• Title/Summary/Keyword: Chlorophyll assay

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Structural Differentiation of the Connective Stalk in Spirodela polyrhiza (L.) Schleiden

  • Kim, InSun
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2016
  • Structural differentiation of the connective stalk in giant duckweed, Spirodela polyrhiza, was examined to reveal the anatomical and ultrastructural characteristics within reduced shoot. The study focuses primarily on structural features of the connective stalk (CT), which connect offspring to their mother fronds. Photoautotrophic offspring fronds remained connected by stalks to mother fronds in the reproductive pockets until separation. The CT originated from the meristematic region of the abaxial frond and joined the fronds laterally with two abscission layers. The most notable features of the CT were polymorphic mitochondria, random occurrences of fibrillar structures in intercellular spaces, and great variability in cell wall thickness. Vascular tissues in CTs were highly reduced, demonstrating only a central vascular strand. Grana with 2 to 4 thylakoids and starch grains were found in the chloroplasts. A chlorophyll assay indicated high chlorophyll concentrations in daughter fronds and low concentrations in CTs. The frond and CT, while physically connected to each other, functioned independently. Despite great reduction in S. polyrhiza, the CT has proven to be very efficient for separating offspring from the mother frond, which lends to its capacity for rapid vegetative reproduction. The ultrastructural aspects of CTs in S. polyrhiza were characterized for the first time in this study.

Comparison of Growth and Physiological Responses in Radish for Assay of Nickel Toxicity -II. Effect of Ni on Physiological Responses in Radish- (무에서 니켈 독성검정을 위한 생육 및 생리반응 비교 -II. 니켈에 의한 무의 생리반응-)

  • Han, Kang-Wan;Cho, Jae-Young
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.293-296
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    • 1996
  • The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of Ni on germination, cell elongation, ${\alpha}-amylase$ activity, contents of chlorophyll and protein in radish were determined in the water culture. As the concentration of Ni was increased in the water culture, germination of radish was 55% by Ni 10 mg/kg and 30% by Ni 20 mg/kg. The ratio of cell elongation injury was 50%, by two days after Ni 20 mg/kg treatment. The injury ratio of ${\alpha}-amylase$ activity was 45% in the same condition and as the time goes on, inhibition of ${\alpha}-amylase$ activity were slightly decreased. Contents of chlorophyll a and b were decreased two days after treatment and chlorophyll a was more inhibited than chlorophyll b. Also changes of the protein contents was slightly decreased. Activity of ${\alpha}-amylase$ was decreased at germination stage, contents of chlorophyll a and b were decreased at growing stage.

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Identification of Antimutagenic Compound from Kale by High Performance liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry

  • Lee, Seon-Mi;Rhee, Sook -Hee;Yoo, Jong-Shin;Park, Kun-Young
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.334-338
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    • 1998
  • Kale(Brassica oleracea var. acephala) is one of Cruciferous vegetables that is closely related to the wild ancestral form of cabbabe. The ethanol extract of kale which contains the active compoundsss under Salmonella assay system was fractionated with chloroform to collect the nonpolar solvent soluble compounds, and then further fractionation was carried out by silica gel column chromatography. Among kale extracts separated by silical gel column chromatography, the fractions of 4, 5 and 6 exhibited strong antimutagenic activities. The major active compounds from the fraction were identified as chlorophyll derivatives by the analysis with HPLC-fritp-MS. The molecular weights of each chlorophyll derivatives in the sample were acquired from the peaks of positive ion atomosphere pressure chemical ionization (APCI) mas spectrometry.

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The simple assay of phosphinothricin acetyltransferase gene on the transgenic potato (형질전환 감자에서 제초제 저항성 유전자인 PAT gene의 간편한 확인)

  • 정재훈;양덕춘;방극수;최경화;한성수
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 1999
  • In this study, three simple methods were established to confirm the transgenic potato plants. The leaf disc was used in the first method. After leaf discs of transgenic and non-transgenic potato were transfered into the liquid MS medium with bialaphos 5mg/l, 25 days, the chlorosis occurred in the non-transgenic leaf discs while it could not find in the transgenic leaf discs, In the second method, shoot tips of potato were transferred into MS medium supplemented with 0.5mg/l bialaphos and 0.6% agar. After 7-10 days, a lot of roots developed from the transgenic shoot tip, but the non-transgenic shoot tip was dead. The third method was using chlorophyll contents. Leaf discs were transferred into the liquid MS medium with bialaphos 0.5 mg/l. After 15 days, the content of chlorophyll A in transgenic plant was at least 2.5 times higher than in non-transgenic plant. In addition, the PAT enzyme activity were detected in the transgenic potato, but not detected in normal potato.

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A Bioassay for Chemicals Affecting Plant Pigment Biosynthesis: Greening Assay (식물색소 관여형 화합물의 생물검정법으로서 Greening Assay)

  • Kim, J.S.;Kim, T.J.;Hong, K.S.;Hwang, I.T.;Cho, K.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.214-220
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    • 1990
  • To establish a greening assay for screening, and physiological and biochemical studies of the compounds affecting biosynthesis of plant pigments, were conducted on environmental factors, and on ways of incubation and illumination which affect plant greening. Greening was good when both cucumber and barley were grown for 5 to 6 days at $25^{\circ}C$ in darkness, when adaxial sides of cucumber cotyledons were contacted with the solution, and when barley leaf fragments were taken 0.5 to 2.0cm from the leaf tip. Potassium phosphate buffer(pH 6.0) at 10mM was most desirable for plant greening. The speed of greening during illumination was increased as the temperature increased from $15^{\circ}C$ to $35^{\circ}C$. The responses were sensitive more in cucumber than in barley, and in chlorophyll biosynthesis than in carotenoid biosythesis. The content of chlorophyll was greatest at the light intensity of 5000 and 1000 lux for cucumber and barley, respectively, but the biosynthesis of carotenoids were greatest at the light intensity higher than for chlorophyll. In use of solvents for dissolving chemicals, acetone, ethyl alcohol and DMSO at 10, 0.1 and 2.5% or less, respectively, did not affect the biosynthesis of plant pigments. $pI_{50}$ values were calculated for chemicals affecting pigment biosynthesis.

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Visual Analysis for Detection and Quantification of Pseudomonas cichorii Disease Severity in Tomato Plants

  • Rajendran, Dhinesh Kumar;Park, Eunsoo;Nagendran, Rajalingam;Hung, Nguyen Bao;Cho, Byoung-Kwan;Kim, Kyung-Hwan;Lee, Yong Hoon
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.300-310
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    • 2016
  • Pathogen infection in plants induces complex responses ranging from gene expression to metabolic processes in infected plants. In spite of many studies on biotic stress-related changes in host plants, little is known about the metabolic and phenotypic responses of the host plants to Pseudomonas cichorii infection based on image-based analysis. To investigate alterations in tomato plants according to disease severity, we inoculated plants with different cell densities of P. cichorii using dipping and syringe infiltration methods. High-dose inocula (${\geq}10^6cfu/ml$) induced evident necrotic lesions within one day that corresponded to bacterial growth in the infected tissues. Among the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters analyzed, changes in quantum yield of PSII (${\Phi}PSII$) and non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) preceded the appearance of visible symptoms, but maximum quantum efficiency of PSII ($F_v/F_m$) was altered well after symptom development. Visible/near infrared and chlorophyll fluorescence hyperspectral images detected changes before symptom appearance at low-density inoculation. The results of this study indicate that the P. cichorii infection severity can be detected by chlorophyll fluorescence assay and hyperspectral images prior to the onset of visible symptoms, indicating the feasibility of early detection of diseases. However, to detect disease development by hyperspectral imaging, more detailed protocols and analyses are necessary. Taken together, change in chlorophyll fluorescence is a good parameter for early detection of P. cichorii infection in tomato plants. In addition, image-based visualization of infection severity before visual damage appearance will contribute to effective management of plant diseases.

Antioxidation Activities of Bottled Mustard Leaf Kimchi during Fermentation (병포장 갓김치의 항산화 효과에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Bog-Nam
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.950-957
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    • 2009
  • Mustard Leaf Kimchi (MLK) is a traditional fermented Korean vegetable food. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of part vacuum treatment on MLK packed in a glass bottle during fermentation. There have been a few previous studies that examined the chemical and microbial changes during MLK fermentation. However, the major object of this study was to investigate the antioxidative activities of vacuum treated MLK. In this study, the antioxidative activity of vacuum treated mustard leaf Kimchi (VM) and control mustard leaf Kimchi (CM) were examined. VM and CM were fermented at $5^{\circ}C$ for 8 weeks. A model system was designed to evaluate the antioxidative activity of crude chlorophylls and carotenoids (CCC) extracts from Mustard leaf Kimchi. The oxidative reaction of the linoleic acid mixture system at $30^{\circ}C$ in the dark was quantified determining the peroxide value and conjugated dienoic acid content. The effect of the CCC extracts on lipid peroxidation in a rat liver homogenate was examined. Formation of lipid peroxides was estimated by the TBA value, and the CCC extracts were found to inhibit the TBA value. Chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoids, Which are the major components in the CCC extracts of Kimchi were isolated on a DEAE-sepharose CL-6B and Sepharose CL-6B column and TLC. The effects of chlorophyll a and b, caroteins on linoleic acid autoxidation were measured by determining the peroxide value. In addition, their effects on free radical scavenging were investigated by DPPH. In this assay, chlorophyll a showed the greatest antioxidative activity followed by chlorophyll b, and carotenoids. MLK contains a sufficient content of chlorophyll a and b, and carotenoid which have strong antioxidative activities.

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Antioxidant Activity of Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) using Different Genotypes (배추 유전자원의 항산화 효과)

  • Hwang, Byung Soon;Kim, Ji Yeong;Kwon, Su Hyun;Kim, Gi-Chang;Kang, Hae Ju;Rhee, Ju Hee;Hwang, In Guk
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.532-543
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    • 2020
  • This experiment was conducted to assess the high antioxidant activity varieties of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) from the 55 accessions. The antioxidant activity of Chinese cabbage were determined by the TPC, TFC, DPPH, ABTS, and chlorophyll, carotenoid contents. The TPC and TFC showed a range of 1.21~4.61 mg GAE/g DW, 0.18~3.09 mg CE/g DW. The DPPH and ABTS assay were in the range of 0.65~4.36 and 1.42~6.91 mg ascorbic acid equivalent (ASCE)/g DW, respectively. The UPLC analysis was performed quantitatively to identify chlorophyll and carotenoid in the Chinese cabbage extract. The levels of the total chlorophyll and total carotenoid were 86.60~1,235.91, and 75.86~490.11 ㎍/g, respectively. The comprehensive differences in the total and individual chlorophyll contents have also been observed among different varieties. These results will be valuable as basic data for the standardization of Chinese cabbage.

Chlorophyll a Fluorescence Parameters of Hulled and Hull-less Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) DH Lines Inoculated with Fusarium culmorum

  • Warzecha, Tomasz;Skrzypek, Edyta;Adamski, Tadeusz;Surma, Maria;Kaczmarek, Zygmunt;Sutkowska, Agnieszka
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.112-124
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    • 2019
  • Barley worldwide is affected seriously by Fusarium seedling blight (FSB) and Fusarium head blight (FHB) diseases caused by the Fusarium species. The objective of this study was to facilitate the resistance of hulled and hull-less barley at different growth stages to F. culmorum according to direct parameters: disease rating (DR), fresh weight of leaves and roots, kernel weight per spike, kernel number per spike, plump kernels, and indirect parameters - chlorophyll a fluorescence (CF). Plate assay, greenhouse and field tests were performed on 30 spring barley doubled haploid (DH) lines and their parents infected with Fusarium culmorum. Direct parameters proved that hulled genotypes show less symptoms. Most studied chlorophyll a fluorescence (CF) parameters (apart from DIo/CS - amount of energy dissipated from PSII for laboratory test, TRo/CS - amount of excitation energy trapped in PSII reaction centers, ETo/CS - amount of energy used for electron transport and RC/CS - number of active reaction centres in the state of fully reduced PSII reaction center in field experiment) were significantly affected by F. culmorum infection. In all experiments, hulled genotypes had higher values of CF parameters compared to hull-less ones. Significant correlations were detected between direct and indirect parameters and also between various environments. It was revealed that ABS/CS, TRo/CS, and RC/CS have significant positive correlation in greenhouse test and field experiment. Significant correlations suggest the possibility of applying the CF parameters in selection of barley DH lines resistant to F. culmorum infection.

Biocontrol of Late Blight and Plant Growth Promotion in Tomato Using Rhizobacterial Isolates

  • Lamsal, Kabir;Kim, Sang Woo;Kim, Yun Seok;Lee, Youn Su
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.897-904
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    • 2013
  • Seven bacterial isolates (viz., AB05, AB10, AB11, AB12, AB14, AB15, and AB17) were derived from the rhizosphere and evaluated in terms of plant growth-promoting activities and the inhibition of Phytophthora infestans affecting tomatoes in Korea. According to 16S rDNA sequencing, a majority of the isolates are members of Bacillus, and a single isolate belongs to Paenibacillus. All seven isolates inhibited P. infestans by more than 60% in vitro. However, AB15 was the most effective, inhibiting mycelial growth of the pathogen by more than 80% in vitro and suppressing disease by 74% compared with control plants under greenhouse conditions. In a PGPR assay, all of the bacterial isolates were capable of enhancing different growth parameters (shoot/root length, fresh biomass, dry matter, and chlorophyll content) in comparison with non-inoculated control plants. AB17-treated plants in particular showed the highest enhancement in fresh biomass with 18% and 26% increments in the root and shoot biomass, respectively. However, isolate AB10 showed the highest shoot and root growth with 18% and 26% increments, respectively. Moreover, the total chlorophyll content was 14%~19% higher in treated plants.