轉)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) - serotonergic receptor(5-HT1, 5-HT2)와 관련(關聯)된 기전연구(機轉硏究) - (The Study on the Analgesic Effect and its Serotonergic Mechanism of Electroacupuncture in the Rat Model of Collagen-induced Arthritis)

  • 백용현;양형인;박동석;최도영
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2004
  • Objective: To investigate the analgesic effect and its serotonergic mechanism, especially related with 5-HTI and 5-HT2 receptor, of electroacupuncture(EA) in the rat model of collagen-induced arthritis(CIA). Methods : Immunization of male Sprague-Dawley rats with bovine type II (C II) collagen emulsified in Freund's incomplete adjuvant, followed by a booster injection 14 days later, leads to development of arthritis in more than 70% of rats by 21 days postinjection. After three weeks of first immunization, EA stimulation(2 Hz, 0.07 mA, 0.3 ms) was delivered into Jogsamni($ST_{36}$) for 30 minutes. Analgesic effect was evaluated by tail flick latency(TFL). We compared the analgesic effect of EA with TFLs between pretreatment of normal saline and pretreatment of spiroxatrine (5-HT1 receptor antagonist, 1mg/kg, intraperitoneal) and spiperone (5-HT2 receptor antagonist, 1 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) in CIA. Results : 1. TFLs were gradually decreased in CIA as increasing severity of arthritis. 2. Jogsamni($ST_{36}$) EA stimulation in CIA increased TFLs and the effect lasted for 60 minutes. 3. Increased TFLs with Jogsamni($ST_{36}$) EA stimulation were inhibited by pretreatment of spiroxatrine and spiperone in CIA. Conclusions : Jogsamni($ST_{36}$) EA showed analgesic effects in CIA The analgesic effects of Jogsamni($ST_{36}$) EA were inhibited by spiroxatrine and spiperone pretreatment. These observations suggest that 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 serotonergic receptor, which involve the release of serotonin neurotransmitter, play an important roles in analgesic mechanism of EA stimulation.

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