• Title/Summary/Keyword: Clothing design

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The Modified Hanbok Jeogori Pattern Development Using Virtual Dressing System - Based on Female Bodice Pattern -

  • Jeon, Seong Yeon;Wee, Hye Jung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.66-76
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    • 2017
  • This study used a virtual wearing system equipped with body shape data with a 3D scanner, based on a female basic bodice, to develop a modified Hanbok Jeogori with high fitness capabilities to provide basic data for the development of the modified Hanbok Jeogori pattern for the academic and industrial fields. In this study, the representative modified Hanbok design which most frequently appeared in broadcasting ads and on line was selected. The wearing test was conducted by six professionals, and three times wearing tests were implemented based on 17 evaluation items. The data for this study was processed statistically using SAS 9.0. We conducted, the F-test for significance verification, the Duncan-test for a post test, and a correlation analysis of Cronbach's alpha coefficient for a reliability test of dressing test results were implemented for each of the three tests. The pattern of the developed modified Hanbok Jeogori overcame the defects of the short length of the conventional modified hanbok, and could fix the length issue. The developed Hanbok pattern solved the overlapping problem of the shoulder, back neck point-sleeve length(Whajang), and armhole, displayed in a straight line from the Godae point of the previous modified Hanbok; it suggested the position of the Seop and neck line in the basic bodice. Based on this, the Seop width, Git form, Goreum and the width, length, and position of the string whose dimensions can differ in accordance with the trend can be applied in various forms.

A study on the P.O.P response for the buying trends of General Supermarket (종합슈퍼마켓의 소비자들의 구매경향별 POP광고반응에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Sung;Kim, Pan-Jin
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2010
  • This study is for finding out the relationship between reactions on POP per consumer purchase trends and major factor for making final purchasing decisions after being exposed to POP from large supermarkets. The following results were obtained after the research. First, consumers displayed higher reaction scores on End-Cap in general among POP advertisements. The factors for making final purchase decision are in the order of function > price > brand for household electrical goods, price > design > function for sundry goods and design > price > function for clothing (including bedding). Second, the results of analyzing the differences based on age on impulsive purchase showed that the lower the age the higher the tendency. Unplanned purchase trend also showed higher when younger. The results of this study showed that there are discrepancies in the theory related with existing POP advertisements, that is, the theory that impulsive purchasers have higher POP responses.

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Precedent survey for development of nursing home clothes according to aged society

  • Cha, Su-Joung
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.9
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the preferred materials and design characteristics of nursing home clothes in order to collect the basic data necessary for the elderly nursing home clothes. It was to utilize the elderly nursing home clothes considering elderly body shape, hand function, illness. This study was conducted by questionnaire method and SPSS ver. 20.0 program was used. The preference for nursing home clothes material was high for cotton, and it was found that they prefer soft, stretch material, warm feeling material, and lightweight material. In the hygienic aspect, they favored sweat-absorbent materials, and preferred laundry- care-resistant materials with poor wrinkles and dirtiness. The nursing home clothes preferred a two piece form consisting of a round neckline, two pockets on both sides, a waistband of rubber band, long lengths, and a waistline pants. The most important function in the nursing home clothes was recognized as wearing comfort. Aesthetics, symbolism, color and print pattern were recognized as not important functions. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the functional part such as wearing comfort in the design of the nursing home clothes. The material is also hygienic and comfortable to wear. In the case of the elderly, it is necessary to provide convenience for the wear of clothes through the development of stretchable material and detachment device since the movement range of muscles, arms, and legs is reduced. Based on this study, we will utilize it for the development of nursing home suit considering the characteristics of elderly person in the elderly society. It is to develop functional materials for the elderly in need of nursing home, to develop the pattern considering the elderly body shape, and to develop the desorption device considering the movement of the hand.

A Study on the Characteristics of a Fashion Brand's Entry into the Pet Fashion Industry (패션 브랜드의 반려견 패션산업 진출 사례의 특성 고찰)

  • Lee, Goeun;Kang, Bo Kyung;Lee, Hana
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.469-479
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    • 2021
  • This case study investigates fashion brands that have entered the pet fashion market. A total of 25 cases were identified and analyzed from three perspectives: 1) product types, size systems, prices, 2) design aspects, fabrics, patterns, styles, and 3) marketing strategies. The study results are as follows. First, the product types of pet fashion are not diverse, and only the sizes of small dogs can be found. However, there is a significant price difference between brands. Second, knitted fabrics with good elasticity are mainly used for pet fashion products, and patterns incorporating their brands are extremely common. The style is casual and sporty. Third, marketing strategies should include a new line within a brand or launch a single specialized brand as a one-shot test for consumer reaction. Additionally, it has been expanded and presented as a family look to meet the needs of the petfam. Further, existing fashion brands and retail-based brands select diverse small-scale dog fashion product brands and expand their operation as a dog lifestyle total selectional shop. Therefore, brands entering the future should consider strategies such as size segmentation, product diversification, and premium price of high-quality materials that help market products such as the expansion or promotion of existing brands.

Development of the High School Girls Bodice Pattern Using Virtual Garment Simulation (가상착의 시스템을 이용한 여고생의 보디스 원형 개발)

  • Jeon, Seongyeon
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.189-202
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    • 2019
  • This study develops a bodice pattern for high school girls aged 17 to 19 that use virtual garment simulation. The study developed a bodice pattern based on the fit evaluation result for two selected bodice patterns. The basic formula of the design method based on the result of 3 times of fit evaluation is as follows: waist back $length=stature/8{\times}1.85cm$, waist front length=waist back length+bust/40+0.7cm, front bust girth=bust/2+4cm, back bust girth=Chest/2+3cm, armscye depth=Chest/4+0.5cm, back interscye length=bishoulder length -1.2cm, front interscye length=back interscye length -1.2cm, front neck width=back neck width -0.3cm. The developed bodice pattern used Bishoulder Length as a criteria for the calculation formula of back interscye length, and back interscye length as a criteria for the calculation formula of front interscye length. The fit evaluation showed the relevance of the bishoulder length, front interscye length, and back interscye length based on a comparison of the calculated figure. A bodice pattern with great body suitability and fitness to high school girls was developed through 3D virtual garment simulation that calculated the application of body proportion to width. This study only analyzed the evaluation result of a virtual model only in a representative form; however, a pattern study is also proposed to compare and analyze the design methods of patterns by body type.

An exploratory analysis of the web-based keywords of fashion brands using big-data - Focusing on their links to the brand's key marketing strategies - (패션 브랜드 연관 키워드 변화 추이에 관한 빅데이터 기반 탐색적 연구 - 브랜드별 주요 마케팅 전략과의 연계성을 중심으로 -)

  • Heo, Junseok;Lee, Eun-Jung
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.398-413
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    • 2019
  • This study empirically analyzed the influence of fashion brands' marketing issues on actual sales and consumer preference-focusing on evaluation trends of brands over time by using the theoretical background and big data provided through literature. This study examined the influence of three fashion brands (Balenciaga, Vetements, and Off-White) that have recently seen a drastic increase in the number of searched volumes through social networks. To identify the consumer-brand evaluations and trends and the marketing issues, the time period was divided into Groups A and B, which are from 2014 to 2015 and from 2016 to 2017, respectively. This study analyzed the frequency of overlapping keywords by using the R program to graphically visualize the changes over the timeline. Specifically, this analysis extracted data mainly related to bags, wallets and accessories for 2014-2015, but in 2016-2017, all four brands saw a vast increase in the frequency of searching product keywords related to clothing and footwear, and newly extracted ones were the top keywords. When analyzing the big data with these keywords as indicators, I confirmed that the products related to bags, wallets, and accessories were shifted to those related to apparel and footwear. Consumers previously recognized luxury brands such as Balenciaga as accessories-oriented brands that were focused on handbags and sunglasses, but now they are gaining popularity and recognition among consumers as a fashion brand.

A development of outdoor pants for active senior males (액티브 시니어 남성을 위한 아웃도어 팬츠 개발)

  • Kim, Ji-Eun;Kim, Eun-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.57-73
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to offer basic data that can be used for the production of outdoor pants for active senior males, which is emerging as a new consumer bracket in the rapidly aging society. To this end, this study modified and complemented the patterns of existing outdoor pants for active senior males, that received the most positive evaluations. On the basis of the research and outdoor wear assessment results, this study proposed the matters to consider in the manufacturing of outdoor pants for active senior males. As a result of the existing outdoor wear's wearing assessment, the pants of brand C were revealed to be the best. This study actually designed research outdoor wear by modifying the problematic parts by adding and subtracting spare length or circumference, on parts where fit satisfaction was low, and by referring to the selected brands' patterns. The research outdoor pants were designed by referring to the preferred outdoor types and colors that were revealed in the survey results. The wearing assessment was conducted by comparing the manufactured research outdoor pants and the existing outdoor pants, which were selected as the best outdoor pants. Consequently, this study verified the fit of the research outdoor pants was superior to most items. This study proposed the final patterns of outdoor pants suitable for active senior males through the modification of several items that required some improvements revealed via the wearing assessment of the research outdoor.

A Study on the Analysis of the Torso and Breast of Female Students by Age (13-18세 여학생의 상반신과 젖가슴형태 연령별 분석연구)

  • Kim, Youn Joo;Nam, Yun Ja
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.159-170
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    • 2019
  • The growth accelerator period from a child's body into an adult body is a huge transition characterized by rapid growth in the near term. Body shape changes at this time of growth should be continually studied because they can result in different outcomes due to various variables. This study is basic study for the production of a junior brassiere patternmaking was conducted to separate the upper torso and breasts of adolescents by growth level. Analysis was conducted by age classification according to sales trends. In this study. 3D body shape data of Korean girls, Based on the 6th Size Korea data, analyzed statistically the upper body and breast according to the rate of growth. The results of this study represent the basis for the development of a junior brassiere to help lead a better life in regards to clothing. The study used 3D-data from girls aged 13 to 18. The analysis indicates that the upper body is in a different shape at age 15 with an increasing circumference, width and shoulder length of the chest; in addition, the sides are analyzed differently, suggesting that the brassiere configuration should be made differently at age 15. The breast form also showed different growth patterns at age 13 and the result was that the shape of the cup in brassiere should be configured differently depending on type.

The effect of professor's image-making on college student's class satisfaction and class commitment (대학수업에서 교수의 이미지메이킹이 학습자의 수업만족 및 수업몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Hea-Rim;Park, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the influence of the professor's image making (internal, external, social image) perceived by college students on instructional outcomes. The influence of the professor's image making on class satisfaction and class commitment was analyzed, and the mediating effect of class satisfaction and the relationship between class satisfaction and class commitment in the relationship between image making and class commitment was considered. First, it was found that the external image and social image of the professor had a significant effect on class satisfaction. The level of interpersonal relations, such as communication, manners, manners, and intimacy as well as the management of external expressions, clothing style, makeup, hair, gestures, postures, attitudes, voices, speech, and speech speed brings satisfaction to the class. Second, it was found that the professor's inner image, outer image, and social image had a significant effect on class commitment. In order to satisfy the students' immersion in class, professors are required to manage internal, external, and social images. Third, it was found that class satisfaction had a significant effect on class commitment. If the class satisfaction is high, it means that class immersion also increases. Fourth, as for the social image of a professor, it was found that class satisfaction had a completely mediating effect in the relationship between class commitment, and the external image of a professor was found to have a partial mediating effect in class satisfaction in the relationship between class commitment. It was found that the social image of professors perceived by college students improve class satisfaction, and this improves class satisfaction further enhances class immersion.

Analysis of digital marketing strategies of luxury fashion brands (럭셔리 패션 브랜드의 디지털 마케팅 전략 분석)

  • Park, Jisoo;Rhee, Young Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to consider effective digital marketing strategies through analysis of luxury fashion brands. This study conducted both quantitative analysis and case studies of the brands Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Burberry, and Chanel. To measure the brand image of the luxury fashion brands, the survey was distributed to Millennials, and total of 277 responses were used for the final analysis by using SPSS 25.0 statistical program. Other than survey, this paper analyzed digital marketing strategies of luxury fashion brands through brand-related papers, website and social media of each brand, Samsung Designnet's database, and news posted on search engines. The results of this study are as follows: First, according to the result of examining brand image of luxury fashion brands, there was no significant difference between brands, except Gucci. Second, this study analyzed each luxury fashion brand to understand the characteristics of digital marketing, and common characteristics were identified. Third, by analyzing the brand image and digital marketing strategies of luxury fashion brands, it was confirmed that Gucci's brand image and digital marketing strategies were consistent, while there was a difference between Burberry's brand image and digital marketing strategy. Therefore, this article proposes the following digital marketing strategies that are suitable for luxury fashion brands. First, is the connection of on/offline channels. Second, is the use of AI technology. Third, is a blockchain-based platform.