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Possible Effect of Western North Pacific Monsoon on Tropical Cyclone Activity around East China Sea (북서태평양 몬순이 동중국해 주변의 태풍활동에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jae-Won;Cha, Yumi;Kim, Jeoung-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.194-208
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the correlation between tropical cyclone (TC) frequency and the western North Pacific monsoon index (WNPMI), which have both been influential in East China Sea during the summer season over the past 37 years (1977-2013). A high positive correlation was found between these two variables, but it did not change even if El $Ni{\tilde{n}}o$-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) years were excluded. To determine the cause of this positive correlation, the highest (positive WNPMI phase) and lowest WNPMIs (negative WNPMI phase) during an eleven-year period were selected to analyze the mean difference between them, excluding ENSO years. In the positive WNPMI phase, TCs were mainly generated in the eastern seas of the tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, passing through the East China Sea and moving northward toward Korea and Japan. In the negative phase, TCs were mainly generated in the western seas of the tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, passing through the South China Sea and moving westward toward China's southern regions. Therefore, TC intensity in the positive phase was stronger due to the acquisition of sufficient energy from the sea while moving a long distance up to East Asia's mid-latitude. Additionally, TCs occurred more in the positive phase. Regarding the difference in 850 hPa and 500 hPa stream flows between the two phases, anomalous cyclones were strengthened in the tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, whereas anomalous anticyclones were strengthened in East Asia's mid-latitude regions. Due to these two anomalous pressure systems, anomalous southeasterlies developed in East China Sea, which played a role in the anomalous steering flows that moved TCs into this region. Furthermore, due to the anomalous cyclones that developed in the tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, more TCs could be generated in the positive phase.

Discrimination of Sediment Provenance Using $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ Ratios in the East China Sea ($^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$비를 이용한 동중국해 대륙붕 퇴적물의 기원 연구)

  • Youn, Jeung-Su;Lim, Chong-Il;Byun, Jong-Cheol;Jung, Hoi-Soo
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.92-99
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    • 2005
  • To discriminate the provenance of shelf sediments in the East China Sea, textural and elemental compositions along with strontium isotopic ratio ($^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$) were analyzed and compared with the sediments originated from Chinese rivers. The sediments in the study area are composed of fine-grained mud with a mean grain size of $47\;{\phi}$ and their $CaCO_3$, contents range from 3.9 to 11.5% (average 7.6%). In the study area, the content of most metallic elements are strongly constrained by sediment grain size (quartz dilution effect) and that of biogenic material and, thereby, their spatial distribution seems not enough for understanding sediment provenance in the study area. The muddy sediments of the Yangtze river have much lower $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ ratio ($0.71197{\sim}0.71720$) than the Yellow Sea shelf muddy sediments which are supposed to be originated from the Huanghe river ($0.72126{\sim}0.72498$), suggesting the distribution pattern of $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ ratios as a new tracer to discriminate the provenance of shelf sediments in the study area. Different source rock compositions and weathering processes between both drainage basins may account for the differences in $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ ratio. Although the ratios show wide range, from 0.71445 to 0.72184 with an average 0.71747 in the study area, they are close to the values of the Yangtze river sediments, suggesting that the sediments were mainly originated from the Yangtze river. The previous studies on the dispersal pattern of modern sediments and the physico-chemical properties of seawater in the Yellow and East China seas support the possibility that the fine-grained Yangtze river sediments can reach to the East China Sea shelf as well as to the southeastern Yellow Sea.

Preparation of tomato Kimchi and its characteristics (토마토 김치의 제조 및 특성)

  • Kim, Eun-Jung;Hahn, Young-Sook
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.22 no.4 s.94
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    • pp.535-544
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    • 2006
  • Kimchi is well Down for its taste and health function. However, recently Kimchi consumption has been falling because of its salty taste, spice flavor and pungency. This study was aimed to prepare a less salty and more mildly flavored Kimchi with the addition of tomato which contains a red color similar to that of the hot pepper used in traditional kimchi preparation has functionality. The pH, total acidity, color, texture, microbes, sugar, salt, Na and K content of the tomato kimchi were measured. The total amount of phenolic compounds of the tomato kimchi was five times higher than that of traditional kimchi without tomato. A sensory evaluation of the tomato kimchi demonstrated its higher acceptability in overall color, fresh flavor and hot taste but no difference in acidity compared to the traditional kimchi.

Occurrence and Damage of Bradysia agrestis Sasakawa (Diptera: Sciaridae) in Propagation House (육묘장내 작은뿌리파리의 발생과 피해)

  • 김형환;추호렬;이홍수;조성래;신현열;박정규;추영무
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2000
  • Insect pests of eggplant, pepper, Chinese cabbage, watermelon, cucumber, melon, and tomato seedlings were surveyed in eleven propagation houses from 1998 to 1999. Ten species of insect pests of nine genera in eight families, two species of mites of one genus in one family, and three species of slugsor snails in three genera belonging to two families were found from the observed seedlings but Bradysia agrestis was the most serious pest out of them. Thus, occurrence and damage of B. agrestis were investigated in two propagation houses all the year round. In the observation of seedling mortalities of seven crops in May, July, October and the following February, only watermelon seedlings were withered and dead by the larva of B. agrestis with different mortality depending on time representing 81.9%, 41.3%, 54.9%, and 79.1%, respectively. All the developmental stages of B. agrestis were found every month throughout the year. Larval density and adult density were different according to season with the highest numbers in May showing 34.9 and 407.4, respectively. Mortality of watermelon seedlings was higher in April and May than the other months showing 83.3% in April and 82.4% in May. The number of adults attracted to sticky trap was also different depending on card colour. The number of adults was much higher on yellow sticky card (326.2) than blue sticky card (20.2). In the investigation of the number of adults on yellow sticky card at 25 cm and 120 cm above the bench and 10 cm under the bench, more numbers of adults were caught at 25 cm above the bench (273.7) and 10 cm under the bench (320.1) than 120 cm above the bench (27.9). Mortalities of cucumber, pepper, and watermelon seedlings after transplanting in greenhouses were not significantly different depending on culture method.

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Combined Effects of Biological Control Agent Two Native Shellfish on the Hibernal Diatom Bloom of Eutrophic Water (저온기 규조 발생억제를 위한 패류의 혼합적용)

  • Lee, Song-Hee;Hwang, Soon-Jin;Kim, Baik-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.402-411
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    • 2008
  • Grazing effects of two freshwater shellfish, Unio douglasiae (UNIO) and Cipangoplaudina chinese malleata (CCM), on the hibernal diatom communities in eutrophic water was examined in a laboratory. Two animals having different feeding types used in the study were collected from Keum River (Boryeong, Korea), acclimatized in the artificial management system in a laboratory over at least one month, and starved in a laboratory for 2 days before the experiment. Experimental waters, which dominated by Synedra ulna-Scenedesmus sp. (ca. 80%), was collected from eutrophic lake, Lake Ilgam (Seoul) in Feb., 19, 2008 at AM 10:00, and used in the study after the filtration with 1 mm Nylon mesh. Feeding experiments were largely divided into three kinds of animal treatments; five densities of UNIO (U0, U1, U2, U3, U4) and CCM (C0, C1, C2, C3, C4), and four combined densities of two shellfish (M0, M1, M2, M3). U0 and C0 were control (no addition of UNIO or CCM), U1 or C1 (each animal density at 0.5 ind. $L^{-1}$), U2 or C2 (1.0 ind. $L^{-1}$), U3 or C3 (1.5 ind. $L^{-1}$), and U4 or C4 (2.0 ind. $L^{-1}$), respectively. Four combined treatments were consisted of M0 (no animals), M1 (U1+C3), M2 (U2+C2), and M3 (U4+C1), respectively. Under the presence of animal, the concentration of Chl-a and algal abundance were clearly decreased with the increase of UNIO density and the treated time, while in combined group a strong decrease of algal density showed with the increase of UNIO density. Total phytoplankton density shifted as the similar patterns to that of Chl-a concentration (r=0.6527, p<0.0001), however, there showed the differences following a species. There were strong decreases of dominant species Synedra ulna, Scenedesmus sp., Ankistrodesmus falcatus in UNIO treatment group, Diatoma vulgare in combined group, while Cryptomonas ovata in high density of CCM increased about 20% in algal density. Grazing rates (GRs) based on the concentration of Chl-a was depend on the kind of shellfish and treatment time; a strong feeding of CCM showed in the initial stage, and four hours later, UNIO and combined group with high UNIO density showed the high GRs. Interestingly, faeces production of shellfish was highest in combined group with high density of CCM, while their size over 60 ${\mu}m$ was much higher in production magnitude than that less 60 ${\mu}m$. Collectively, these results suggest that two domestic shellfish and its combined treatment have a strong potential as an effective biological controller of diatom bloom in cold eutrophic waters.

Historical Review on the Security Service for the Royal Household in the "Goryeo" Era (고려시대 왕실호위제도의 사적 고찰)

  • Lee, Sung-Jin;Kim, Eui-Young;Lee, Jong-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.413-429
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    • 2007
  • The Guard over the royal household in the "Goryeo" era was the same as if was over the President or Ruler of a nation today. In those days, a king represented a nation and any threat to the safety of a king could bring the destruction of a nation and the dispersion of the people. by reviewing the change of the 2-Gun 6-Wi system of the era, it can be, summed up as follow, Ther will be suggestions. The Guard might focus on a king's personal safety in the wake of the system of the Silla and Taebong dynasties until the establishment of the Goryeo Dynasty's unique political system. "Goryeo" rebuilt the royal palace in Gyeonyeong-gun to take the shape of unified country after its accomplishment of unification of the late three countries, Then it was afraid of the rebellion and uprising of local powerful clans, The country put them under control and organized the local army with them in the era of Kings, Seongjong, through the kings, Seongjong and Gwangjong. The army system of "Goryeo" consisted of 2-Gun and 6-Wi, and 2-Gun placed above the 6-Wi played the role of the Royal guards, and among the organizations a certain army under the specific name of "Gyeonyong-gun" guarded the kings in the nearest position. An aristocratic culture enjoyed its golden age in the period of stability of the aristocracy of "Goryeo", but afterward in the confusion of the aristocratic disruption and incompatible confrontation the country lost its control, and faced military rebellions by treating civil officials well and ill-treating military officials The safety of kings become unstable with the grasping political power by the military officials, and "Dobang" was established in the era of Choi's family to grasp political power. In the era of Choi Woo, he gathered his men and organized his familys army with them and managed the personnel administration with the civil officials of "Jeongbang and Seobang under his command. Such a fact shows the similarity to today's task of guarding. Considering the facts that "Sambyeolcho, the military ground of the military-men-rule, was at the center of the struggling against Mongolia and that even after the fall of the military regime, they rebelled and fought against Mongolia to the end, we came to know that the nationalism in the era of the military era was great. In the transition of external situations from "Myeong" to "Won"(Chinese dynasties), the conflict between the old "Won"-friendly power and the new "Myeong"-friendly power caused the weakness of the power to guard the royal household, and "Goryeo" at last gave way to the newly rising "Joseon" led by Lee, Seong Gye who won the people's confidence.

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Dynamics of Temperature and Humidity Changes in Lentinula edodes Sawdust Cultivation Sheds (표고 톱밥재배사의 溫-濕度 變化 動態)

  • Koo, Chang-Duck;Kim, Je-Su;Lee, Hwa-Yong;You, Sung-Ryul;You, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.6
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    • pp.748-756
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    • 2009
  • The key for cultivating Lentinula edodes in sawdust bags with an appropriate strain and medium is to encourage the mushroom growth, while discouraging contaminating fungi by controlling environment, especially temperature and relative humidity (RH). To investigate the daily and seasonal fluctuation of temperature and RH in two L. edodes cultivation sheds types, HOBO data loggers was set and the collected data were analyzed. In a Taiwan type L. edodes cultivation shed, temperature and humidity changes were divided into five characteristic periods: mycelium growing winter, mushroom fruiting spring, mushroom fruiting early summer, mushroom nonfruiting summer and mushroom fruiting autumn. First, the mycelium growing winter was December to early March with daily mean temperature of $-1{\sim}8^{\circ}C$. Second, mushroom fruiting spring was mid March to late May with daily mean temperature of $8{\sim}21^{\circ}C$ and day-night temperature difference of $15^{\circ}C$. Third, the Mushroom fruiting early summer was early June to early July with 17 to $25^{\circ}C$. Fourth, nonfruiting summer was mid July to mid August with daily mean temperature of $25{\sim}28^{\circ}C$. Lastly, mushroom fruiting autumn was late August to October with daily mean temperature of $10{\sim}23^{\circ}C$ and with cyclic temperature change by $7^{\circ}C$ decrease and 5 increase every 5 to 7 days. In a Chinese type shed, temperature ranged $-1.9{\sim}5.0^{\circ}C$ during winter and $15{\sim}32^{\circ}C$ during June to October. Temperature and relative humidity changed $12{\sim}30^{\circ}C$ and 40~100%, respectively, depending on 0~150 cm shelf heights of by positions in the shed. In conclusion, to grow L. edodes but to discourage contaminating fungi, that is, not to be too high in temperature and RH, the growers changed temperature and RH by adjusting shading, aeration and insulation in the shed.

Forest Law and Forest Resources in Five Northeast Asian Countries - R.O.K., D.P.R.K., Japan, China and Taiwan - (동북(東北)아시아 5개국(個國)(한국(韓國), 북한(北韓), 일본(日本), 중국(中國), 대만(臺灣))의 산림법(山林法)과 산림자원(山林資源))

  • Yoo, Byoung Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.84 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to compare the changes in the forest resources and the process of establishment and characteristics of the Forest Law in five Northeast Asian Countries, who share the Chinese culture as a common background. The effect of Forest Law on forest resources of each countries is also compared. This study shows that the forest management scheme and the modernistic forest law in the five Northeast Countries were influenced by Japan around the early 20th century. The Forest Laws of the five countries were reestablished after the end of World War II, and now the five countries have their own Forest Law. At present, the five countries are depending on the import of foreign timber for timber supply because of the shortage of domestic timber resources. The Forest Laws of the five countries have a lot of similarities reflecting same cultural background, whereas there are differences originated from social and economic discrepancies. Currently R.O.K. is worst in forest resources compared to the other countries. The Forest Law of R.O.K. has too many articles, which has little direct relationship with forest resources management. Therefore it is recommended to consolidate the law system in the field of forest and forestry in R.O.K. including the amendment of Forest Law directing to sustainable forest and maintaining the efficiency of forest resources management.

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A Documentational Study on the Development of Chi-Kung-Hak (기공학(氣功學) 발달(發達)에 관한 문헌적(文獻的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Woo Ho;Hong, Won Sik
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.4
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    • pp.19-73
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    • 1990
  • Today, many people are more interested in preventing the disease than curing it. Chi-Kung (氣功) is the way of Life-Cultivation (養生法) peculiar to the orient, it is reported in china that Chi-Kung has an excellent curative value not only in curing the disease but also in preventing it. But the full-scale study of Chi-Kung is not be made up to now in Korea, so I studied the developmental history of chinese Chi-Kung through the oriental medical books. From this study, I reached the following conclusions ; 1. Chi-Kung is naturally derived from the self-preservation instinct to adapt oneself to circumstances of the nature, but in the investigation from the documentational records, it is originated in the treatment method of the Sam-Huang-O-Jae (三皇五帝 )period to cure the abnormal circulation of the vital force and blood caused by damp (濕). 2. As the principle and the method of the Life-Cultivation of the Chun-chu-Jeon-Kook (春秋戰國) periods were recorded in Huang-Jae-Nai-Gyung (黃帝內徑) detailly and the remedy examples by ancient Chi-Kung such as Tao-Yin (導引), Haeng-Chi (行氣) were presented, we considered that theoretical basis of the development of Life-cultivation and Chi-Kung study was furnished in that period. 3. A famous doctor, Hwa-Ta (華陀) lived in Han dynasty, researched the theory and practice of Tao-Yin transmitted from the former generations, as that result, he formed a kind of medical gymnastics what is called O-Keum-Hi (五禽戱). It is considered that 'O-Keum-Hi' is a Tao-Yin method developed more practically and systemetically than the Tao-Yin appeared in the 'Jang-Ja' (莊子) or 'Hoy-Nam-Ja' (淮南子). 4. In Wui-Jin-Nambook Jo (魏晋南北朝) periods, the contents of Chi-Kung were more abundant under the influence of Buddhism (佛敎) and Taoism (道敎). Galhong (葛洪), the author of 'Po-Bak-Ja' (抱朴子) arranged the ancient Chi-Kung method systematically first of all, Tao-Goeng-Gyung (陶宏景), the author of 'Yang-Seong-Yeun-Myung-Rok' (養性延命錄) recorded the 'Yook-Ja-Geul' (六字訣) first time. 5. There is a new development of Chi-Kung therapy in Soo-Tang-Odae (隋唐五代) pefiods, especially So-Won-Bang (巢元方), the author of 'Jey-Byung-Won-Hwu-Ron' (諸病源候論) collected aimost all of the Chi-Kung method, for curing the disease formed before soo (隋) period. From that fact, we supposed that Chi-Kung was utilized more widely in curing the disease. 6. 'So-Ju-Cheon-Hwa-Hu-Peob' (小周天火候法) was adopted as the best orthodox approach under the influence of Nae-Tan-Taoist (道敎內丹學派) in Song-Keum-Won (宋金元) periods, especially in the song dynasty, 'Pal-Dan-Geum' (八段錦) was appeared and assignment of six-Chi (六氣) for bowel and viscera in the 'Yook-Ja-Geul' (六字訣) was decided firmly, that is to say Lung-Si (肺-呬), Heart-Kha (心-呵), Spleen-Hoa (脾-呼), Liver-Hoe (肝-噓), Kidneychui (賢-吹), Three-Burner-shi (三焦-嘻). 7. In Myung-Cheong (明淸) periods, The general practitioner applied the principle of 'Byun-Jeng-Ron-Chi' (辨證論治) to the Chi-Kung field, and after Myeong dynasty the style of doing 'Yook-Ja-Gyel' (六字訣) was developed to the moving style. 8. Today, in china, the study on the Chi-Kung is being progressed constantly under the positive assistance of government, Chi-Kung-Hak (氣功學) has taking its place as a branch of study step by step. It is considered that the establishment of Chi-Kung-Hak Classroom (氣功學教室) and Medical Chi-Kung Center (氣功療法室) for special and systematic research are needed, at the same time the settlement of institutional system for training the Chi-Kung technician (氣功師) is also needed.

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A Review on the Background of Takjok(濯足; Washing Feet) and the Landscape Architectual Meaning of Its Cultural Phenomenon - Focused on Takjokjiyu(濯足之遊) Shown on Poetry, Prose, and Painting - (탁족(濯足)의 배경과 그 문화현상에 담긴 조경적 의미 - 시문과 그림에 나타난 탁족지유(濯足之遊)를 중심으로 -)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Seo, Hyo-Seog;Choi, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.72-83
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    • 2013
  • This study suggests the necessity of landscaping alternatives for the succession of Takjok(濯足) culture by considering the background and meaning of Takjok's cultural phenomenon shown in old literatures and paintings and its result is as follows. An old idiom, 'Takyoung Takjok(濯纓濯足)' implying a disinterested living attitude from the mundane world and an attitude complying with nature, has been sublimated to 'Takjokjiyu(濯足之遊)' which means living in comfortable retirement through life in seclusion(隱逸). Classical scholars immerse their feet in soft-flowing(柔軟) water for 'Mulailche(物我一體; synchronized with nature)' which is a unified condition with 'Do(道; truth)' and connected to the stage of 'Yu(遊)', a free mental state, and its nature. The cultural phenomenon of Takjok appeared in the inherited landscape paintings in the Joseon dynasty period after the late stage of Koryo. Takjok shown in 'Pal Kyung Shi'(八景詩; poetry singing for the eight scenary) was described as not a transcendent scene, but as a scenery of daily life. Dense forest and water, such as a stream with clean water, rocks, and pine trees shown in Takjok paintings have been symbolized as a seclusion space for classical scholars with higher thinking and their mental states have been more emerged. Mental pleasures called as seclusion and Takjokjiyu have been relatively emphasized in the Takjok paintings of the Joseon Dynasty period contrary to the Chinese Takjok paintings emphasizing Chung Gye(淸溪; clean stream) and Chang Rang(滄浪; high and clean wave) and strongly representing the image of 'Chung Ryu'(淸流; clean flowing water) and the veneration for antiquity. The view of nature described in the Takjok paintings represents the provision of nature as a situation and attitudes of classical scholars and implies a Taoism perspective which describes the 'do' of nature. This view of nature itself remained intact(無爲自然) with the love of mountains and water, showing a side of the zeitgeist and aesthetic consciousness of China and Joseon. The 'Takjokjiyu' of both countries has be interpreted as a symbol of personality development, behavior, life in seclusion, or transcending the mundane world and has also been accepted as a method of summer vacation in the real world. It should be considered that Takjok includes ordinary people's wisdom to resist the hot weather, as well as the classical scholar's ideal and the veneration of antiquity. From this perspective, water space, Takjok rocks, and the use of water based on the environmental supportability should be newly focused as a recreational space and it reminds us that the spirit of Takjok is a classical mental healing method.