• Title/Summary/Keyword: Cognitive Demand

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An analysis on the level of cognitive demands of mathematical tasks set up by pre-service elementary school teachers (초등예비교사의 수학수업에서의 학습과제의 인지적 수준 분석)

  • Kwon, Sungyong
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed the characteristics of mathematical tasks including the level of cognitive demands set up by pre-service elementary school teachers. 50 pre-service teachers in G university of education who participated in their 4 weeks teaching practicum were selected as subjects. They planned and implemented mathematics lesson with their lesson plans. Lesson plans, video of their lessons, transcript of video were gathered and analyzed the characteristics of mathematical tasks used in their lesson. Through the analysis, several conclusions were drawn as follow. First, 78% of the subjects modified tasks in mathematics textbooks. Since modification or construction of mathematical tasks gives good chance for constructing mathematical task knowledge for teaching, more chance should be given to pre-service teachers to construct new tasks or modify tasks in mathematics textbooks. Second, types of modification done by pre-service teachers were categorized as number change(15.6%), situation change(78.1%) and material change(6.3%). As Chapman(2013) emphasized the importance of MtKT, pre-service teachers must have more MtKT by understanding the characteristics of mathematical tasks. Third, the level of cognitive demands required by mathematical tasks were relatively low. 74% of mathematical tasks was lower cognitive demands and only 26% was higher cognitive demands. The level of cognitive demands of tasks in mathematics textbooks tended to be lowered by the directions given right after the tasks were given. In this respect, the structure of mathematics textbooks need to be changed.

The Results of Problem Solving according to Mental Demand of Items (문제에 포함된 조작단계수에 따른 문재해결 결과의 차이)

  • Ahn, Soo-Young;Kwon, Jae-Sool
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 1992
  • New-Piagetian theory has proposed that mental capacity and mental demand do a critical role in human cognitive processes. In this study, the students' mental capacity and the mental demand of the given problems were examined. The principal findings of the study are as follows; (1) There was no significant difference among achievement scores of subjects (3rd grade students of middle school, 2nd grade students of high school, 3rd grade students of high school) in the items of balance that needed specific content knowledge. But, in the Newton's 2nd law items that needed specific content knowledge, there was significant difference be ween3rd grade students of middle school and high school students(2nd, 3rd). According to increase of mental demand, middle school students' achievement score appeared to decrease linearly. However high school students' achievement score didn't change untill they faced the items of critical mental demand. When mental demand was beyond critical mental demand,their score was decreased rapidly. (2) According to hierchical analysis of items, the more mental demand an item needed, the higher or at least the same hierachical item was. These results showed that mental demand was the main factor which decided diffculties of problem solving (3) It was possible for students to solve the newton's 2nd law item that had one or two more mental demand relative to balance beam item. Although the item needed the same mental demand.students recognized that the Newton's 2nd law items were easier than the balance beam items.

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A Review of Cognitive Aspects of Air Traffic Controllers from a Psychological Perspective (심리학으로 바라본 항공교통관제사 인지능력)

  • Kwon, Hyuk-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 2014
  • Aviation safety issues have drawn much attention from the international community due to the growing demand for air travel. Although it is a widely accepted fact that human-related factors are closely linked to aviation safety, there is lack of understanding what roles those factors play in aviation, in the field of air traffic control in particular. It has been reported that the role of air traffic controllers significantly affects air safety. This review will discuss cognitive aspects of expertise in air traffic control including time perception, working memory, reasoning, perception, attention, scanning/vigilance, decision making, and planning with examples of how each aspect can be dealt with in performing air traffic control duties. The relevant studies in psychology have also been briefly reviewed in the interest of enhancing understanding of characteristics of air traffic control tasks and the related human factors. This review concludes with a call for more in-depth research into cognitive factors in air traffic control.

How Do Low Achieving Students in an Urban High School Learn with Information?: An Exploratory Study

  • Chung, Jin Soo;Kim, Jinmook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.25-45
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates how high school students with low academic achievement seek and use information. Participants were seven US students in an American Literature and Composition course of the $11^{th}$ grade Remedial Education Program who completed a class project that required comprehensive information seeking and use. Data were collected through comprehensive observation and individual interviews with each student, the teacher, and two library media specialists. Additionally, we gathered and analyzed the instructions the teacher and the two library media specialists provided and all documents each student produced to complete the class project. The process of data analysis was supported by QSR NVivo. The findings of the study implied that students experienced cognitive and affective challenges for their information seeking and use required for the tasks and suggested that technological and individual conferencing would motivate the students to continue their information seeking and use. We then conclude the study with some important implications that can be used as a basis for designing information literacy instructions for students with low academic achievement.

Tertiarization and Changes in the Demand for Job-based Skills - Focusing on Cognitive Skills and Interactive Skills - (서비스화가 일자리 숙련구조에 미친 영향 - 인지적 숙련 및 상호적 숙련을 중심으로 -)

  • Hwang, Soo Kyeong
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.1-41
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    • 2007
  • Since Korea experienced a 'jobless growth' in 2003, creating jobs in the service sector has been considered as a top priority employment agenda. However, despite high employment outcomes in services, labor productivity remains stagnant in the service sector in recent years. A great deal of concern has been raised regarding newly created service jobs. Critics say low productivity in the service sector will harm the engine of economic growth in our country. This paper investigates the side of the demand for quality of labor, namely, the demand for skills as one of the main source of low productivity in the service sector. To analyze the changes of skills demand, this paper suggests the concept of job-based skills instead of worker-based skills and presents the way of constructing measures of job-based skills. By means of common factor analysis using job information in the Korean Dictionary of Occupational Titles, I extract 4 direct measures of job-based skills, such as cognitive skills, physical skills, fine skills, interactive skills. These skill measures are used to explore and to test how the skill structure changed in the service sector during 2002-2006. Empirical Results show that whereas the goods sector makes progress toward upskilling being represented by increased cognitive elements and softenization of tasks, the service sector, although high-educated workers increased, exhibits trends of deskilling in the sense of job-based skills during 2002-2006 in Korea. The trend of deskilling however does not seem a general aspect in the overall service sector. Rather, it seems a compound process that high-skilled jobs are created, but, on the other hand low-skilled jobs requiring physical labor are produced at the same time.

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Analysis of the Level of Cognitive Demands about Concepts of Ionic Compounds and Molecule on Science 2 Textbooks in Junior High School (II) (중학교 과학2 교과서에 서술된 이온 결합 화합물과 분자 내용이 요구하는 인지 수준 분석(제II보))

  • Kang, Soonhee;Bang, Dami;Kim, Sun-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.739-750
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the cognitive demands level of the description about 'pure substance and mixture compound', 'ionic compound', 'molecule' on the 'science2' textbooks by the 2007 revised curriculum. The three types of Curriculum Analysis Taxonomy have been used to analyze the cognitive demands level of those contents on the 6 kinds of 'science2' textbooks. The first, the cognitive demand level about 'pure substance and mixture compound' on many textbooks is a late concrete operational stage because of class inclusion and hierarchical classification. And the descriptions as 'pure substance is conserved even when mixed with other pure substance' is a early formal operational stage. The second, the cognitive demand level about 'ionic compound' and 'molecule' is a early formal operational stage, because of "Formal modeling is the indirect interpretation of reality by deductive comparison from a postulated system with its own rules" and "Atoms have a structure". The third, the terms as 'ionic bonding', 'ionic compound', 'chemical formula', 'covalent bonding', 'covalent compound', and 'molecular formula' have been used on many 'science2' textbooks. Those terms would be used later on 'chemistry I' and 'chemistry II' in senior high school but not even 'science3' and 'science'.

Investigating Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Capacity to Select and Pose Cognitively Demanding Tasks (중등 수학교사의 과제 이해 및 변형 능력 : 인지적 노력 수준 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung Eun;Lee, Soo Jin;Kim, Ji Soo
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.633-652
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of the present study is twofold: one is to understand secondary mathematics teachers' capacity to sort out given tasks based on Stein & Smith(1998)'s Cognitive Demands of Mathematical Task Framework; the second is to examine how the teachers assess the levels of cognitive demand indicated in students' reponses and how they modify the tasks to elicit the students' higher levels of cognitive activity. The analysis of 45 teachers' responses to the survey indicates that the teachers, in general, could select appropriate tasks for the given goal of the lessons but some made the decision merely by their appearances. Even though the teachers chose a particular level with different reasons amongst each other, most teachers could correctly evaluate the levels of cognitive demand of the students' responses. Finally, teachers could pose cognitively demanding tasks using various methods, but a number of them felt challenged in creating word problems that were realistic and aligned with curriculum.

Effects of auditory feedback and task difficulty on the cognitive load and virtual presence in a virtual reality dental simulation

  • Kim, Byunggee;Yang, Eunbyul;Choi, Namki;Kim, Seonmi;Ryu, Jeeheon
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.58 no.11
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    • pp.670-682
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    • 2020
  • This research examined the difference in cognitive load and the virtual presence depending on auditory feedback and task difficulty in haptic-based dental simulation. In the field of dental education, practice-centered training using handpiece has been crucial because a practitioner's psychomotor experience has a significant impact on the mastery of treatment skills. For the novice, it is necessary to reduce errors in dental treatment to enhancing skill acquisition in the haptic practice. In the training process, the force-feedback is crucial to elaborate subtle movement to guide what to do and how it should be hard or soft. However, It is not easy to add force-feedback to generate kinetic experience training. As an alternative method, we examined that auditory feedback can help learners' skill training. In this study, we analyzed how the presence/absence of auditory feedback at the different levels of task difficulty impacts learners' psychological demand and virtual presence in the virtual reality simulation. For this study, 29 dental college students participated in a dental simulation. The participants were grouped into two conditions that are with and without auditory feedback. Additionally, two consecutive tooth preparation tasks with different levels of difficulty were used in the simulation. The auditory feedback condition gives alarms to a learner when he treats a non-targeted tooth with a virtual handpiece. The user's cognitive load and virtual presence were measured to examine the effects of auditory feedback. The results revealed that the main effect was found in cognitive loads. Also, a significant interaction effect was shown in the virtual presence. We discussed the effective design methods for the virtual reality-based dental simulation through the result of this study.

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The Performance Analysis of Cognitive-based Overlay D2D Communication in 5G Networks

  • Abdullilah Alotaibi;Salman A. AlQahtani
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.178-188
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    • 2024
  • In the near future, it is expected that there will be billions of connected devices using fifth generation (5G) network services. The recently available base stations (BSs) need to mitigate their loads without changing and at the least monetary cost. The available spectrum resources are limited and need to be exploited in an efficient way to meet the ever-increasing demand for services. Device to Device communication (D2D) technology will likely help satisfy the rapidly increasing capacity and also effectively offload traffic from the BS by distributing the transmission between D2D users from one side and the cellular users and the BS from the other side. In this paper, we propose to apply D2D overlay communication with cognitive radio capability in 5G networks to exploit unused spectrum resources taking into account the dynamic spectrum access. The performance metrics; throughput and delay are formulated and analyzed for CSMA-based medium access control (MAC) protocol that utilizes a common control channel for device users to negotiate the data channel and address the contention between those users. Device users can exploit the cognitive radio to access the data channels concurrently in the common interference area. Estimating the achievable throughput and delay in D2D communication in 5G networks is not exploited in previous studies using cognitive radio with CSMA-based MAC protocol to address the contention. From performance analysis, applying cognitive radio capability in D2D communication and allocating a common control channel for device users effectively improve the total aggregated network throughput by more than 60% compared to the individual D2D throughput without adding harmful interference to cellular network users. This approach can also reduce the delay.

The Health and Caregiving Needs of Community-dwelling Elderly Individuals with Cognitive Impairment in Early and Late Stages -Using the 2020 National Survey of Older Koreans- (지역사회 인지저하 전·후기 노인의 건강 및 돌봄 요구 실태 -2020년 노인실태조사를 이용하여-)

  • Ji-On Kim
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.361-374
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted using data from the '2020 National Survey of Older Koreans' to investigate the sociodemographic characteristics, health status, health management practices, and caregiving needs that influence cognitive impairment in early and late-stage elderly individuals. The research targeted 9,885 individuals aged 65 and above. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, Chi-square, t-tests, and logistic regression. The study found that cognitive decline in elderly individuals was influenced by age, education, income, location, health status, and depressive symptoms. Those with cognitive decline showed lower health management practices, functional status, and overall health and social satisfaction. There was a high demand for home residency services and assistance with daily activities among cognitively impaired individuals, indicating the need for diverse support and policies within local communities for safe caregiving in the future.