This study analyzed the characteristics of mathematical tasks including the level of cognitive demands set up by pre-service elementary school teachers. 50 pre-service teachers in G university of education who participated in their 4 weeks teaching practicum were selected as subjects. They planned and implemented mathematics lesson with their lesson plans. Lesson plans, video of their lessons, transcript of video were gathered and analyzed the characteristics of mathematical tasks used in their lesson. Through the analysis, several conclusions were drawn as follow. First, 78% of the subjects modified tasks in mathematics textbooks. Since modification or construction of mathematical tasks gives good chance for constructing mathematical task knowledge for teaching, more chance should be given to pre-service teachers to construct new tasks or modify tasks in mathematics textbooks. Second, types of modification done by pre-service teachers were categorized as number change(15.6%), situation change(78.1%) and material change(6.3%). As Chapman(2013) emphasized the importance of MtKT, pre-service teachers must have more MtKT by understanding the characteristics of mathematical tasks. Third, the level of cognitive demands required by mathematical tasks were relatively low. 74% of mathematical tasks was lower cognitive demands and only 26% was higher cognitive demands. The level of cognitive demands of tasks in mathematics textbooks tended to be lowered by the directions given right after the tasks were given. In this respect, the structure of mathematics textbooks need to be changed.
본 연구는 초등예비교사가 수학수업에서 활용한 과제의 특성을 살펴보았다. 이를 위해서 G교육대학교 3학년에 재학중인 2개반 학생들 중 4주간의 교육실습에서 수학수업을 배정받아 수업을 한 학생들 중 자신의 수업동영상, 수업계획서, 동영상 전사자료를 제출한 50명의 학생들을 연구대상으로 선정하였다. 수집된 자료를 바탕으로 예비교사가 수학수업시간에 활용한 과제의 출처, 과제의 수정여부, 수정방법, 과제의 인지적 요구 수준을 분석하였다.