• Title/Summary/Keyword: Clark

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A Study on the Bleaching of Cotton Fabrics by utilizing Ozone(($O_{3}$) (오존($O_{3}$)을 이용한 면직물의 표백에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Hwan;Seo, Mal Young;Yu, Jae Sun;Lee, Byung Hyun;Huh, Man Woo;Lee, Kwang Woo;Cho, In Sul;Jong, Hee Cheon
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 1993
  • In order to study the bleaching of cotton fabrics, ozone which has been produced by an ozone generator, has been contacted with cotton fabrics in water at various conditions. The equipments used for the ozone treatment of cotton fabrics were the ozone generator and a liquor/ozone contactor. For the examination of the ozone bleaching effect on cotton fabrics the whiteness, tensile strength, wettability and clark softness of the ozone treated cotton fabrics were measured. The conclusion obtained were, ozone concentration was increased, as the voltage was increased and flow rate was decreased and oxygen amount was increased. Bleaching effect of treated fabrics increased with increasing attributed more the net concentration of ozone rather than the total ozone amount of produced. The whiteness of treated fabrics was found to be best when treating temperature was 15~20<$^{\circ}C$, in acidic condition. The tensile strength of treated fabrics decreased as the treating time increased, and as the temperature raised, and the acidity increased. The wicking distance of treated fabrics increased slightly with increasing the treating time and the temperature. Clark softness of treated fabrics was not changed until passing 30min. of the treating time, then it decreasing linealy with increasing the treating time.

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Differential Response in Photosynthesis and Respiration of Rice Cultivars as Affected by Oxyfluorfen and Bensulfuron-methyl (Oxyfluorfen 및 Bensulfuron-Methyl 내성수도품종의 광합성 및 호흡저해 반응)

  • 구자옥;이영만;김영진;이도진
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.370-374
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    • 1988
  • The study was objected to compare the differential responses in photosynthesis and resipiration by selected cultivars as tolerant or susceptible to oxyfluorfen and bensulfuron-methyl. Clark-typed oxygen elect rude system (Rank Brothers Co., Bottisham. UK.) was used to detect the releasing oxygen from the leaf disks. By increasing oxyfluorfen concentrations. both cultivars were disposed to decrease in photosynthetic O$_2$ generation and increase in respiratory O$_2$ generation. Comparing of both rice cultivars. cv. Mushakdanti (selected at 10$\^$-3/M as the susceptible) failed down in photosynthetic O$_2$ generation as lower as 43% of the control but cv. Aichiasahi to 55%, respectively. However. no significant difference in respiratory O$_2$ generation were detected between both cultivars. As for bensulfuron-methyl. almost same tendency was conferable with general responses on O$_2$ generation between both selected cultivars, namely cv. IR 1846 failed down in photosynthetic O$_2$ generation as lower as 55% of the control but cv. Chinsurah Boro II to 77%. respectively.

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Immunochemical Detection of Soybean Mosaic Virus Infections in the Seeds of Soybean Cultivars in Korea (면역이중확산법에 의한 콩 종자의 모자이크 바이러스(SMV) 감염상 조사)

  • La Yong-Joon;Bak Won-Chull;Oh Jeung-Haing
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.22 no.1 s.54
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    • pp.26-30
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    • 1983
  • Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) infection in seeds wits investigated by an immunochemical method Seven soybean cultivars or lines Bughae No.1, KAS 662-7, Chungbugbaeg, Gwanggyo Clark, Bongeui, and Gangrim were tested using hypocotyls of germinated seeds and presence of SMV was detected in six soybean cultivars but Gangrim. The level of SMV infection in the assayed cultivars varied from 2.1 to $12.5\%$. It seemed that seed coat mottling had no correlation with seeds. SMV infection of the seeds since virus has not always been detected from the mot tled seeds SMV has not been detected in the seeds of variety Gwanggyo which showed necrotic symptoms.

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The Study of Propeller Design and Aerodynamics Characteristics for FAR25 Grade Turboprop Aircraft (FAR25급 터보프롭 항공기 프로펠러 설계 및 공력특성 연구)

  • Choi, Won;Jeong, In-Myon;Kim, Ji-Hong;Lee, Il-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.648-651
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    • 2010
  • Propeller shall have high efficiency and improved aerodynamic characteristics to get the thrust to fly at high speed for the FAR25 turboprop aircraft. That is way Clark-Y airfoil which is used to conventional turboprop aircraft propeller is selected as a blade airfoil. Javaprop program based on the Adkins method is used for aerodynamic design and analysis of propeller, Adkins method is based on the vortex-blade element theory which design the propeller to satisfy the condition for minimum energy loss. Slipstream displacement don't change and consider a rigid body. High efficiency propeller geometry is generated by varying chord length and pitch angle at design point of FAR25 turboprop aircraft. The propeller design results indicate that could be applied to the FAR25 turboprop aircraft, through analysis of propeller aerodynamic characteristics using the CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamic).

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Effects of Nitrogen Sources on Sugars and Organic Acids of Soybean Cultivars Different in Phosphorus Sensitivity (인산감수성(燐酸感受性)이 다른 대두품종간(大豆品種間) 유기산(有機酸) 및 당(糖)에 대(對)한 질소원(窒素源)의 영향(影響))

  • Park, Hoon;Stutte, Charles A.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 1977
  • The six soybean cultivars (Lee, Hill, Harosoy, Clark-63 Chippewa and R56-49) different in phosphorus sensitivity were cultured with $NH_4-N$, $NO_3-N$ or urea-N under water culture condition. Free sugars and organic chrematogram. Three peaks (unknown x, y and sucrose) were appeared as considerable main peaks. The X compound appeared as trace in the nitrate fed plant while unexpectedly high in ammonium or urea fed plant. The Y compound tend to decrase in urea fed plant. Sucrose was trace in ammonium fed plant but it was greater in urea onethan in nitrate one. The X was assumed a four carbon sugar acid derived from erythrose or a ring compound derived from purine or pyrimidine. While Y was assumed a hexose derived from glycolysis path. Since Y/x ratio is a good index of phosphorus sensitivity (inve rserelation) these compounds appears keycompounds to elucidate phosphorus sensitivity and ammonium toxicity.

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Detailed Morphology and Texture of Microlites in Obsidian observed through Electron Microscopy (전자현미경을 이용한 흑요석 내 미세결정의 형태와 조직 관찰)

  • Jwa, Yong-Joo;Hwang, Ga-hyun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.568-574
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    • 2018
  • Microlite is crystallized under the supercooled condition of volcanic magma. This study reports the morphology and texture of microlites included in the obsidians from the Baekdusan (Mt. Baekdu), Kyushu (Japan), Hokkaido (Japan) and Lipari Island (Italy) by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Morphology and texture observed from the back scattered electron (BSE) image could give more detailed information on the microlite crystallization which cannot be acquired from the conventional optical microscope. Ten types of microlites are newly described according to the 14 morphological types of microlites by Clark (1961): Lath, Crenulite, Bacillite, Margarite, Belonites, Trichites, Arculites, Furculite, Scopulites, Scopulitic growth. Detailed description of the ten microlites can be used to interpret the crystallization and paragenetic relations of crystals during the cooling of acidic volcanic magma.

Effect of Lodging on soybean yield and other important agronomic characters (도복이 대두의 수량 및 기타 형질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, S.H.;Kim, J.R.
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.73-77
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    • 1979
  • An artificial lodging was made at various growth stages of the soybean varieties Clark and KAS 100-3-1 to evaluate its effect on seed yield and other important agronomic characters. Results showed general increases in plant height and number of branches per plant whereas reductions in seed weight. number of nodes, pods and seeds per plant in the severly lodged plots. As compared to prevention of lodging, about 40 percent yield reduction was caused by the severe lodging treatrment. Furthermore, the most severe lodging before blooming resulted in about 66% yield loss.

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Malignant Melanoma (악성 흑색종)

  • Rhee, Seung-Koo;Kang, Yong-Koo;Park, Won-Jong;Chung, Yang-Guk;Lee, Hyuk-Je
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2001
  • Background : The incidence of malignant melanoma is currently increasing at a rate greater than any other cancer occuring in human. At this time, early diagnosis and surgical excision were the mainstay of treatment for patients with malignant melanoma. We reviewed the results of average 4 years of follow-up after surgical excision of total 16 cases of malignant melanoma since 1985. Materials and Methods : There were 16 patients (mean age 58.5 years, 5 men, 11 women). The site of the primary lesion was foot and toe (6), back (3), hand (2), thigh (2), shoulder (1), lower abdomen (1) and lip (1). The lymph node was involved at 9 patients. The histologic diagnosis was made with H-E, S-100 stain, and HMB-45 stain as a special stain. Results : Histologically, there were Clark's stage I for 3 patients, II in 4, III in 2, IV in 3, and stage V in 4 patients. The wide excision only greater than 2cm margin was performed for 4 patients. The wide excision and lymph node dissection were performed for 4 patients. The amputation was only performed for 3 patients, and the amputation and lymph node dissection were performed for 5 patients. After surgical excision, chemotherapy was done with Taxol for each 2 patients of stage IV and V. After long term follow-up for mean 4 years, 4 patients died related with melanoma, 1 patient was recurred, and 11 patients were cured. Conclusion : The incidence of malignant melanoma was rare in Korea, but early involvement of lymph node at initial diagnosis was found in many cases (9/16, 56%). And then, early detection and appropriated excision as well as careful dissection of adjacent lymph nodes will offer the patient the best chance for cure.

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Aerodynamic Design and Analysis on 1600kW Class Propeller Blade (1600kW급 프로펠러 블레이드 공력설계 및 해석)

  • Choi, Won;Kim, Kwang-Hae;Won, Young-Su;Lee, Won-Joong
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2012
  • Propeller shall have high efficiency and improved aerodynamic characteristics to get the thrust to fly at high speed for the turboprop aircraft. That is way Clark-Y airfoil which is used to conventional 1600kW class aircraft propeller is selected as a blade airfoil. Adkins method is used for aerodynamic design and performance analysis with respect to the propeller design point. Adkins method is based on the vortex-blade element theory which design the propeller to satisfy the condition for minimum energy loss. propeller geometry is generated by varying chord length and pitch angle at design point of turboprop aircraft. The propeller design results indicate that is evaluated to be properly constructed, through analysis of propeller aerodynamic characteristics using the Meshless method and MRF, SM method.

Unrecorded liverwort species from Korean flora III. New data on the distribution of Mannia Opiz (Marchantiophyta)

  • CHOI, Seung Se;BAKALIN, Vadim A.;PARK, Seung Jin;SIM, Sun Hee;HYUN, Chang Woo
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.227-231
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    • 2020
  • While conducting a floristic study of Korean hepatics, we discovered two unrecorded species, which were collected from wind holes near the Donggang River, Korea. Mannia fragrans (Balb.) Frye & L. Clark and Mannia androgyna (L.) A. Evans are hereby reported for the first time in Korea. M. androgyna is characterized by pale grayish oil bodies in both the aerenchyma and basal tissue, and saccate spores with a conspicuous proximal disc. M. fragrans is characterized by a gynoecial segment with a whitish apical brush of scales, a commonly aromatic smell, and areolate spores with a conspicuous proximal disc. Two unrecorded species are described and illustrated based on Korean material.