• Title/Summary/Keyword: Collaborative communication

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Development and Effect of HTE-STEAM Program: Focused on Case Study Application for Free-Learning Semester (HTE-STEAM(융합인재교육) 프로그램 개발 및 효과 : 자유학기제 수업 활용 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Yonggi;Kim, Hyoungbum;Cho, Kyu-Dohng;Han, Shin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.224-236
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a reasoning-based HTE-STEAM program for the development of the cognitive capacity of middle school students and enhancement of their STEAM literacy, and to investigate the effectiveness of this study in the school setting. The subjects of this study were the students of two middle schools located in the central region of Korea. The students participated in the HTE-STEAM program during their free-learning semesters and 202 of them were selected by random sampling method. Main findings were as follows: First, pre- and post-HTE-STEAM program has shown a significant value in statistical verification (p<.05) and the level of logical thinking ability of the research participants improved after the class compared to before the class. Second, the paired samples t-test comparing the difference between the pre and post scores of the STEAM attitude test has shown a significant value in statistical verification (p<.05), and the HTE-STEAM program has turned out to have a positive effect on the STEAM literacy of the research participants. Third, in the HTE-STEAM satisfaction scale test, the mean value of the sub-construct stood at 3.27~4.12, showing a positive overall response. Therefore, the HTE-STEAM program under the topic of earth science of 'Disaster and Safety' developed at the final stage of this study has proven to have a positive influence on the research participants in terms of the development of cognitive capacity by reasoning and collaborative learning, an important quality of communication and consideration necessary for STEAM literacy.

An Analysis of the Teacher Librarian's Duties and Competencies Embedded in the IB International School Job Advertisement (IB 국제학교 구인광고에 담긴 사서교사의 직무 및 역량 분석)

  • Eun-Hae, Kim;Gi-Ho, Song
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.5-25
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the duties and competencies of the teacher librarian required by schools as consumers to operate the curriculum, and to suggest ways to improve their professionality. To this end, the duties and competencies included in 20 job advertisements posted by IB schools to select teacher librarians were analyzed based on the IFLA School Library Guidelines. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the duties and competencies of IB schools are based on the IB curriculum guidelines and this guideline is based on the educational philosophy and learner image that IBO curriculum aims. And the job that schools want the most from the teacher librarian is teaching through library collection management and collaboration, and the main competencies for this are communication and collaboration skills, teaching-learning·curriculum·education design and operation, and digital & media literacy. The results of this analysis show that the professionalism should be based on the vision for the educated person and learner capabilities presented in the curriculum. Based on this results, in this study the ways for developing teacher librarians' professionalism were presented in the following aspects. First, including the educational responsibilities of the school library in the Arrangement and Implementation Guideline of National Level Curriculum. Second, Classifying human resources' duties through revision of the Enforcement Decree of the School Library Promotion Act. Third, reorganizing of basic courses to acquire teacher librarian qualifications and introducing a demonstration of collaborative teaching in the eduactional practice and the certification examination.

Organizational Innovation in the Korean Government via an ICT-based IKM Framework: A focus on the MOFA (정보통신기술 기반 지식정보관리 프레임워크를 통한 한국 정부 조직 혁신에 관한 탐구: 외교부를 중심으로)

  • Jin-kyung Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.211-241
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    • 2023
  • With rapidly changing technological implementation of operating systems of businesses, the Ministry of foreign affairs (MOFA) of the Republic of Korea (ROK) has been undergoing digital transformation to its overall operations with the intent to innovate information and knowledge management (IKM) strategies since the mid-2000s. However, assessment as to the effectiveness of implemented IKM has been inadequately analyzed. This study aims to assess the concepts and limitations of the MOFA's current IKM strategies and the methods it employs to deliver its IKM framework, in light of strengthening the organizational ambidexterity and absorptive capacity, and also fostering organizational innovation through a qualitative study that involves interviews and analysis of reports from MOFA. The MOFA's IKM possesses dynamic capabilities to adapt to changing digital technologies. However, the institution's IKM is constrained by limitations associated with the utilization of the IKM system such as a structure that handles confidential documents and a lack of a collaborative system for IKM, and external limitations such as changes in the domestic political situation governing MOFA's priorities and the hierarchy of government organizations. Consequently, developing the organizational ambidexterity and absorptive capacity was not possible. To develop an IKM framework for organizational innovation, the MOFA must devise a way to minimize the impact of external changes by overcoming internal limitations. To that end, a detailed study on the development of a practically usable IKM system should include establishing a dialogue between job groups and enhancing employee competency in preparation for a changing environment.

National Disaster Management, Investigation, and Analysis Using RS/GIS Data Fusion (RS/GIS 자료융합을 통한 국가 재난관리 및 조사·분석)

  • Seongsam Kim;Jaewook Suk;Dalgeun Lee;Junwoo Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_2
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    • pp.743-754
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    • 2023
  • The global occurrence of myriad natural disasters and incidents, catalyzed by climate change and extreme meteorological conditions, has engendered substantial human and material losses. International organizations such as the International Charter have established an enduring collaborative framework for real-time coordination to provide high-resolution satellite imagery and geospatial information. These resources are instrumental in the management of large-scale disaster scenarios and the expeditious execution of recovery operations. At the national level, the operational deployment of advanced National Earth Observation Satellites, controlled by National Geographic Information Institute, has not only catalyzed the advancement of geospatial data but has also contributed to the provisioning of damage analysis data for significant domestic and international disaster events. This special edition of the National Disaster Management Research Institute delineates the contemporary landscape of major disaster incidents in the year 2023 and elucidates the strategic blueprint of the government's national disaster safety system reform. Additionally, it encapsulates the most recent research accomplishments in the domains of artificial satellite systems, information and communication technology, and spatial information utilization, which are paramount in the institution's disaster situation management and analysis efforts. Furthermore, the publication encompasses the most recent research findings relevant to data collection, processing, and analysis pertaining to disaster cause and damage extent. These findings are especially pertinent to the institute's on-site investigation initiatives and are informed by cutting-edge technologies, including drone-based mapping and LiDAR observation, as evidenced by a case study involving the 2023 landslide damage resulting from concentrated heavy rainfall.

Design and Validate Usability of New Types of HMD Systems to Improve Work Efficiency in Collaborative Environments (협업 환경에서 작업 효율 향상을 위한 새로운 형태의 HMD 시스템 설계 및 사용성 검증)

  • Jeong-Hoon SHIN;Hee-Ju KWON
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 2023
  • With the technological development in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, technologies using HMD are being applied in various fields. HMD is especially useful in virtual reality fields such as AR/VR, and is very effective in receiving vivid impressions from users located in remote locations. According to these characteristics, the frequency of using HMD is increasing in the field related to collaboration. However, when HMD is applied to collaboration, communication between experts located in remote locations and workers located in the field is not smooth, causing various problems in terms of usability. In this paper, remote experts and workers in the field use HMD to solve various problems arising from collaboration, design/propose new types of HMD structures and functions that enable more efficient collaboration, and verify their usability using SUS evaluation techniques. As a result of the SUS evaluation, the new type of HMD structure and function proposed in this paper was 86.75points, which is believed to have greatly resolved the restrictions on collaboration and inconvenience in use of the existing HMD structure. In the future, when the HMD structure and design proposed in this paper are actually applied, it is expected that the application technology using HMD will expand rapidly.

A Case Study on Regional Tourism Innovation through Smart Tourism: Focusing on Incheon Smart Tourism City Project (스마트관광을 활용한 지역관광 혁신사례 연구: 인천 스마트관광도시를 중심으로)

  • Han, Hani;Chung, Namho
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2024
  • Smart tourism aims to maximize the utilization of local tourism resources, effectively manages cities and contributes to improving communication and quality of life between tourists and residents. Therefore, smart tourism emphasizes synergistic collaboration, considering both residents and tourists. This study explores smart tourism interaction and roles in enhancing regional competitiveness. By conducting thorough examination, focusing on integrating the four key elements of smart tourism city (smart experience, smart convenience, smart accessibility, and smart platform) with local residents, local businesses, regional resources, and ecosystem to foster positive synergies, Incheon smart tourism city project was employed as a single case study design. Research results indicate that the collaborative model of a smart tourism city positively impacts service satisfaction and strengthens regional tourism competitiveness. Building upon these results, this study aims to contribute to the development of smart tourism cities by proposing directions for future development and emphasizing the enhancement of regional competitiveness through the integration of smart technology and local tourism.

Strategies for Improving Problem-Based Education through Living Labs: Focused on the Case of B University Courses (리빙랩을 활용한 문제 해결형 교육 운영 개선 방안 제안: B 대학 리빙랩 강좌 사례를 중심으로)

  • EunJung Kim;Seongwon Hwang;Taewon Lee
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2024
  • This study examines the potential and challenges of implementing problem-based learning models in higher education through Living Labs. Traditional instructor-centered education has shown limitations in addressing complex societal problems, highlighting the need for learner-centered, collaborative approaches that equip students with practical problem-solving skills. Living Labs represent innovative educational models where students collaborate with local communities to address real-world challenges, positioning universities as key drivers of regional problem-solving initiatives. Unlike prior research, which predominantly analyzed trends using topic modeling techniques, this study focuses on the operational practices of Living Lab courses at B University, providing a detailed and distinctive perspective. The visualization analysis identifies co-creation, involving the active participation of diverse stakeholders, as a critical factor for the success of Living Labs. Effective implementation requires faculty to act as facilitators, coordinating collaboration and fostering dynamic interactions between students and other participants. The study also emphasizes the necessity of establishing communication and collaboration platforms to strengthen partnerships between universities and local communities. Topic modeling analysis revealed that only one of the seven major topics was directly related to Living Labs, underscoring the need for curriculum redesign to better integrate these courses with real-world problem-solving processes. Based on these findings, the study proposes strategies to maximize the practical effectiveness of Living Lab education and highlights the importance of developing sustainable collaboration platforms to address regional challenges effectively.

The Influence of University Entrepreneurship Education's Creativity Capacity to Entrepreneurship Willingness: The Moderating Role of Social Support (창의성 역량 교육이 창업의지에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 사회적 지지의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Ahn, Tae Uk;Park, Jae Hwan;Lee, Il han
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2017.08a
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2017
  • In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, as the importance of creative talent became more and more important, we recognized the urgent need for start-ups to innovate new growth industries and creative talents to lead these eras.And the importance of entrepreneurship education emphasized in entrepreneurship education and the necessity of creativity competency education.However, there is a lack of research on how creativity competency education affects entrepreneurship intention for college students. Especially, research on the moderating effect of social support on the effect of entrepreneurship through education is very insufficient. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of creativity competence education on the will of entrepreneurship and empowerment of social support. For this purpose, 393 college students were used for empirical analysis for 1 month from August 2016. As a result of this study, the ability of communicative communication and creative problem solving had a positive effect on self - efficacy. On the other hand, innovative work behavior abilities did not directly affect self-efficacy. In addition, creative problem solving ability and innovative work behavior ability had a positive effect on the will to start up. Collaborative communication skills, however, did not directly affect the willingness to start a business. Self - efficacy has a positive effect on the will of founding. Finally, the moderating effect of social support between self-efficacy and willingness to work was not directly affected. The implication of this study is that the effect of the creativity competency education on college students has a positive effect on the self - efficacy of self and the positive influence on the will to start up. The results of this study are as follows. First, it is found that the influence of social support (parental support) is not positively influenced by the control effect of the parents. In the case of college students, As well as the need to do so. Therefore, in order to further increase the willingness of young people to establish a university in the university, it is necessary to provide education and programs not only for direct education for college students, but also for improving the understanding of the talents and entrepreneurship required by the age of their parents.

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The Influence of Online Social Networking on Individual Virtual Competence and Task Performance in Organizations (온라인 네트워킹 활동이 가상협업 역량 및 업무성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Suh, A-Young;Shin, Kyung-Shik
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.39-69
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    • 2012
  • With the advent of communication technologies including electronic collaborative tools and conferencing systems provided over the Internet, virtual collaboration is becoming increasingly common in organizations. Virtual collaboration refers to an environment in which the people working together are interdependent in their tasks, share responsibility for outcomes, are geographically dispersed, and rely on mediated rather than face-to face, communication to produce an outcome. Research suggests that new sets of individual skill, knowledge, and ability (SKAs) are required to perform effectively in today's virtualized workplace, which is labeled as individual virtual competence. It is also argued that use of online social networking sites may influence not only individuals' daily lives but also their capability to manage their work-related relationships in organizations, which in turn leads to better performance. The existing research regarding (1) the relationship between virtual competence and task performance and (2) the relationship between online networking and task performance has been conducted based on different theoretical perspectives so that little is known about how online social networking and virtual competence interplay to predict individuals' task performance. To fill this gap, this study raises the following research questions: (1) What is the individual virtual competence required for better adjustment to the virtual collaboration environment? (2) How does online networking via diverse social network service sites influence individuals' task performance in organizations? (3) How do the joint effects of individual virtual competence and online networking influence task performance? To address these research questions, we first draw on the prior literature and derive four dimensions of individual virtual competence that are related with an individual's self-concept, knowledge and ability. Computer self-efficacy is defined as the extent to which an individual beliefs in his or her ability to use computer technology broadly. Remotework self-efficacy is defined as the extent to which an individual beliefs in his or her ability to work and perform joint tasks with others in virtual settings. Virtual media skill is defined as the degree of confidence of individuals to function in their work role without face-to-face interactions. Virtual social skill is an individual's skill level in using technologies to communicate in virtual settings to their full potential. It should be noted that the concept of virtual social skill is different from the self-efficacy and captures an individual's cognition-based ability to build social relationships with others in virtual settings. Next, we discuss how online networking influences both individual virtual competence and task performance based on the social network theory and the social learning theory. We argue that online networking may enhance individuals' capability in expanding their social networks with low costs. We also argue that online networking may enable individuals to learn the necessary skills regarding how they use technological functions, communicate with others, and share information and make social relations using the technical functions provided by electronic media, consequently increasing individual virtual competence. To examine the relationships among online networking, virtual competence, and task performance, we developed research models (the mediation, interaction, and additive models, respectively) by integrating the social network theory and the social learning theory. Using data from 112 employees of a virtualized company, we tested the proposed research models. The results of analysis partly support the mediation model in that online social networking positively influences individuals' computer self-efficacy, virtual social skill, and virtual media skill, which are key predictors of individuals' task performance. Furthermore, the results of the analysis partly support the interaction model in that the level of remotework self-efficacy moderates the relationship between online social networking and task performance. The results paint a picture of people adjusting to virtual collaboration that constrains and enables their task performance. This study contributes to research and practice. First, we suggest a shift of research focus to the individual level when examining virtual phenomena and theorize that online social networking can enhance individual virtual competence in some aspects. Second, we replicate and advance the prior competence literature by linking each component of virtual competence and objective task performance. The results of this study provide useful insights into how human resource responsibilities assess employees' weakness and strength when they organize virtualized groups or projects. Furthermore, it provides managers with insights into the kinds of development or training programs that they can engage in with their employees to advance their ability to undertake virtual work.

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Case Study on the Enterprise Microblog Usage: Focusing on Knowledge Management Strategy (기업용 마이크로블로그의 사용행태에 대한 사례연구: 지식경영전략을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Min Su;Park, Arum;Lee, Kyoung-Jun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2015
  • As knowledge is paid attention as a new production factor that generates added value, studies continue to apply knowledge management to business environment. In addition, as ICT (Information Communication Technology) was engrafted in business environment, it leads to increasing task efficiency and productivity of individual workers. Accordingly, the way that a business achieves its goal has changed to one in which its individual members are willing to take part in the organization and share information to create new values (Han, 2003) and studies for the system and service to support such transition are carrying out. Of late, a new concept called 'Enterprise 2.0' newly appears. It is the extension of Wen 2.0 and its technology, which focus on participation, sharing and openness, to the work environment of a business (Jung, 2013). Enterprise 2.0 is being used as a collaborative tool to prop up individual creativity and group brain power by combining Web 2.0 technologies such as blog, Wiki, RSS and tag with business software (McAfee, 2006). As Tweeter gets popular, Enterprise Microblog (EMB), which is an example of Enterprise 2.0 for business, has been developed as equivalent to Tweeter in business circle and SaaS (Software as a Service) such as Yammer was introduced The studies of EMB mainly focus on demonstrating its usability in terms of intra-firm communication and knowledge management. However existing studies lean too much towards large-sized companies and certain departments, rather than a company as a whole. Therefore, few studies have been conducted on small and medium-sized companies that have difficulty preparing separate resources and supplying exclusive workforce to introduce knowledge management. In this respect, the present study placed its analytic focus on small-sized companies actually equipped with EMB to know how they use it. And, based on the findings, this study examined their knowledge management strategies for EMB from the point of codification and personalization. Hypothesis -"as a company grows, it shifts EMB strategy from codification to personalization'- was established on the basis of reviewing precedent studies and literature. To demonstrate the hypothesis, this study analyzed the usage of EMB by small companies that have used it from foundation. For case study, the duration of the use was divided into 2 spans and longitudinal analysis was employed to examine the contents of the blogs. Using the key findings of the analysis, this study is aimed to propose practical implications for the operation of knowledge management of small-sized company and the suitable application of knowledge management system for operation Knowledge Management Strategy can be classified by codification strategy and personalization strategy (Hansen et. al., 1999), and how to manage the two strategies were always studied. Also, current studies regarding the knowledge management strategy were targeted mostly for major companies, resulting in lack of studies in how it can be applied on SMEs. This research, with the knowledge management strategy suited for SMEs, sets an Enterprise Microblog (EMB), and with the EMB applied on SMEs' Knowledge Management Strategy, it is reviewed on the perspective of SMEs' Codification and Personalization Strategies. Through the advanced research regarding Knowledge Management Strategy and EMB, the hypothesis is set that "Depending on the development of the company, the main application of EMB alters from Codification Strategy to Personalization Strategy". To check the hypothesis, SME that have used the EMB called 'Yammer' was analyzed from the date of their foundation until today. The case study has implemented longitudinal analysis which divides the period when the EMBs were used into three stages and analyzes the contents. As the result of the study, this suggests a substantial implication regarding the application of Knowledge Management Strategy and its Knowledge Management System that is suitable for SME.