• Title/Summary/Keyword: Co-family

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Analysis of CaCO3 structure of marine bivalves using X-ray diffraction (해산 이매패류 패각의 CaCO3 결정 구조에 대한 X-ray 회절 분석)

  • Nam, Ki-Woong;Lee, Seng-Woo;Song, Jae-Hee;Jeung, Hee-Do;Park, Kyung-Il
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.279-283
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    • 2015
  • This study investigated spectroscopic characteristics of shell crystals of eight marine bivalve species using X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis; moreover, the Family level relatedness of shellfish was investigated. In XRD analysis, the shells of Ruditapes philippinarum, Meretrix lusoria, Anadara granosa, and Fulvia mutica were found to have orthorhombic aragonite $CaCO_3$ crystals, while shells of Patinopecten yessoensis and Crassostrea gigas had trigonal-rhombohedral calcite crystals. The shells of Mytilus coruscus and Atrina pectinata were determined to have a mixture of aragonite and calcite crystals. XRD information revealed the Family level-specific characteristics of shellfish; the results agreed with the current taxonomic system. In conclusion, spectroscopic characteristics of shell crystals indicated Family-level characteristics of shellfish and suggested a more intense species-level investigation; this technology may be useful in identifying shellfish species using small quantities of shells.

Understanding and Valuation on the Community as a Kind of Alternative Family ; With Emphasis on the Kibbutz and the Amercian Commune (대안가족으로서의 공동체에 대한 이해와 평가 ; Kibbutz와 미국의 Commune을 중심으로)

  • Cheong, Hae-Eun
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.10 no.1 s.19
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    • pp.229-238
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    • 1992
  • According as the modern form of the family becomes nuclearized, inevitable is the isolation of the family. The relationship of the neighborhood and the kinsmen are being dissolved, making the isolated and unsteady nuclear family. We need a community in the modern society, for we are facing a lot of social problems as the nuclear family. The problems are as follows ; the rearing of the children, the alienation of a woman and the woman's roles in the society. In addition to those problems, there are also such some other problems as the alienation of the old man and the social roles of them. That is to say, the community appeared as a kind of attempt to overcome the above-mentioned problems, Kibbutz may be itself called and enlarged family to function as one family even though it is not just a blood relationship. The American commune is a large family community as a group to overcome the alienation and solitude of the nuclear family. On the other hand, the urban community is the small-scaled and cooperative family to solve the problem that the modern nuclear family is a unit living solitarily and unsteadily. But in fact, even in such a community, there are much tension and conflict against its establishing purpose. In my opinion, if those communities have to surmount the tension and conflict which are derived from the process in a bid to overcome the troubles like the alienation and solitude of the nuclear family. The bond of family must be consolidated among all the members of the community. And then community may be co-existed with the traditional family as the alternative family in the future, which can supply the deficiency of the unsteady unclear family.

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The Study on Effects of Differentiation Strategy for Customer Satisfaction & Performance : Its Focus on Family Restaurants (외식기업 차별화 전략이 고객만족 및 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -패밀리 레스토랑을 중심으로-)

  • Lim, Hyun-Cheol
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.12 no.1 s.28
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    • pp.51-67
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between differentiation strategy of customer’s satisfaction and the effects on performance in family restaurants. Above all, looking into a device to take an internal competitive domination factor of family restaurants is the core purpose of this study. To achieve the purpose, a survey was conducted to 278 customers of family restaurants in Seoul. The result of this survey is as follows. First, the interior of family restaurants and responsibility of their employees had an effect on customer’s satisfaction. Secondly, menu/atmosphere satisfaction and employee’s appearance influenced quality performance of restaurants. In searching information on restaurants, reference group and visiting experience were highly recommended, leading to the importance of word of mouth.

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A Study on Fish Fauna and Fish Habitat -Downstream of Singok Submergerd Weir in Han River Estuary- (한강하구 생물자원 및 서식처 특성에 관한 연구 -신곡수중보 하류 한강하구의 어류상-)

  • Moon, Byeong Ryeol;Jeon, Sook Lye;Hyun, Moon Sik;Hwang, Jong Seo;Choi, Jun Kil
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.757-764
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    • 2011
  • This study is performed to clarify the fish fauna and fish habitat of downstream of Singok submerged weir within Han River estuary during April ~ December 2009. It was studied at the nine sites of Han River estuary area. The three of them were located in the mainstream of Han River and six of them were located in three wetlands which as Sannam, Janghang and Dolbangguji. Total fish fauna was identified as 9 order 15 family and 38 species (2,230 individuals). It was divided as 8 order 11 family 28 species from three sites in the mainstream of Han River and as 5 order 8 family 19 species in waterways at mud flats of three wetlands. It was made up the fish fauna as 3 order 4 family 12 species during the survey period at the waterways in the rice paddies. Hemibarbus labeo was dominant species in the whole research sites and waterways at mud flats. Carassius auratus was dominant species in the waterways between rice paddies and Chelon haematocheilus was dominant species in mainstream of Han River estuary.

A Study on the CO2 Emission Reduction Effect relating to the Water Usage Reduction in Multi-family Residential Building (공동주택 건물의 상수도 절감량에 따른 CO2 배출량 저감효과에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Su-Hyun;Kang, Hae-Jin;Rhee, Eon-Ku
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.126-133
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    • 2011
  • The current world wide interest in environmental issues has moved from energy conservation to $CO_2$emission reduction. Recently, according to the increase in demand for water resources, insufficient potable water circumstance is supposed, unless there are corresponding in crease in water conservation and water recycling. This study has attempted to analyze $CO_2$emission reduction by water saving strategies like installation water saving devices, rain water harvesting and grey water system. To do this, this research investigates applicable water conservative strategies by literature review and calculated total water saving. The results show that (1) firstly, the water usage and $CO_2$ emission could be reduced up to 44%, (2) $CO_2$ emission reduction by water saving devices and rainwater harvesting system is about 47.7%, and (3) water usage and $CO_2$ emission reduction by grey water system is about 66%. In the future, this paper will be utilized for water management from the early design stage to maintenance stage of water glutton building.

Households' Characteristics in Energy Consumption Data from Carbon Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) in Sejong City, Korea (가구 탄소모니터링 시스템에 의한 탄소배출특성 - 세종시 첫마을을 대상으로 -)

  • Leem, Yountaik;Lee, Sang Ho
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.55-65
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    • 2013
  • Korean Government has developed Sejong City as a new administration city. This city of future was planned and designed toward one of the most eco-friendly city on the basis of ICTs. To attain this object, a carbon emission monitoring system (CEMS) was designed and installed as a part of u-city service which provides various information anytime and anywhere to enrich the people's quality of life. In this paper, at first, the structure and functions of CEMS are introduced. This system is consist of 5 parts - data collection from user and linked public DBs, transforming data into meaningful information for the policy makers, system-user interfacing via statistical tables and graphs, and system maintenance. This system can be operated by the citizen participation through whole the process. With the help of GIS map and graphic interface, statistics of monitored data for both citizen and decision maker provided and after feed-back, they have affected on the behaviour of citizen's energy consumption and related policy as well. By the CEMS, energy consumption data of 124 agreed households were collected during 9 months in 2012. Electricity, gas and water consumption were remote-metered automatically by the system and analysed. This showed that more than 85% of CO2 emission is rely on electricity usage. Furthermore, number of family members and size of house influences on the emission of CO2 by each household together with the life-style of the occupants. Electricity and water consumption showed the seasonal factor while gas consumption represents the number of family members. Even this paper has limitations caused by 9 months of data collection, it shows the policy directions to reduce the emission of CO2 focusing on the house size and number of family members of each households. With the result of this research, life-style of the generation of dwellers should be investigated and the CO2 emission characteristics of other housing type as well for the data building for future policy making.

Two unrecorded species of the family Comesomatidae Filipjev, 1918 (Nematoda: Araeolaimida) from Korea

  • Jung-Ho Hong;Hyeonggeun Kim;Kichoon Kim;Seunghan Lee;Kanghyun Lee;Wonchoel Lee
    • Journal of Species Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.122-149
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    • 2023
  • Two known species of the family Comesomatidae Filipjev, 1918 were collected from marine sediments of the sublittoral zone in the East Sea, Korea and described and illustrated. Dorylaimopsis variabilis Muthumbi, Soetaert and Vincx, 1997, which was originally described from the Kenyan coast in the Indian Ocean, is recorded from the East Sea, Korea for the first time; there are only slight differences in amphidial fovea turns, body length, body width and relative length of tail. Setosabatieria hilarula (De Man, 1922), Platt, 1985, which was originally described from the North Sea, is recorded from the East Sea, Korea for the first time; there are only slight differences in the number of precloacal supplements, the relative length of tail and the posterior portion of tail. We provide pictorial keys for determination of valid species in the genera Dorylaimopsis Ditlevsen, 1918 and Setosabatieria Platt, 1985. This is the first description of the genus Dorylaimopsis and Setosabatieria from Korean waters.

Relationship Quality between Unmarried Adult Children and Their Coresident Parents: Focus on Intergenerational Exchanges and Family Values (부모동거 미혼성인자녀의 부모자녀관계의 질과 관련요인: 세대 간 지원교환, 가족부양관을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Yoo Jean
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.387-403
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    • 2016
  • This study explored the relationships between unmarried adult children and their coresident parents with a focus on the role of intergenerational exchanges and family values affecting parent-child relations. A total of 767 unmarried adult children who lived with their parents were selected from the data of the third National Korean Family Survey in 2015. The main findings were that coresident adult children exchange diverse resources with their parents and that exchange patterns whether receiving more or giving more differed depending on the helping dimensions. 'Receiving' type was more prominent in the dimension of practical help, while, 'receiving and giving' type was more noticeable in the dimension of emotional help. Findings also suggest that intergenerational exchange and family values contribute to parent-child relationship quality. While being an active provider of practical help is positively associated with relationship quality, being a recipient of emotional help is related to a higher level of relationship quality compared to being indifferent. In addition, a stronger value of family responsibility was associated with a higher level of relationship quality. These findings indicate that the importance of the practical and emotional component in the relationships between unmarried adult children and their co-resident parents and reciprocal intergenerational exchange and strong family values may be contributory factors to better parent-child relationships.

Senior High School Students'Concerns about Home Economics and their Educational Needs in Korea and Japan -In the areas of the Family and Child Care- (한.일 여자고등학생의 가정과에 대한 관심과 학습요구의 실태조사 -가족과 보육을 중심으로-)

  • ;Makino katsuko
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 1996
  • The purposes of this study was to investigate high school girl students’concerns about the family life education in Home Economics and their needs for learning in home economics classes in order to develop an advisable co-education curriculum. The questionnaires were completed by 196 first grade students in Seoul in 1993 and 765 first grade students in Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefectures in 1991. The contents of the questionnaire were as follows:1) students’interests in the areas of Home Economics education, 2) students'concerns in their daily life 3) students’interests in a new curriculum for family life education:16 contents from human birth to death. 4) students’experience with their family, and 5) students’educational needs in Home Economics’teaching method. The result of our research showed that:1) Most of senior high school students in Korea and Japan had strong interests in their life and life span. 2) Although there are some differences in the degree of concerns between Korea and Japan, senior high school students in Korea and Japan had strong concerns with their “characteristics and personality”, their “future job”, their “looks and figure”and their “hobby and amusement”, these had not been the contents of home economics in Korea and Japan, but had been in U.S. 3) Very few senior high school students in Japan and especially in Korea had contacts with their grandparents. 4) Senior high school students in Korea and Japan showed strong interests in their near future stage, but they showed less interest in the stage of early childhood. 5) Senior high school students in Korea and Japan showed their diverse needs for learning in home economics classes. The results indicated that co-education curriculum for family life education should meet adolescent needs and concerns, and our new curriculum, “from one’s birth to death/one’s life span”, would be more advisable.

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