• 제목/요약/키워드: Cognitive Programs

검색결과 593건 처리시간 0.028초

국내 치매 환자를 대상으로 한 전산화 인지 재활 적용 연구에 대한 체계적 고찰 (The Systematic Discussion of a Study on the Application of Computerized Cognitive Rehabilitation on Patient with Dementia in Korea)

  • 이현진;김경돈;김보라
    • 대한통합의학회지
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2017
  • Purpose : This study aimed to investigate a study on the intervention of computerized cognitive rehabilitation applied to patients with dementia in Korea. Thus, a systematic discussion was conducted. Methods : Studies from January 2000 to December 2016 were searched in the Korea Education and Research Information Service. The main key words used were: "dementia," "computerized cognitive rehabilitation," "computerized cognitive training," "computer assisted cognitive therapy," and "computerized cognitive therapy." Result : A total of five studies were selected. The effects of the computerized cognitive rehabilitation therapy applied to patients with dementia resulted in improved cognitive functions, as well as daily living and activities instrumental to daily living. There was also an increase in brain activity. The qualitative aspects of this study showed a low level of internal and external validities due to the small number of subjects, short period of intervention, and limited study environment. Conclusion : In the future, it is necessary to continue a study in which the level of evidence is high to determine whether various cognitive rehabilitation programs are effectively applied to patients with dementia.

갱년기 중년여성을 위한 앱 기반 인지훈련 프로그램의 효과 (Effect of Mobile App-Based Cognitive Training Program for Middle-aged Women)

  • 김지현
    • 한국융합학회논문지
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    • 제12권11호
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    • pp.457-466
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 갱년기 여성들에게 취약하다고 알려진 기억력과 주의집중력, 언어기능을 증진시키기 위해 개발된 모바일 앱 기반 인지훈련 프로그램의 효과를 규명하고자 하였다. 기억력 저하를 호소하는 만 40세에서 60세 사이의 갱년기 여성 40명을 대상으로 실시하였다. 모바일 앱 기반의 인지훈련은 8주간의 프로그램으로 회기당 20~30분, 3회/주 수행하여 총 24회기였다. 조사는 기초조사를 포함한 사전조사와 사후조사로 진행되었다. 연구변수는 객관적 인지기능(전반적 인지기능, 기억력, 주의집중력, 언어기능)과 주관적 인지기능, 삶의 질이었다. 연구결과 전반적 인지기능(t=-8.688, p<.001)과 기억력(t=-4.765, p<.001), 주의집중력 정반응수(t=-7.293, p<.001), 언어기능 중 고빈도 단어에 대한 정반응수(Z=-2.179, p=.036), 저빈도 단어에 대한 정반응수(Z=-2.737, p=.009), 삶의 질(t=-3.358, p=.002)은 모두 통계적으로 유의하였으나 주관적 인지기능은 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 기능성 앱을 통해 제공되었된 인지훈련 프로그램은 인지기능을 향상시키는데 도움을 주었으며 전문가의 개입 없이도 가정에서 접근하기 쉬운 인지 중재도구로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

노인의 인지기능 저하 예측요인: 노인실태조사 패널자료를 이용하여 (Predictors of Cognitive Function Decline of Elderly : Using Living Conditions and Welfare Needs of Older Korean Persons Panel Data)

  • 박현경;송현종
    • 보건의료산업학회지
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.147-158
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate predictors of cognitive function decline among community dwelling elderly. Methods : Data were analyzed from the Survey of Living Condition of Elderly panel study. Cognitive function was measured with the MMSE-KC at baseline and year 3. The study subjects were 5,464 community dwelling people aged 65 years or older who had no disability at baseline. Logistic regression analysis was used to predict cognitive function decline. Results : From 2008-2011, 4,417(80.8%) elderly people had no cognitive decline, and 1,074(19.2%) showed cognitive function decline measured by the MMSE-KC. After adjusting for demographics and baseline MMSE-KC score, the best predictors for cognitive function decline at 36 months were diabetes mellitus, smoking, low intensity physical activity, relationship with relatives and friends. Conclusions : Health promotion programs that are focused on the elderly are essential in preventing cognitive function decline. Promoting regular physical activity, and social relationships should be included in health promotion for elderly. When treating patients with diabetes, preventing cognitive impairment should be considered through education and counseling.

Improving safety performance of construction workers through cognitive function training

  • Se-jong Ahn;Ho-sang Moon;Sung-Taek Chung
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2023
  • Due to the aging workforce in the construction industry in South Korea, the accident rate has been increasing. The cognitive abilities of older workers are closely related to both safety incidents and labor productivity. Therefore, there is a need to improve cognitive abilities through personalized training based on cognitive assessment results, using cognitive training content, in order to enable safe performance in labor-intensive environments. The provided cognitive training content includes concentration, memory, oreintation, attention, and executive functions. Difficulty levels were applied to each content to enhance user engagement and interest. To stimulate interest and encourage active participation of the participants, the difficulty level was automatically adjusted based on feedback from the MMSE-DS results and content measurement data. Based on the accumulated data, individual training scenarios have been set differently to intensively improve insufficient cognitive skills, and cognitive training programs will be developed to reduce safety accidents at construction sites through measured data and research. Through such simple cognitive training, it is expected that the reduction of accidents in the aging construction workforce can lead to a decrease in the social costs associated with prolonged construction periods caused by accidents.

알코올 사용장애 환자를 대상으로 시행된 인지행동치료에 대한 연구의 통합적 문헌고찰 (An Integrative Review of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder)

  • 류소임;권태균;노은영;김유나
    • Perspectives in Nursing Science
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The present study aimed to review the characteristics of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) programs for alcohol use disorders and to examine the outcomes of such programs. Methods: We searched for domestic and foreign studies that implemented a CBT program for alcohol use disorders, published from 2006 to 2017. Studies that met inclusion/exclusion criteria were selected and a quality assessment was performed using the Risk of Bias (RoB) and Risk of Bias Assessment Tool for Nonrandomized Studies (RoBANS) instruments. We utilized a five-stage analysis process, through which nine experimental studies were selected. Results: Of these nine studies, four were randomized controlled trials, four used a quasi-experimental design, and one used a qualitative design. The CBT involved the three domains of cognitive reconstruction, problem solving, and coping. Coping with drinking situations and communication constituted most of the sessions. The outcomes of such interventions showed that CBT had a positive effect on alcohol use and self-evaluation. Conclusion: CBT is an effective way to change alcohol use behaviors, motivation, interpersonal relationships, emotional control, and self-efficacy among patients with alcohol use disorders. This study provides evidence for the effectiveness of CBT-based programs for the treatment of alcohol use disorders.

일상화 과정 이론에 근거한 결혼이주여성 대상 식생활 교육 프로그램 일상화 과정에 대한 질적 연구 (A Qualitative Study of the Adaptation Process of Dietary Education Program for Marriage Immigrant Women using the Normalization Process Theory)

  • 김인선;황지윤
    • 한국식생활문화학회지
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2019
  • This study was a qualitative investigation of the process of adaptation of nutrition education programs by marriage immigrant women who completed education programs for training of food citizen leaders. Focus group interviews of seven marriage immigrant women from Vietnam, China, Mongolia and Russia were conducted and analyzed based on the Normalization Process Theory (NPT). Participants were aware of the purpose of the education program (coherence) and their confidence in organizing and reconstructing the knowledge of nutrition was increased after education (reflexive monitoring). However, they had difficulties attending long-term education programs (cognitive participation) and overcoming language barriers (collective action). Although the program was beneficial for the participants in that they could apply acquired nutrition knowledge to their everyday life as food citizen leaders, the continuous monitoring and feed-back system (management), customized application, and consideration of personal and social factors need to be developed and facilitated. In addition, various programs targeting marriage immigrant women may increase economic independence of these women. The NPT proved beneficial in conceptualizing the barriers and facilitators to implementing nutrition education. The successful implementation of nutrition intervention needs special support to overcome barriers to cognitive participation and collective action.

독거 중고령자의 사회참여, 인지기능, 우울의 관계 및 인지기능 수준에 따른 집단비교 (The Relationship between Social Participation, Cognitive Function, and Depression of Middle and old People Living Alone And Group Comparison according to Cognitive Function Level)

  • 신상예;이은숙
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.529-537
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 인구 고령화 및 1인가구의 증가 등의 사회문제를 고려하여 1인가구 중고령자의 사회참여활동, 인지기능, 우울의 관계를 분석하고 이 관계에 대하여 인지저하 및 치매의심 집단과 일반집단에 따른 집단비교 분석을 실시하는 데 목적을 두었다. 분석을 위해 경로분석 및 다집단분석을 실시하였고, 분석결과 1인가구 중 고령자의 사회참여활동은 인지기능 증가를 통해 우울을 감소시키는 것으로 나타났고, 사회참여활동의 긍정적 효과는 인지저하 및 치매의심 집단에서 더 강한 것으로 확인되었다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 사회참여활동과 사회참여활동을 촉진할 수 있는 방안, 인지기능이나 정신건강에 도움이 될 수 있는 프로그램 개발에 대한 시사점을 논의하였고, 특히 인지기능이 저하되어 있는 집단에서 사회참여활동의 효과가 더 긍정적이었다는 점을 감안하여, 요양시설 등에서 고립된 치료보다는 사회성 증진을 함께 도모할 수 있는 프로그램이나 치료방법의 필요성 등을 제언하였다.

지역사회 재가노인의 인지기능과 관련요인 (Cognitive Function among the Elderly and Its Correlated Factors)

  • 민혜숙
    • 성인간호학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.78-88
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to find out the degree of cognitive function among the elderly and to confirm its correlated factors. Methods: The subjects consisted of 392 elderly people over the age 65 who were living in Busan. Data were collected by the interview method, using a structured questionnaire and the K-MMSE scale. Results: The average points of the elderly's cognitive functions measured by K-MMSE were 23.76(${\pm}4.02$). With the cut-off point for cognitive impairment set as 24 points below using K-MMSE scale, 38.8% of the subjects have cognitive impairments. Among the variables related to cognitive functions, literacy showed the highest correlation with cognitive function(${\beta}=.330$, t=7.249, p<.001), followed in order by educational level, age, depression level, attendance of elderly's college, and religious activity. The total explanatory power of these variables is 36%. Conclusion: In order to prevent cognitive impairment among the elderly, elderly people have to maintain social relationships continuously, and expand the social network by participating in the related programs. Some efforts to prevent the occurrence of depression and to stimulate patients' brain activity need to be recommended.

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노인의 교육연수에 따른 인지기능 영향 요인 차이 (Differences in factors affecting cognitive function according to the education level of the older adults)

  • 홍성애
    • 보건의료산업학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: To identify the factors affecting the cognitive function according to the education level of people aged 65 or older. Methods: This study used the data from the 2014 survey of living conditions and welfare needs of Korean older adults. A total of 10,248 people were analyzed in the final analysis, not including those who responded by proxy and those who did not participate in cognitive function tests. Cognitive function was measured by Mini Mental State Examination -Dementia Screening(MMSE-DS), and logistic regression was performed using the SPSS/WIN 24.0 program. Results: There were differences in factors affecting cognitive function depending on the education level. Overall, regular exercise had a positive effect on maintaining cognitive function, and the higher the education level, the more important it was to maintain the Instrumental Activities of Daily Living(IADL). In addition, for lower education levels, improving the life satisfaction was important to prevent the decline of cognitive function. Conclusions: Based on the results of this research, it is suggested that customized approaches shoud be taken according to education level when developing and implementing programs to prevent the decline of cognitive function.

재가노인의 인지기능장애에 영향을 미치는 요인 (Factors Influencing Cognitive Impairment of the Elderly Residents)

  • 김은주
    • 동서간호학연구지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was aimed at finding factors influencing cognitive impairment which is one of the typical symptoms among the demented elderly. Methods: The number of subjects was 417 elderly residents aged over 65 yr in a community. A cognitive function and a depression level were measured using the Korean Version of Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE-K) and the Korean Form of Geriatric Depression Scale (KGDS). Alcohol abuse was measured using the CAGE instrument. Chi-square test and Logistic regression analysis were conducted to identify factors affecting cognitive impairment. Results: The prevalence rates of cognitive impairment of the sample was 43.5%. Sex, age, educational level, perceived health and alcohol abuse were strong factors influencing cognitive impairment. However, the effects of smoking, living alone, depression, family history in dementia and stroke were not strong. Conclusion: Risk for cognitive impairment were increased by being female and older than 70 yr, having low education, perceiving health as poor, and drinking alcohol abusively. Therefore, a reinforcement system, continuous research and the development of proper programs should be preformed in order to prevent cognitive impairment.